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Marc Perez

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The name or term "Marc" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeMark (disambiguation).
Marc Perez.jpg

Marc Perez (bornAugust 8,1956) is a French actor specialized in dubbing. He is the regular French voice of Kenneth Choi, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Joe Lo Truglio.

He is very active in animation series and videogames dubs, being for example the voice of Luigi in theCars saga, Flintheart Glomgold inDuckTales, Onaconda Farr inStar Wars: TheClone Wars, Wynnchel in theWreck-It Ralph films, and Zenyatta inOverwatch.

He also voiced a lot of different characters in theDC Comics productions, including the Riddler in various animated films.


Voice roles

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen


  • In the European French dub ofRevenge of the Fallen, Marc Perez andGilbert Levy (who dubs Skids) switch roles during several scenes:
    • In the scene in which they scan new alt modes at theNEST base.
    • In the scene in which they tellSam that they don't know how to read.
    • In the scene in which they the group arrives at theTomb of the Primes.
  • Their first scene is a mess.
    • Gilbert Levy firstly dubs Mudflap's "I got 'im, I got 'im!", then dubs both of them at one point. He dubs the second part of Mudflap's phrase, ("I'm okay, I'm all right") and at the same time Skids' "This is combat, man! What's wrong with you?", synced to Mudflap's mouth.
    • Marc Perez dubs Skids' "Watch it, watch it-", then only the first part of the next phrase "I screwed that up...". Then he replaces Skids' line "This is combat, man!" by "What are you doing you dummy?". The line "Total brain freeze, man" is absent since the audio team synced "This is combat, man! What's wrong with you?" on it.

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