The name or term "Nebulon" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeNebulon (disambiguation). |
Nebulos (sometimes calledNebulon) is a planet inhabited by lifeforms, most notably a race of humanoids calledNebulans or Nebulons. These beings have found themselves involved with theTransformers in several different dimensions within the multiverse and are usually responsible for or deeply involved in theHeadmaster,Targetmaster, andPowermaster technologies.
Ten thousand years ago, a conflict threatened to destroy the planet but the first incarnation of theWorld Watchers organisation defused it. In response to the near-disaster, the Nebulans turned away from the ways of war and locked away their weaponry under the watch of the, er, Watchers. The planet came under the rule of the democraticCouncil of Peers; anaristocracy existed as well.
A group of Autobots led byFortress Maximus sought to relocate to Nebulos in order to escape their own millennia-old conflict on their own planet ofCybertron, but their arrival created dissension and mistrust within the Nebulan community. The arrival of a group ofDecepticons led byScorponok soon afterward only escalated these tensions, and Nebulos's age of peace was lost as citizensbinary-bonded to Transformers on both sides of the conflict to becomeHeadmasters andTargetmasters.
Realizing the damage that was being done to Nebulos's once-peaceful culture, the Autobots abandoned the planet to join Transformers already on the planetEarth, believing (correctly) that the Decepticons would pursue them off-Nebulos.Headmasters
After this the citizens of Nebulos tainted their own energy sources so as to be poisonous to any Transformers that might seek to return to their world. When DecepticonsDarkwing andDreadwind arrived soon after the departure of the other Transformers, they soon found themselves victim of this poisoning, and lay dormant for a time. They were later revived by Nebulan traitorsHi-Test andThrottle, who had stolen power-conversion plans that eventually created thePowermasters. Hi-Q, the creator of this process, eventually binary-bonded with a rebornOptimus Prime, and several of his staff joined with other Autobots, in order to combat the threat posed by Darkwing and Dreadwind. They, too, eventually left Nebulos to join the other Transformers on Earth.People Power!
Known locations on Nebulos included:
News on the planet was reported by theNebulan News Network.
The scientistBorx beganProject Lazarus, an attempt to rebuild the Autobot Headmasters' bodies and connect them to their original heads, at theTechnodrome.Loose Ends, Part 2 The attempt by Borx's team to access Zarak's files triggered the reactivation ofScorponok's head, and he was able to gain control over the Nebulans. Using the knowledge he gained from his link with Zarak, he was able to complete Project Lazarus, restoring his own body.Natural Selection, Part One
At some point afterOptimus Prime and company had left Nebulos, the planet was declared off-limits, presumably to keep the Nebulans from being further involved in Cybertronian affairs. This didn't stopKup from announcing to theWreckers that he intended to visit Nebulos, following their stopover on Earth, to tie up any loose ends.Megatron would derail Kup's plans, though.Loose Ends, Part 1
Meanwhile,Grimlock had decided to violate the ban and visit Nebulos on his own, hoping to find a way to cure his fellowDinobots from the effects ofNucleon. As he approached the planet, he received a report on Project Lazarus. However, upon reaching Koraja Spaceport, Grimlock was attacked by Nebulan forces, whom he noticed appeared to be under some form of hypnosis. Unable to stop them, Grimlock was captured.Loose Ends, Part 2
Grimlock found himself in the hands of Scorponok, who had been successfully restored.Loose Ends, Part 5 The Decepticon explained his revival, and he offered Grimlock a new body for himself and his Dinobots, as long as Grimlock would agree to serve him.Natural Selection, Part One
It was from Zarak's old base of operations on thePlains of Thok that Scorponok completed the restoration of the AutobotsHardhead,Hightbrow, andBrainstorm, only to infect them with hisGene Key, which rewrote the Autobots'CNA to activate the so-called "Warrior Gene", turning them into violent berserkers. Grimlock joined Scorponok and his new warriors as they left for Cybertron, so that Scorponok could use the Gene Key on every Autobot on the planet.Natural Selection, Part Two Fortunately for the Autobots, Grimlock planned to betray Scorponok all along, and sacrificed himself to defeat the Decepticon's plans, a penance for the line the Dinobot commander had crossed.Natural Selection, Part Five
Ultra Magnus dispatched theRescue Patrol to Nebulos, in the hopes thatFixit and his team could help the Nebulans break free of Scorponok's control and return to their normal lives. He reported on these events to Optimus Prime who had the ideaDestiny, Part One of partnering Earth and Nebulos together so that the two worlds could help each other rebuild.Destiny, Part Two
TheConstruction Patrol began building aspace bridge in theClar Macro-jungle,The War to End All Wars, Part 1 before a corruptedFortress Maximus attacked.The War to End All Wars, Part 2 After theDark Matrix creature was revealed to be the perpetrator behind all the recent chaos, Ultra Magnus led a team to Nebulos to locateGalvatron. Joined by a group of humans from Earth, the Autobots managed to slay Galvatron and put Fortress Maximus out of his misery before rescuingSpike Witwicky. In the aftermath of the conflict, Optimus's vision came to pass as Earth and Nebulos united and flourished in their partnership.The War to End All Wars, Part 5
InPrimax 490.0 Gamma, Nebulos was one of the first Decepticon enclaves to be liberated by theConfederation of Terran Worlds, and it would go on to become a close Terran ally.Ask Vector Prime, 24/06/2015
Nebulos was a world whose inhabitants were enslaved by theHive, a group of eleven Nebulon telekinetics whose focus on development of their mental powers had caused their bodies to wither, led by LordZarak. The populace was mainly forced to do routine farm work, watched over by the machines which the Hive controlled telepathically. A group of rebels rose up against the Hive but, despite gathering sufficient intelligence on the machines, lacked the firepower to destroy them.
Some months after theHate Plague crisis, a group of Autobots on the distant Cybertron attempted to stop the opening of thePlasma Energy Chamber only for their ship to be struck by a bolt ofplasma energy, sending them to Nebulos. Followed by the Decepticons, both factions of Cybertronians joined the local conflict,The Rebirth, Part 1 leading to the birth ofTarget andHeadmaster technology. Interfacing withVector Sigma,Optimus Prime learnt of the importance of Nebulos and made his way to it. Arriving, Optimus led the Autobots to take back theKey to the Plasma Energy Chamber only to be confronted byScorponok, a gigantic Headmaster body built out of the Hive's city.The Rebirth, Part 2
With the Key, the Decepticons left Nebulos for Cybertron, the Autobots following. Remaining behind,Spike Witwicky andCerebros repurposed the Hive's machines to rebuild the oligarchs' original city intoFortress Maximus, following to Cybertron. Once the battle had ended in Cybertron's restoration, Optimus Prime sent the Headmasters and Targetmasters back to Nebulos to dismantle the remains of the Hive before appointing Cerebros as the planet's guardian.The Rebirth, Part 3
Following the rebirth of Cybertron'sGolden Age, Galvatron and Zarak led their main forces away from Earth and Cybertron. They attacked Zarak's homeworld Nebulos and other planets in deep space, promptingOptimus Prime and the Autobots to engage in hot pursuit.Generation 2: Redux
In 2012,Runabout andRunamuck kidnapped reclusive Nebulan scientistHi-Q from Nebulos on behalf ofJhiaxus. This was not noticed until five days later when Hi-Q's assistant,Hi-Test, opened up Hi-Q's laboratory to find him missing. Subsequently,Chromedome briefedPyro's team about the kidnapping.A Flash Forward, Part 3
A scientist from Nebulos namedHi-Q assisted Optimus Prime on his quest for the potent energy sourceNucleon, which was located insideblack holes.Nucleon Quest Super Convoy's profile
A large portion of Nebulos's southern continent is covered by a vast swamp. This perilous marshland is peppered by ancient ruins and quicksand.Swamp of the Scorpion. The planet's equatorial continent is dominated by a vast and arid desert.Desert of Danger
The planet Nebulos derived most of its power from a pulsar at the edge of its galaxy. A fluke of gravity lead most of the pulsar's radiation to be directed at Nebulos where it is focused on the northern pole. Nebulos's magnetic field was then used by the Nebulans to guide the energy to the areas of the planet it was needed.Decepticons at the Pole
The planet contained a mysterious area known as theNebulos Triangle, where technology ceased to work. The area was made up of a large metal surface and a huge lake of mercury. It was the metal surface that caused the failure of technology although its origin was unknown.Decepticons Underground
The planet lacked adequate resources to synthesise the lubricants used by Transformers in sufficient quantities. A vast underground lake of oil did however exist beneath a desert plain between mountain ranges.Autobots Strike Oil
The Autobots and Decepticons remained on Nebulos for a lengthy period of time.Hot Rod andCyclonus were the local commanders at first;Decepticons at the PoleOptimus Prime andScorponok later took direct control.Autobot Hostage It was on Nebulos where the war ended, when the Decepticons were all sealed underground byQuickswitch andScoop usingNebulite.Decepticons Underground
Nebulon was the fourth world of its system. It had a dual set of rings circling it and multiple moons. It was inhabited by many wild organic lifeforms and the humanoid Nebulan species. The moons circling Nebulon contained their own civilizations. One of these was the Hive Moon, which was home to a green-skinned, somewhat insectoid offshoot of the Nebulan race.More Than Meets The Eye
Nebulos laid in theNebula Cluster. In the years before theGreat War, the planet was known to Cybertronians;Chaos Theory Part 2 during theInterregnum,Delta Magnus used apower booster rod to trick the primitive inhabitants of the planet into worshipping himAn Intimate Beheading and the former head of theRodion police department visited Nebulos to hunt the natives, keeping a stuffed Nebulan on his desk.Chaos Theory Part 2
By the modern day, Nebulos has developed a global civilization and developed technologically advanced cities that favored domes, rounded bulbous towers, and organic curves. Many of the buildings had a "cracked" ancient look to the outside and green moss-like growth could be seen in patches on their exteriors. The technology level appeared significantly in advance of Earth, but not yet at interstellar travel.
Scorponok had ties to Nebulos, having used businessmanMo Zarak's corporation as a front for his own operations: creating a fusion of Nebulan and Cybertronian technology that seemed to be a precursor to the various *-master technologies. These operations were apparently foiled by the timely intervention ofUltra Magnus. Scorponok, however, escaped.Spotlight: Ultra Magnus
Nebulos was also the site of operations for a Decepticon infiltration team includingRuckus,Darkwing,Dreadwind,Skullcruncher, and others. It became the first target of the resurrectedThunderwing, as his controllerBludgeon had some sort of plan to sacrifice Nebulos in order to restoreCybertron. Nebulos was partially, if not totally devastated in the attack, and the Decepticon infiltrators were either destroyed or fled. Thunderwing departed once Bludgeon's control system was destroyed, but the status of the planet and its inhabitants following his attack remains unrevealed.Stormbringer
Wreck-Gar owned some Nebulan headlights.Dance Among the Shadows
The planetNeb'los was involved in the Great War at some point in the past. The specific details of the conflict are unknown but the encounter ended with Zarak betraying his people to theDecepticons for a position of power.Headmasters
During the 21st century, the Decepticon forces utilized Shockwave'sinfiltration protocol to destabilize Nebulan society from within. Decepticon agentZarak sparked a war between theHive Nations and theWorld Watcher alliance. Before this conflict could truly escalate, theHuman Confederacy arrived to defuse tensions, and the Cybertronians revealed themselves and turned the cold war hot. The Decepticon-Hive alliance developed Headmaster technology fromFausto Borx's experiments on captive Autobots and World Watchers—a technology that was subsequently co-opted by the Autobots to create the first Targetmasters.A Brush With Infamy–Prologue
In2031, Fausto and Zarak weaponized the city ofKinodia and createdMegaZarak, the first Double Headmaster. The Autobots retaliated by binary-bonding Cerebros andSpike Witwicky together, creating the towering superweapon known as Fortress Maximus.A Brush With Infamy–PrologueHead Games The clash of titans cut a vaste swathe of destruction across the battered planet; although Fortress Maximus emerged triumphant, Nebulos had been permanently sterilized and was no longer capable of supporting life. Humans and Cybertronians subsequently memorialized the battle as the "Scouring of Nebulos".A Brush With Infamy–Prologue
The destruction that Fortress and his fellow city-bot wrought proved to be the final straw for the nascentHuman Confederacy and its allies, who decided that the Cybertronian civil war was over and forcibly imposed an armistice on both factions. Fortress Maximus and the other Cybertronians responsible for the devastation were subsequently exiled back to anAllowed Zone that encompassedCybertron and several colony worlds.Head GamesMicro-Aggressions
InPrimax 1086.0 Kappa, the Nebulans succeeded in repelling the Cybertronian incursion onto their homeworld. Decades later, however, the planet was devastated byZarak Maximus.Ask Vector Prime, 11/06/2015
Nebulos was the possible location of one of thirteenTitans, alongsideCybertron,Unicron,Dominius,Junkion,Antilla,Paradron,Caminus,Earth,Velocitron,Biosfera,Aquatron,Botropolis,Micron, andGigantion.[2]
Following the conclusion of theEnergon War, theAutobotJetfire spent some time on the planet Nebulon. There he picked up a new accent from the locals, which to somehuman ears resembles that ofAustralians. Sort of.Jetfire's Cyber Key Code text
Nebulon's pea soup is notably thick.Challenge
InAurex 503.01 Gamma, the self-exiled AutobotOverload attempted to start a new life for himself on Nebulon, but the withdrawal from his addiction topowerlinxing caused fatal damage to his spark. Overload sought help from Nebulan doctorsHi-Q andArcana, who also had another Cybertronian patient, thenucleon-dependentMini-ConRollout. The doctors consulted the records, discovered theHeadmaster process, and used it to save both of their patients. Ultimately, however, the combined being had to be taken back to Cybertron to be fully rebuilt by a Cybertronian engineer,Rhinox.Ask Vector Prime, 18/9/2015
TheStar Arrow was transporting an experimentalForce Chip from Nebulos to Cybertron when it was attacked and downed overSandokan.The Dark Heart of Sandokan
Nebulos was the lead planet of theNebulon Republic, a loose alliance between several planets with organic life.The AllSpark Almanac II Nebulos had nice beaches, and energon "as smooth as a protoform's bottom."Swindle suggested that the Decepticons could retire there if they sold the parts of theElite Guardsmechs.Decepticon Air
That doesn't seem quite right... What's needed:The Fierce Fighting on Planet NebulosThis article on a location (real or fictional) associated with the Transformers brand is astub and is missing information. You can helpTransformers Wiki byexpanding it. |
Kup lost his original head on Nebulos.Unreliable Narratives
Zarak's Palace, located on Planet Nebulos, was the eighteenth venue for theKnights of Unicron on their 2014 "Till All Are One" tour.Knights of Unicron
At some point in the history ofNexus 208.0 Epsilon, "colonists" from theAurex Cluster paid the Nebulans a visit, causing Nebulos to become an unfriendly place for Cybertronians.
After the descent of the Shroud, theAxiom Nexus Ministry of Higher Dimensional Sciences determined Nebulos was determined to be one of the points in the universe where the dimensional walls were thinnest between their dimension andPrimax 984.0 Gamma, one of the nine foundationaluniversal streams.Vector Prime was assigned to go undercover on Nebulos to monitor and investigate the possibility of restoring access to Primax 984.0 Gamma.Ask Vector Prime, 01/11/2015
Vector Prime arrived on Nebulos safely after a meandering journey withScorpia andGalaxy Shuttle, and looked forward to exploring the wonders Nebulos had to offer withSafeguard as his guide. It was his hope that appearing as a non-native would cover any lapses due to his alien nature.Ask Vector Prime, 15/02/2015