


Simon Willison: TILs on javascript

Atom feed for javascript

javascriptUsing packages from JSR with esbuild - 2024-03-02

JSR is a brand new package repository for "modern JavaScript and TypeScript",launched on March 1st by the Deno team as a new alternative tonpm

javascriptCopy rich text to the clipboard - 2023-03-10

I've been experimenting with a tool for generating the content for a weekly Substack newsletter by querying the Datasette API for my blog and assembling HTML for the last week of content. …

javascriptCreating a tiled zoomable image with OpenSeadragon and vips - 2022-08-12

The San Francisco Microscopical Society has some extremely high resolution scanned images - one of them is a 1.67GB PNG file with a 25,088 × 17,283 pixel resolution. …

javascriptJavaScript date objects - 2022-01-16

A few notes on JavaScriptDate object, based on trying to do some basic things with them in Observable notebooks. …

javascriptUsing Tesseract.js to OCR every image on a page - 2021-11-09

Pasting this code into a DevTools console should loadTesseract.js from a CDN, loop through every image loaded by that page (every PNG, GIF, JPG or JPEG), run OCR on them and output the result to the DevTools console. …

javascriptLoading lit from Skypack - 2021-09-21

Lit 2 stable was released today, offering a tiny, feature-full framework for constructing web components using modern JavaScript. …

javascriptPreventing double form submissions with JavaScript - 2021-07-08

I needed this forVIAL issue 722. I decided to disable form submissions for two seconds after they are submitted, to protect against accidental double submissions without risk of unexpected issues that could cause the form to be permanently disabled even though it should still be able to submit it. …

javascriptScroll page to form if there are errors - 2021-05-08

For a Django application I'm working on (this issue) I have a form that can be quite a long way down the page. …

javascriptUsing Jest without a package.json - 2020-12-30

I wanted to try outJest for writing JavaScript unit tests, in a project that wasn't set up withpackage.json and other NPM related things. …

javascriptDropdown menu with details summary - 2020-10-31

I added dropdown menus toDatasette 0.51 - see#1064. …

javascriptWriting JavaScript that responds to media queries - 2020-10-21

I wanted to change the layout ofmy blog on mobile screens such that the content from the "Elsewhere" right hand column combined with the main column in the correct order (issue#165). I couldn't find a way to do this in pure CSS without duplicating a bunch of content, so I decided to do it with JavaScript. …

javascriptManipulating query strings with URLSearchParams - 2020-10-04

TheURLSearchParams class, inevery modern browser since IE 11, provides a sensible API for manipulating query string parameters in JavaScript. I first used it to build Datasette's column action menu, seetable.js andissue 981. …

javascriptMinifying JavaScript with npx uglify-js - 2020-08-30

Whileupgrading CodeMirror in Datasette I figured out how to minify JavaScript usinguglify-js on the command line without first installing any teels, usingnpx (which downloads and executes a CLI tool while skipping the install step): …

javascriptDynamically loading multiple assets with a callback - 2020-08-21

Fordatasette-leaflet-geojson I wanted to dynamically load some external CSS and JavaScript and then execute some code once they had loaded (issue 14). …

javascriptWorking around the size limit for nodeValue in the DOM - 2020-08-21

TIL thatnodeValue in the DOM has a size limit! …

javascriptImplementing a "copy to clipboard" button - 2020-07-23

I had to figure this out while buildingdatasette-copyable - demohere. …

