accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
The CERL Thesaurus file contains forms of imprint places, imprint names, personal names and corporate names as found in material printed before the middle of the nineteenth century - including variant spellings, forms in Latin and other languages, and fictitious names.
Authority files contributed by CERL member libraries and other libraries/projects concentrating on the history of the book are brought together and made searchable in one single systemclick here for a full list of files integrated into the CERL Thesaurus. The CERL Thesaurus merges standard and authority forms of names that are used in present day library catalogues without imposing CERL’s own authoritative form of name. Instead, standard and variant forms are listed alphabetically with a clear indication of the institutions that use a particular standard form.
The CERL Thesaurus data is available under the terms of Etalab's Open Licence, which can be considered equivalent to ODC-BY and CC-BY 2.0. Please see here for the full legal text of the licence inFrench orEnglish