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The name or term "End" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeEnd (disambiguation).
«Transformers: Cybertron ep 49»
Galaxy Force ep 50
Cyb ep49 giant galvatron.jpg
"Fools! Galvatron can be any size Galvatron wants!"

(Shūmatsu no Toki, Kibō no Hikari o)
"The Final Moments, Light of Hope"
Production companyTV Aichi,We've,Tōkyū Agency
AirdateDecember 17,2005 (Japanese)
September 27,2006 (English)
WriterKenji Sugihara
DirectorAtsushi Takeyama
Animation studioGONZO
ContinuityUnicron Trilogy cartoon continuity

In the dark heart of the black hole, the five planet leaders battle Galvatron for the fate of the universe.



Supreme Class Syndrome on crack

The assembledAutobots stand on the bow of the great ship, theArk, and confrontGalvatron and his small band ofDecepticons. Although massively outnumbered, Galvatron is unfazed, as he still wields the power of theOmega Lock and theCyber Planet Keys, and he lecturesOptimus Prime on the nature of power. Prime rejects Galvatron's speech, so Galvatron provides a visual aid, using the power of the Lock to transform his followers into giants. As his now-towering minions launch their attack on the Autobots, Galvatron himself makes a break for theblack hole, but finds his way barred byPrimus. Unfortunately for the deity, his power is so diminished from his attempts to slow the expansion of the black hole that the Omega Lock-powered Galvatron is able to blast him into unconsciousness.

Thunderblast shrugs off attacks fromBrimstone andUndermine before coming under fire from theEarth Transformers, including her old friendLugnutz. At the same time,Crumplezone finds that his new size doesn't make him a better racer when he is confronted by his old foes fromVelocitron, whileRansack literally gets the short end of things when he comes under attack by theGigantions, who are the same size as him even after his height increase! Finally,Thundercracker is given the honor of holding back Optimus Prime, but before long, theCybertron Defense Team come to their leader's aid, taking over the fight so Prime can combine withWing Saber to pursue Galvatron. Just before he heads off, Optimus is approached byOverride,Scourge,Evac andMetroplex, who wish to join him on his mission. They have also broughtCoby,Bud andLori along in theMini-Cons, at the children's insistence, and Optimus agrees to allow them to join the group, vowing that the five leaders together will protect them.


On Earth,Colonel Franklin andLucy Suzuki survey the destruction that the black hole is wreaking upon the planet from the relative safety of the Autobot base. As many people as possible have been evacuated to shelters, and now, all they can do is watch, wait... and hope...

Heading for the black hole, the five planet leaders come upon the unconscious body of Primus, who awakens just long enough to tell them that Galvatron is within the black hole and is using the Omega Lock to destabilize it. The Autobots pursue him, flying into the singularity and past the torturedJungle Planet, which was recently caught in its inexorable pull. Just as they begin to wonder why Galvatron wishes to expand the black hole, the Decepticon leader himself appears before them, now a giant himself, and gives them their answer: It is his intention to use the black hole to bring the universe to end, after which he will use the power of the Lock and Keys to create a new universe, molded in his image! Disgusted by Galvatron's willingness to destroy even his own Decepticons in his pursuit of power, the five leaders dive into battle, countering Galvatron's blast with their combined strength and eventually combining theirCyber Key powers into one five-pronged attack that manages to take him down. In one final act of spite, Galvatron hurls the Omega Lock and the Cyber Planet Keys at the core of the black hole, resolving to see the universe destroyed if he cannot have it himself.

Use the Force, Luke.

With the black hole destabilizing all around them thanks to its prior exposure to Galvatron's power, the five Autobots dive for the core, hot on the Omega Lock's trail, but when they spot it, they discover that the Cyber Planet Keys have come loose and are floating all around them. With the aid of the kids and Mini-Cons, the leaders of the four colony worlds successfully retrieve their planets' Keys, leaving the tumbling Omega Lock for Optimus to grab. With Coby acting as his eyes, Prime navigates the debris and pushes himself to the limit, trying to catch up to the Lock. Just when it seems that he will not make it, thePlanet Map in Bud possession begins to glow...and before Optimus's eyes, the ethereal form ofVector Prime appears. Vector lays his ghostly hand alongside Optimus's, and together, the two Primes reach out and seize the Omega Lock. As the sound of theOmega Frequency rings out, the Omega Lock and Keys fly from the Autobots' hands in a coalescing wave of golden energy, soaring out of the black hole and recombining with Primus. His power restored fully at last, the rejuvenated god springs to life and seizes the Ark, through which he channels all his energy in one titanic blast. This beam of holy energy stabs directly into the heart of the black hole, which shudders...glows like a dying star...and at last, is no more!

When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

His purpose complete, Primus smiles and transforms back into Cybertron, but not Cybertron as the Transformers once knew their planet. Restored by the power of the four Cyber Planet Keys, their homeworld now encompasses the greatest aspects of all four colony worlds. With the black hole finally destroyed, its effects upon the universe are no more, and peace returns to Earth.

Out in space, learning that Galvatron was intending to abandon them in pursuit of his goals, the four remaining Decepticons turn the tables on their leader and abandon him instead, leaving Galvatron alone in the void.

And down on Earth, the Autobots bring the kids back to their homes, where they are reunited with their parents.

At last, the universe has been saved!

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


Brimstone: It's rodeo time!
Thunderblast: Did you just compare me to acow?!
Undermine: Actually, a bull, but...
Thunderblast: A BOY cow?! I'm a BOY COW to you?!
Undermine: If the udder fits...
Thunderblast: You're asking for it! A girl gets a little bigger and they call her a cow...

—Thunderblast discovers the drawbacks of size increasing.

[Thundercracker fires off ream after ream of missiles]
"Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot..."
[notices a stream of Autobot fire heading right for him, and that he's out of missiles]

Thundercracker just can't win.

"You kids are going to ruin my bad reputation!"


Optimus Prime: "It's time for you to go, Galvatron!"
Override: "See ya later!"
Metroplex: "I hope this stings a wee bit!"
Evac: "Let me get this off my back!"
Scourge: "Just because!"
Galvatron: "Uh-oh"

—Galvatron has an "oh, crap" moment right as all five leaders shoot him.

"This is your destiny. Reach out...and save the future."

Vector Prime, pulling a Ben Kenobi. Or a Yoda.


Differences withGalaxy Force

Either way, this istoo familiar.

In addition toCybertron's customary expansion and modification of dialogue, differences include:

  • InGalaxy Force, just before the leaders take off after the Lock and Keys, Optimus Prime tells the Mini-Cons to keep the children safe. InCybertron, he requests that they help them track the keys.
  • The conversation Prime has with Coby soon after this is flip-flopped across the two versions. InGalaxy Force, he asks Coby to help him follow the Lock, Coby doesn't believe he can do it, and Prime assures him he can. Conversely, inCybertron, Prime tells Coby to get away to safety and leave him, and Coby insists that he be allowed to help him.
  • As ever, the sound of the Omega Frequency is added when the Omega Lock powers up.
  • In a startling rarity that hasn't happened since thefirst episode, someanimation is different between the two versions of the show! After Cybertron is recreated,Galaxy Force shows the planet with ordinary organic plants and trees that are part of the background painting. In their place,Cybertron features CGI-animated, apparentlytechnorganic trees, as well as replacing a featureless purple metal plain with a textured blue one, decorated with the symbol of the Omega Lock.

Animation or technical errors

  • As he is super-sized, and then again during part of his fight with the Gigantions, Ransack is onceagain missing the black "mask" around his eyes.
  • When Coby says "Work together, guys!" his voice is mistakenly given the metallic amplification reserved for Transformers.
  • Soooo... How exactly can the kids hear the Omega Frequency... IN SPACE!?

Continuity notes

Transformers references

Real-world references

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan 2006 —Transformers: Galaxy Force — Vol. 13 (Victor Entertainment) — Japanese audio only.
United States of America 2008 —Transformers: Cybertron — The Ultimate Collection (Paramount)
United States of America 2014 —Transformers: Cybertron — The Complete Series (Shout! Factory)

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