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Megatron (One)

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The name or term "Megatron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeMegatron (disambiguation).
Megatron is aDecepticon fromOne.
"SENTINEL! Your miner has returned! I bring the destruction of Iacon!"

The humble energon miner known only asD-16 was a stickler to protocol, aMegatronus Prime fanboy who believed strict adherence to the system and its rules would one day allow him to ascend to greater heights. His attitude often served as a reality check and grounding presence to his best friend, the bold and adventurousOrion Pax. However, after experiencing events that left his entire worldview turned upside down, D-16 would embark on a path consumed by anger and revenge... a path that corrupted him into a despotic villain even worse than the one he rose up to fight against. A villain calledMegatron.

The age ofPrimes has ended! No morefalse prophets! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived!! RISE UP!!!

—D-16 declaring a new era,Transformers One



One film

Voice actor:Brian Tyree Henry (English),Subaru Kimura (Japanese),Baptiste Marc (European French),Alexandre Fortin (Canadian French),Lalo Capetillo (Latin-American Spanish, main dub),Erick Selim (Latin-American Spanish, first trailer),Gerardo Vásquez (Latin-American Spanish, alternate dub),Carles Lladó (Spain Spanish),Jan-David Rönfeldt (German),Romulo Estrela (Brazilian Portuguese),Simone Mori (Italian),Jussi Chydenius (Finnish),Wojciech Żołądkowicz (Polish),Hyeon Lee (Korean)

A cogless energon miner and bigMegatronus Prime fan, D-16 often found himself bailing his best friend,Orion Pax, out of trouble. On one such occasion, after Orion had been caught trespassing in the archives, he gave D-16 a rare sticker of Megatronus to wear proudly on his shoulder. During a mining expedition with their captainElita-1, D-16 and Orion broke protocol when an unstable energon vein caused a collapse, staying behind to free the trappedJazz.

After a transmission from Cybertron’s leader,Sentinel Prime, announced that theIacon 5000 race was happening the following day, Orion tricked his friend into entering, usingjet packs to compensate for their inability to transform. Despite briefly taking the lead, the two ultimately placed last after D-16 was injured on the final stretch. Berating Orion for the trouble they were about to be in for daring to enter, the two friends were surprised when Sentinel Prime paid them a visit in the medbay and congratulated them for inspiring the other miners, promising they would be patched up in his quarters. However, beforeAirachnid could escort them there,Darkwing, furious at almost being beaten by two miners, tossed them down to sublevel 50, where they met the energeticB-127.

He’s getting the touch, he’s getting the power!

While being shown B-127's garbage statues, Orion discovered a transmitter that gave coordinates on the possible location of theMatrix of Leadership, which had been lost for cycles, causing the energon to stop flowing. Though initially skeptical, D-16 eventually agreed to accompany Orion and B-127 to the surface to search for the artifact. Hitching a ride on a transport train with Elita-1 trying to stop them, the quartet was thrown from their transport after reaching the surface. After convincing Elita to join them on their quest, they arrived at an ancient cave containing the bodies of the fallen Primes. Although the Matrix was nowhere to be found, the four discovered thatAlpha Trion’s spark still flickered and revived him with an energon cube. Trion told them of the lie they had been living, about how Sentinel betrayed the Primes in favor of making a deal with the invading Quintessons and removed the transformation cogs from newly born Cybertronians so they could mine energon for the Quintessons.

Enraged by this revelation, D-16 vowed to kill Sentinel, unnerving his comrades. Trion granted the four transformation cogs, taken from the bodies of the fallen Primes.[1] Fleeing from Sentinel's Death Trackers, the former Cybertronian High Guard captured the four. Unwilling to back down, D-16 fought the Guard's leader,Starscream, defeating him and damaging his throat, and manifesting hisfusion cannon for the first time. Though he ultimately chose not to execute Starscream, he promised it would be the last time he showed mercy, earning the respect and seizing control of the Guard. Before they could launch an attack, however, they were found by Sentinel’s forces, with D-16, B-127 and several others being captured and brought to Sentinel’s tower. D-16 refused to kneel before the false Prime who, noticing his Megatronus decal, painfully cut the symbol into his chest and revealed that he stole Megatronus' transformation cog after killing him.

After being freed in a siege led by Orion and Elita-1, D-16 seized the opportunity to attack Sentinel. Despite being outmatched, a citywide broadcast of Airachnid's memories revealing Sentinel's treachery gave D-16 the opening to overpower Sentinel, ripping off his wings and preventing his escape. Aiming his fusion cannon at the false Prime, D-16 was horrified when his shot hit an intercepting Orion, who had attempted to stop him from becoming like Sentinel. Eventually deciding he was done saving his friend, D-16 let Orion fall into Cybertron's core and tore Sentinel in half, seizing Megatronus' cog from his chest and declaring himself "Megatron". Rallying the High Guard to ransack the city, Megatron briefly fought B-127 and Elita-1 before Orion, repaired and empowered by the Matrix of Leadership into Optimus Prime, returned to the surface. In the ensuing battle, Optimus overpowered Megatron and banished him from Iacon, lamenting to his former friend about how he had chosen to destroy Cybertron like Sentinel had. Declaring that this wasn't over, Megatron and the High Guard retreated.

In the shadows, Megatron rechristened his new followers "Decepticons" and swore revenge on Optimus.One

One: New Adventures

Voice actor:Humber Mirabal (Latin-American Spanish)

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  • Megatron/D-16 (Mega Changers,2024)
  • Accessories: Fusion Cannon
Another repackage of theAuthentics Titan ChangerMegatron, released as part of the rebranded "Mega Changers" line ofTransformers One toys. He transforms from a thin robot to a tank. The fusion cannon can be mounted on either arm or held in either fist via a 5 mm post. His only articulation is at the ball-jointed shoulders.

  • Bumblebee/B-127, Optimus Prime/Orion Pax, Megatron/D-16, & Starscream (Mega Changer 4-Pack, 2024)
Mega Changer Megatron/D-16 was re-released in November as part of aTarget-exclusive multi-pack withBumblebee/B-127,Optimus Prime/Orion Pax, andStarscream, $10 cheaper than the four individually.

Super Megatron 2, Electric Boogaloo
  • Optimus Prime vs. Megatron (Robot Battlers, 2024)
  • Accessories: Energon sword, Fusion Cannon, base
"Robot Battlers" Megatron transforms from a robot to a Cybertronian tank. The figure can be placed on a base to perform action moves by sliding the finger slots to knock an opponent's figure off from their base. He is packaged in a 2-pack set withOptimus Prime, and includes an additional cannon accessory that plugs over his arm alongside the standard Energon sword.
  • Cybertron Rush Battle Leader-tachi no Tatakai (サイバトロンラッシュバトル リーダーたちの戦い, 2024)
  • ID number:OCR-01
  • Release date:2024October 12
  • Accessories: Energon sword, Fusion Cannon, base
The Robot Battlers Megatron is released in Japan as part of a "Cybertron Rush Battle" 3-pack withOptimus Prime andElita-1.

Whirlwing is tryingreally hard to not think about how he's being launched from D-16's crotch.
  • Megatron/D-16 & Decepticon Whirlwing (Race & Blast 2-Pack, 2024)
ATarget exclusive, "Race & Blast" Megatron is a retool ofRobots in DisguiseOverload, with a new head, chest, shins, and cannon. He transforms into a Cybertronian tank. In this mode, the front clamp between his treads can be loaded with his partnerWhirlwing—or any otherCyclone-styleMini-Con—and launched by pushing the trigger next to his Fusion Cannon.
Being a retool of a different character, his fusion cannon is permanently affixed to his left arm instead of his right. The toy is largely based on his Megatron design, though the cannon is based on cogged D-16's.

  • Optimus Prime/Orion Pax vs. Megatron/D-16 (Race Changers, 2024)
  • Accessories: launcher
"Race Changers" Megatron/D-16 is, shockingly, a retool of the tank version ofBot Shots Megatron from 2012. The design of the front of the tank has been changed and missile pods have been added to the back of the tank. He features a spring-loadedautomatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his front is pressed. His chest spinner no longer has the battle gimmick, only a Decepticon insignia on one side with the other sides left blank. The included launcher is a new design.
Megatron comes in a Target-exclusive 2-pack withOptimus Prime/Orion Pax. They can be launched at each other for combative play or have the launchers connected side-by-side for racing action. Interestingly, the launchers have "2017" molded into their bottoms, whereas the originalBot Shots toyline ended in 2013. This suggests these remolds were made for an earlier toyline but ultimately weren't released until now.

Talking about this toy will make you feel like you're playing chess.
  • Megatron/D-16 / Optimus Prime/Orion Pax / Autobot Mirage (Iacon Race 3-pack, 2024)
Released as part of the Target-exclusive Iacon Race 3-pack, Megatron/D-16 is a retool of the firstCyberverseMegatron 1-Step Changer and transforms between robot and tank modes in one step.
Megatron/D-16 comes packaged withMirage andOptimus Prime/Orion Pax. Initial listings for the set had the name "Racing Warrior 3-pack".

  • Megatron/D-16 (Cog Changers, 2024)
  • TakaraTomy name:Cog Power Change Megatron (コグパワーチェンジ メガトロン)
  • TakaraTomy ID number:OCP-05
  • TakaraTomy release date:2024October 12
Released as part of the second wave ofTransformers One Cog Changers, Megatron/D-16 transforms from robot to Cybertronian tank by sliding up and pressing a transformation cog shaped panel on his chest. Transformation into robot mode is done manually. The toy is based on his cogged D-16 design.

Studio Series

  • Megatron (Deluxe Class,2024)
  • Movie:Transformers One
  • Hasbro ID number:114
  • TakaraTomy name:Megatron (メガトロン)
  • TakaraTomy ID number:SS-138
  • TakaraTomy release date:2025February 22
  • Accessories: Fusion Cannon, Arm Cannon, 2 side cannons, turret base, "Metropolis of Iacon" backdrop
  • Known designers:Koki Yamada (TakaraTomy)[2]
Released in the final wave of 2024Studio Series toys, Megatron transforms into a Cybertronian tank and is based on his form in the final battle ofTransformers One, thus lacking the Decepticon insignia added in the post-credit scene. However, the fusion cannon and two side cannons are from his cogged D-16 form. His fusion cannon and smaller arm cannon can be mounted on either arm and combine to form the main turret of the tank mode. The smaller cannons can attach to the turret base or sides of his tank mode, or his left arm should you wish Megatron to possess a more movie-accurate machine gun. He also comes with a backdrop depicting theIacon cityscape as seen in the film.
His head tends to pop off easily unless you gently push it forward until you hear a quiet "click." The arm cannon can be attached to his fusion cannon to approximate his final form's cannon somewhat.
Due to its somewhat limited tolerance, Megatron's thighs can cause a possible small dent if it collides with his lower waist.
Megatron was first revealed atSan Diego Comic-Con along with the rest of his wave. This figure was included in a special "Media Influencer Box" sent out to select parties in late September—two months before the figure's scheduled release.


Transformers One

A children's product based on his appearance in theOne film, the Megatron costume is comprised of a bodysuit and mask.


  • (Cog-less Bot Mode) D-16 (AMK Series Model Kit, 2024)
  • Accessories: 3 pairs of hands,Cog of Conversion Transformation Cog, Jetpack
Released as part ofYolopark'sAdvance Model Kit (AMK) lineup, this D-16 is modeled after his Cog-less Cybertronian form, and he can be only completed by snapping the pre-painted pieces together. Aside from his hand parts, D-16 also comes with an additional jetpack he used to mine (and interfere in the Iacon 5000 race), and a Transformation Cog. While the Cog can be installed into D-16's empty slot, it does not have holes or friction to hold it.
Unlike his fellow Cog-less bots, D-16 features opaque yellow paint on his eyes. Due to the paint layers, any of its optic details have been largely drowned out.
Like most Yolopark AMK kits, D-16's pre-assembled parts can also be detached, except for the pinned areas, making it generally easy to customize the kit if desired.
D-16 can be bought in either the default-styled "gift box" or "tin box"-styled packaging. The latter can be purchased with the other three Cog-less figures as a 4-pack set with an acrylic standee.

  • (Cogged Bot Mode) D-16 (AMK Series Model Kit, 2024)
  • Accessories: 3 pairs of hands, small cannon, Fusion Cannon
This model kit of D-16 is based on his cogged form, and he comes with his signature Fusion Cannon and a small cannon that he obtained from his evolution to Megatron.


Blokees GV05 D-16.jpg
  • D-16 COG (Galaxy Version, 2024)
  • Series:Galaxy Version 05 - One
  • Accessories: 2 open hands, fusion cannon, secondary cannon, spare peg-and-ball piece, stand
Blokees D-16 is a 4.25-inch tall non-transforming buildable figure representing his post-cog body. He appears once in every case of nine blind boxes. As with the rest of his wave, D features an upgraded suite of standard body parts, with sturdier hinge joints and slightly more complex builds than their Generation 1 counterparts.
D-16 includes the usual pairs of gripping fists and open hands, his original fusion cannon, his secondary cannon, and a two-studded connectable figure stand. He also features the Megatronus decal on his left shoulder, as well as the later approximation of it burned into his chest. You may want to buy a second copy if you want to depict both options accurately.

  • Megatron (Classic Class, 2024)
  • ID number:12
  • Accessories: 2 pairs of hands (grip, open palm), triple-barreled fusion cannon, secondary cannon, 2 figure stands, 2 energy effects
Released as part of Blokees'Classic Class model kit line, this Megatron is a 4.5-inch tall non-transforming Deluxe/Prime Changer-sizedGunpla-style model kit with pre-painted parts on the runners. He also features a torso frame that lights up upon shaking (or at leastlightly tap some areas on the torso), causing the eyes and his inner Cog to glow for a limited time. Aside from the usual display stand, the similar pairs of hand parts, and the secondary arm-mounted cannon, Megatron also comes with his signature triple-barreled fusion cannon. While the pieces are molded on a touch-gate runner for easy removal of parts without nippers or tools, the former is required for a cleaner cut.
Since the forearms are designed to be asymmetrical, it is not feasible to create a proper non-Fusion Cannon-activated right forearm with the original parts from another copy of the kit, unlessextensive modifications are made.

  • Starscream (Classic Class, 2024)
  • ID number:16
Classic Class Starscream comes with a mini vehicle kit of Megatron's tank mode.


Threezero MDLX TFOne Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron/D-16 (MDLX, 2025)
  • Accessories: 2 heads , 3 Chest Parts, 2 pairs of Shoulder parts, D-16Fusion cannon, tri-barrel Fusion cannon, secondary cannon, transformation cog
Sold as part ofThreezero'sOne-based MDLX line, this Megatron is a smaller-scaled non-transforming action figure in the vein of contemporary collector-oriented lines likeFigma andS.H. Figuarts. Like those lines, the figure is extremely well-articulated and detailed and features interchangeable hands and accessories. The figure comes with pieces that allow him to convert between "D-16" and "Megatron" modes, including both versions of his Fusion cannon. Additionally, he will also include an additional "D-16" chestplate bearing the Megatronus symbol carved into it bySentinel Prime.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


googoo gaga
  • Megatron (High-end Baby Figurine, 2024)
  • Accessories: "Aggregate cannon" (two arm cannons)
Released byKillerbody, this non-converting super deformed Megatron features, light-up eyes, attachable weapons, and shoulder and hip articulation.


  • D-16's cogless form with his black, dome-shaped helmet resembles Megatron'sMarvel Comics appearance, which in turn was based on concept art for an unproduced prototype version of the original Takara Micro Change figure.
  • The red energy trails that D-16/Megatron displayed is a reference to the same red berserker eyes and energy trails displayed by the Gundam Barbatos Lupus/Lupus Rex fromGundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Megatron (メガトロンMegatoron)


  • (thumbnail)

    Original miner body

  • (thumbnail)

    Cogged form

  • (thumbnail)

    Reformatted as Megatron


  1. In the film,Prima Prime's cog is shown going to D-16, while the film's novelization states he receivedOnyx Prime's. It doesn't ultimately have a significant effect on the story as a whole, so deciding which cog he got somewhat becomes a matter ofpersonal canon.
  2. The HasbroTransformers Panel atSan Diego Comic-Con 2024 withMario Carreiro,John Warden,Evan Brooks, andNate Purswell, recorded at the "Memo's Collection" YouTube channel.
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