The name or term "Scorponok" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeScorponok (disambiguation). |
Dangerous, wily, and cunning,Scorponok possesses both a keen mind and a great deal of raw, savage power. He is equally comfortable with maverick stratagems and brute force, though he's built more for the latter: his animalistic alternate form bristles with weapons, from multiple paired cannons and the dreaded electro-stinger in his tail, to the crushing grip of his mighty claws. These traits combine to make him both a terrifying foe on the battlefield and a serious contender for leadership of the Decepticons. Often, only his arch-foeFortress Maximus is capable of standing against him.
He is sometimes partnered withZarak; this often takes the form ofbinary bonding, where theHeadmaster Zarak becomes Scorponok's head. Alternatively, Scorponok himself can be the diminutive Headmaster who bonds with a lifeless but gianttranstector, in which state he is known asMegaZarak—orBlackZarak.
“ | Yes, perhaps Iwill share my power with you—it is in my best interest—but beware—when possessed of such power all other concerns fade. Compassion. Mercy. Perhaps even daughters. | ” |
—Scorponok makes clear to Zarak how their "partnership" works, "Love and Steel!" |
Some time in the past,Cyclonus andScourge were displaced from the year2008 and fell under Scorponok’s command.The Legacy of Unicron! Four million years afterOptimus Prime andMegatron had leftCybertron, Scorponok and his Decepticons levelled an Autobot city and rounded up the survivors for execution viasmelting pool. However, Fortress Maximus and the Autobots ambushed the squad; driven back by their righteous fury, Scorponok ordered his men to fall back and fight another day.Ring of Hate!
When Scorponok's men breached Maximus's base in theManganese Mountains, they discovered that the entire complex had been abandoned. By pure coincidence, they received a transmission from the corruptNebulan governorZarak, who informed them that Fortress Maximus and his Autobots had recently arrived onNebulos and requested their assistance in getting rid of the invaders—unaware of Scorponok's true nature, or his plan to conquer this new world. Once they reached the planet,Scorponok found himself made uneasy by the lack of visible Autobot activity and wondered if the aliens might be physically superior to the Cybertronians. These thoughts vanished when he first laid eyes upon the puny and soft Lord Zarak; now convinced that the Nebulans were completely beneath notice, Scorponok bullied Zarak into revealing the location of Fortress Maximusby roughing up the organic to assert dominance.Doomsday for Nebulos
Upon learning that Maximus had surrendered himself and four of his followers to ensure that the other Autobots could live in peace, Scorponok and his troops laid siege to the Nebulan capital ofKoraja, blasting away at its newly erected fortifications when the Nebulans refused their demands to surrender the Autobots in their custody. Before the villains broke through, however, the city gates opened to reveal the five Autobots, who'd formed abinary bond with the native Nebulans and upgraded themselves into combat-ready “Headmasters”. AsBrainstorm andChromedome effortlessly penetrated Scorponok's defenses, the Decepticon leader ordered another retreat.Broken Glass!Stylor's Story
Scorponok and his troops began investigating ways to dispose cleanly of their Nebulan collaborators, such as dumping them into space inside anti-gravity-poweredpolymer alloy bubbles. In the midst of this research,Apeface andSnapdragon returned from a failed conquest, defeated by two of the Autobot Headmasters. As Scorponok berated his underlings for their failure, Zarak outlined the advantages of the Autobot Headmaster technology and eventually convinced Scorponok and five other Decepticons to undergo the process. Using Zarak's daughterLlyra as bait, the Decepticons lured the Autobots into a trap, where they encased a group of Nebulans inside the floating polymer bubbles. Zarak was overwhelmed by Scorponok's raw power and quickly forgot himself—even the sight of his own daughter in peril prompted but a moment's hesitation before Scorponok's personality reasserted himself. While the Autobots were busy saving the Nebulans, Scorponok and his troops ambushed the heroes and took them captive.Love and Steel!
Zarak and his allies continued their campaign to drive the Autobots off Nebulos—although he used the planet's media to spin every battle as a victory for the Nebulans, each new conflict against their foes annihilated irreplaceable Nebulon wonders, including theMercury Gardens of Melanossus, and theNursery. In a conversation with a captiveGalen, Zarak admitted that Scorponok's malign influence was affecting his mind and pushing him into committing terrible deeds he'd never do otherwise. Zarak briefly broke free of Scorponok's control to free the Autobots and inform them of a distant world called “Earth”, but the Nebulan was soon back atop his partner and urging his troops onward to destruction.Brothers in Armor!!
Scorponok kidnappedPointblank,Crosshairs,Sureshot andtheirrespectivepartners, ostensibly to perfect theTargetmaster process. When the Autobot Headmasters attempted to free their comrades, Scorponok sprang his trap and abductedHighbrow, as it was the Headmaster process that he couldn't perfect. Scorponok was dismayed to find that Highbrow andGort's mental disunity matched that of his own Headmasters, but realised that the process was sound—the issue lay with the compatibility between the Headmaster partners themselves. Before he could eliminate the now-useless Highbrow,Chromedome rescued his comrade and drove Scorponok off.Worlds Apart!
Thanks to a bug previously planted in the Autobots' headquarters, the Decepticons learned that their enemies had manufactured afuel convertor which would allow them travel to Earth. Scorponok approached Fortress Maximus and challenged him to a death match; whoever emerged victorious would be declared triumphant in the greater conflict. In the ensuing fight, Scorponok secured an early advantage by clamping his pincers onto his opponent's leg in mid-transformation, but Maximus shook himself free and struck Scorponok's most vulnerable spot: Zarak. Scorponok transformed to robot mode to better protect his Nebulan partner, and once more grabbed Maximus in a vice. Kord turned the tables again by transforming from his Headmaster mode, and blinding Scorponok with his pistol. However, this constituted cheating by the rules Scorponok had established before the duel's start, and the Decepticon audience opened fire. It mattered little, as by this time Triggerhappy had managed to secure the convertor. The Decepticons fled and made their way off-world, forcing the Autobots to follow.The Final Conflict
Fortress Maximus and the other Nebulan Autobots—aware that the Decepticons would pursue them offworld and leave the benighted planet to recover—followed a distress signal to Earth.Brothers in Armor!! By the time that they’d arrived on Earth, Zarak and Scorponok's minds had blurred together as the increasingly ruthless Zarak assumed the dominant position in their partnership—while Zarak retained his own intellect and free will, he demanded to be addressed as “Scorponok” when the two assumed their combined robot mode. This new iteration of Scorponok tracked the signal to the abandoned Autobot base insideMount St. Hilary, but found only thehumanSpike Witwicky. When Fortress Maximus and the Autobots returned to the cave, Scorponok took Spike hostage; in the ensuing battle, Scorponok triggered a rockfall that successfully killed Galen. To Scorponok's dismay, however, Spike took Galen's place, combined withCerebros and Fortress Maxixmus, and forced Scorponok into a withdrawal.Trial by Fire!
Through stealth and subterfuge, Scorponok began establishing a beachhead on Earth: hoping to disguise the robotic natures of his soldiers, Scorponok and his followers seized control of a genetics lab and used its technology to upgrade six of his followers intoPretenders. It was during this operation that Scorponok first crossed paths withOptimus Prime within a computer-simulated world, who used a paralyzing data surge to force the Decepticon leader back into his own body.Pretender to the Throne! To prepare for their eventual landing, Scorponok sentSkullgrin to Earth to establish a fuel depot.Monstercon from Mars! In an effort to wipe out the Autobots, Scorponok established the anti-TransformerZ Foundation, used Zarak and the other Nebulan Headmasters to pose as frontmen, and hired the “Roadjammers" to test out some paralyzing "jammer" devices. However, when the mercenaries turned on their employers, Zarak intervened personally by transforming into Scorponok. However, the RoadjammerFelix, had managed to modify the jammer to also take control of its victim's motor functions; beaten down by his own minions, Zarak's emergency “anti-jammer” freed the Decepticon Headmasters from their control but also released the Autobot prisoners they’d taken.Ca$h and Car-nage!
When Scorponok sought to haveMindwipe brainwash the AutobotHighbrow, his plans couldn't have gone more wrong. Mindwipe neglected to hypnotise Highbrow's partnerGort, and the Nebulan managed to regain enough control of Highbrow's body to rip Scorponok's head clean off his shoulders. The sudden separation without any mental command caused both Scorponok and Zarak to black out, and Highbrow returned to base with Scorponok's head in his grip.All in the Minds!
Highbrow found himself unable to kill Scorponok in cold blood despite his desire to end the threat he posed, but as he ruminated on the matter outside the Autobot base, he was attacked by a group of Decepticons who had come to reclaim the head of their leader. The chronal crisis known as the "Time Wars" soon erupted, during which Scorponok was reunited with his head and reactivated, at which point he demanded revenge for his decapitation. At this point, Highbrow had been shunted toLimbo by several other Autobots traveling from the future. Not finding himself particularly choosy over who suffered his wrath, Scorponok happily directed his anger towards Ultra Magnus instead. However, his own troops were mass-substituted to make room for a group of Decepticon time-travelers; without the bulk of his loyalists, Scorponok was forced to postpone his revenge, and joined with the various Transformers of two worlds, two factions and two eras against the fighting-madGalvatron. Despite his newfound allies cautioning him against leaping headlong into combat against the future Decepticon, Scorponok refused to listen. This earned him a sound beating from his opponent and forced his remaining troops to carry him away from the battlefield.Time Wars
Not long afterwards, Scorponok was contacted byStarscream, representative of another faction of Decepticons operating on Earth under the command ofRatbat. Scorponok immediately brought his ship to their headquarters in theArctic, only forPiranacon to attack their vessel. Starscream soon arrived to smooth things over before any damage could be done, but relations were off to a rocky start. Things got worse when Scorponok revealed his partially fleshling nature to Ratbat's group, worse still as a tour of Ratbat's base seemed to be a pointless delaying tactic, and even worse when he learned of Ratbat's plan to seize the legendary power source known as theUnderbase. Furious that Ratbat had clearly never intended to cooperate with his group, Scorponok attempted to lead his troops away, only to find his path barred by thePredacons. A battle soon erupted between the two sides, and only the sight of Starscream stealing his ship in the midst of the conflict caused Scorponok to call a cease-fire.Cold War!
The arrival of the Autobots caused another battle to break out, this time with the Decepticons allied against their common foe. However, Ratbat and Fortress Maximus called for another truce and united their forces against Starscream. Together, the alliance successfully prevented Starscream from completely absorbing theUnderbase, but the morsel of power theSeeker obtained still granted him unimaginable might, and allowed him to destroy Scorponok's ship before heading back to Earth. Although Optimus Prime brought everyone aboard theArk to discuss a strategy, but Scorponok found the idea of allying with Optimus detestable, and was subsequently disgusted by Optimus Prime's apparent cowardice in refusing to join the attack teams against Starscream as he rampaged across the planet. Scorponok was co-commander of an attack team inTokyo, where an offhand comment byGrimlock caused him to realize what Optimus Prime must be up to. Abandoning the fight, Scorponok returned to the Ark aboard the Autobot shuttle that had ferried him to Earth. He found that Ratbat had the same idea; the two confronted Optimus Prime, who had just launched a rocket into space to bring the Underbase to Earth.
Incensed by this apparent treachery, Scorponok blasted Prime, then killed Ratbat when the other Decepticon attempted to seize the Underbase for himself. Rocketing into space, Scorponok was nearly in range of the Underbase, when Optimus Prime—now recovered and with hisPowermaster partner back in place—pushed him out of its way. The two leaders watched in horrified fascination as Starscream arrived, absorbed the entire Underbase, and promptly self-destructed. An impressed Scorponok decided to prolong their truce long enough for both sides to gather up their fallen; with both Ratbat and Starscream gone, Scorponok's command of the Earthbound Decepticons was assured.Dark Star When the truce ended, Scorponok attempted to assassinate his old foe Fortress Maximus by havingCarnivac andSnarler try to kill Spike Witwicky.The Man in the Machine!In return, Scorponok granted Pretender shells to them, as well asCatilla, who was monitoring the mission.Survivors!
Scorponok, accompanied by Mindwipe and Weirdwolf, rendezvoused with the mercenaryDealer in order to purchase Autobot battle plans the mercenary had stolen. But as they were about to depart, they were attacked byOptimus Prime. "Dealer" was actually Doubledealer, and had sold them out to their enemies!(Double) Deal of the Century!
Upon learning that a spare copy of Optimus Prime's mind had been stashed away in anAlternate Reality, Inc. warehouse, Scorponok taskedDarkwing andDreadwind to steal it for him. He also sent off theCombaticons to secure two armed warheads and components from an advanced guidance computer at theRutter U.S. Military Base. Both groups succeeded in their tasks, with thePowermasters also bringing back the AutobotGetaway and his Nebulan partnerRev as prisoners! Scorponok was happy to gloat to the pair on how his plan would culminate in Optimus Prime's demise. Using all of the stolen technology, Scorponok built a "smart missile," which would be able to track down Optimus wherever he went and avoid all obstacles that came its way. He even made sure to equip the device with a camera, so that he and his troops would be able to watch the Autobot leader's final moments! However, Scorponok made a fatal mistake in leaving Getaway unsupervised. The master escape artist freed both himself and Rev, and through his efforts, the missile was reprogrammed into a dud.Prime Bomb!
After finally establishing aplanetside headquarters outsideNew Jersey, Scorponok entrusted his Pretender troops with anelectrostator device and aStormmaker Station to collect the electrical discharges of an artificially generated storm and convert them intoenergon cubes, but theOff Road Patrol foiled his plan.King Con! Zarak continued to function as a covert Decepticon operative, and allowed the Decepticons to counter the growing popularity ofRoadhandler inNew York City. When the Nebulan witnessed the Autobot partaking in a professional wrestling match, he combined with Scorponok and together they contacted Cybertron to summonMicromasters of their own to meet him in the ring.The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship!
Scorponok found himself drawn into a battle atMacDill Air Force Base by his newfest recruits, theAir Strike Patrol. Announcing his arrival in no uncertain terms, he attacked the Autobots who were harassing his troops, only to have those same troops cut and run. Optimus retaliated in a cold fury that startled even Scorponok, making him realize that something bigger was at play behind the scenes.The Resurrection Gambit! After the Autobot leader cooled down, he and Zarak discussed a second alliance to forestall a greater threat; remembering Prime's selfless actions during the recent Underbase crisis, Zarak hesitantly accepted the offer, before the Pretender-enhanced Starscream arrived.All the Familiar Faces! Though too stunned to react at first, Zarak was shaken out of his stupor by Optimus Prime and used Scorponok's weaponry to blast Starscream. The Autobots and Decepticons eventually overpowered him, and Starscream begged Scorponok to take him back under his command.Skin DeepFallen Star! Badly in need of additional troops and firepower, Scorponok agreed, but this decision proved to be very unpopular with his troops.The Primal Scream It eventually cost him the loyalty ofTriggerhappy andMindwipe, who deserted him after Starscream went missing again.Eye of the Storm
Optimus Prime formally offered his surrender in hopes of making a new force to combat the Dark GodUnicron. Although Scorponok initially planned to betray Prime's trust to bolster his own leadership position, but Prime eventually convinced him of the Chaos-Bringer's threat and persuaded him to unite their forces—just as a contingent of rebel Decepticons underShockwave's command attacked Scorponok's base.Surrender!
Scorponok arose from the wreckage of his base and quickly put down most of the rebels. His battle with Shockwave spilled into New York Harbor and across the river into Battery Park, until the arrival of Optimus,Nightbeat, and theNeo-Knights interrupted the fight....All This and Civil War 2 Though initially scornful of the humans' efforts, Scorponok was downed by two of them and was nearly killed byCircuit Breaker. The battle came to a conclusive end when Circuit Breaker used all her power to knock out Shockwave, and Scorponok agreed to stop fighting. Suddenly, they, along with every other Transformer on Earth, were transported byPrimus to Cybertron.Out of Time!
On the Transformers' homeworld,Primus spoke directly to his children and informed them that they would play a part in the final battle against his eternal nemesis, Unicron. As Armageddon loomed, Scorponok confessed his fears of dying to Optimus Prime, who reassured him that there was no shame in it. Scorponok vowed that he would be proud to go down fighting alongside Optimus... which he nearly did, when the two came under attack from a group ofUnicron cultists. Though Scorponok considered leaving Prime to die, his Decepticon honor convinced him to rescue his foe from certain death; despite his ferocity, Scorponok spared one of the cultists at Optimus Prime's behest.The Void!
Unicron arrived at Cybertron mere seconds later, and the final battle began. Scorponok was at first paralyzed by the sheer size of their foe, and later further terrified when Optimus Prime was batted aside with ease. Suddenly faced with his own mortality, Scorponok came to a terrible realization—therewas no Scorponok anymore, just Lord Zarak, a tired old man trapped inside a body that was no longer his. Despite this setback, Zarak rose to the challenge by calling upon Scorponok's Decepticon heritage, and viciously attacked the planet-eater until a stream of fire mortally wounded him. As he lay dying, Optimus took a moment to assure Zarak that he'd done well, before he finally perished.On the Edge of Extinction! His still-smoldering remains were seen in the aftermath of the battle with Unicron.Still Life!
Mindwipe was thrown out of the Decepticons for trying and failing to hypnotise Scorponok.The Living Nightlights!
In an alternate1991, near the end of theDecepticon Civil War between the forces of Scorponok,Megatron, and Shockwave, Scorponok found himself separated from his troops and hounded by Megatron'sAir Strike Patrol. He attracted the attention of the Autobots by rampaging through a human settlement, and immediately surrendered toHot Rod, leader of the Autobot unit. As Autobot ethics required the protection of prisoners, Scorponok had maneuvered Hot Rod's team into fighting his battle for him. With the frustrated Autobots and Megatron's Decepticons focused on each other, Scorponok was free to walk away.Aspects of Evil!
Scorponok was present when the Decepticons unleashed a robotic hell-beast known as 'King Con' on New York. However, Optimus Prime rented a helicopter to fly a banner announcing huge raw oil deposit finds in the Rocky Mountains. After a short hesitation, the Decepticons retreated to pursue these findings.New York — A City Sinking in Terror
In his quest to grow more powerful, the Scorponok ofPrimax 489.0 Zeta used a mysterious dimensional bridge that had appeared over aBlackrock Industries oil spill inAlaska to search time and space for new power sources. He was able to connect toHorus in theArgos Cluster and absorb his power, only to be overwhelmed and mutated alongside his binary-bond partner, driving both insane and merging them with the aircraft carrier they were using as a base. The resulting monster was dubbed "Majin Zarak".Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/10
Years after the final battle against the Decepticons onKlo, Optimus Prime recalled Scorponok as one of the many "old ghosts" they’d laid to rest.War Without End!
While working to rebuild Cybertron, theMini-ConBroadside discovered Scorponok and Zarak's remains and studied their databanks. Their merged memories inspired Broadside and his followers to turn againstModus Prime and his followers.The New World
An alternate-reality Ratbat demanded to know the location ofhis counterpart, only to be informed byFrenzy andRumble that Scorponok had killed their Ratbat.Recordicons #11
Long ago, Scorponok once faced off againstGrimlock and theDinobots. Much later, while binary-bonded with Zarak, their mental symbiosis allowed the brutish Scorponok to absorb his partner's scientific expertise and, eventually, evolve into an erudite warrior-scholar.Natural Selection, Part One After the end of the war, the Headmasters' original heads had been left behind on Nebulos, and Nebulan scientists led byBorx initiated “Project Lazarus”, an attempt to rebuild functioning bodies for the five Autobots. Despite some early setbacks, Borx remained optimistic, and integrated data from Zarak's old headquarters into a new set of bodies.Loose Ends, Part 2
However, Zarak had taken the precaution of implanting a ghost protocol in Scorponok's original head, still moldering in theGrax Communications Facility—when Borx attempted to decrypt his database, Scorponok reactivated, secretly took control of Project Lazarus by brainwashing the scientists, and ordered the enthralled organics to construct a new body for himself. After returning to life, Scorponok turned his attention to studying theCybertronian genome for what Zarak once called the “warrior gene”, the genetic sequence that differentiated Autobot from Decepticon.Natural Selection, Part One
When Grimlock—seeking to cure himself and his fellowDinobots from the effects of Nucleon—arrived at Koraja's spaceport, Scorponok ambushed the Dinobot leader and brought him to his hidden base.Loose Ends, Part 5 After explaining the circumstances behind his resurrection and his change in personality, Scorponok made the Dinobot commander an offer: if he and his Dinobots were to join Scorponok, not only would they be spared, but they would be given new bodies; as an incentive, Scorponok even had a duplicate of Grimlock's original body prepared. However, it took weeks of captivity to finally break Grimlock; after a simulated encounter with his fellow Dinobots, shaken Grimlock relented and agreed to serve the Decepticon. Having spent the interim studying the effects of Nucleon on Grimlock's systems, a triumphant Scorponok unveiled what he called the “Gene Key”, a device that could reprogram Autobots into Decepticons by switching the warrior gene on or off.Natural Selection, Part One
Scorponok demonstrated his Gene Key on three of the former Autobot HeadmastersBrainstorm,Hardhead, andHighbrow. Once activated, the trio attacked Grimlock, but the newly restored Dinobot was able to disable them. Scorponok, satisfied that the Gene Key worked, ordered them to depart for Cybertron. Grimlock's shuttle arrived at theCybertropolis Spaceport, where he was taken into custody under the orders of temporary Autobot commanderHot Rod. While the Autobots were distracted by Grimlock's arrival and the return of his ability to transform, a second shuttle landed in theBadlands, from which Brainstorm, Hardhead and Highbrow disembarked. The altered trio made their way to the IaconCivil Defense Hub and cleared the way for Scorponok.Natural Selection, Part TwoScorponok arrived up atFort Scyk to meet with the Decepticons there, intending to rally them to his cause. However, few were convinced by his words; whenMisfire pointed out that they were underSoundwave's command, Scorponok killed his former subordinate on the spot as a demonstration of his authority.
WithOptimus Prime still onEarth,Ultra Magnus and his crew still in space aboard theValiant, and Hot Rod searching underground for thePrimus chamber, the Autobots in Iacon found themselves overwhelmed by their Key-altered brethren. Grimlock was out looking for the Dinobots when Brainstorm passed on Scorponok's order to return to the Civil Defense Hub. Back at the Hub, Grimlock demanded that Scorponok complete his side of their bargain and provide new bodies for the Dinobots, but Scorponok had other plans—at least one Autobot,Punch, was immune to the effects of the Gene Key, and so Scorponok ordered Grimlock to execute him. When Grimlock rebelled, Scorponok revealed his failsafe crystal that gave him absolute control over Grimlock's new body, and incapacitated the Dinobot leader. Scorponok then communicated withPerceptor, who had begun construction of a giant Gene Key at theSonic Canyons, one capable of converting every Autobot on Cybertron at once!Natural Selection, Part Three
Scorponok headed to the Sonic Canyons to supervise the completion of the Key, where he explained his plan: when everyone on Cybertron had been converted into a Decepticon, Primus's grand plan of unity would finally come to fruition and Scorponok would receive his just due as the architect of peace. Perceptor countered this bold proclamation by suggesting that, as chaos was the natural order of things, perhaps the schism that led to millennia of civil war waspart of Primus's plan all along; despite his insistence that he'd evolved beyond mindless aggression, Scorponok could barely contain his rage at being challenged. When theValiant dropped out of hyperspace and contacted Cybertron for landing instructions,Pounce andWingspan contacted Scorponok for direction. He had them provide the Autobot cruiser with a flight plan, then used the planetary defenses to blow the ship out of the sky.Natural Selection, Part Four
Grimlock andGrapple and their teams stormed the Civil Defense Hub, taking the control room from Pounce and Wingspan. Grapple set out to recover the data on Scorponok's new technologies, but also discovered that the incomingValiant had been targeted by the defense systems. At the canyons, Perceptor announced another delay in the activation of the Gene Key caused by a minor technical issue, which was enough to send Scorponok into a rage and knockRoadblock into the canyons. Scorponok continued to rant as the other Decepticons watched with silent concern, only for Grimlock to show up on asky-sled and attack Scorponok.
Scorponok, thrilled to have an opponent, transformed and blasted Grimlock off his sled. He then subdued Grimlock with his failsafe crystal, and ordered Perceptor to activate the Gene Key—only to discover that the Key had reverted the Autobots back to normal! As it turned out, Grimlock's betrayal went back to his encounter with Perceptor; he'd never actually used the Gene Key on the scientist, who'd merely pretended to go along with Scorponok's plan to sabotage his grand scheme. An enraged Scorponok prepared to attack Perceptor, but Grimlock jumped him from behind and ordered the Dinobots to strike. A fierce battle ensued on the bridge over the canyons—as the bridge collapsed, Grimlock refused to be rescued; the two plummeted into the canyon, grappling with one another all the while.Natural Selection, Part Five
AfterMegatron was lost aboard theArk, Scorponok,Straxus, andThunderwing formed an alliance to wipe out the remaining Autobots on Cybertron. There was a degree of contentiousness between the three about divvying up personal territories, with Scorponok in particular warning Straxus not to attempt laying claim to any of the land conquered under his banner.Secrets & Lies #3
Scorponok was a gigantic Headmaster robot built from scratch by Lord Zarak, the secret ruler of Nebulos, upon learning of the Transformers. Working from the Headmaster process designed by the AutobotBrainstorm and later applied to his allies in theHive and the Decepticons, Zarak used his mental powers to reconstruct the Hive's entire city into a robotic body for him to binary bond with.The Rebirth, Part 2 With Scorponok under his command, Zarak was able to retrieve the key to the Plasma Energy Chamber from the Autobots and carry the Decepticon forces back to Cybertron to reunite with Galvatron. In the end, a bolt ofplasma energy zapped Scorponok in his city mode, launching the massive Headmaster (and the collected Decepticons inside) far out into space.The Rebirth, Part 3
Under the control of the elder Zarak, Scorponok fought countless battles against Galvatron in the hope to seize power, until he eventually passed away and bequeathed Scorponok to his son,Olin Zarak. As the new Scorponok, Olin eventually found himself underCannonball’s employ. He worked as a manual laborer aboard theTidal Wave, but continued to long for glory. Worried that he suffered mental instability due to Scorponok still being attuned to his father’s brainwaves rather than his own, Olin planned to have Dr.Vez recalibrate the machine... but not until he could be sure he could fully trust the doctor. While Olin insisted that the Scorponok exo-suit was not an intelligent being in its own right,Tornado expressed doubts about this statement and swore that a malign intelligence was silently observing him from within the mechanical scorpion, even when Olin was separated from it.
After the creature from "Demon's Maw" caused serious damage to theTidal Wave, Scorponok and his band of laborers were tasked with rebuilding the ship underFerak’s supervision. He was absent from the Star Seekers’ attack onVentax II, having instead been tasked in procuring a large energy production device from a building, but later helped Ferak upgrade the Tidal Wave's transwarp engines in anticipation for Cannonball's greatest heist; robbing Cybertron of all of its energy... in the distant future!Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur
After using advanced transwarp mathematics to travel through time, Cannonball led Scorponok and the Star Seekers on a raid of the future Autobot outpost Galadria to access its space bridge nexus. Warping into the heart of Unicron's severed head, Cannonball intended to use the planet-eater's systems to drain Cybertron dry of energon. During the raid, Olin discovered the Cybertronian KnightDevcon spying on them, and combined with Scorponok to detain him. As more Cybertronian Knights came to oppose the Star Seekers, Brimstone lent his rail gun mode to Scorponok to ward them off. During the fight, Scorponok was knocked out byFlareup and captured alongside the rest of the crew.Hoist the Flag
Tornado's log indicated that Scorponok escaped capture by the Knights and made it back to the Tidal Wave, but Tornado opined that Scorponok may have taken that opportunity to mutiny. Although Cannonball eventually escaped and was back in control of the Tidal Wave, later logs referred to Scorponok's "former quarters".Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur
Lord Zarak brought Scorponok to theLegends World, where he disguised his city mode as a shopping center known as the Hive. After recruitingFlywheels, he rampaged through the city as Scorponok until he was confronted by the Double-Headmasters, a combination of his Nebulon enemies and the local Autobots. He refused to become a Double-Headmaster himself by allowing Flywheels to form Scorponok's head, and ended up blasted through a portal back to where he came from.LGEX Headmaster Set Chapter
Scorponok was one of a group of diminutive Transformers who left Cybertron four million years ago to escape the Great War and took up residence on the planetMaster. To survive the harsh environmental conditions on Master, the Transformers built large, lifeless robotic bodies calledTranstectors, to which they could connect as heads, increasing their size and power. Scorponok underwent the training to become one of these "Headmasters," but he chafed under the leadership ofFortress, and he led several like-minded Headmaster warriors in a rebellion that ultimately ended with their defeat and exile from Master.The Mystery of Planet Master
By the year2011, Scorponok had teamed up with Galvatron and the Decepticons, and his three minions,Weirdwolf, Mindwipe, andSkullcruncher, joined Galvatron's forces in an attack on Cybertron in 2011.Four Warriors Come out of the Sky Scorponok himself, on the other hand, refrained from making appearances on the battlefield, sticking to the shadows (in the most preposterously literal way imaginable) and emerging only to lure the Autobot Headmasters into a trap on the planetPraum.The Four-Million-Year-Old Veil of Mystery Not long thereafter, when Galvatron discovered thatVector Sigma was in the midst of developing a powerfulnew alloy, Scorponok advised against attacking the planet, suggesting instead that they destroy the alloy, rather than risk the Autobots gaining control of it.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 In truth, Scorponok was more concerned aboutGalvatron obtaining the alloy's power, and determined to stop anyone from acquiring it by taking out Cybertron itself. He had Mindwipe plant powerful bombs in Vector Sigma's chamber, which went off and devastated the planet, ostensibly taking Galvatron with it.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2
Scorponok subsequently took control of the Decepticons, falsely claiming that Galvatron was alive and commanding him from afar. He immediately put a series of far-reaching plans into action, starting with the creation of a massive Transtector for himself, which would put him on equal footing with Fortress and his Transtector-scum-battleship, theMaximus. EnslavedBeastformers were put to work on the planetZarak to construct this Transtector, and to provide it with power, Scorponok had the Decepticons stealSol 1, a human solar-energy-gathering satellite, which beamed its power reserves to Zarak.The Shadow Emperor, Scorponok To distract the Autobots from his plans, he ordered Sixshot to attack Earth, so the heroes would focus their efforts on defending the planet. While the construction was going on, meanwhile, Scorponok focused his attention on harnessing the power of theplasma energy released in the destruction of Cybertron.The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts As part of his efforts to distract the Autobots, Scorponok sent theburidanka to Earth andAthenia, but was shocked when Fortress revealed his mighty transtector's robot mode to defeat it.Head On!! Fortress Maximus
Seeking to generate even more of plasma energy for his plans of universal conquest, Scorponok used the energy he had already obtained to create bombs that were planted beneath the surface ofMars, which would rip the planet apart.Explosion on Mars!! Maximus Is in Danger While the Autobots were busy fighting the Decepticon contingent on Mars to prevent the planet's destruction, Scorponok unveiled his completed MegaZarak transtector to the rest of the Decepticons onChaar, stepping from the shadows for the first time as he brought all his troops aboard his new battleship-body and flew to Mars. Once there, MegaZarak transformed intorobot mode and spitefully attacked the immobile Fortress Maximus before fleeing into space just before his plasma bombs detonated and blew Mars to cosmic rubble. The Maximus was able to absorb some of the energy released in the initial stages of the explosion, and Fortress was able to transform into Fortress Maximus and escape the blast. Fortress Maximus cleaved MegaZarak shoulder with hisMaster Sword, forcing the Decepticons to retreat.Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears
Believing that his deeds had cemented his position of power, Scorponok arranged to be coronated the new Decepticon emperor on Earth's moon, but in the midst of the ceremony, Galvatron returned alive and well and retook leadership.Return of the Immortal Emperor Subservient to Galvatron for the moment, MegaZarak and the other Decepticons once attempted to stop Autobot assistance toSandra, but failed.SOS from Planet Sandra On MegaZarak's suggestion, Galvatron had the Decepticons distract the Autobots with a trap before departing to plunder other planets for their energy.Daniel Faces His Biggest Crisis Ever!! MegaZarak transformed to robot mode to battle Fortress Maximus onHive, but the Decepticons were still forced off-planet.Fight to the Death on Planet Hive!! MegaZarak then took the Decepticons toSperity, but they were fooled into thinking the planet was bereft of energy and left.Battle for Defense of the False Planet They next went toDaros, where they entered an alliance with the planet's decadent ruling class for energy, leaving when the Autobots and the oppressed populace joined forces to overthrow the corrupt government. It was on Daros that the Autobots met a Beastformer namedTekna who gave them valuable data about MegaZarak's weak spot at the cost of his life.Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!! The Decepticons made final stops atParadiseHead Formation of Friendship and thePirate Planet, but were nevertheless again and again repelled by Fortress and his Autobots.Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship When the Decepticons returned to Earth, diminishing MegaZarak's immediate usefulness to Galvatron, the wicked Headmaster returned to this own schemes, ignoring Galvatron's ordersUltra Magnus Dies!! and planting more plasma energy bombs along thePacific Ring of Fire.
Everything turned around for Scorponok when Galvatron faced the Autobot Headmasters alone in a battle in Alaska, and was finally destroyed when they collapsed an iceberg on top of him.The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg This allowed Scorponok to once again seize leadership of the Decepticons, appointing himself the "Emperor of Terror" and resuming his plan for the destruction of Earth by attempting the detonation of his plasma bombs. AfterChromedome decoded Tekna's data, he raced to Earth where a battle was already in progress and gave Fortress Maximus the information, allowing the Autobot leader to perforate MegaZarak's weak spot, and send the critically wounded Decepticon fleeing off into space.I Risk My Life for Earth
Moving his attentions away from Earth for the time being, Scorponok led the Decepticons back to planet Master in search of a weapon to counter the power of Fortress's Master Sword.Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2) The Autobots pursued them, which unfortunately resulted inWheelie being captured by the villains and ransomed for the secrets of the Master Sword.The Master Sword Is in Danger!! Using this information, Scorponok forged theZarak Shield out ofG-Metal,The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide and when the two weapons clashed, the Zarak Shield emerged triumphant.Operation: Destroy the Decepticons Emboldened by this victory, Scorponok led the charge back to Earth,My Friend Sixshot! intending to finally destroy it, pausing only in the asteroid belt to effect repairs on his Transtector, and to betray and dispose ofSixshot, whom he had never trusted.Duel on the Asteroid
Upon his return to Earth, Scorponok promptly had the Decepticon launch an energy-gathering satellite into orbit, and then withdrew to the sunken continent ofLemuria, where he already had numerous Decepticons working to mine the legendarycrysmagnetal. Scorponok raised "Death Towers" of this metal in five strategic location all over Earth all, which proceeded to generate waves of energy that were gathered by the satellite.The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1) For the final part of his plan, MegaZarak lured the Autobots to the North Pole, where he clashed with Fortress Maximus for the last time atop a sixth dais of crysmagnetal. As soon as the two combatants were upon the dais, MegaZarak had the satellite beam its stored energy down into his Transtector, and through it into the dais, creating an exponential loop that threatened to tear the Earth apart. Scorponok disconnected from his Transtector and retreated into space with the Decepticons to watch the Earth's destruction, only for Fortress Maximus—supercharged with the combined energy of the Autobot army united in aHead Formation—to destroy his Transtector, breaking the circuit and saving the Earth.The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
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Vector Prime stated that when Scorponok arranged for the plasma bombing anddevastation of Cybertron, he also damaged the stable axis ofthe core reality. Several divergent universal streams and contradictory timelines emerged as a result ofthe network being based upon this unstable reality.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/11
Inone segment of the system, Scorponok dispatchedFenris's team ofPretenders to acquire theUltra Matrix fromBeast. They were foiled, however, by a team of Autobot Pretenders led byMarduk.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30
With the Decepticons at last forced off of Earth, the Autobots also left the planet, and Transformers' war transitioned into a series of space-based exchanges between Chaar andAthenia, which became known as theMaster Wars. To rejoin the fight, Scorponok had a new Transtector constructed, much smaller than his old one (comparatively speaking – it was still taller than acombiner), but outfitted with hyper-dense armor. Before he could connect with this new body, Scorponok was captured by the mysterious alien entityDevil Z, who had been in hibernation on Earth until recently, and saw a use for Scorponok in his plan to create the ultimate lifeform. Devil Z brainwashed Scorponok, placing him, and by extension the entire Decepticon army, under his control, and then allowed him to link up with his new Transtector. Rather than forming the head for his Transtector, however, Scorponok controlled it from within its chest cavity, wired directly into its systems from there, with a new "decoy" head placed between its shoulders. Now, Scorponok wasBlackZarak (ブラックザラックBurakkuZarakku).
The former Decepticon ninja,Sixshot, learned what had befallen Scorponok, and alerted the Autobots to the existence of Devil Z on Earth. The news of this shadowy controller reached the Autobots just as theTrainbots reported the first sighting of BlackZarak in the shadows of a meteor cluster, and the concerned Autobots decided to send a collection of Transtectors to the small Autobot group under the command ofMetalhawk that was still on Earth, which he used to transform human beings into Autobot warriors to aid in the battle against Devil Z's forces.The Headmasters Now!!
Archive footage of Fortress Maximus destroying the MegaZarak transtector was used to educate the futureHeadmaster Juniors about theMaster Wars.Birth! Headmaster Jrs
After numerous failures by Devil Z's forces on Earth resulted in multipleGodmaster warriors joining the Autobot ranks instead of the Decepticons, the incensed alien summoned BlackZarak to Earth. Observing BlackZarak's activities, Fortress Maximus's younger brother,Grand Maximus, raced to Earth ahead of him and warned the Autobots of his coming. In preparation for BlackZarak's arrival, the Autobots worked to construct a power-up drone namedGodbomber for their most powerful member,Ginrai.Life? Death? The Desperate Lightfoot While they worked, the approaching BlackZarak bombarded the Earth with meteors as part of a complicated scheme by Devil Z's ambassadors,Giga andMega to publicly discredit the Autobots, which was ultimately foiled.Expose the Decepticons' Dark Trap!
BlackZarak's threat loomed for a whileSuper Ginrai Gets Blown Away in the Desert!? and when he made his way to Earth's orbit, Giga and Mega combined into their robot form ofOverlord and headed to Earth's moon to rendezvous with BlackZarak.Will the Bomber Project Be Destroyed!? But before BlackZarak arrived, Ginrai merged with the completed Godbomber, and pursued him into space. BlackZarak showed up in the midst of their battle, and promptly impaled Ginrai with hisTyrant Spear, sending him crashing to the moon's surface.God Ginrai - Into the Sky!! BlackZarak and Overlord followed him down to the moon, and hunted the wounded Autobot, who was in dire straits until the timely arrival of Grand Maximus. With the sides now more evenly matched, the two Decepticons attempted to break off the battle and head for Earth, but Ginrai and Grand brought them back down to the moon with a bump. BlackZarak instructed the damaged Overlord to flee the battle, and although he was furious at being ordered around by this newcomer, Overlord could do little to argue, and left BlackZarak to face the two Autobots alone. Grand and Ginrai double-teamed BlackZarak, and eventually, Ginrai was able to decapitate the Decepticon with his God Fire Guts attack. Although Ginrai thought his opponent was done for, BlackZarak's headless body hauled itself back up, and retreated off into space, with Grand Maximus hot on his tail.God Ginrai - Showdown on the Surface of the Moon The defeat of both Overlord and BlackZarak upset the Earth-bound Decepticons, who swore vengeance on Ginrai.Overlord - Terror of the Chōkon Tornado Footage of BlackZarak's battle on the Moon eventually made its way toClouder's hands, who used it as impetus to join the conflict.Appearance!! The Final Godmaster
During this extended stay in space, BlackZarak mastered localized gravity manipulation and gained the ability to open black holes, which he could use to teleport himself across the galaxy at will. After trapping Grand Maximus inside one of these singularities in order to keep him out of the way, BlackZarak teleported directly to Earth and immediately tore throughNew York City as part of Devil Z's "Operation M-1". He proceeded to attackTokyo alongside Overlord, but was foiled when Ginrai freed Grand Maximus, and the two Autobots stopped the villains by tricking them into blasting each other.BlackZarak - Destroyer from Space With the failure of this scheme, Devil Z initiated "Operation M-2" and had BlackZarak withdraw to the far side of the moon, where he would unleash the atmosphere-destroyingDeath Para-Machine against the Earth. Thankfully, BlackZarak was only able to get off one shot from the deadly weapon before Ginrai destroyed it with his God Fire Guts attack.Crisis! The Day of Human Extinction
BlackZarak returned to attacking cities around the globe, and soon struck in a city whereCancer went to, with a trio ofSparkdash drones to back him up. Luckily, Autobot GodmasterRoad King was on patrol in the area, and soon called in Ginrai to help him take BlackZarak down.God Ginrai - Save Cancer!? When the Decepticons formulated a trap, BlackZarak was sent toMoscow as part of a divide and conquer strategy.God Ginrai: Showdown at the Decepticon Base After battling Grand Maximus there, BlackZarak returned to the Decepticon base when the Autobots attacked it. During this clash, Devil Z took his brainwashing to the next level, and actually merged his consciousness with BlackZarak, entering his body and taking control of it himself. For his first act in BlackZarak's body, Devil Z collapsed the Decepticon base in a failed attempt to destroy the AutobotsThe Ultimate Combination!! BlackZarak, the New Lifeform and then led the Decepticons in an attack on North America, bombarding the country with hisDevil Power from a strategic staging point in the heart of theGrand Canyon,Battle to the Death!! God Ginrai VS Darkwings Reborn continuing till Devil Z ordered the Decepticons to move to Europe.Autobots! Desperate Attack!!
Devil Z took the Decepticons to the peak of the Matterhorn, where he unleashed his Devil Power upon the continent until God Ginrai arrived to challenge him.Malevolent and Inhuman! The True Form of Devil Z The battle was fierce, and Ginrai thought he had won when he once again cleaved BlackZarak's head from his shoulders, but the decapitation of his host meant little to Devil Z, who simply transformed BlackZarak's body into a new, twin-headed serpent form, and kept the fight going. Uniting his Chōkon Power with that of theHeadmaster Juniors, Ginrai unleashed his most powerful God Fire Guts yet and dove through BlackZarak's body, finally destroying the giant Decepticon in a huge explosion that left only ash and shrapnel. Although Devil Z survived the blast, he now no longer had BlackZarak's body to enclose him, and was wide open for Ginrai's finishing move: the Final Fire Guts, which utterly obliterated the evil alien.A Battle... and Then...
Years prior to his departure from Master, Scorponok kidnapped six of his fellow 'bots and exposed them to a sample of plasma energy in search of a method to use the energy to power himself up. The experiment was interrupted by Fortress, marking the beginning of Scorponok's open rebellion against him. He tried to recapture his test subjects on his return to Master, prompting them to flee and end up becoming Targetmasters.Mutant Targetmaster Birth Chapter
Brainstorm toldRattrap, visiting from theLegends World, the story about how he and other diminutive Transformers, including Scorponok, left Cybertron to escape the war and settled on Master. He then destroyed a returned Scorponok's Transtector with a powerful blast as proof that despite their size, life on the inhospitable planet had only made them stronger.Bonus Edition Vol. 9 Reflecting on his easy victory over such a mighty opponent, Brainstorm would later realize he had been temporarily powered up by Rattrap's presence.Bonus Edition Vol. 39Highbrow would later mention that the Autobot Headmasters needed to train in case recent rumors that Scorponok had returned again were true.Brainstorm Chapter Part 1
By2021, Scorponok did indeed reveal himself to have the battle with Brainstorm and continued his feud with the Autobots. Consumed by his lust for revenge against Fortress, he detonated ablack hole in order to both destroy the Autobots and produce plasma energy for himself, indifferent to the fact that his own troops were in range of the explosion. His plan failed as the Autobots were able to recover much of the explosives, causing the black hole to instead divide into "black balls" that infested the bodies of everyone present.Headmaster Chapter Prologue While his troops traveled to theLegends World, Scorponok remained in theG1 World and wandered space. Devil Z, resurrected in the Legends World, remotely brainwashed him and had him return to Beast and enslave Beastformers to build two new transtectors. This resulted in a new BlackZarak as well as the giganticMajin Zarak, a beast so gigantic Scorponok didn't even form part of it but piloted it like a vehicle.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One
When Devil Z was resurrected, Weirdwolf recalled with resentment how they'd lost BlackZarak to him.Bonus Edition Vol. 35 Devil Z also remembered how he had taken control of BlackZarak, and repeated the trick by wiringMegatron into the chest of theGalvatron Transtector while he himself controlled it from the head.Bonus Edition Vol. 36 When Devil Z broke free from his restraints in the Legends World, he brought the brainwashed Scorponok and BlackZarak transtector to the Legends World and reformed the hybrid Devil Z/BlackZarak being. Devil Z attempted to kill every living thing in the Legends World so that he could use its native energies all for himself, but he was stopped in his tracks byGrand Maximus and theMasterforce users residing in the Legends World. Devil Z and the BlackZarak transtector were destroyed at the battle's conclusion, although Scorponok was spared.Bonus Edition Grand Maximus
Freed from Devil Z's influence, Scorponok immediately thought of a plan to produce energy by using the plasma-infusedTargetmaster partners as bombs to blow up the Legends World. In order to keep the world's defenders busy, he brought over Majin Zarak and began causing chaos while his troops abducted the Targetmasters.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One While his creation seemed unbeatable, sabotage at the hands of Beastformers allowed the defenders of the Legends World to force Majin Zarak and Scorponok through a dimensional portal, causing them both to disappear to some unknown location.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part Two
Several years after the conclusion of theMasterforce War, when the supernatural entityViolengiguar seized control of the Decepticons, one of his first actions was to recruit "Nine Great Demon Generals" from Decepticon history. Violengiguar assigned BlackZarak to serve as his "Evil Spirit General", and outfitted him with new armor and weapons to make him more deadly than ever before.Zone Part 1 Along with the other Generals, BlackZarak schooledMetrotitan and theMetrosquad in the ways of evil, making them formidable opponents for thePowered Masters.Zone Part 7
BlackZarak was part of the team of generals who attacked planetZone in order to steal its preciousEnergon Z for Violengiguar's schemes, but BlackZarak refrained from participating in the assault, hanging back on the fringes of the planet's atmosphere to cover his allies' rear. As his fellow generals made good their escape with the Energon Z in hand, BlackZarak barred the way of theSuper Car Patrol Team andBattle Patrol as they attempted to pursue in theGalaxy Rocket. The Demon General managed to trap the rocket in a crackling field of electricity, and then departed to rejoin his fellow Decepticons, leaving the electric net to slowly destroy the rocket. Luckily for the Autobots, theJet Patrol Team arrived to destroy the net, andSunrunner proceeded to use his radar to track BlackZarak back to the other Decepticons.Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!
BlackZarak later attacked Earth, and met resistance in the form ofLandshaker andSky Hyper. BlackZarak seized Landshaker, easily shrugging off Skyhyper's blasts, but was suddenly stunned by a barrage fromSonic Bomber, as he and Dai Atlas came swooping onto the battlefield. Exploiting the opening, Dai Atlas fired on BlackZarak, proving once again that the Autobots' desire to save their comrades would always best the Decepticons' evil.Zone Part 5
When it became apparent that the small force under his command on Earth lacked the manpower to handle the Autobots, Devil Z chose to unite them with the Decepticons in space, and ordered the combined army to attack Athenia. Ginrai (who was on the planet at the time to be appointed Supreme Commander of the Autobots) was able to win the battle by defeatingScramble 7, but after the fight, BlackZarak made his first appearance before the Autobots, carrying Hydra, Buster and the Decepticon Headmasters, who announced that they were returning to Earth.The Battle Begins! The Earth-Space Alliance Army
BlackZarak joined the Decepticons in travelling to Earth, battlingRaiden and the Autobot Headmasters outside the planet's atmosphere while Ginrai confronted Overlord for the first time down on its surface. After defeating his opponents, BlackZarak turned towards Earth, only to find Ginrai streaking towards him, with Overlord in close pursuit. At the last moment, Ginrai spun out of the way, causing the two Decepticons to accidentally strike each other, and damage one another quite badly. While the wounded Overlord returned to Earth, BlackZarak limped back off into space.God Ginrai's Amazing Divine Combination!
BlackZarak later battled Grand Maximus and the Autobot Godmasters in space, with the aid ofDarkwings,The Good and Evil Families of Earth after which Devil Z spirited him away to carry out some upgrades.The Decepticons' Great Counterattack! These upgrades complete, BlackZarak was soon returned to Earth, and joined Overlord in attacking another city, where he wound up battling Grand Maximus and the Autobots Godmasters once more.Life or Death? The Desperate Divine Combination! Later, BlackZarak attacked China with a trio ofSparkdash drones. Decepticon Headmaster JuniorCancer happened to be in the city at the time, and when the Autobots arrived to battle BlackZarak, he displayed his disdain for humans—even comrades—by seizing Cancer and using him as a shield to keep the Autobots at bay. It was then that Overlord arrived, and surprised everyone by viciously attacking BlackZarak, disgusted by his treatment of Cancer. While the two Decepticons were fighting, the Autobots exploited their conflict to attack and force them to retreat.The Great Turnabout of the Autobots
Overlord's betrayal proved to be the last straw for Devil Z, and he took matters into his own hands by connecting himself to BlackZarak's Transtector as a new head of sorts. Now in control of the Decepticon's body and mind, he transformed BlackZarak into a new serpentine form, and attacked Overlord, the Headmaster Juniors and Ginrai, intending to absorb theirJinchōkon, in order to transform himself into the ultimate lifeform. His Jinchōkon-absorbing beam was blocked by the wholly-robotic AutobotPretenders, and the Autobots and Decepticons united to destroy Devil Z and BlackZarak for good. Uniting their powers in the "Perfect Transform Attack", all the Autobots and Decepticons boarded Grand Maximus, who collided with BlackZarak, destroying the Decepticon and his alien passenger in an explosion of pure Chōkon Power.The Birth of the Super Life-Forms
Years after the end of the Masterforce War on Earth, the creature known asViolengiguar took control of the Decepticon forces and created an elite fighting force by recruiting "Nine Great Demon Generals" from throughout Transformer history. BlackZarak was selected to be one of these generals, and Violengiguar used his strange, supernatural powers to bring the Decepticon back from the dead, dubbing him his "Evil Spirit General" and increasing his strength with new armor and weaponry.Zone Part 1 Along with the other Generals, BlackZarak schooledMetrotitan and theMetrosquad in the ways of evil, making them formidable opponents for thePowered Masters.Zone Part 7
BlackZarak was part of the contingent of generals sent to planet Zone to steal its super-energy, Energon Z, for Violengiguar. After his fellow Decepticons succeeded in purloining the Energon Z, BlackZarak covered their escape, seizing the Galaxy Rocket carrying the pursuing Autobots in an unbreakable grip. He proceeded to coat the rocket in a cocoon of strange energy webbing and then departed to join his fellow generals, but fortunately for the Autobots, the Jet Patrol Team arrived to cut them free before they lost BlackZarak's trail.Zone
BlackZarak later attacked Earth, and met resistance in the form ofLandshaker andSky Hyper. BlackZarak seized Landshaker, easily shrugging off Skyhyper's blasts, but was suddenly stunned by a barrage fromSonic Bomber, as he and Dai Atlas came swooping onto the battlefield. Exploiting the opening, Dai Atlas fired on BlackZarak, proving once again that the Autobots' desire to save their comrades would always best the Decepticons' evil.Zone Part 5
Scorponok was originally a large, mobile Decepticon base onNebulos.Decepticons at the Pole Through means unknown, he became a Transformer, as well as smaller and sentient, and took command of the Decepticon forces fromCyclonus.
He matched wits with Optimus Prime himself, at one point trying to lure him into surrendering in exchange for a hostage's life.Autobot Hostage Eventually, the Autobots became too big a nuisance, and Scorponok had the Decepticons move en masse to a secret underground city in the Nebulos Triangle, but this backfired when the Autobots sealed him and his army underground for good.Decepticons Underground
The mighty city Scorponok lay dormant deep within Nebulos's vast jungle-swamp. In this mode, he served as Lord Zarak's base of operation while Zarak plotted to steal Nebulos's oil supply to further his dreams of conquest. Opposing him werea young Nebulan and the Autobot Highbrow. Whether or not Scorponok and the other Decepticons succeeded in their plot depended on the decisions you made!Swamp of the Scorpion
Seeking a newEnergon source, the Decepticons flew Scorponok to an out-of-the-way asteroid, where he served as a base of operations. When a fight inevitably broke out, Scorponok flew to the battle scene. After he picked upBlurr and tossed the Autobot into the distance,Fortress Maximus angrily bodyslammed him, and the pair began grappling.The Test
Scorponok, accompanied byCyclonus andOctane, interceptedCosmos, as the Autobot was heading forAndellor. Scorponok threatened to destroy the Autobot unless he revealed where he was headed. Cosmos complied, but Scorponok was keen on destroying him anyway. Cyclonus insisted they investigate, and recalled the history of Andellor. Scorponok realised that thePrism of Power which Cosmos sought was the only thing that could stop the Decepticon's new weapon, thesuspension-ray beam. Down on the planet, the three Decepticons ventured into a cave and were attacked, first by some tentacles from a pool, and finally byIronhide. Ironhide shrugged off Scorponok's mightiest blast, and defeated both him and Cyclonus.Transformers in 3-D #2
After theClones failed to obtain the coordinates toMetascan Alpha, Zarak mocked Galvatron's skills and, combining with Scorponok, reasserted that he was leader of the Decepticons now. While the pair were still in disagreement,Optimus Prime broke into their base with the intention of destroying Galvatron'sNullification Cannon. During the battle, Scorponok took a swing at Prime which accidentally connected with the Cannon, causing it to explode.The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3
Scorponok and Fortress Maximus met in battle, with Scorponok vowing to crush Maximus with his bare hands. Unfortunately the two giant Transformers, engrossed in their fight, began to topple over, sending their smaller comrades fleeing for their lives.Watch Out! Mega Zarak!
Shortly before theGreat Shutdown, Scorponok attended a teleconference withRatbat andShockwave, where he criticized the latter for "thinking like a calculator instead of a warrior".Destined for Nothing
Eventually, Scorponok became a leading figure in the Decepticon army, but in order to maintain his standing he assumed a brutish, one-dimensional persona, hiding his misgivings about the war. This continued until the war reached the planet Nebulos. While there, Scorponok binary bonded with the corrupt politician Zarak. However, Zarak's grief at the devastation which had been brought to his planet stirred up sentiments in Scorponok he'd presumed were long buried.More than Meets the Eye #5
Scorponok was a rarePoint One Percenter with an abnormally strong green spark.The Fecund Moon Originally Scorponok was one of the manygladiators who inhabitedKaon; in the past, he'd fought theDynobot leaderGrimlock in the ring, and considered him one of the greatest gladiators on the planet.Rage Like many other gladiators, Scorponok joinedMegatron's burgeoning "Decepticon" movement, but didn't share his leader's desire to create an equal society—in Scorponok's ideal world, the strong ruled unchallenged and the weak were culled.Unleashed
When Megatron fell in his first battle againstOptimus Prime, Scorponok usurped his role asDecepticon leader and banished his predecessor to the deadly planetJunkion.Derelicts Most Decepticons initially accepted this change in management, butHun-Gar and hisTerrorcons were disappointed that he'd failed to kill Megatron and set out to finish the job, leaving Scorponok with the promise that they'd deal withhim afterwards.Wreckage Scorponok's first goal as leader was to break up Optimus Prime'sGrand Convocation by cutting them off from the planet's last major source ofenergon, forcing them to fight among themselves, and undermining their support for Optimus and the Autobots. When his strike force arrived to conquerToraxxis mega-refinery, they stumbled across Grimlock and the Dynobots robbing energon for themselves, who triggered the plant's alarms and summoned Autobot reinforcements.Faces of Darkness
Scorponok pursued Grimlock into the refinery to kill him, but was overwhelmed when the Dynobot lost his temper and transformed into a monstrouscyber-morphic predator. Desperate to avoid arrest, Grimlock threatened to blow up the entire complex, which Scorponok encouraged—when Grimlock relented, Scorponok leapt into the refinery's fusion regulator and deactivated it.Rage Although thousands of Cybertronians perished in the ensuing explosion, Scorponok survived and encouraged his remaining troops to scavenge parts from the "weaklings" who'd died—when one of his men protested that Megatron would never have stooped to such ghoulish behaviour, Scorponok angrily crushed his head for daring to bring up their past leader.Fallout
The destruction of the Toraxxis triggered amass exodus of neutrals, and Scorponok, disgusted by their cowardice, sent troops toStarsreach Spaceport to show the evacuees that there was no escape.Massacre Learning that the Autobots had discovered the sleeping giantTrypticon beneath the ruins of Toraxxis, Scorponok ordered his Decepticons to carpet-bomb the area until they destroyed the seals keeping Trypticon down—the Decepticon leader hoped that Trypticon's rampage would wipe the slate clean and allow Scorponok to rebuild Cybertron in his own twisted imageUnleashed InKolkular, Scorponok sat back to enjoy Trypticon's rampage from afar untilStarscream informed him that he was needed in the fortress's main hall... where he found a furious Megatron, freshly returned from his exile. Megatron easily trounced his foe; ignoring his pleas for mercy, Megatron unceremoniously shot Scorponok in the head and threw him over to the Terrorcons. As he retook his rightful place as leader of the Decepticons, Megatron ordered Hun-Gar and his followers to keep Scorponok alive... and in agonizing pain.The Illusion of Control
At some point, Scorponok found his way onto theDecepticon Justice Division's infamouskill list.The Ties That Bind
During the war, Scorponok once stole a consignment ofsolar agitators from an installation under Dynobot protection.Spotlight: Grimlock Half a million years ago, while in theManganese Mountains, he fought a unit of Autobots that includedShimmerstick,Chromedome andRewind.The Custom-Made Now As the war spread across the galaxy, Scorponok began deliberately violating the non-interaction accord of theCode of Interplanetary Conflict. His traditional modus operandi was to establish contact with amoral aliens on technologically advanced worlds, develop new hybrid technologies, then eliminate his "partners' when he had what he wanted.Ultra Magnus had been seeking him for some time. On the planetNebulos, Scorponok found such a partner inMo Zarak, head of theZarak Consortium, front for a cabal of renegade scientists. With Scorponok's input, the self-proclaimed "Cranium" began augmenting Nebulan test subjects—including Zarak himself—with Cybertronian technology before Ultra Magnus tracked him down. Although Scorponok quickly got the upper hand against the Autobot, Zarak ran out, begging Scorponok not to fire lest he destroy what they built together. Unable to abort his shot, Scorponok accidentally killed Zarak; though horrified by his own actions, Scorponok barely survived a direct shot to the head as he staggered to an artificial wormhole generator and escaped.Spotlight: Ultra Magnus
Shortly after Optimus arrived onEarth, Ultra Magnus contacted him to report that he'd found new lead on Scorponok's whereabouts.Spotlight: Optimus Prime At some point over the intervening twenty years, the wounded Scorponok—reduced to little more than a damaged, disconnected head—had relocated to Earth to continue his hybridization experiments. Using ahuman collaborator namedAbraham Dante as his front man, Scorponok established an underground organizationMachination. As he sought to restore his body, Scorponok and his scientists developed theHeadmaster process that would allow cybernetically augmented humans to control Cybertronian bodies. Dante sent agents out into the field to locate the Autobot and Decepticon bases and conceived tactical scenarios for forcibly acquiring a Transformer as a "guinea pig" before Scorponok underwent the process himself. The discovery ofOre-13 accelerated the conflict on Earth, and, in response, the Machination accelerated their own plans.Infiltration #4
When the AutobotsIronhide andSunstreaker next left theArk-19 inLake Michigan, Machination agents surprised them on the highway and kidnapped Sunstreaker, leaving behind a heavily scrapped replica to throw any pursuers temporarily off the scent. As a bonus, they picked up Sunstreaker's human passenger,Hunter O'Nion.Escalation #1 Taking advantage of the situation, Scorponok and Dante attempted to have Hunter brainwashed and subjected him to the same bio-mechanical engineering as their own agents.Escalation #5 From Sunstreaker, the Machination began manufacturing an army of reverse-engineeredSunstreaker clones, each with their own Headmaster pilot, networked together through Sunstreaker's severed head.Escalation #6 Meanwhile, Abraham Dante underwent the Headmaster process himself; the two of them binary bonded just in time to test-drive their union against Hunter O'Nion, who had managed to shake off their brainwashing attempt and was trying to escape the Machination compound. Despite his renewed size and power, Scorponok failed to prevent Hunter from binary-bonding with one of the Sunstreaker drones and escaping the Machination.Devastation #6
Dante and Scorponok were of like mind—so alike, in fact, that shortly after undergoing the Headmaster process they already considered themselves one being. Upon learning that the clandestine government group known asSkywatch had taken Grimlock captive, the combined Scorponok-Dante entity called on their moleKloss, who planet a virus into Grimlock and freed him from their control. Soon enough, Grimlock escaped, and Scorponok met Grimlock with an offer of an alliance for world conquest. Grimlock refused, and Scorponok triumphed in the ensuing fight. Before he could deliver the final blow, however, Grimlock escaped by teleporting to the still-functionalSkyfire, while Scorponok planned to destroy Grimlock by taking control of the other Dynobots.Spotlight: Grimlock Once his agents had ensured Skywatch had reprogrammed the Dynobots so that he could remotely control them, Scorponok arranged for Grimlock to be orbital-bounced toFallon,Nevada.Maximum Dinobots #1 When Skywatch turned up with the Dynobots, he engineered a massive, destructive fight, a setup that would discredit Skywatch, allow his Headmasters to "save the day", and secure lucrative anti-Transformer defense contracts from the panicked US government. While his attempt to exploit the Dynobots' internal divides failed, he successfully beatHot Rod half to death as he explained his plan to the defeated Autobot.Maximum Dinobots #2
Eventually, Scorponok lost control of the Dynobots and sent in his army of Headmasters to annihilate everyone, only for the newly arrivedMonsterbots to turn the tide. Scorponok ordered his soldiers to terminate the bemused Hot Rod, but the young Autobot set his guards ablaze and escaped the compound.Maximum Dinobots #3 As Hot Rod broke out, Sunstreaker—now binary-bonded to Hunter to replace his real head—broke in to try and find a way to reverse the process; though Scorponok blasted him through the chest, Hunter escaped as the Monsterbots laid siege to the Machination compound and took out its defenses. A furious Scorponok ordered a full recall of all Headmasters to attack the Dynobots, but Hunter severed his connection to the network and disabled all the Headmasters. A furious Scorponok began to take revenge on Grimlock, untilShockwave,also seeking vengeance against the Dinobot, arrived.Maximum Dinobots #4 The two Decepticons fell to fighting, but when Shockwave, calculating that the Headmaster process had impeded Scorponok's mental fortitude, gained the upper hand, he allowed Scorponok to retreat before he turned his attention back to Grimlock. Scorponok caught Hot Rod trying to sever the connection with his real head, so he thought he'd take out his frustrations by squeezing the life out of Hot Rod. However,Swoop severed the connection himself and rendered Scorponok helpless. When Ultra Magnus finally responded to Hot Rod's distress message, he took Scorponok into custody and brought down the Machination for good by ordering the Autobots to remove any and all Cybertronian technology.Maximum Dinobots #5
The wounded Scorponok was imprisoned onGarrus-9, where he received a new head and a smaller body.The Ties That Bind Although his new body lacked Headmaster technology, some vestige of Dante's consciousness persisted in his mind.Kill All 'Cons During theSurge, the DecepticonOverlord seized control of the prison. Fellow inmate Shockwave cut a deal with Overlord—in exchange for curing hisAchilles virus, he'd receive his freedom, a ship, and a hand-picked crew of Decepticons to accompany him offworld. Shockwave chose Scorponok, among others, to accompany him—what they didn't know was that Shockwave had specifically picked them because they were on the Decepticon Justice Division's List; when the DJD caught up with them, Shockwave attempted to bargain away the rest of his crew in exchange for his own life. Rather than stick around to be a bargaining chip, Scorponok and fellow crewmembersFlame andFlywheels blasted themselves out an airlock to escape.The Ties That Bind Scorponok and Flame became separated from Flywheels as they drifted helplessly through space; they were soon found and recruited by a mysterious entity who called himself the "Grand Architect".Kill All 'Cons
Although Scorponok secured a high-ranking generalship in this new hierarchy,Lūstrāre, he cared little for the Architect's enigmatic agenda and found himself quite frustrated at never being told his mysterious master's identity or full plan, beyond using five duplicate Cybertrons to create aGod Gun that would trap a great enemy in a parallel universe.Farsickness Scorponok helped co-ordinate and oversee various experiments that the Architect's agents were conducting in secret locations around the galaxy, attempts to artificially engineer the ultimate Cybertronian lifeform that yielded strange lifeforms like the wooden "Treecons" and the multi-changing "Infinites".The Ties That BindFarsickness. Realizing that the ancient source of knowledge known as theMagnificence could aid in this objective, Scorponok utilized the transwarp tunnels of theWarren to abduct Grimlock—who had had the talisman implanted in his chest for safekeeping—from his cell on Garrus-9 and transported him to the planetCorritan. After a protracted period of physical and mental torture, Scorponok forced Grimlock to surrender the Magnificence and dumped his broken body in astasis tube on board aWorldsweeper-class starship.The Ties That Bind
In secret, Scorponok diverted some of the Architect's resources towards experiments of his own—his attempts to revitalize his increasingly stagnant race led to the development of "Project: Firstborn", an attempt to implant a Cybertronianspark into an organic lifeform.The Ties That BindFarsickness Scorponok somehow lost possession of the Magnificence, but picked up its trail again in 2017 when theCatharsianMengel contacted him with the news that she'd successfully brought one of the Infinites to term in her lab onTroja Major. Realizing that she must have used the Magnificence to accomplish this feat, Scorponok sent troops to collect the Infinite, recover the Magnificence, and begin the elimination of all the Grand Architect's agents—with the means to mass-produce Infinites in their grasp, the Grand Architect's clandestine operatives were loose ends to be disposed of. Upon being presented with the Magnificence, Scorponok scoffed at Mengel's lack of ambition regarding the relic's powers.Chasing the Infinite
Further usage of the Magnificence revealed the device was continuing to evolve and was now capable of scanning Cybertronian brains and choosing whether or not to answer. However, due to his unique brainwave patterns—a relic of his severed Headmaster bond with Abraham Dante—Scorponok could bypass this layer of security and force the Magnificence to tell him whatever he wanted. Using the Magnificence, Scorponok advanced his own agenda by extractingRat-a-Tat-Tat's spark and grafting it into an artificially engineered organic he dubbed the "Firstborn", which would hopefully revitalize the Decepticon race via sexual reproduction; until that day, he carried her gestation pod inside his own chest compartment.Kill All 'Cons
Scorponok's private Worldsweeper landed onConfluence where a battery of disguisedTreecons kept watch for intruders. When theScavengers arrived on Confluence and dispatched the Treecons, Scorponok ambushed the group and remotely disabled Grimlock before imprisoning the group on his ship. After confirming that the Scavengersweren't working for his enemy, Scorponok waited until the Scavengers had pried open Grimlock's chest compartment, then made a dramatic entrance so that he could explain the story behind Grimlock and the Magnificence. Once he'd determined that the Scavengers were completely expendable, Scorponok reactivated Grimlock in the hopes that the brain-damaged Dinobot would eviscerate his erstwhile allies.The Ties That Bind
Scorponok learned that the now-lucid Grimlock, who'd seemingly murdered his Decepticon allies, was demanding an audience with him. Amused, Scorponok gloated to his old rival about the Magnificence before the Scavengers—who'd faked their deaths to catch Scorponok off-guard—turned the tables on their captor and seized the Magnificence to learn Scorponok's true plan. Unwilling to have his thunder stolen, Scorponok unveiled the Firstborn and explained his plan to replenish the Decepticon faction—in exchange for killing Grimlock, Scorponok offered to make the Scavengers his generals, only for the group to refuse the offer. In response, Scorponok began harvesting their sparks beforeNickel use a pre-recorded message ofTarn's voice to paralyze him while the Scavengers stole the Firstborn and ran off.Kill All 'Cons Losing his experiment and the Magnificence prompted Scorponok to question remaining at the Architect's side.Farsickness
As the Grand Architect's plans neared completion, thePhantom Fleet travelled toMederi where they clashed with theLost Light. CaptainGetaway, pledged loyalty to the Architect by turning over his crew to Scorponok, who mutated them intosparkeaters. Remaining aboard theLost Light, Scorponok was soon reunited with Hot Rod—now calling himself Rodimus—whom he once again trounced; before he could execute his old foe,Tyrest teleported him away.Lūstrāre
Back aboard the flagship, Scorponok teleported ageobomb into Mederi before noting that the enemy the Grand Architect had prepared so long to face had failed to present himself. When theBlack Block Consortia prepared to killTeam Rodimus, Scorponok eagerly watched only for the Architect to instead imprison them. His patience finally exhausted, Scorponok orderedSunder to use his remotemnemosurgery abilities and discover their master's true identity, only for the Architect to resist the telepathic attack and strip Sunder of his powers. As the God Gun began drilling into the alternate universe, Scorponok noted that their long-prophesied enemy still hadn't shown up, moments before Tyrest then detected an energy buildup on the other side of the portal. Scorponok realized that the Architect had miscalculated—their enemy wasin this other universe, and the Architect's million-year gambit had allowed him access intotheirs... moments beforeAdaptus, the Grand Architect inPharma's body, fatally stabbed him in the back, then sliced his head in half as punishment for making him raise his voice.Farsickness His body remained where it fell, and Flame took to reminding the Grand Architect's other associates that they didn't want to get "Scorponok'd".The Return of the King
Spinister,Galvatron, and Scorponok were sent byMegatron to rob theAutobot City Bank. In heavy disguise, they went in and got the drop on the bank tellers, only forOptimus Prime,Bumblebee andWheeljack to turn up. The Decepticons called inDevastator, who ripped the roof off the bank and disposed of the three Autobots. Scorponok subsequently cracked open the safe and passed theenergon inside to Spinister for delivery to Megatron.Quest for Energon, Part 1 Scorponok and Barricade carried the completed weapon over toHightower to be set up. When Wheeljack andCliffjumper invaded the work site, Scorponok helped in their capture, only to be pelted with molten cheese when they turned out to be a diversion. He and the other Decepticons were subsequently strung up in a net.Quest for Energon, Part 2
Scorponok was amongBludgeon's forces when they uncovered theRed Bucket, and fled the scene when Bludgeon was defeated byJazz andBluestreak.Treasure Competition! Defeat with Block Power!
A city on Megatron-dominated Cybertron,Funeral for a Friend Scorponok was known as a "city of madness" where unspeakable things took place. When several Autobots andJoes were captured by the Decepticons, theAstrotrain carried them to Scorponok for punishment.Expelled from the GardenBilly andSnake Eyes battled atop Scorponok's claws, resulting in the former losing his right arm and leg.FCBD Funnies Within Scorponok, Decepticobra constructed the artificial town ofSpringfield whereDoctor Mindbender brainwashed the captured Joes into thinking they were just ordinary citizens. As Scorponok was facing off againstOptimus Prime,Scarlett was able to fight off the influence and kill Scorponok'sNeb'los Headmaster, Mo Zarak, after which she herself took control of the scorpion-city.Headmasters Optimus Prime stood atop of Scorponok when he repaired Bumblebee back to working order, leading to word spreading that Optimus had "tamed" the Decepticon war machine.Pax Megatronus
WhenPrimus began transforming, Scorponok fled with the rest of the Autobots to avoid getting crushed.Escape from Primus Scarlett, now going by "Zkarlett", then had Scorponok meet up with Fortress Maximus so that she could share a moment withSnake-Eyes, who was similarly in control of Maximus. Together, they then used their city-bot bodies to help convinceMetroplex to transform into robot mode and join them in fighting the Decepticon army.Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12 During the final battle, Scorponok and Maximus took on Megatron's "Mega-Megatron" combiner form, which dwarfed even them. After the Autobots and Joes were victorious, Scarlett brought Scorponok with her to Earth and positioned the city on the planet's new continent, where it became home to victims of the Springfield incident and other displaced peoples and refugees. She and Snake-Eyes lived in a log cabin built on the tip of its tail.The War Never Ends
InPrimax 1086.0 Kappa, Scorponok and Fortress Maximus were both killed by Nebulans during the Transformers' battle on Nebulos, and their remains were fused together by Mortilus Zarak into a giant robot body under his control. After he binary bonded with the body, however, the faint traces of Scorponok and Maximus's sparks began affecting his mind, eventually driving him mad and turning him into "Zarak Maximus".Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/11
According to reports byPunch, his alter-ego Counterpunch had worked his way into being a trusted advisor to Scorponok. Whether or not this actually happened is uncertain given the conflict between the two personas.The Truth We Make
When the devastating Transformer war spread to Nebulos, the Decepticon saboteurZarak and the Nebulan geniusFausto Borx colluded to transform the city ofKinodia into the towering superweapon MegaZarak: the first "double-Headmaster", jointly piloted by their binary-bonded intellects. Bolstered by this new addition, the Decepticons briefly enjoyed the upper hand during the Nebulan campaign - but their joy would short-lived, as the Autobots retaliated by binary-bondingCerebros andSpike Witwicky into Fortress Maximus. The battle between these two titans devastated the already ravaged world. Though MegaZarak was the stronger of the two city-bots, the Autobots usedLlyra—daughter of Fausto and mate of their human allyDaniel Witwicky—as a distraction, and MegaZarak's brief hesitation cost him the fight.A Brush With Infamy–Prologue
Though Fortress Maximus emerged triumphant, Nebulos would never again support life, and races across the galaxy would forever immortalize the tragedy as the "Scouring of Nebulos."Head Games MegaZarak saw action again several years later on the planetRebirth; by that point, Zarak had replaced Borx with theCyberdroidsDante andCaliburn. When the Autobots arrived to liberate the world from Decepticon control, the Decepticons deployed MegaZarak against Fortress Maximus. This time, MegaZarak succeeded in toppling his old foe and the Autobots were forced to retreat.A Brush With Infamy–PrologueDerailment
At some point after this, Dante was unwillingly replaced bythe grandson of Fausto Borx. MegaZarak was later destroyed under unspecified circumstances in another battle with Fortress Maximus at the very end of the Great War, presumably taking Zarak with him.Derailment
“ | Kindness is no virtue... and cruelty is no vice. | ” |
—Earthrise Scorponok, reusing his original motto |
TheScorponok were one of the few unforeseen dangers ahead of the Autobots and Decepticons in their race for theAllSpark. Scorponok's function served as aTitan, his primary objective was annihilation, and their primary weapon was the Electro-Stinger. DecepticonFasttrack's function was to serve Scorponok.Earthrise webpage[1]
TheScorponok were created by theQuintessons, though much like the Cybertronians, they were treated poorly. The Scorponok never fought back, leaving their home destroyed and its people killed, except for one individualEarthrise episode 4 aboardNebulon Station, an outpost jammed between a constantly active space bridge. This Scorponok awakened when theArk-bound Autobots entered the station intending to explode it to pass through the space bridge. Declaring the Autobots an infestation, he killed aSecurity Officer and fought with the Autobots, including a hologram ofOmega Supreme created byMirage.Optimus Prime shortly joined the skirmish and knocked Scorponok down a chasm, though he merely transformed and rose up in his gigantic robot mode. After killing another Security Officer, he gave chase to the fleeing Autobots, though they managed to buy time behind a reinforced door.Earthrise episode 3
Scorponok busted down the door and resumed the fight against the Autobots. Nearly killing Optimus Prime, he was stopped by the arrival ofMegatron and hisNemesis-bound Decepticons. After numerous attacks from both sides and tossing aside an annoyingRavage, Scorponok transformed and disrupted the duel between Optimus Prime and Megatron, only for the former to throw and shoot a charge in Scorponok's face. Arising from the rubble, he once again engaged in a fight with the Autobots and Decepticons, who discovered his weak point was his head. Optimus Prime leaped onto Scorponok's back and slung the disconnected wires on the ground around his neck to ride him, leaving the giant scorpion angered to be once again enslaved. After a failed attempt to kill Optimus Prime thanks to Megatron's interference, Scorponok fled.
Later, Optimus Prime accused Megatron of having Quintesson-like behavior, which attracted the ire of Scorponok, who explained how cruel the Quintessons were and how Megatron is not too dissimilar to aJudge. A furious Megatron blasted Scorponok which provoked the latter to attack the Decepticons, giving the Autobots time to disable the station's gravity controls and flee to theArk. Starscream, in a gambit for power, used theNemesis' cannons at max-power to destroy the Autobots and Megatron, with the resulting explosion presumably taking Scorponok with it.Earthrise episode 4
An ancient Titan, Scorponok was once controlled by another only to be deliberately buried when his controller vanished. WhenKing Sombra was unleashed on Cybertron, theunicorn tyrant had his mind-controlled army exhume the Titan's body whereupon he possessed it, intending to conquerEquestria and Cybertron as "King Sombranok". Sombra struggled however to activate Scorponok's weapon systems in time to fight off the Equestrian/Cybertronian alliance, leaving the Titan vulnerable to the power of friendship. Through the efforts of Optimus Prime and Megatron, Scorponok's systems overloaded and his body exploded in a burst of arcane energy.Finale
As the Decepticons rampaged over Earth, Cybertron, and Chaar, Scorponok waited on the "Last Planet" for Fortress Maximus to show up and challenge him. And Fortress did. And he won.Transformers: The Headmasters
Scorponok appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by Corporal Pig.Angry Birds Transformers
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...! This character article is astub and is missing information on theirvideo game appearances. You can helpTransformers Wiki byexpanding it. |
Scorponok was one of the largest Decepticons ever to exist. Along with his Headmaster partnerLord Zarak, he was a member of the DecepticonConclave.Decepticon Directive Although Scorponok's cruelty and intelligence made him a dangerous foe, he struggled to work with his Headmaster partner.The Enigma of Combination
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...! Transformers: Earth WarsThis character article is astub and is missing information on theirvideo game appearances. You can helpTransformers Wiki byexpanding it. |
Titans Return mold: Fangry | ||
Titan Master:
Siege accessory mold:Jetfire'sFire Blast effects | ||