


Cubic Heist

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You are a robber ninja and just stole something from the bank! But this is no ordinary bank! It was actually a trap! Suddenly a wall of lava comes chasing after you can you escape in time?

Made in an hour for the Speedjam. Yes I am insane. IDK why I keep doing this to myself.


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Great job with the entry! Not quite sure what I would be able to put together in an hour but I know I wouldn't like the time crunch. So kudos for pushing yourself.

As far as the game goes, obviously it's rough. But it's made in an hour so what can anyone expect? I think the one thing I would have liked to have seen is having a bit more vision ahead of me. Maybe zooming the camera out or something. Instead of being reward for making my jumps, I felt like I was punished for not having clairvoyance.

Thanks! Honestly I jus got bored and made this lol.·View all by The Hooded Olive·Report·Embed

