The name or term "Targetmaster" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeTargetmaster (disambiguation). |
TheTargetmasters are a subset of Transformersbinary-bonded to smaller partners, who transform into their weapons. The partner is often an organic life form that has been bio-engineered to be partly mechanical, or wears a suit of armor that transforms around them to become the weapon.
The Targetmasters benefit from being able to take two minds into battle. A Targetmaster possesses a living weapon that is capable of making its own tactical decisions and target priorities. The advantage is similar to that of having a dedicated gunner aboard an aircraft or tank.
The Targetmaster process is often seen to follow shortly after development of theHeadmaster process. The earliest known Targetmasters were among theAutobots andDecepticons involved in the war onNebulos, and were paired with a bio-engineeredNebulan humanoid which wore a transforming exosuit. Later Targetmasters included virtually any Transformer specifically partnered with another being that becomes their weapon, not limited to Nebulans or organics. The term has been applied to theSeacon team[1] and severalAction Master pairings.[2]
Some Transformers, known asDouble-Targetmasters, are bonded with two smaller partners who can form individual weapons or combine with one another to form a 'double weapon', with the power of whichever weapon forms the 'barrel' boosted by the other.
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The first Targetmasters were a group of six Autobots under the command ofFortress Maximus. Having traveled to the planet Nebulos in search of peace, this group surrendered their weapons to the natives to prove their peaceful intentions.Ring of Hate!
Nebulon minds were duplicated and installed into transformable Nebulon-sized robots, creating the Targetmasters.The Final Conflict
Some time later,Lord Zarak and his Decepticon Headmaster partnerScorponok had discredited the Autobots, turned public opinion against them, and driven them into retreat. A group of six Nebulan dissidents undertook a great risk to join the Autobots, allowing themselves to be bio-engineered into replacement weapons for the six unarmed Autobots. Fugitives from the government, the Autobot Targetmasters adopted the code namesHaywire,Peacemaker,Pinpointer,Recoil,Sparks, andSpoilsport.
The Autobot Targetmasters' first trial by combat came at theNursery, a horticultural research facility that was under threat by Zarak's Decepticons. The newly minted Targetmasters engaged Scorponok and theTerrorcons in a battle for the Nursery, but retreated as the facility was being destroyed by the battle, regardless of who was winning.
Vorath was soon able to duplicate the Autobots' experiment, creating a group of five Decepticon Targetmasters:Blowpipe,Caliburst,Fracas,Aimless, andNightstick, though they weren't quite a match for the Autobot Headmasters. All of the Targetmasters left Nebulos soon after, as the Autobots retreated to spare Nebulos further warfare, and the Decepticons pursued.Brothers in Armor!!
At some point before leaving Nebulos, the Decepticons capturedSureshot,Crosshairs, andPointblank and took them back to theirFortress of Despair, apparently because they couldn't perfect the Targetmaster process. After a brief skirmish with the Autobot Headmasters, they retreated and let the Autobots follow them...directly into a trap! It was not creating Targetmasters that Scorponok was struggling with, but Headmasters. AlthoughHardhead was able to release the Autobot Targetmasters, and with their partnersPeacemaker,Pinpointer, andSpoilsport they pretty much won the battle, Scorponok was able to escape with a captiveHighbrow to study.Worlds Apart!
After arriving onEarth, the Autobot Targetmasters subsequently went on a mission to rescue the humanBuster Witwicky from the Decepticons. They were repulsed from the Decepticons'island base by a phalanx of hidden weapons.The Desert Island of Space!
Having left Scorponok's forces,Cyclonus andScourge attempted to force their former leaderGalvatron to hand over histime-jump trigger device, backed up by their Targetmaster partners. When the meeting was interrupted by theWreckers and battle ensued, Springer attempted to relieve Cyclonus ofNightstick but was taken aback when the gun transformed and ran away from him.Wrecking Havoc
Nightstick would not prove to be nearly so fortunate when Cyclonus and Scourge attempted to forge an alliance with the currentDecepticon leaderShockwave. When negotiations went badly, Shockwave sent aclone ofMegatron to kill Cyclonus and crush his gun.Dry Run!
Misfire, along withTriggerhappy andSlugslinger, led an attack on an Autobotshuttle to retrieve Scorponok's head from Highbrow, but once he had been reassembled they were spirited away toLimbo to make way forSoundwave and theTerrorcons from the future. Meanwhile, Scourge andFracas were fighting alongside Galvatron and the Megatron clone against the Wreckers andMayhems. Ultimately the present-day Targetmasters reappeared when Soundwave returned his troops to their own time, but Cyclonus and Scourge vanished into thetime rift.Time Wars
Additional Targetmasters may or may not have been created as the war went on.Quickmix andNeedlenose were both seen using weapons resembling their Targetmaster partners, but their individual circumstances do not seem to easily allow for them to have been on Nebulos to acquire Targetmaster partners.Yesterday's Heroes!
Recoil was among the weapons surrendered by the Autobots to the Decepticons as part of preparation for an alliance againstUnicron.Surrender!
In the year2007, Autobot leaderHot Rod reminisced about the war; on Nebulos where he first teamed up with his Targetmaster partnerFirebolt and later, on Earth, when Firebolt died under unspecified circumstances.Headhunt
Prowl noted the double-paired Targetmasters known as Double-Targetmasters among his list of complaints about how complicated things had gotten in his absence.Starting Over!
The creation of Targetmasters andHeadmasters, in this continuity, started with an initial idea of Brainstorm's that Autobots should usehuman partners while driving to help with steering and speed, this idea was confirmed when a race betweenHot Rod andBlurr was won not by Blurr's speed, but byDaniel Witwicky's help in driving Hot Rod.Hardhead, however, was very sceptical about this idea.
After a large scale Decepticon attack, several Autobots,Spike, and Daniel crash-landed onNebulos; where the Autobots were taken captive by the inhabitants. After a Decepticon attack in which Daniel Witwicky was injured and put on life support, several Autobots were kidnapped by Decepticons.
The Nebulan warriors explained their situation with theHive to the Autobots, and why they didn't trust them at first, and came to an agreement. Using Brainstorm's idea, they would use their and Daniel's minds with the Autobots' bodies to be powerful enough to defeat the Hive and save the others. Thus were born the Headmasters.The Rebirth, Part 1
Once the Headmasters got to know their partners, they set off to rescue the five captured captured Autobots. After some torture, Hot Rod,Kup, Blurr,Crosshairs, andPointblank were all saved by the Headmasters.
After witnessing the power of secondary operators, the Decepticons and other Autobots saw the logic in having some of their own.
The defeated Decepticons were captured by the hive and taken to their underground base of operations.Lord Zarak, the leader of the hive gave the Decepticons an opportunity to become powerful like the Autobot Headmasters at the literal cost of their heads.Cyclonus andScourge agreed to let the Nebulans make Headmasters only out of the Decepticons there with beast modes, they however would only let the organic beings into their weapons. SoSkullcruncher,Apeface,Snapdragon,Weirdwolf, andMindwipe were turned into Headmasters,Triggerhappy,Misfire,Slugslinger, Scourge, and Cyclonus had their weapons modified so that hive members could fit into and transform into them.
Cerebros, meanwhile had found a city and told the news to the other Autobots, damaging himself in the process. The Nebulans fixed him and believed the city he talked about to be the hive's old base from before they moved underground. The Decepticons, now with their Nebulan partners, attacked the Autobots again. Brainstorm was mad that the Decepticons stole his idea, the Head and Targetmasters and the Decepticons overwhelmed the Autobots and stole the key to the plasma energy chamber from them before the hive convinced the Decepticons to go back to Zarak to await orders.
Brainstorm, to even the odds, showed his fellow Autobots scans ofNightstick, showing how the Decepticons modified their guns and used the Nebulan tech to modify the non-Headmaster Autobot's guns and have Nebulan partners inside them. Hot Rod, Kup, Blurr, Crosshairs, Pointblank, andSureshot's guns were modified and became the Autobot Targetmasters.
Optimus Prime then showed up on Nebulos and was introduced to the Autobot's Headmaster and Targetmaster partners. He was also informed that the Decepticons also had access to the same technology and the key to the plasma energy chamber. The Autobots went to the Decepticons to fight but they and their Nebulan partners had nearly completed their project. The Decepticons engaged the Autobots in combat but were surprised to see that the Autobots now had Targetmaster partners too.
The Autobots, however, were much more surprised to see that Zarak had created something big using the same Headmaster technology both factions had:Scorponok.The Rebirth, Part 2The Rebirth, Part 3
Targetmaster partners hailed from the planetMaster, but unlike theHeadmasters, they were partnered with a regular Transformer as opposed to aTranstector. This fusion came about in a blast which bonded a group of refugees from Master to the a group of Autobot soldiers, as well as a group of Decepticon marauders, who were terrorizing the refugees in the first place. Targetmasters took the place of their larger partner's entire hand instead of being held by it.
The Targetmasters spoke in a series of electronic beeps that only their bonded partner could understand, instead of speaking normally like their Headmaster brethren.
You left a piece out! What's needed:The Headmasters fromEp 37 onwards,Legends "Targetmaster Chapter" (issues45 through53) more probably.This article is astub and is missing information. You can helpTransformers Wiki byexpanding it. |
You left a piece out! What's needed:The Headmasters issue 7,Headmasters story pages.This article is astub and is missing information. You can helpTransformers Wiki byexpanding it. |
Tornado was a Targetmaster, usually wielded by hisSquadron X leaderMacabre and laterFerak.Torando - Decepticon Saboteur, 2014/06/10
Following theGreat Transformation,Flareup found herself stationed atNew Polyhex, where she became a star pupil while training under the ancient and enigmatic Target Masters before being recruited into theCybertronian Knights.BotCon 2014 Knight Flareup profile card
Chro was a Targetmaster.Cryotek BotCon bio
The Targetmaster process was developed eons ago on Cybertron, as a process to forge a warrior and his weapon into a cohesive fighting team. The two are linked on a mental and physical level, allowing them to draw energy from each other and multitask with extreme efficiency. Targetmaster weapons cannot be wielded by another being without their consent unless they are somehow incapacitated in their weapon configuration. Severe injury or death of one partner can have a profound physical and emotional impact on the other.
The Targetmaster process was further expanded upon on the planet Nebulon. This would allow organic humanoids, not just mechanoids, to function as weapons when adorned with removable armor. The strength and endurance of these modified beings were greatly enhanced, though their appearance does not change.More than Meets the Eye #8
Action Master partners that transformed into firearms were Targetmasters.More than Meets the Eye
Those Targetmasters included:
Stampy andBreak were Targetmasters due to their handheld weapon modes.Beast Wars Sourcebook
In this reverse universe, the Targetmasters take a much more active role in battle: they can take all motor control over the limb of whoever is holding them. The small partners areMicromasters with three modes: robot, vehicle, and weapon.
Ricochet devised a plan to keep the Decepticons stranded on Cybertron while the Autobots fled to Earth. To execute this plan, he,Scoop, andCrosshairs took Targetmaster partners.Nightstick was easily able to take down Megatron, but the Decepticon Micromasters were able to thwart the entire group of Targetmasters, allowing Megatron to free himself.Do Over
The Targetmasters in this universe included:
After a bad experience with "colonists" from theAurex Cluster, Nebulos made their atmosphere poisonous to Cybertronian life. In order to safely go undercover on this world,Vector Prime was binary bonded withSafeguard, a friendly native. In addition to processing Vector Prime's fuel, he could also become a handheld weapon, making him a Target/Powermaster.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/11/01
Targetmaster technology was first created in the 21st century, by the NebulansTeslor andArcana, as an enhancement to the already-existing Headmaster technology.A Brush With Infamy–Prologue The process involved the subjects mingling their sparks, granting both a dramatic boost in power, such as being able to shoot down ships from orbit.Trigger Warnings The technology gave the Autobots a temporary advantage in the war for Nebulos, untilFracas andNightstick defected to the Decepticons, taking the Targetmaster process with them.
When the war spread to the planetRebirth, theMalignus scientistNucleon adapted the process to work with Cyberdroid physiology. Along with the Powermaster and Headmaster technology, it was used to create theTriple-Threat Master technology as well.A Brush With Infamy–Prologue
Towards the end of the war, the mad DecepticonThunderwing found out the Targetmasters' ability to draw power from their wielder's Sparks could be amplified, and took the ability to its conclusion: being able to draw the life out of a Cybertronian just being near them. Terrified by this discovery, the Autobots and Decepticons arranged for the Targetmasters, organic and Cybertronian alike, to be granted exile when the war ended. However, this was a ruse, and both sides arranged for the mass murder of all Targetmasters to prevent their powers being used ever again. The systematic eradication was later dubbed the "Targetmaster Extirpation". However, a few Targetmasters did survive, and went into hiding on a Cybertron now utterly hostile to their kind.
In the 24th century, one of the last Targetmasters,Twirl, was killed byOverrun when she considered outing herself. This sequence of events led to Overrun himself dying to prevent anyone else getting their hands on him.Trigger Warnings
Targetmaster technology was first invented by the Decepticons during the war for Nebulos. These powerful binary-bonded weapons possessed the ability to draw extra power directly from thesparks of their wielders and dramatically increase their firepower. They would go on to become the most common form of Bonded Master, and the technology has found applications among all kinds of Transformers, including largercombiners.The Enigma of Combination
Autobot Targetmasters
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The Autobot Targetmasters were sold boxed with their Targetmaster partners, and consisted of three all-new molds alongside slightly retooled versions of Hot Rod, Kup, and Blurr from the previous year's assortment. The three older molds featured enlarged fist holes, allowing them to hold their new weapons. Both old and new molds transform into futuristic/Cybertronian ground vehicles. All six can mount their Targetmaster weapon on their roof or hood while in vehicle mode. |
Decepticon Targetmasters | |||||||
Similar to their Autobot counterparts, the Decepticon Targetmasters feature three new jet molds alongside retooled versions of Cyclonus and Scourge with enlarged fist holes. All five transform into futuristic/Cybertronian aircraft. Their weapons can be mounted on top of them in jet form. The three newer molds were also sold in 1988. |
Japanese-original Targetmasters
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Artfire and Ricochet areredecos andretoolings of the original toys forInferno andJazz, respectively. They each come with the Targetmaster partner molds that were used as Fracas and Nightstick in the US. |
Autobot Targetmasters | |||||||
Often referred to as the "small Targetmasters" to distinguish them from the larger 1987 releases, these toys were sold carded. Each toy includes two smaller Targetmaster partners, each of which can form a gun or combine as a larger gun. The two guns can also mount on the robot's vehicle form. The three Autobots share a construction vehicle theme. These toys were never released in Japan. |
Decepticon Targetmasters
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The Decepticon "small Targetmasters" were sold carded with two Targetmaster partners each. Like the 1988 Autobots, these partners can form independent or combined weapons, and mount on their partner Transformers' vehicle forms or be wielded by them in robot mode. The three Transformers all turn into military vehicles. These toys were never released in Japan. |
Seacons | |||||||
The Seacons, marketed as "Targetmaster Seacons",[3] are aScramble City-style combiner team, witha large leader toy who forms the torso of a larger robot, with four smaller toys plugging in to form the limbs. The team was given an additional fifth small toy, however. All five small toys have a "weapon" mode—essentially their creature mode with a gun barrel attached—allowing any of them to be used by the combined robot as a Targetmaster weapon. Each small toy could also form a free-standing gun by attaching to a small stand included with the toy. |
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A re-imagining of their original designs, giving Nightstick unprecedented (for the time) articulation for a Targetmaster. In various of Hasbro's Asian markets, a three-pack named "Challenge at Cybertron" was also released that features redecos ofClassicsRodimus as well asUniverseGalvatron and Cyclonus, with the latter again coming with a redecoed Nightstick. |
Redeco of theUniverse Cyclonus and Nightstick mold. |
Targetmaster Microns
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ThePower Core CombinersMini-Con molds were released as "Targetmaster Microns" ascampaign items in the Japanese toylineTransformers United.[4] Stepper and Artfire came with a redeco ofUniverse Nightstick as their respective partners, but Artfire also came with "Sparks", effectively another Nightstick but in the style of the otherPower Core Combiners redecoes inspired by theUnited manga. |
Arms Microns
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The Takara redecoes of thePower Core Combiner Mini-Con molds continued in exactly the same vein, just dropping theUnited branding, rounding out the full set of the original Targetmaster partner characters. Though technically sold asArms Microns, the relevant releases are listed here for convenience. |
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The North American release of MasterpieceRodimus Prime came with a "Limited Edition" Targetmaster partner namedOffshoot. Additionally, a two-pack named "Battle in Space" was released that features redecos ofUniverse Rodimus and Cyclonus very similar to the Asian-exclusive "Challenge at Cybertron" three-pack, with Cyclonus once again including a redecoed version of Nightstick. |
Following the creation of a new-mold Nightstick to accompany Artfire, the "Offshoot" mold released exclusively with Hasbro's release of Rodimus Prime was redecoed to accompany a version of the laterMasterpiece Hot Rod toy.
Redecos ofGenerations Scoop's Targetmaster partners. Shrute and Zputty are redecos of Holepunch while Singe and Sunbeam are redecos of Caliburst.
A redeco ofGenerations Scoop that comes with a redeco of Caliburst (but not Holepunch), literally named "Targetmaster".
Nine figures came with newly molded Targetmaster accessories exclusive for the toyline, updating all of the first wave of Targetmaster characters except Fracas and Nightstick. |
Legacy Targetmasters more faithfully replicate their original Generation 1 designs than the previous Battle Masters, but also the Generation 1 toys' lack of articulation, owed to sharing the Deluxe price point with their larger partners.
Age of the PrimesSpinister comes with his Targetmasters,Hairsplitter andSinge, which are both repainted from Legacy Needlenose's targetmasters. (See above)