Ichijoe we understand perfectly. Worry not. But take a step back for a moment and reflect on your work so far. There is a a direct correlation between the quality of the work and the desire for more content. In other words, your work is so good we want more of it. It's sublime. So please don't take offense, I was merely trying to communicate that your audience is hungry, of course, but we also understand the process. My purpose was to compliment the author, rather than to stamp my foot and demand an update :P
Ho Zetan, happy holidays. I am replaying again as we all know the story is awesome, and why wouldn't I? (bought the steam, don't worry) :P But this run it struck me that it's rather difficult to tell the difference between the times of day. Would you consider adding an indicator of some description? Even on the world map for instance? Just a thought.
Hey Goosenards. Superlative game, and a fantastic start. But zero visibility or indication of updates. I appreciate that you are working on multiple projects, (god knows I appreciate that) but I would ask for some indication on timelines for SD. Visibility of commitment translates to donations as I am sure you know. Am here ready, but if the game is on hold I won't. Capice?
Hey Runey, thanks for the latest update. I never thought I would ever see myself type the following, but I find myself missing Felicity :). That aside I have one question. I am trying to ask this without spoiling so bear with me. The blackmail premise that was used to extract a certain daughter was incorrect, was it not? At the time all the slaves were legally owned? Or am I wrong?