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Wheeljack (Movie)

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This article is about theDark of the Moon Autobot. For theother movie Wheeljack, seeWheeljack (ROTB). For a list of other meanings, seeWheeljack (disambiguation).
Wheeljack is anAutobot from theMovie continuity family.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity... and I'm not sure about the former.

An accomplishedAutobot scientist and inventor,Wheeljack (akaQue) will hook you up with some new weapon or gizmo that he just invented. There's no problem too big or too small that Wheeljack isn't willing to tackle, be it celestial mechanics or inventing potent new anti-Decepticon combat weapons. Because of this, he's a welcome addition to theNEST team, as staying on the cutting edge of technology is a priority for NEST.

That said, he's not much a fighter, and prefers to leave the violence to his combat partnerDino. With his wild hairstyle, glasses, and dappermoustache, he resembles a certain famousscientist as well! To complete the German homage, he transforms into aMercedes-Benz E550.

They're great inventions for kicking ass!

—Que on his latest killamajig,Dark of the Moon




The six movies are the primary component of the live-action movie continuity family. Their events should be taken as canon for all other pieces of fiction listed below, unless otherwise specified.

Dark of the Moon film

Voice actor:George Coe (English),Shinpachi Tsuji (Japanese),Guillermo Coria (Latin American Spanish),Jaume Lleal (Castilian Spanish),Giorgio Lopez (Italian),Éric Legrand (European French),Péter Barbinek (Hungarian),Ayrton Cardoso (Brazilian Portuguese),Eberhard Prüter (German),Ender Yiğit (Turkish)
Good news, everyone! Tomorrow, you'll all be making a delivery to Ebola 9, the virus planet.
"Is there any other protection I need?"
"Only from me, 007, unless you bring that car back in pristine order."

As a member of a NEST strike team, Que, in his vehicle form, posed as theIranian defense minister's vehicle to cross a checkpoint. Once he and the others reached an illegal nuclear facility, he,Bumblebee,Sideswipe andDino investigated and destroyed it.

Later at NEST's new base of operations in Washington, D.C., Que provided weapons-specialistIronhide with a weapons upgrade, supplying him with two powerful rifles, much to Ironhide's liking. When National Intelligence DirectorCharlotte Mearing arrived, he politely introduced himself and informed them about Optimus Prime's upset mood. Mearing thought this was the silent treatment but Que and Ironhide assured that this was not that, it was worse. He stood in the background with his fellow Autobots and observed Optimus berate the government officials for keeping the wreckage of theArk a secret from the Autobots.

"I'll hazard I can do more damage on my laptop sitting in my pajamas before my first cup of Earl Grey than you can do in a year in the field."

When the Autobots were ordered to be exiled from Earth by the government onSentinel Prime's demands, Que helped to prepare the Autobot ship, theXantium for launch alongside his fellow Autobots. However, after launch,Starscream attacked theXantium and destroyed the ship, presumably killing Que and the other Autobots on board.

Secretly, the Autobots had suspected treachery, and hid inside one of their shuttle's booster rockets which had detached shortly before Starscream's attack. Que went alongside his comrades into the midst of the Decepticon-occupiedChicago. Before the Autobots went off to battle, Que providedSam Witwicky,Robert Epps and a team of soldiers with several newanti-Decepticonweapons that he had constructed which would, as he put it, "kick ass."

Good news, everyone! I've been shot - wait a minute, that's not good news at all!

Later on, when several Autobots were overwhelmed and captured, he was taken hostage alongside Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Dino andRatchet. AtDylan Gould's prodding,Soundwave decided to make trophies of the prisoners, starting with Que. Que voiced his fears to Bumblebee just asBarricade pushed him forward, telling him his "time was up". Despite Que's pleas for mercy, he was shot in the chest by a Decepticonprotoform. He fell to his knees in pain, asking why they were doing this before Barricade shot him in the back, killing him. His body fell to the ground and his deactivated head rolled away from his broken body.

His death left Bumblebee distraught, mourning his lost friend, while Barricade added insult to injury by laughing at the fallen Autobot. Soundwave even pushed Bumblebee onto Que's dead body to torment him before his own execution. Bumblebee soon avenged his fallen friend by killing Soundwave. Que would also avenge his own death, in a way, as his Boomsticks were used to help take down his killer, Barricade.Dark of the Moon

Wheeljack's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the novel "Transformers: Dark of the Moon"; the "Transformers: Dark of the Moon Movie Adaptation" and "Movie Trilogy" comics; and the storybooks "Autobots Versus Decepticons," "Optimus Prime's Friends and Foes" and "Transformers: Dark of the Moon Mix & Match."

Age of Extinction film

Five years after the Battle of Chicago, Que was listed as "deceased" by the CIA taskforce,Cemetery Wind.Age of Extinction

Bumblebee film

You better take a good look while I'm in my prime because in about 20 years, that will all change.
Voice actor:Steve Blum (English),Ryūnosuke Watanuki (Japanese),Manuel Pérez (Latin-American Spanish)

Wheeljack was among the Autobots fending off a wave of Decepticon forces led byShockwave andSoundwave and was eventually ordered to retreat byOptimus Prime. Tasked with finding other Autobots scattered throughout the galaxy and rendezvous onEarth, they left Cybertron in various escape pods.Bumblebee

IDW movie comics

Yeah, but what you have done for uslately?

Thousands of years ago onCybertron, Wheeljack was one ofSentinel Prime's followers. He was a crucial figure in the culmination of Sentinel Prime's plan to save the dying planet: While Sentinel's other pupils held off an attack by the hereticThetacons, Wheeljack's technical skills went to work creating a device that, once linked to the AllSpark, warped time and space, teleporting a sun into Cybertronian space. The sun's energy revitalized theAllSpark, bringing life and energy back to Cybertron, and Wheeljack calmly remarked that, wouldn't you know it, it seemed they'd only gone and saved the world.Foundation #1 Soon after, Wheeljack stood by Sentinel Prime's side when he addressed the collective populace of the planet onUnification Day, announcing the new direction for the revitalized Cybertron. The world was to be governed by aScience Division led byOptimus, and aDefense Force underMegatron's command; naturally, Wheeljack elected to join the former.Foundation #2

Years later, Wheeljack was with Sentinel Prime andElita-One at one of the division's archaeological digs when they came under attack from Megatron's forces, which he had rechristened "Decepticons" with the intent of seizing control of the planet. Optimus—now OptimusPrime—rallied those who opposed Megatron under him as theAutobots, Wheeljack included.Foundation #3

As the war worsened, Sentinel Prime presented the Autobots with a mysterious "torch" he had invented that would somehow end the war. An Autobot strike team under Optimus assaultSimfur in order to activate the torch by bringing it into contact with the AllSpark, while Wheeljack stayed by Sentinel's side, awaiting its return and preparing to depart aboard the two greatArks the Autobots had built. Elita-One soon arrived with the active torch, at which point Sentinel ordered a reluctant Wheeljack to take the firstArk and collected the other Autobots from their base inTyger Pax, while Sentinel himself took the torch and went to pick up Optimus's team aboard his ownArk. Consequently, Sentinel's Ark and all aboard were apparently destroyed by the Decepticons upon arrival. Furious at the death of his mentor, Optimus Prime enacted a new plan: while he kept Megatron busy, Wheeljack took the rest of the Autobots and attacked Simfur again, overwhelming the weakened Decepticons there and capturing the AllSpark. The cube was removed from the machine Wheeljack had invented, which caused Cybertron's sun to disappear.Foundation #4

They will get better

Thousands of years later, Wheeljack joined Optimus Prime on Earth at some point after 2009. He andMirage joinedNEST and were assigned to a unit stationed inWashington, D.C..Rising Storm issue 3 This put them closest to the action when a huge Decepticon battalion attackedSam Witwicky's school inPhiladelphia, and they arrived just in time to helpBumblebee fight off the villains.Rising Storm #2 Wheeljack generated a powerfulforce field to shield Sam and other human bystanders as they ran from the battle,Rising Storm #3 and the pair helped hold the line until Optimus Prime arrived with reinforcements. Observing that the Decepticons were attempting to flee, Prime ordered Wheeljack to extend his force field in order to keep them from escaping, but before the scientist could comply, the mercilessShockwave descended onto the battlefield and grievously damaged Wheeljack with a powerful blast. Luckily, Wheeljack remained just functional enough to complete his recalibration, trapping Shockwave inside his force field with a very unhappy Optimus Prime. After Prime defeated Shockwave,Ratchet examined Wheeljack's broken body and reported that he could be repaired, though he probably wouldn't be "quite the same".Rising Storm #4

Toy bios

The Autobots' technology used to lag badly behind the Decepticons' until Wheeljack came along. His brilliant innovative mind helped the Autobots with getting their arsenal caught up with that of their enemies'. This was also helped by the few brave soldiers willing to volunteer for Wheeljack's extremely dangerous experiments.Movie Advanced Series Wheeljack

When he first learned about the laws of physics, Wheeljack took them as a challenge to his intelligence because laws were made to be broken. He dedicated his life to pushing the limits of science. More often than not, Wheeljack's inventions would fail spectacularly. But if (and when) they succeed, they can change the course of millions of lives.Dark of the Moon Wheeljack


Transformers: Autobots video game

Wheeljack upgradedCreate-A-Bot so that he could store the data of and, thus, adopt multiple vehicle forms. Wheeljack's body type appeared as several automobile forms, including the Beater, Sportster, Notchback, Import, Longhorn (Autobot Exclusive), Gunner (Autobots Exclusive), Stunt Car (Decepticons Exclusive), Lightning Rider, Tricked Out Car, Racer, Hot Rodder, Speedster, and Scout (Decepticons Exclusive).Transformers: Autobots

Transformers: The Game (PSP)

Voice actor:Erik Passoja (English)
Before the 'stache.

Wheeljack arrived onEarth some time afterOptimus Prime and his team, apparently at the same time asHoist andSideswipe. At that time, the Autobots were coming under attack from an army of Decepticon drones, and Wheeljack was able to concoct a virus that would send the drones back into sleep mode.Hound andTrailbreaker were charged with transmitting the virus to an orbiting satellite, broadcasting it to all the drones simultaneously. Although they succeeded, Wheeljack was left with the unfortunate task of relaying to Optimus Prime that Hound had died in the process.

A little later, Wheeljack accompanied the Autobots on their mission to theHoover Dam, and was seen escaping the complex when the Decepticons attacked.Transformers The Game (PSP)

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - The Game

Voice actor:Jamie Alcroft (English),Bernard Métraux (French)

Xbox 360/PS3

Wheeljack aided his Autobot comrades from behind the scenes, arming them with newer, more potent weaponry almost as soon as he was done building them. Wheeljack also made a virus for the Autobots to hack the Decepticon transmissions. Later, he had NEST forces deliver one of thesenew weapons to Ironhide as the latter was battling the Decepticons in Detroit. The gun Wheeljack sent him enabled Ironhide to destroy Mixmaster's shields, leaving the Decepticon vulnerable.

Soundwave later infiltrated an old Sector Seven base that was evidently used as a workshop by Wheeljack to develop new MechTech weapons. Unfortunately, Soundwave managed to destroy the base and the MechTech with it, while what few weapons were already en route to Optimus Prime were intercepted by Starscream.Dark of the Moon (Xbox 360/PS3)


Wheeljack warnedOptimus Prime to be very careful fightingCrowbar, as Crowbar had a reputation as a deadly fighter.Dark of the Moon: Autobots/Decepticons


Dark of the Moon

Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
  • Wheeljack (MechTech Deluxe Class,2012)
  • TakaraTomy name:Autobot Que
  • TakaraTomy ID number:DA31
  • Accessories: MechTech Tool Kit/Combat Saw, 2 power tools, spear
Dark of the Moon Wheeljack transforms from a blueMercedes-Benz E550. He comes with aMechTech Tool Kit which turns into a spinning Circular Saw. His MechTech weapon is capable of standing alone as a portable workbench of sorts, is held/mounted with two differentposts, and features aC joint bar between two of the front legs. He also features two different power tools, resembling a power drill and a nail/rivet gun, that clip to his upper waist, as well as a large spear that clips to his back. He features MechTech ports on his hands, arms, back/hood underside, and roof, although none of the clip-on weapons can be hidden invehicle mode, nor are there sufficient ports to mount them all. Hisstock photography depicts his saw blade as painted in gold, but is left unpainted in the final product.
Wheeljack was to be released in the US in December, 2011, but his release was first moved to February, 2012, then ultimately announced by Hasbro to be cancelled duringToy Fair 2012.
The Hasbro version of the figure, sporting the "Wheeljack" name, was released in Asian markets in May 2012, while Takara's release of the figure was rather surprisingly packaged under his in-movie name as "Autobot Que".

Movie Trilogy Series

"I went to a rejuvenation clinic and got a whole natural overhaul. They took out some wrinkles, did hair repair, changed the blood - added a good 30 to 40 years to my life. They also replaced my spleen and colon. What do you think?"
  • Wheeljack (MechTech Deluxe Class, 2012)
  • Accessories: ?
Movie Trilogy Series Wheeljack is a redeco ofDark of the Moon Deluxe Wheeljack, but using the mold's alternate head (previously seen in the first toy'sinstructions) and decoed in colors closer to Generation 1 Wheeljack.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Movie Advanced Series

"The way I see it, if you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?"
  • ID Number:EX
An AEON shop exclusive,Movie Advanced Series Wheeljack is a redeco ofDark of the Moon Deluxe Wheeljack, but using the mold's alternate head (previously seen in the first toy'sinstructions and which was to be used in the canceledMovie Trilogy Series figure above) and decoed in colors closer to Generation 1 Wheeljack, moreso than theMovie Trilogy Series Wheeljack was to have been. Like theDarkside Soundwave figure, Wheeljack comes with no weapons or accessories.

Studio Series

My head's no longer the Matrix anymore! Huzzah, I say!
  • Wheeljack (Deluxe Class,2022)
  • Movie:Bumblebee
  • Hasbro ID number:81
  • TakaraTomy ID number:SS-84
  • TakaraTomy release date:June 25, 2022
  • Accessories: Blaster, "Cybertron Falls" backdrop (2nd version)
  • Known designers:Sam Smith (Hasbro),Yūya Ōnishi (TakaraTomy),Emiliano Santalucia (concept artist)[1]
Studio Series Wheeljack is based on his appearance in theBumblebee movie and turns into a Cybertronian car. As with the majority of Bumblebee's Cybertronian characters, his alternate mode was created by Hasbro and TakaraTomy for the toy as the film model was not designed to transform. He comes with the blaster that he utilized in the Cybertron battle scene, which can store on his back and on top of the vehicle mode. The slot used for vehicle mode can also be used in robot mode to give Wheeljack an arm-mounted blaster.
There have been a few notablequality control issues on some copies of this figure. The front windshield doesn't always tab in properly, leaving a small gap in the front of the car. In robot mode, his shoulders may have a tendency to detach from the torso when handling. The ball joints on his feet can be extremely tight, to the point it doesn't feel like they can move. Also, as the feet are completely painted over, paint-chipping may occur, especially since they rub against other parts during transformation.
Like otherStudio Series toys, the interior of the package forms a display backdrop, this backdrop being a war-torn Cybertron as it appears in the beginning of the film.

¿Qué? ¿Quién esPablo?
  • Wheeljack (Que) (Deluxe Class,2025)
Studio Series "Wheeljack (Que)" isfinally a mass-retail release of hisDark of the Moon design, transforming into a licensed Mercedes-Benz E550. He has separate lab coat flaps and most of his gadgets and straps sculpted in. He comes with a blaster and "naginata spear"[2]/kibble thing as separate accessories that can attach to his back and to the right side of the car mode.


My God... Do you know what this means?! It means this damnthing doesn't work at all!
  • Wheeljack's onscreen name "Que" is a nod to the famousJames Bond characterQ, who similarly provided his allies with equipment and gadgets. Furthermore, Que's scene in the Chicago battle, where he provides the NEST soldiers with a variety of weapons while stating their various features and functions, is lifted almost wholesale from manyBond movies. Rather interestingly though, he is listed in the credits as Que/Wheeljack, implying "Que" may just be a nickname.
  • An early working name for him wasSteeljaw, and his head was considered to be based onChristopher Lloyd'sDoc Brown from theBack to the Future movies rather than Einstein. He was also going to have a 'labcoat', formed from hisvehicle mode canvas roof.[4] Some trace of this design remains, briefly visible in the film as Prime is saying goodbye to Sam, in the form of a sort of waistcoat or carpenter's tool belt on his waist. That, of course, is in addition to the assortment of gadgets, tools, ammo and weapons attached to his waist, strapped across his chest, and hanging off his back.
  • Numerous adaptations of Dark of the Moon (such as thecomic adaptation andjunior novelization) illustrated that during the Autobot capture in Chicago, it was Dino/Mirage who was executed by Soundwave. However this was changed in the movie to Que/Wheeljack being killed instead while Dino/Mirage survived the battle.
    • Thenovelization of the film also included a different death for the character in which he was run off the Chicago streets and into a river by theDriller, where he was torn apart by Decepticon soldiers lying in wait for him.
Now, like hisG1 namesake's toy, we know that there's something under thatthing.
  • The Mercedes-Benz E550 prop car used forDark of the Moon sported a German/European Unionlicense plate, "M IC3802", registered in the city of Munich, on the Chicago set.[5] (The design of the plate is slightly inaccurate, as there should be a space between "IC" and "3802" if it were a real German plate. Also, a German car would have a license plate on the front as well.)
  • Good luck trying to figure out his accent, by the way, as he oscillates between an impenetrably garbled half-Scottish, half-Irish muddle and English "Received Pronunciation" all the way through the film, at times in the same sentence. What we can tell you he'snot speaking with, though, is a German accent, which a disturbing number of American fans seems to have concluded based simply on the fact he looks like Einstein.
  • Wheeljack's Cybertronian design inBumblebee is heavily inspired by his Generation 1namesake.
    • Wheeljack's CGI render from the "Bee-Vision" extras (see right) and some concept art[6] depict him with a white head, while in the film his head is mostly gray with white streaks.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Que (キューKyū),Wheeljack (ホイルジャックHoirujakku)
  • Mandarin:Qiānjīndǐng (China, 千斤顶, "Wheeljack" or "Hoisting Jack")


  • (thumbnail)

    Transformers The Game concept

See also

You look familiar...

Versions of Wheeljack have appeared in other continuity families, including:

For more information, seeWheeljack (disambiguation).


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