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"Doctor ZAIUS, Doctor ZAIUS... Doctor ZAIUS, Doctor ZAIUS..."

The ape-likeTorkuli are the dominant species of the planetTorkulon. They are renowned throughout the galaxy as experts in psychiatric therapy; they have devoted their entire culture and all known activities on their world to the treatment and care of damaged or deranged minds. Torkuli are extremely intelligent, with advanced technology that can surpass even that of theTransformers. Their professorial demeanor and soft, monotonous voices can make them seem gentle at first. However,those who have studied Torkulon long enough have realized it is not an outpatient facility, and once the doctors have decided on a prescription, no matter how radical, there is no room for second opinions. After all, it is for the patient's own good.



The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor:Paul Eiding (Head Torkuli),Stan Jones,Victor Caroli (English)

AsGalvatron's behavior grew more erratic and self-destructive, the Quintessons trickedCyclonus into having him committed on Torkulon. At the time of first contact with Transformers, Torkuli therapists were already treating a wide variety of species. Some patients had advanced to the levels of creative workshops and interactive therapy sessions; others had to be caged in solitary confinement. Galvatron was processed like any other. Unconcerned by his raving threats and firepower, the Torkuli immobilized Galvatron and diagnosed the cause of his psychosis: embrittlement of his logic circuits resulting from a "plasma accident".

Universal healthcare.
Torkuli doctors attempted to treat Galvatron through multiple means, including word association, “psychomotor reintegration,” and “exo-drama” therapies. When Galvatron only responded with defiance and violence, eventually developing a tolerance to their inhibitor rays, the psychiatric staff had no choice but to authorize a more radical invasive procedure. They summoned theAlya to perform one of their "Maximal Interventions": having the giant bugs consume Galvatron's damaged thought circuitry altogether, weaving it into the mass of Torkulon's living circuit webs and leaving theDecepticon leader effectively lobotomized. With their superior technology, the Torkuli were able to keep Cyclonus and theSweeps at bay while the procedure began, but Galvatron's madness was so acute that it overwhelmed the entire planetary network, driving it insane and allowing him to escape. Now victims of Galvatron's brutal revenge, the Torkuli were left prone and helpless in the smoldering wreckage of their shattered world, the targets of very unwelcome attention from their former "patients".Webworld

2005 IDW continuity

A Torkuli was present onHedonia around the time theLost Light crew stopped by.Cybertronian Homesick Blues He was a rare survivor of his race: a haunted Megatron would refer to the Torkuli as a race he was responsible for wiping out.The Sun in Flight


Transformers Legends

Galvatron was brought to the Torkuli planet for treatment, however the Torkuli was unable to help him, and were forced to flee when he began destroying their planet.Web World

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