This article is about theReturn of Convoy Autobot. For theAnimated Autobot cyber-ninja, seeSky Garry (Animated). |
- Sky Garry is anAutobotBattlestar from theReturn of Convoy portion of theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Sky Garry (スカイギャリーSukai Gyarī) isStar Convoy's right-hand man. He has a great respect for the legendary Autobot Supreme Commander and was the one who brought Star Convoy back from the dead. Kinda creepy.
His special attack is his "Mystery Circle Punch", which is really just a regular punch, but don't tell anybody that. He can combine with Star Convoy andGrandus invehicle mode to perform theBattlestar Attack.
HisMicromaster partner isShotbomber.
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Battlestars comic and story pages
Encountering an advance group ofDark Nova'sGalaman warriors sent from an asteroid, Sky Garry dispatched them with his "Mystery Circle Punch".
To counter the threat of Dark Nova, the Autobots formed an elite sub-group known as theBattlestars. Their mission was to reviveOptimus Prime so that he might thwart Dark Nova. Sky Garry received theZodiac fromDai Atlas and was inaugurated as temporary Autobot Supreme Commander, at least until Prime was back on his feet again.The Battlestars Part 1
Sky Garry then enlisted the youthful rookie,Sixliner into the Battlestars after watching an impressive battle between him and a horde of energy-plundering Galaman warriors.The Battlestars Part 2
Aware of the mission of the Battlestars, Dark Nova stole Optimus Prime's body and cloned it as the evilFalse Convoy. Sky Garry andGrandus managed to defeat False Convoy before he could kill Sixliner.The Battlestars Part 3 After False Convoy's defeat, Sky Garry rescued the fallen Supreme Commander's corpse from theNovaroid forces on planetLucifer. Using the power of the Zodiac, Sky Garry brought Optimus Prime back to life and upgraded him into Star Convoy.The Battlestars Part 4
Later, Sky Garry was stuck out in space battling the remaining Novaroid and Galaman soldiers around planet Lucifer. He was concerned about Star Convoy and Sixliner facingSuper Megatron alone onEarth, frustrated he couldn't be there to help.The Battlestars special

Sky Garry, Star Convoy and Grandus inside Star Giant's tummy.
Sky Garry eventually joined the other Battlestars in a space battle against Super Megatron and hisGreat Galaman warriors. Combining into theBattlestar Attack, they shot Super Megatron to pieces.The Battlestars Part 7
Dark Nova then revealed himself and upgraded Super Megatron into Ultra Megatron.The Battlestars Part 8 Then after that, the Decepticon Emperor merged with Ultra Megatron to become theStar Giant.The Battlestars Part 9 Sky Garry and the other Battlestars traveled into Star Giant's stomach and took the behemoth apart from the inside-out, narrowly escaping just as their foe exploded and died.The Battlestars Part 10
Legends comic
During a recap ofMegatron's life story,Waspinator mentioned the time he became the Star Giant and fought against Sky Garry and the Battlestars.Bonus Edition Vol. 13
When Dark Nova stole the body of Optimus Prime, he did so right under the nose of Prime's loyal guard,Roller. Sky Garry and Grandus allowed Roller to join the Battlestars and help them in their mission to reform False Convoy and stop Dark Nova. Roller was destroyed fightingNovaroids to divert enemy forces from the other Battlestars. When Sky Garry used to Zodiac to revive the Supreme Commander as Star Convoy, he placed the body of Roller next to the Prime, letting him be incorporated into the new leader's form.LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two
In 2038, Sky Garry and the Battlestars were stationed onZone. They opposed the new Dark Nova and his agents likeViolengiguar andMetrotitan.LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part One
3H comics
INvehicle mode, Sky Garry served as the shuttle that the Autobots (sansDaniel Witwicky andWheelie) used to escape a horde ofNightbirds.Departure
Wings Universe

Sky Garry, not Sky Gareth!
Sky Garry was hanging out at theGaladria Space Bridge Outpost in theDelta Prysmos Sector when apirate ship appeared overhead and dropped a bomb on him and several other passersby.Hoist the Flag
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

The one Transformer you're more likely to own a
knockoff of than the real deal.
- ID number:C-360
- Accessories: Two guns, ramp, platform, Micro Trailer #0
- Known designers:Motoki Takaya (TakaraTomy)
- Released in theReturn of Convoy part of theoriginal TakaraTransformers toyline, Sky Garry transforms into a Cybertronic starship with landing skids. His canopy can open up and seat aMicromaster or two, though they are not secured in any way in there so they rattle around. His middle section is expandable, allowing him to carry up to threeMicro Trailers, though he only comes with one. He has holes and pegs to secure the Trailers' sides, plus a catch in the center to grip the raised square on the trailers' top. Pulling his halves out from the trailers and pressing the orange button in the center of his expanded section (aka the robot groin) releases the catch and drops the trailers.
- He also has a third tower mode, using the gray platform on his back as a battle station midway up. In this mode, Sky Garry issupposed to attach Micro Trailers at his sides via the5 mm posts on his arms, plugging the Trailers to them with the holes midway down the Trailers' sides. Bizarrely though, these pegs were beveled into uselessness, which is even weirder given that Sky Garry is theonly toy meant to attach the Trailers via those holes. He also has a standard Micromaster ramp connector and ramp piece (using the same mold asSkyhopper'sHelicopter andGroundshaker'sATV), which lets him connect to any other ramp-compatible toy, such as Micromaster bases... though the point the ramp attaches to on him is a sheer vertical wall so its usefulness is... debatable.
- Sky Garry comes with his Micro Transformer partnerShotbomber and a black Micro Trailer.
- Sky Garry's sticker sheet includes multiple optional stickers: four Autobot symbols on white backdrops, and four black circles with yellow stars. The latter are marked as special stickers to denote whoever you attach them to is a member of theBattlestars. This set comes from an era where most of the Takara releases use laminated paper decals with notoriously weak adhesive, which makes the smaller decals (like the small black squares on his shoulders) very, very likely to fall off and get lost.
- "Star Garry" (スターギャリー) was a preproduction name for Sky Garry.[1]
- Both Sky Garry and Grandus have special attacks relating to things considered "mysterious". In Sky Garry's case, the "mystery circle" of his "Mystery Circle Punch" is the Japanese term for "crop circle". What this was actually supposed to connote is uncertain, but as far as it is known, the attack does not utilize wheat in any way.
- Sky Garry's mold wasredecoed into the evil "Deathgarrygun" (デスギャリガンDesugyarigan) mecha forTakara'sBrave of Gold Goldran series. This version came with threeMicro Trailers, but all of the launching mechanisms were removed from them. This was just one of several late-seriesTransformers molds recycled for aBrave toyline. In the show itself, the mecha is considerably larger than the rest of the cast, and the face had a mouthplate. It was also mass-produced by the series' antagonistic faction, the Walzac Republic Empire. During the final battle, one of the units is transformed into a much larger and more demonic-looking form, Cyber Deathgarrygun. The Deathgarrygun toy would later become fairly easy to obtain thanks to its reissue bySonokong in South Korea.Deathgarrygun toy gallery at a Japanese fansite.
- In the mid to late-1990s, Sky Garry was one of the most commonlybootlegged Transformers, appearing in several different sizes. Most of them were carded and of poor quality. The carded ones are notable for their extra chrome pieces and separating legs. There was also a bootleg Sky Garry in box packaging from another manufacturer, which saw release at Toys "R" Us in the mid-1990s under the name "Convert-A-Bot Cybertron FX-7".[2] This bootleg was of surprisingly high quality and included his Microtrailer but with the Growl mold rather than Shotbomber's.
- According to the behind-the-scenes section inThe Transformers: Sins of the Wreckers TPB, Sky Garry would have served as a transport for a new team ofWreckers in earlier drafts of the story. His personality, a resentful moaner with unrealized dreams, was reapplied toMayhem memberTidal Wave.
While the word "Garry" isn't an English word, it is likely an intentional corruption of "carry"—nonce words in Japanese are often derived from modifying whether a consonant isvoiced or not, with the accompanying mark added or removed. In this case,kyarī (キャリー) togyarī (ギャリー). (This is also inbuilt in native Japanese words as a process calledrendaku, wherein the second morpheme will become initially voiced.) This particular wordplay is popular in Japanese media; "Garry" is a commonly used suffix for transforming robots that transport ("carry") other robots or vehicles. Examples includeJet Garry from Bandai'sMachine Robo franchise.