The name or term "Sentinel Prime" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeSentinel Prime (disambiguation). |
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Sentinel Prime is an imposing figure, standing head and shoulders over the average Autobot. Bristling with some of the most heavy-duty weapons and armor available to the Autobot army has instilled in Sentinel Prime a supreme confidence in his own abilities as both a leader and a fighter. Unfortunately such pride usually precedes a fall, and there will always besomeone out there keen to prove a point, or who merely sees Sentinel Prime as an obstacle on the path to a bigger destiny.
Sentinel Prime is typically, but not always, depicted asOptimus Prime's immediate predecessor asAutobot leader.
“ | He was flawed, as we all are. Perhaps he failed. But he faced a choice, when the Matrix came to him. And in that moment, he chose totry. | ” |
—Optimus Prime, "Awakenings" |
Sentinel Major was originally one of the Quintessons' slave robots onCybertron around twelve million years ago. Unusual among his consumer goods brethren, Sentinel Major was equipped for combat and was forced to participate ingladiatorial games for the Quintessons' amusement, wielding a spiked ball-and-chain weapon and a tire-shaped shield. He was once defeated in battle byPrima, who attacked their Quintesson masters when their match was over, only to be destroyed himself.
Subsequently, the consumer goods robots rose up against the Quintessons in a rebellion that ultimately forced the aliens off the planet. Sentinel Major survived this clash, but he and the rest of his race—now dubbed "Autobots"—were robbed of any chance of peace when the military hardware robots, now known as "Decepticons", set their sights on conquering Cybertron for themselves. TwoAutobotleaders fell during the war that ensued, and Sentinel Major inherited the Matrix of Leadership and becameSentinel Prime, leader of the Autobots. Under his leadership, the Autobots realized that they would never be able to defeat the Decepticons with firepower, and they turned instead to stealth, reconfiguring their bodies to be able totransform into other forms. With the power of his new ability, Sentinel Prime defeated theDecepticons' leader, and the Autobots won the war.
The ensuing period of peace was known as theGolden Age of Cybertron, but, around nine million years BCE, the Decepticon threat re-emerged when they too adopted transformation, and coupled it with robot-mode flight powers. One of the first of this new breed of Decepticons, the malevolentMegatron, killed Sentinel Prime in combat. As he died, Sentinel Prime handed off the Matrix toAlpha Trion, who kept it safe until the emergence of the next Autobot leader,Optimus Prime.
WhenRodimus Prime journeyed into the Matrix in 2005, Sentinel Prime was the sixth guide he encountered. Sentinel Prime recounted the development of transformation, the Autobot victory in the war and the rise of Megatron.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4
The U-Haul robot's spirit was present within the Matrix alongsideIt andUltra Magnus whenAlpha Trion approached Magnus with an offer to bring him back to life.Resurrection Chapter
Sentinel Prime was presumably a descendant of the first of the Sentinel line,Sentinel EnN.A Team Effort Before ascending to the rank of Prime, Sentinel Prime was known as Sentinel Major.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/28 Sentinel Prime's legacy lived on in other 'bots who took on the "Sentinel" name, including anotherSentinel Major.Wings Universe Sentinel Major profile
Sentinel Prime was mentioned in a recitation of Primes, afterPrime Nova and beforeOptimus Prime, by theCreation Matrix.Dark CreationHe passed it on during a violent situation.The Legacy of Unicron!
"An ancient Autobot tracker" taught his apprenticeDillo how to use the mace bollo.Dillo toy bio
The Matrix was passed from Prime Nova unto Sentinel Prime, who subsequently bequeathed it to Optimus Prime.Covenant
Sentinel Prime was Autobot leader for the first 500,000 years of theGreat War. Withtrithyllium alloy armor, anelectro-disrupter and a large variety of other weapons, including various forms of artillery shell, a solar energy rifle and energon-charged sword, Sentinel Prime was a giant among giants.Hardwired
8.2 million years ago, Sentinel Prime faced Megatron on the battlefields ofTyrest.The Ultimate Guide He proved no match for the Decepticon leader; with his last words, he tried in vain to reason with Megatron, but Megatron was unmoved by his "sermon and doctrine" and slew him. Sentinel, however, had considered his death a likely possibility, and had already removed the Matrix of Leadership from his body before entering battle, preventing Megatron from acquiring it.The War Within #4
Millions of years later, during the war on Earth, the Matrix used a vision of Sentinel Prime to strengthen Optimus Prime's resolve during a battle with Megatron by confronting him with the claim that Megatron had chosen Optimus to be Prime, knowing that he was weak. Megatron's alleged influence over the Prime selection process was never substantiated. Soon after, theKeepers created a robotic duplicate of Sentinel Prime to confuse Optimus and undermine his confidence. Though possessing all of Sentinel Prime's considerable abilities, Optimus eventually realized that the duplicate had been created from his own memories of Sentinel Prime, and was incapable of doing anythingnew. Optimus destroyed the duplicate of Sentinel Prime, having largely overcome his own doubts about his fitness to be Autobot leader.Hardwired
Sentinel Prime was defeated byMegatron.Titanium Series Megatron toy bio
Long ago, theTitan MasterInfinitus served as a herald of his masterNexus Prime; when Nexus fell in theFirst Cybertronian Civil War at the hands ofGalvatron, Infinitus joined forces with Nexus's ally,Onyx Prime.White Heat As the Primes faded into the realm of myths, Infinitus remained on Cybertron and used his Titan Master talents to control a larger body, taking on the identity of "Sentinel" to disguise histrue lineage while he awaited Onyx's eventual return. In time, Sentinel decided that he would use the teachings of the Primes to bring "light" to the "tarnished world" of his birth... even if it meant killing everyone who stood in his way.White LightTen to Midnight
In the years before the dawn of theGreat War, Sentinel had worked his way up to becoming the head of security for theSenate;Chaos Theory Part 2 unbeknownst to his employers, he secretly assembled a militia of sleeper agents, recruited from his closest informants. Using a forerunner of the infamousshadowplay technique, Sentinel conditioned them to serve him if the time ever came.Last Light
One of the duties of his security force was to go around threatening and killing people who got in the Senate's way or risked embarrassing it. Shortly after an assassination attempt onNominus Prime, he eagerly watched SenatorProteus announcing the implementation of the "Clampdown", which would improve security at the cost of "some of the freedoms" of the populace. He was constantly interrupted by reports that an intruder was fighting his way into theGrand Imperium, defeating all the security squadrons Sentinel sent at him. Interested in seeing how things would play out, he stood by asOrion Pax entered the Senate's chamber and confronted them over their corruption and detached relation to the populace. Proteus eventually ordered Sentinel to have him removed.Chaos Theory Part 2
As the Clampdown began, the Senate, who were behind the attack on Nominus Prime to begin with, had Sentinel try to tap into the powers of theMatrix of Leadership in the Prime's chest.Post HocThe Chaos of Warm Things In the process, Sentinel discovered that the Matrix was merely a fake, and with this revelation the Senate decided they had no more use for Nominus and had him killed. They went on to spread rumours that Sentinel was showing signs of affinity for being a PrimePost Hoc while he got to work on planning a "Decepticon terrorist attack" that would give him an excuse to round up all proto-Decepticons and send themoff for brainwashing.Patternism WhileOrion Pax thwarted this, Sentinel's men were still able to discover thatSenator Shockwave was quietly forming an army of dissidentoutliers. Sentinel ordered Shockwave's academy destroyed in an "accident" and Shockwave himself taken into custody. The rebellious Senator confronted Sentinel and Proteus with his knowledge of their illegal takeover of the Senate, but they were nonplussed and had him subjected toempurata andBrainwashing.An Intimate BeheadingShockwaves Orion Pax and his team had a DeadOr Alive warrant put on their heads.All Our Parlous Yesterdays
Upon assuming office, Sentinel Prime operated out of theSecurity Services Headquarters inKaon, generally regarded as "the worst place on Cybertron." By this point Sentinel had developed great disdain for government authority, irritated that they kept telling him how todo things instead of just giving him what he asked for.Megatron Origin #1 He would even claim he didn't get to set policy.Megatron Origin #3 Years later,Whirl would say Sentinel took the bad Senate and made it get worse.The Last Autobot He worked alongsideProwl, hislieutenant, and didn't seem that keen on him either, viewing Prowl's methodical approach as anathema to his more straightforward and brutal tactics.Megatron Origin #1Last Light Sentinel also formed anElite Guard for all the important work he wanted done and not known about, like secretly capturing a spark hot spot so it could be experimented on and theFunctionist Council couldn't use it.All Our Parlous Yesterdays During this time, Sentinel and Prowl briefly visitedLuna 2 to check up on the progress of a newenergon mine supervised bySoundwave.Another Mine
Sentinel's Elite Guard clashed with Orion Pax's outlaws over the hot spot and, well, turned out not to be that elite: Sentinel hired bruisers, not people with brains. He lost the hot spot to Pax.All Our Parlous YesterdaysAt some point, Sentinel did something later remembered as "lay[ing] claim to a populated world".New Worlds Order
When SenatorDecimus was badly injured in a riot, Sentinel ordered Prowl to handle the situation as he didn't "have the struts to deal with another whining senator": if only they gave him "what I need"!Megatron Origin #1 After a surge in illegalgladiatorial bloodsports whereMegatron's rose to prominence, he personally took charge of the investigation from Prowl, ordered tactical recon teams ("Panorama") to watch eight potential venues and intelligence officers to watcheverything, and a core strike team ("Hammer") to hit Megatron's "cult" when the venue was identified. OfficersBumper andFastback did indeed find a venue but unfortunately, both were murdered before they could report in.Megatron Origin #2
Sentinel Prime vowed not to let their deaths be in vain, and at their funeral, the Autobot leader urged others to let their deaths be a call to arms.Megatron Origin #3 In private, he told his closest minions that he planned to find a Titan and unleash it on the Decepticons!Ten to Midnight Eventually, after Senator Decimus was kidnapped by theSeekers at Megatron's orders, Sentinel Prime led a raid on Megatron's base. They captured Megatron and most of the others, but were forced to free Soundwave per Senate directive, much to Prime's frustration.Megatron Origin #3 Unfortunately for Sentinel, this had been Megatron's plan all along and a "defecting" Starscream released all the prisoners in the Security Services' HQ!
As chaos broke out across Kaon, Sentinel Prime held the line until he decided to take things to the next level. Thus, Prime returned with his massive "Apex" mode, a battle-armor/super-powerful/more-firepower-than-god mode.Megatron Origin #4 His ensuing duel with Megatron was watched from behind the scenes by Soundwave and Shockwave.Soundwaves The additional firepower didn't make much of a difference, seeing as Megatron tore into it and pulled Prime off a cliff. Sentinel was defeated by Megatron. Afterwards, the former Prime's barely functional body was dumped into the middle of the Autobot forces. Prowl ordered a retreat. We would too.
The next morning, Megatron discussed his next moves with Soundwave... sitting on a throne made out of Prime's Apex Armor.Megatron Origin #4 Rumours spread that Sentinel had survived his battle until the replacement Senate put out footage of the body being retrieved. Sentinel's body was subsequently laid to rest, and received a state funeral at thePrimal Basilica in which grieving crowds lined the streets. With his first body damaged beyond repair, Infinitus secretly abandoned his old body and went into hiding beneath Kaon. Unable to explain this baffling "mutilation", Prowl claimed that Sentinel's body had been desecrated by Decepticons, who had stolen Sentinel's head. Megatron was left irritated people would blame him for that.The Last Autobot Sentinel Prime was immediately succeeded byZeta Prime,Spotlight: Blurr and, in spite of his many issues, Sentinel's last stand against Megatron meant that the Autobots remembered him as a hero, his last deed outweighing his many flaws.The Last Autobot
From his hiding spot, Infinitus worked to build a new body for himself. This took longer than he expected; according to Infinitus, he was "subconsciously attuning" himself to thespark frequencies of the Titans, and slipped in and out of consciousness over many millions of years.Last Light
Shortly before theDead Universe invasion in 2006, Optimus Prime would recall Sentinel Prime as he ruminated on the supposed infallibility of a Prime versus the depressing reality.Spotlight: Optimus Prime
Following the end of the war in 2012, Prowl recalled Sentinel's militarism as part of the lineage of 'false Primes' and their failings, expressing that while the Decepticons may have had noble intentions back then, they were long lost by the modern era.Dinobot HuntNova Prime briefly took on the appearance of Sentinel Prime as he battled Optimus within theDead Universe.Finis Temporis
In 2016, an irate Starscream—now running Cybertron—was left spitting teeth at the idea anyone might give Optimus a pass for annexing Earth. He compared the action to Sentinel, saying he'd been the last Prime to lay claim to a populated world.New Worlds Order When theCouncil of Worlds next convened, Starscream cited Sentinel Prime as one in a series of increasingly corrupt Primes in an attempt to discredit Optimus's recent annexation ofEarth.The Medium and the Message The crewmembers on theLost Light discussed Sentinel frankly as a dangerous ideologue withBrainstorm calling him the first Decepticon. Since everyone usually referred to Sentinel Prime in heroic terms,Tailgate was left confused; Chromedome explained that he'd "lived badly but died well".
Meanwhile, the emergence ofMetrotitan onEarth had prompted the creation ofAutobot City, accompanied an energy broadcast immortalizing the deeds of Optimus Prime. This burst awoke Sentinel Prime, still hiding beneath Kaon. The former leader viewed Metrotitan's transmission... only to be disgusted by the sight of Autobots fraternizing with Decepticons and the "malformed" colonists from theTitan colonies—signs ofcompromise that he could not abide. Sentinel activated his new body, then headed to the Decepticon ghetto outside ofMetroplex, vowing to purge his planet of "inferiors"The Last Autobot TrouncingIronhide's security forces, Sentinel opened fire indiscriminately and killed 23 individuals before attacking Starscream with aspark disruptor.Ten to MidnightThe Last AutobotWindblade managed to save Starscream's life by taking the weapon into her own Spark chamber, but the two were unable to stop Sentinel from bridging to Earth. After arriving outside Autobot City, he took downAileron and destroyed thespacebridge behind him. Sentinel took a moment to appreciate Optimus Prime's imperialistic spirit... a moment that was cut short when Infinitus detached himself from his host body, vowing to burn down everything that his successor had created.The Last Autobot
His first obstacle was Alpha Trion, who he sneered at for only ever talking anddoing nothing during his reign. In a brief fight, Sentinel cut Trion's head off and took control of his alternate mode as a personal plane, while Sentinel's headless body stayed behind to engage the Autobots as a distraction. Wearing Trion's body, Sentinel retrieved his fellow Titan MasterSovereign, who had been under a deep-cover identity as the humanGarrison Blackrock, and flew him back to Metrotitan to be fully transformed. After reuniting with his main body, he had Sovereign warp them, Soundwave, and Optimus Prime away.White Light
The quartet traveled to the remains of the planetPrion, abandoned byMicronus Prime to die with theMini-Cons he had watched over. Sentinel explained his history to Optimus, revealed that the identity of "Sentinel" had always been a lie to conceal his true heritage as a Titan Master, and, with Onyx's return imminent, offered his successor a chance to join him and Sovereign in their new crusade. When Soundwave insulted his Primehood, Infinitus had Sovereign impale him using Alpha Trion's body before Optimus then tackled Sentinel into Sovereign, freeing Soundwave and giving the Decepticon enough time to reawaken Sovereign's "Blackrock" persona. Undeterred, Sentinel simply grabbed Sovereign and fled through Prion's spacebridge vowing to destroy the current Cybertron.White Heat
The Titan Master duo arrived onLuna 1, where Sentinel intended to finally put his old contingency plan into play by first reactivating the hordes of dead Titans that littered the moon's surface. Along the way, Sentinel cut down the AutobotOutrigger and ordered Sovereign to devour his spark to power his own system; when Sovereign refused and Outrigger escaped, Sentinel hardwired him into a Titan's brain module and had it make a beeline for the moon'sthrusters.Red Alert tried to stand up to Sentinel, but the evil Prime revealed that Red Alert had been one of his many sleeper agents, and promptly triggered the mental conditioning that led him to shoot Prowl, leaving onlyFortress Maximus andCerebros to stand up to Sentinel.Ten to Midnight
As Red Alert battled Fortress Maximus, Sentinel gloated to Cerebros and revealed the full scope of his plan: using thequantum foam from Luna 1's engines, he would supercharge a spacebridge to Cybertron, allowing a horde of reanimated Titan corpses to travel through the portal and destroy everything on Cybertron, leaving a blank slate on which he could rebuild his "perfect" Autobot society. But before he could deliver the final blow, Prowl smashed aM.A.R.B. over his head; Fortress Maximus commandeered one of the many Titans to fend off thezombie horde, holding off as many of Sentinel's Titans as he could, while Prowl and Cerebros confronted Sentinel himself. Sentinel quickly dispatched the pair and ordered Red Alert to shoot Prowl in the back of the head—but Red Alert had already broken Sentinel's conditioning, and shot his Titan Master self off of his larger body. Sentinel was quick to reassert a measure of control over Red Alert, nearly forcing him to blast his own head off beforeBeak slammed into Sentinel, sending the Titan Master plummeting into one of the moon's thrusters where he unceremoniously perished. The spacebridge closed without his thoughts keeping it open;Last Light although Fortress Maximus had not been able to preventall of the Titans from making it through the bridge, the disruption meant that the Titans would materialize far away from Cybertron and ultimately took many weeks to finally arrive.Ping
Sentinel Prime died during the Great War, and Optimus Prime succeeded him.Beast Wars Sourcebook
Among others, Sentinel Prime appeared to haunt Megatron through theMatrix. Sentinel in particular mocked the Decepticon's gladiatorial origins and the fact that he considered himself an emperor. Megatron, however, refused to break and continued with his plans.Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12
Sentinel Prime unexpectedly returned after unspecified circumstances. He proved himself to be an unpredictable force, with his own plans to return Cybertron to its former glory.[1] When theTitan Masters reemerged into the modern Autobot-Decepticon war, Sentinel Prime was partnered with the Titan MasterInfinitus, whose ability to slow time allowed Sentinel to unleash precision attacks even in the middle of raging battles.Titans Return Infinitus/Sentinel Prime toy bio
WhenScourge andCrashbash attackedVelocitron during the planet's biggest race, Sentinel Prime fought alongsideHardhead and Optimus Prime to repel the invaders, defendingHyperfire from Decepticon abduction.Titans Return: The Power of the Titan Masters
WhenFortress Maximus returned to full size and unleashed his power on the universe, Sentinel Prime went rogue and sought to control him by using a loyal Titan Master. His plans for domination put him in conflict withBrainstorm,Teslor, andWindblade.[1]
Sentinel Prime was thethirteenth member of thePrimes. When theMistress of Flame visited thePrimal Basilica, she invoked the names of the Primes in prayer, calling for the wisdom of Sentinel.Overlord and Emissary
During the reign ofNominus Prime, Sentinel was called in into investigate an unprecedented accidental forging at the site ofIacon'sPyramid, and was thus the first 'bot encountered by the newly forgedCliffjumper.Wannabee, Part 2 Eventually, Sentinel would himself rise to the rank of Prime after Nominus Prime surrendered leadership of the Autobots; accepting the Matrix of Leadership, Sentinel Prime took over as the new First Senator.All Fall Down In his new role, the Prime adhered to his predecessor's doctrine: his party continued to uphold the historicNominus Edict that limited Cybertronian expansionism,The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Four supported Nominus's decision to keep theGreat GeneralPyra Magna indefinitely imprisoned,All Fall Down and restrict the forging of newTitans,Titans as well as abolishing the traditional sport ofgladiatorial combat.Transformers Valentine's Day Special Before long, Sentinel had developed a reputation for a straightforward and unsubtle approach to diplomacy,Nautica: Home although the gravitas that his force of personality exerted over theSenate was indisputable: without his presence, the Senate would be paralyzed by indecision and infighting.The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part FourWannabee, Part 2 To keep the existence of hidden-away Titansparks under the Pyramid a secret, Sentinel bribedStarscream with the position of Head of Intelligence.Titans
An image of Sentinel Prime appeared over the Senate as Termagax promoted her new Ascenticon political party, in opposition to his ideals.End of Time
Just before the outbreak of theGreat War, Sentinel Prime and his inner retinue conducted a goodwill tour of Cybertron's variouscolony worlds aboard theTitanLodestar, unaware of mounting political tensions on Cybertron between SenatorOrion Pax's Autobots andMegatron'sAscenticons.The World In Your Eyes Part Three With Sentinel Prime offworld, Orion opted to take command of the Senate in between filling in for Sentinel's other duties, such as welcoming newly forged Transformers likeGauge into the world,The World In Your Eyes Part Four while instructingIronhide to keep Sentinel Prime informed.The World In Your Eyes Part Three
The situation quickly escalated beyond Pax's ability to control the Ascenticons, and upon learning of bothBrainstorm andRubble's murders Sentinel Prime promptly cut his tour short. At the colony world ofHexagon, Sentinel informed his cadre of specialists and diplomats that they would set course for Cybertron immediately after all visiting aliens had departed. As Lodestar prepared to set course for home,Nautica informed him that she andRoad Rage had foiled aThraal plot to destroy their Titan in an attempt to intimidate Cybertron into surrendering theirA'ovan refugees. Unwilling to import such troubles into Cybertronian society, Sentinel ordered Nautica to be silent on this incident and allow it to be handled quietly.Nautica: Home
Once Lodestar touched down on Cybertron, Sentinel dismissed Ironhide and made his way directly to the Senate.The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Four When he arrived,Chromia briefed him on the situation, specifically the events concerningBarricade, who had sought asylum atAscenticon Headquarters. Though allowing Orion Pax to try and reason withMegatron, he only gave him until sundown to retrieve Barricade, whereupon he would give Chromiacarte blanche to get to the rogue.The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Five Sentinel spent the next few days catching up on what had been going on while he was away, which began to rapidly chip away at what little patience he had. The last straw came when SenatorSoundwave delivered the Ascenticons' demand that, in light of the situation, there be an immediate election. Sentinel emphatically said "no" and subsequently ordered literally everySecurity Operations agent out into the field to root outThe Rise.The Change In Your Nature Part One
Flanked by Orion, Sentinel made a public address where he condemned the Ascenticons and their empty promises. When Pax and Chromia later brought Sentinel an update on the situation, the First Senator allowed the rules of theNominus Edict to be bent for the purposes of Security Operations' mission but also made several other changes to their normal operations while stressing success over a zero-fatality rate, deputizingColonial Security chiefsNovastar andHound to organize proactive response teams.The Change In Your Nature Part Three To stamp out the Ascenticons before they could do any more damage, Sentinel also planned to arrest Senator Soundwave at an upcoming debate in a sting operation, only for fellow senatorHeretech to covertly forewarn Megatron of the plan.The Change In Your Nature Part Four
Following a major terrorist attack on Cybertron and the destruction of theTether, Sentinel and Orion met to assess the scope and scale of the damage. Although Orion urged caution and restraint—rebuilding and reassessing rather than going after the Ascenticons—Sentinel would not be dissuaded from his course of action, and Orion's suggestion that Pyra Magna be released from prison to coordinate an anti-Ascenticon crackdown eroded Sentinel's patience to nothing. Storming from the room, Sentinel shouted that he would pass the Matrix toUltra Magnus when he stepped down,not Orion.All Fall Down When inflaming societal tensions led to protest marches, Sentinel ordered Ironhide to clear out the crowd.Swindle's
WhenQuake had finally been detained, Sentinel arranged for the murderer to be publicly marched directly to theSenate building in the hopes that the spectacle would discourage the Ascenticons and their supporters. However, his unwise pageantry only led to a coordinated strike that ended withBumblebee murdering the escaped Quake before he could be tried.Prisoners Finally, Sentinel convened an emergency session of the Senate without the Ascenticons, and coined the name "Decepticons" as a way to condemn Megatron's underhanded tactics. He didn't get far into this speech before Megatron and his retinue barged into the Senate floor; whileStrika restrained Sentinel, Megatron made his own speech that began with him reclaiming Sentinel's off-the-cuff insult and ended with his Decepticon troopers taking over the Senate.We Have Deceived You
While Megatron kept most of his prisoners on the Senate floor itself, he had Sentinel and Orion moved to a high-security prison wing, and took a moment to gloat in front of the imprisoned First Senator. Despite Sentinel's final warning—that if Megatron restarted the cycle of colonization and expansion that had defined Cybertron's past, other races would surely fight back against Cybertron—Megatron was more interested in the Matrix he carried.Ironhide and theSenate Guard eventually broke into the Senate building and freed Sentinel, but stopped their leader from going to personally settle his score with Megatron. After escaping to the Autobot fallback point, Sentinel instead decided to find a relay tower and broadcast a message that Megatron had not yet won—but as he transformed and flew off, he recklessly ignored the fact that the Autobot resistance didn't have any fliers to cover his departure. Sure enough, Megatron ordered theRainmakers to bring him back, and the three knocked him out of the sky and sent him crashing into a nearbybar. While Sentinel easily poundedIon Storm into a nearby wall,Acid Storm's corrosive barrage weakened him andNova Storm sliced him in half. Chromia and Orion arrived too late to save him.Prime Deducing Starscream's betrayal, to protect the Titansparks from the Decepticons,Titans Sentinel, with his last words, told Orion to warnPerceptor, kill Starscream, and pass his Matrix on to Ultra Magnus before he succumbed to his wounds and died. After taking the Matrix, Orion Pax glimpsed Sentinel Prime's spirit among the many other Cybertronian leaders who had carried the artifact before accepting the mantle ofOptimus Prime.Prime
Laying Sentinel Prime's tattered body to rest, Optimus and Ironhide reflected on his last words and their meaning. Despite their past differences, Optimus Prime respectfully praised Sentinel for rising to meet the demands of leadership the Matrix placed on him and hoped to do the same.Awakenings
Following an uprising of working-class robots, Sentinel Prime sent Alpha Trion to investigate the gladiatorial pit fights in Kaon, and the emergence of the Decepticon movement. Alpha Trion uncovered Senator Ratbat's involvement in the whole affair, and reported his findings to Sentinel Prime.Megatron Origins
AsMegatron's forces made their way to activateCybertron'splanetary engines in order to wipe out the Autobots, Sentinel Prime went to meet with the Decepticon leader inTyrest, believing Megatron could be reasoned with. Instead Megatron ambushed Sentinel Prime's group and slew the Prime. Sadly for Megatron, Sentinel was not carrying the covetedMatrix of Leadership, having sensibly left it behind.The War Within
During the Cybertronian Civil War, Sentinel Prime was killed. Prior to his destruction, he bestowed the Matrix of Leadership to Optimus Prime, who became the new leader of the Autobots.Transformers Online
Sentinel Prime was a well-regarded Autobot leader.Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
"Five Faces of Darkness" spirit guides | |||
Lineage of thePrimes in the2005 IDW continuity | |||
The Thirteen | |||||||||||||||
Alternate members |