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Symbol decept reg.png
Shatter is aDecepticon from theBumblebee portion of theMovie continuity family.
Inspired bythe Terminator, but better in every way.

Shatter takes great joy in her work as a hunter. Partnered withDropkick, she's not so much the "good cop" of the pair as the "not going to kill youyet cop." Unquestionably the brains of the duo, she's a smooth-talking manipulator who enjoys twisting the knife once she's found their quarry. She tends to let Dropkick do the dirtiest part of their work in the end, but she's a highly skilled combatant on her own.

Her capabilities as aTriple Changer enable her to go "undercover" as a... okay, as a fairly conspicuous customized muscle car, and when the need for speed and firepower arises, change into a VTOL jet with under-slung artillery cannons.

You’re a brave warrior. You deserve a better death.[scoffs] Then again...




Bumblebee film

Voice actor:Angela Bassett (English),Aoi Yūki (Japanese),Emy Letertre (European French),Claudine Chatel (Canadian French),Anke Reitzenstein (German),Mercedes Montalá (Spain Spanish),Verónica López Treviño (Latin-American Spanish),Antonella Giannini (Italian),Paolla Oliveira (Portuguese),Özlem Abacı (Turkish)

Shatter was among the Decepticons under the command ofShockwave andSoundwave in their conquest ofCybertron inMegatron's absence. AfterOptimus Prime was attacked byRavage, Shatter and the other Decepticons closed in to attack the Autobot leader. Following the apparent failure of the Autobot resistance effort, Shatter was paired withDropkick and the two began hunting Autobots who escaped the planet.

By1987, Shatter assisted Dropkick in following Autobot lieutenantCliffjumper to one ofSaturn's moons, where they tortured him in an attempt to learn the whereabouts of Optimus Prime. Though the Autobot refused to cooperate, they received a signal from Autobot scoutB-127 on the nearby planetEarth, prompting the pair to change course for the planet but not before Shatter decided to grant Cliffjumper an "honorable death" by having Dropkick fatally bisect him.

"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"

Upon their arrival near a trailer park, Shatter acquired a muscle caralternate mode (which she coincidentally crash-landed on). The two then headed towards the West Coast in the direction of B-127's signal, with Shatter picking up aHarrier jet alt mode whilst driving through Texas. They were then intercepted by AgentJack Burns and his team ofSector Seven agents, accompanied byDr. Powell. Rather than let Dropkick dispose of the humans, Shatter came up with the idea of them masquerading as a "Decepticon peacekeeping patrol" pursuing the "dangerous escaped criminal" B-127. The Decepticons were escorted to a Sector Seven outpost and given limited access to their satellites, thus creatinga global system of interconnected computer networks to track B-127.

A briefenergon surge inCalifornia attracted the Decepticons' attention, and they accompanied Sector Seven in capturing B-127, now calling himself "Bumblebee". As Dropkick tortured Bumblebee to find out Prime's location, he accidentally triggered a video message from the Autobot leader revealing his plans to retreat to Earth from Cybertron. Upon seeing this, Shatter immediately resolved to inform their comrades on Cybertron of this information via a radio tower at a nearby harbor. Once Powell overheard their conversation and informed Burns of the Decepticons' true colors, Shatter thanked the human for his cooperation before letting Dropkick terminate him. From there, they departed and left the critically injured Bumblebee for dead.

While Shatter was busy transmitting the message to Cybertron, Bumblebee appeared and opened fire on the radio tower, provoking Dropkick to engage the scout. While Bumblebee battled and destroyed Dropkick, the Autobot'shuman friend sneaked her way towards the radio tower when Burns appeared in a helicopter attempting to take Shatter down. Even though she was able to shoot down the helicopter and kill the pilot, Bumblebee saved Burns from certain doom. When Charlie managed to disable the tower, Shatter became enraged and attempted to kill both Bumblebee and Charlie. Before she could finish off Bumblebee, the Autobot blew a hole in the wall of the adjacent dock, flooding the area and causing the giant cargo ship docked there to crash into them. While Bumblebee safely escaped, Shatter was destroyed, exploding as the ship crushed her against the dock.Bumblebee

Shatter's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, was also chronicled in the novelTransformers: Bumblebee: The Junior Novel.



Love and hope and sex and dreams are still surviving on the street
  • Shatter (Titan Changer,2018)
Part of the first wave ofBumblebee Titan Changers, Shatter is a simple 12-inch-tall figure that transforms into a jet seemingly based onArmada Starscream in seven steps, instead of herHarrier jet mode from the movie.

Shadoobie, shattered, shattered.
  • Shatter (Mission Vision, 2018)
Mission Vision Shatter is an all-new Voyager-sized toy that transforms into a mostly screen-accurate Harrier Jet. Like herenemy wavemate Bumblebee, Shatter features a slide viewer-like gimmick (activated with a dial molded on her right waist), which can be viewed on both robot and jet modes. Activating the switch changes three different translucent targeting plates: Jet Vision, Tracker Vision, and Decepticon Vision. In terms of articulation, Shatter features ball-jointed arms and 5mm-compatible hands. Unlike the rest of her toys, Shatter's head is unpainted.

Energon Igniters

Look at me, I'm in tatters!
  • Shatter (Power Plus Series, 2018)
  • Accessories: "Energon Core"
Part of the second wave of Power Plus Series Energon Igniters, Shatter is aretooling of the "Power Series"Dropkick toy, transforming into a muscle car loosely based on the first generation Chevrolet Camaro in four steps. Flipping up a pair of huge cannons from her windshield also reveals a space to plug the included "energon core" into the back of her car mode, which uses a pullback-type motor to propel the vehicle forward after a lever is pressed.
This mold was also used to makeHot Rod.

  • Shatter (Power Series, 2018)
Part of the second wave of Power Series Energon Igniters, Shatter transforms into a jet that'scloser to her film form than the above Titan Changer, but not by a lot. The rear end of her vehicle mode can be opened up to reveal missile pods and a socket for an energon core (not included). Interestingly, while this toy uses Shatter's final head design from the film, the packaging art depicts her initial face mask design.

Movie Edition

Life's just a cocktail party on the street.
  • Shatter (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2018)
  • Series:4
  • Bag Code:P
Released in Series 4 ofTiny Turbo Changers, Shatter is a red and blackredeco of the Series 3Barricade figure, although her instructions depict her as the originalThe Last Knight-style Barricade instead. This small soft-plastic figurine transforms to car mode in a single step, two if you consider each arm an individual step.

Studio Series

Don't think of her being Brock Samson's ride.
  • Shatter (Deluxe Class,2019)
  • Movie:Bumblebee
  • Hasbro ID number:40
  • TakaraTomy ID number:SS-29
  • TakaraTomy release date:April 27, 2019
  • Accessories: 2 blasters, "Decepticon Arrival" backdrop
Studio Series Shatter is a Deluxe Class mold that transforms into the most screen-accurate version of her 1971 Plymouth GTX mode, complete with rally lights and rollcage. Though her robot mode is based on the pre-Triple Changer body she assume when arriving on Earth, the panels on her back superficially resemble her Triple Changer body's wing placement while her head is modeled after the battle mask she wore during the Cybertron scenes. She comes with two blasters and a cardboard backdrop display depicting her and Dropkick's arrival on Earth.
Though coincidental, the muzzle on Shatter's blasters are compatible with anyFire Blast effect. However, she suffers from bothquality control issues and a design flaw: her ball-jointed shoulders and her pair of rear "wing" kibble/front car shells are prone to popping off very easily, while her stomach panel's hinge joint tends to disconnect before you could attempt to lock in place in robot mode. By design, her outward leg articulation is very restricted; what is demonstrated in the stock photos is about as wide as the legs will allow.

Does not live up to her name: this version does not break into pieces once transformed.
  • Shatter (Deluxe Class,2020)
  • Movie:Bumblebee
  • Hasbro ID number:59
  • TakaraTomy name:Shatter 2
  • TakaraTomy ID number:SS-52
  • TakaraTomy release date:June 27, 2020
  • Accessories: Left & right blasters, "Sector 7 Deception" backdrop
The secondStudio Series Shatter toy is amostly screen-accurate version of the character, transforming from a robot accurate to her Triple Changer body (complete with an unmasked face) into a fighter jet resembling a Yak-38 yet designed to evoke the onscreen Harrier jet mode. Said jet mode has modified wings to (presumably) avoid copyright laws, additional winglets on the intakes, and modified intakes to make the robot mode physically possible. Like her previousStudio Series toy, she comes with two blasters that can either slip over her hands to simulate her forearm-blasters or be mounted on the undersides of her jet-mode wings. She also comes with a cardboard backdrop display depicting the interior ofSector Seven'sHoover Dam headquarters, as shown inBumblebee.
In an undocumented feature, Shatter's jet mode features an accurately designed VTOL configuration; the intake scoop panel behind the cockpit can be opened to reveal the tops of the lift engines with the bottoms of the engines also sculpted into their corresponding place under the jet complete with panels that are molded open, and the two thrusters beneath the tailfin can also be rotated downward. Said thrusters, which form her heels in robot mode and are compatible withWar for Cybertron Trilogy 'Fire Blast' effect parts, can be flipped down to give her 'rocket boots' or a flight mode of sorts. Buyers must take caution, however - some copies have two of either the left or right heel thrusters, preventing them from sitting flush in jet mode.
As Shatter carries a large wing kibble backpack, it has been slightly mistransformed to fit within her packaging. Her instructions feature a section that shows how to transform the kibble into their correct orientation after taking the figure out of the box.
Shatter's thighs are also prone to stress, with stress marks forming over time. Fortunately, no cases of actual breakage have been reported.

Buzzworthy Bumblebee

She wants your lunch money.All of it.
  • Shatter (Deluxe Class, 2020)
  • Series:Studio Series
  • Movie:Bumblebee
  • ID number:40BB
  • Accessories: 2 blasters, "Decepticon Arrival" backdrop
The firstStudio Series Shatter figure was re-released under theBuzzworthy Bumblebee line, with no changes to the figure, and yellow backdrop instead of red.
Much like the rest ofBuzzworthy Bumblebee, the box is in the style of the 2018Bumblebee toyline, with additional renders of theevergreen Bumblebee design, and illustrations of "G1" Bumblebee. Shatter saw release atTarget onDecember 25, 2020.



Killerbody Baby Figurine Shatter Normal.jpg
  • Shatter (High-end Baby Figurine, 2019)
  • Accessories: Stand
Released byKillerbody, this non-converting super deformed car mode Shatter features a shaking head, light-up eyes, shoulder articulation and a Bluetooth speaker stand.
Unfortunately, she comes with her almost non-existent battle mask permanently deployed on her face.

  • Bumblebee (War Version) & Shatter (Dual Set, 2019)
  • Accessories: Stand
This Shatter was also released in a 2-pack withBumblebee (War Version).

  • Shatter (War Version) (High-end Baby Figurine, 2019)
  • Accessories: Stand
This version of Shatter comes in her Triple Changer body and has the same features as above, except for the stand which is now non-functional.

  • Bumblebee (Sword) & Shatter (War Version) (Dual Set, 2019)
  • Accessories: Stand
This Shatter was also released in a 2-pack withBumblebee (Sword).


If I pull that off, will you die?
  • Shatter was the first Decepticon revealed forBumblebee, when a promotional photo of directorTravis Knight posing with Shatter's car mode was released. Both the character's name and gender weren't revealed until months later.
  • According to Travis Knight, Shatter's design is partially inspired byNightbird from the "Generation 1" cartoon.[citation needed]
  • Most of Shatter's toys (notably her car modeStudio Series figure) base their head design on initial concept art byMark Yang, which has her wearing a battle mask (inset right). This design was used in the final film during her background appearance on Cybertron scenes, and later when she first transformed when confronting Sector 7. So far only her jet-mode Energon Igniters figure and the jet modeStudio Series figure use her final head design.
  • Behind-the-scenes material (right) fromIndustrial Light & Magic shows prototype designs for Shatter labelledFracture[1]—the name ofa character from the 2007 movie toyline who (like Shatter) is a red-and-black female Transformer with a sports car alternate mode. In fact,pre-production imagesof Shatter's jump-jet mode revealed on the movie's Blu-Ray release show it with what appears to be a dead ringer for Fracture's deco.
    • Shatter's partner, Dropkick, similarly seems toshare conceptual DNA withanother 2007 movie character, which lends some credence to the idea that the pair were at least partially inspired by those characters—although there's been no official word on the matter.
  • Shatter's car mode features her aircraft mode's ejector seat warning triangles, even before she scans the jet, as does the car she scans. PerhapsRoy chose to customize his ride with aircraft markings?

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Shatter (シャッターShattā)


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