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Recent TILs

cssStyling an HTML dialog modal to take the full height of the viewport - 2025-03-14

I've been experimenting with the HTMLdialog element recently, for example in myPrompts.js JavaScript library. …

jupyterRunning jupyterlab via uv tool install - 2025-03-08

I tried to getjupyterlab working viauv tool install today and ran into some sharp edges. …

tailscaleUsing a Tailscale exit node with GitHub Actions - 2025-02-22

For an (ethical)scraping project I found that my low-volume scraper was working from my laptop but was being blocked by Cloudflare when I attempted to run it in GitHub Actions, presumably because the GitHub Actions IP range was disallowed. …

awsUsing S3 triggers to maintain a list of files in DynamoDB - 2025-02-19

This is a three-quarters-baked experiment that I ran this morning. I'm interested in efficiently tracking which new files have been added to an S3 bucket, where that bucket could potentially hold millions of items. …

pythonTrying out Python packages with ipython and uvx - 2025-02-13

I figured out a really simple pattern for experimenting with new Python packages today: …

pytestRunning pytest against a specific Python version with uv run - 2025-02-04

Whileworking on this issue I figured out a neat pattern for running the tests for my project locally against a specific Python version usinguv run: …

pythonGeocoding from Python on macOS using pyobjc-framework-CoreLocation - 2025-01-26

Rhet Turnbullshared thisshort script for looking up the named timezone for a given location from Python on macOS usingobjc and theCoreLocation framework. It uses theobjc package andpyobjc-framework-CoreLocation. …

tiktokDownloading every video for a TikTok account - 2025-01-18

TikTok may or may not be banned in the USA within the next 24 hours or so. Here's a pattern you can use to download all of the videos from a specific account. …

gitCalculating the size of all LFS files in a repo - 2024-12-25

I wanted to know how large thedeepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V3-Base repo on Hugging Face was without actually downloading all of the files. …

llmsNamed Entity Resolution with dslim/distilbert-NER - 2024-12-23

I was exploring the original BERT model from 2018, which is mainly useful if you fine-tune a model on top of it for a specific task. …

pythonFixes for datetime UTC warnings in Python - 2024-12-12

I was getting the following warning for one of my Python test suites: …

npmPublishing a simple client-side JavaScript package to npm with GitHub Actions - 2024-12-07

Here's what I learned about publishing a single file JavaScript package to NPM for myPrompts.js project. …

cloudflareGitHub OAuth for a static site using Cloudflare Workers - 2024-11-28 site is a growing collection of small HTML and JavaScript applications hosted as static files on GitHub Pages. …

github-actionsRunning cog automatically against GitHub pull requests - 2024-11-06

I really likeCog (previously) as a tool for automating aspects of my Python project documentation - things like the SQL schemas shown on theLLM logging page. …

llmsGenerating documentation from tests using files-to-prompt and LLM - 2024-11-05

I was experimenting withwasmtime-py today and found thecurrent documentation didn't quite give me the information that I needed. …

pythonInstalling flash-attn without compiling it - 2024-10-24

If you ever run into instructions that tell you to do this: …

pythonUsing uv to develop Python command-line applications - 2024-10-23

I finally figured out a process that works for me for hacking on Python CLI utilities usinguv to manage my development environment, thanks to a little bit of help from Charlie Marsh. …

cloudflareSetting cache-control: max-age=31536000 with a Cloudflare Transform Rule - 2024-10-23

I ran throughPageSpeed Insights and it warned me that my static assets were not being served with browser caching headers: …

llmsRunning prompts against images, PDFs, audio and video with Google Gemini - 2024-10-23

I'm still working towards adding multi-modal support to myLLM tool. In the meantime, here are notes on running prompts against images and PDFs and audio and video files from the command-line using theGoogle Gemini family of models. …

hugoThe most basic possible Hugo site - 2024-10-22

WithClaude's help I figured out what I think is the most basic version of a static site generated usingHugo. …

youtubeLivestreaming a community election event on YouTube - 2024-10-09

I live in El Granada, California. Wikipedia calls usa census designated place - we don't have a mayor or city council. But we do have aCommunity Services District - originally responsible for our sewers, and since 2014 also responsible for our parks. And we get to vote for the board membersin the upcoming November election! …

homebrewUpgrading Homebrew and avoiding the failed to verify attestation error - 2024-10-09

I managed to get my Homebrew installation back into shape today. The first problem I was having is that it complained that macOS Sequoia was unsupported: …

twitterCollecting replies to tweets using JavaScript - 2024-10-08

I rana survey on Twitter the other day to try and figure out what people mean when they use the term "agents" with respect to AI. …

sqliteCompiling and running sqlite3-rsync - 2024-10-04

Today I heard about thesqlite3-rsync command, currently available in a branch in the SQLite code repository. It provides a mechanism for efficiently creating or updating a copy of a SQLite database that is running in WAL mode, either locally or via SSH to another server. …

djangoBuilding an automatically updating live blog in Django - 2024-10-02

OpenAI's DevDay event yesterday (October 1st 2024) didn’t invite press (as far as I can tell), didn’t livestream the event and didn’t allow audience livestreaming either. I made a last minute decisionto live blog the event myself. …

llmsHow streaming LLM APIs work - 2024-09-21

I decided to have a poke around and see if I could figure out how the HTTP streaming APIs from the various hosted LLM providers actually worked. Here are my notes so far. …

playwrightTesting HTML tables with Playwright Python - 2024-09-03

I figured out this pattern today for testing an HTML table dynamically added to a page by JavaScript, usingPlaywright Python: …

pytestUsing namedtuple for pytest parameterized tests - 2024-08-31

I'm writing some quite complexpytest parameterized tests this morning, and I was finding it a little bit hard to read the test cases as the number of parameters grew. …

sqliteUsing sqlite-vec with embeddings in sqlite-utils and Datasette - 2024-08-11

Alex Garcia'ssqlite-vec SQLite extension provides a bunch of useful functions for working with vectors inside SQLite. …

djangoUsing pytest-django with a reusable Django application - 2024-08-07

I published a reusable Django application today:django-http-debug, which lets you define mock HTTP endpoints using the Django admin - like/webhook-debug/ for example, configure what they should return and view detailed logs of every request they receive. …

Browse all 551 TILs

