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e-HOBBY is aTakaraTomy-affiliated online store owned by Part One Co., Ltd. Even though the e-HOBBY Shop sells all sorts of toys manufactured by Takara and other Japanese companies, it's best known for offeringexclusiveredecos ofTransformers toys.


G1toy black megatron.jpg

Part One Co., Ltd. was officially founded in Shinjuku, a district of Tokyo, onApril 25, 1977, originally set up as a project design production company. By December 1979, the company was already expanding, now also including a professional photo studio. Part One has been providing various kinds of services to Takara ever since the days of theDiaclone line, among them products planning, packaging design, character design and promotional planning. Among other things, Part One is responsible for designing the packaging for theBinaltech toyline. Today, Part One's official company description is "Digital Design Office".

The e-HOBBY Shop was officially launched in March 2000. In August of the same year, a delivery center was set up in the city of Sango, which was later moved to Yashio in November 2002. Even though the was used from the get-go, the site was temporarily also available under the (now defunct) URL, but eventually permanently moved to its current location in May 2003.

In March 2001, Takara would release the first exclusive toy through the e-HOBBY Shop, a black redeco of the originalMegatron toy that was reissued by Takara at the same time. "Black" Megatron had originally been offered for pre-order atBotCon Japan 2000, since the e-HOBBY Shop hadn't been widely established yet by that time.

Since then, the range of exclusive product got bigger. Reissues of the originalGeneration 1Ironhide andRatchet toys that were part of Takara's store/convention exclusiveThe Transformers: Collector's Edition series came in 2001, followed by more same-character redecoes in new colors. With the launch of Takara'sThe Transformers Collection line of "bookbox" reissues, e-HOBBY would start to regularly offer an exclusive redeco of almost every toy released as part of the line. Many of those redecos were based on oldDiaclone orMicro Change variants of the toys in question, but were given new names and identities, with extensive bio profiles for the characters written byHirofumi Ichikawa. In cases where noDiaclone orMicro Change variant of the toy existed, e-HOBBY would take obscure "extra" characters or weird errors from the cartoon series as inspirations for a redeco, or even come up with an entirely new deco.


In addition, e-HOBBY would also continue to release exclusive redecos of non-TFC reissues and even of toys that were not reissues at all, including product fromRobotmasters,Hybrid Style,Kiss Players,Binaltech, and evenMasterpiece. These releases even sporadically included entirely original fiction inGeneration 1 continuity, usually penned by long time TakaraTomy contributorHidetsugu Yoshioka.

Furthermore, e-HOBBY also offered exclusive "USA Edition" versions of toys that were originally released byHasbro, complete with the Hasbro packaging. In all these instances, the only difference to the Hasbro versions of those toys was an additional e-HOBBY sticker on the packaging. Toys fromUniverse, Hasbro's20th Anniversary Optimus Prime version of Takara's Masterpiece Convoy andCybertron toys not part of theGalaxy Force series were all made available this way.

Beginning in 2007, e-HOBBY also started offering limited quantities of toys that would originally be exclusively available at Japanese conventions, starting with the Wonder Festival 2007 Winter exclusive exclusiveBinaltechBlack Convoy. However, in all instances only Japanese residents were allowed to purchase the toys, unlike the other exclusives which could usually be ordered by foreigners as well.

In December 2007, e-HOBBY announced that they had stopped accepting orders from international private customers altogether as of September of the same year.[1][2] As a consequence, only Japanese residents are able to order toys directly from e-HOBBY now, whereas international fans have to resort to third-party sellers.

In addition to Takara toys, e-HOBBY also offers toys from other Japanese manufacturers such as Tomy (who are now merged with Takara into TakaraTomy) or Bandai. This included theStar Wars Transformers toys, who were distributed through Tomy Direct in Japan in a similar fashion as Takara's "USA Editions".

Spin Off Squad.jpg

e-HOBBY's next big project came in 2014 when they partnered with TakaraTomy's otherTransformers exclusive distributor, the in-houseTakaraTomy Mall, to produce a small franchise for the 30th anniversary of the brand, titledTransformers Cloud. The line was made up of eight toys, with the four Autobots going to TakaraTomy Mall and the four Decepticons going to e-HOBBY, while the fiction, masterminded byMakoto Wakabayashi, was made up of a series of pack-in comics as well as an elaborate narrative blog hosted on the websites of both shops. The content of this blog was where things got really ambitious, casting the toys as a tribe of dimension hoppers from a new continuity entirely in a cross-universe battle that doubled as a greatest hits reel of the history of the brand.

Cloud proved something of a finale to e-HOBBY'sTransformers tenure, as the following year e-HOBBY's exclusive output began being explicitly folded into the branding of TakaraTomy's retail lines in a move not dissimilar to what was happening withHasbro andFun Publications' output around the same time as the two companies began moving to centralize their releases. The only real continuity between these releases was a series of pack-in comics, all united under the imprint "Spin Off." These comics are primarily notable for the team ofShin Sasaki andKazumasa Yasukuni kicking off e-HOBBY's second all-original setting afterCloud in a storyline that later authors dubbed the "Precursor World."

Spin Off and indeed e-HOBBY's exclusives as a whole went dormant in 2017, when TakaraTomy and Hasbro's efforts at brand unification expanded, leading them to bring both of their exclusive outputs in-house in the global branding "Generations Selects". Now it bears noting that while e-HOBBY'sTransformers exclusives ran dry, their overall relationship with TakaraTomy continued to thrive, continuing to offer TakaraTomy products and even producing exclusives for other toylines such as TakaraTomy's 2016Diaclone reboot.

e-HOBBY quietly returned to theTransformers brand in 2022 with a small line of exclusive merchandise, includingbio cards for several Generation 1 characters never before seen in Japanese markets, as well as a few original to the earlierSpin Off stories.

e-HOBBY exclusive fiction

From2002 through2017, e-HOBBY were the primary purveyor ofTimelines-style esoteric licensed pack-in fiction in Japan. In addition to a litany of new-characterbios, these include:

Kup piece.gif
You left a piece out!

This article is astub and is missing information. You can helpTransformers Wiki byexpanding it.

What's needed: fiction overviews

The Transformers

Crisis on InfiniteRedecoes!

e-HOBBY exclusive comics for a wide variety of lines was distributed with no identifiers save for the originalThe Transformers logo from2007 to2013.

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

As with most collector-oriented product in TakaraTomy markets, the bulk of e-HOBBY's fiction is set in the behemothJapanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity that circumscribes nearly all Generation 1 andBeast Wars-flavored product produced in Japan.

Hybrid Style
Collector's Edition


Shattered Glass


Infinite Redeco Crisis? Infinite Redecrisis. Infinideco Crisis??
Main article:Transformers Cloud



Spin Off imprint

We didn't think this bit through. The third one.
Main article:Spin Off
  • TheProfile+ feature on the e-HOBBY Twitter account


Legends EX

e-HOBBY exclusive toys

Collector's Edition

Collector's Edition Sunstorm
Collector's Edition GADEP
  • Overcharge
  • Cobalt Sentries
    (Howlback &Garboil)
  • Magnificus &Ga'mede
  • Orion Pax
  • 200620082009

    USA Edition

  • Blackarachnia
  • Dinobot Striker
  • Depthcharge
  • Autobot Ratchet
  • Inferno

  • Dinobot Triceradon
  • King Atlas
  • Skydive
  • Stockade &Magna Stampede
  • Fireflight

  • Autobot Whirl
  • Nemesis Strika
  • Soundwave &Space Case
  • Air Raid &Wind Sheer
  • Swerve
  • (thumbnail)
    Cybertron Menasor, released as Moledive in Japan
    Masterpiece/20th Anniversary
  • Convoy / Optimus Prime[5]
  • Cybertron
  • Hardtop
  • Primus
    (w/Unicron head[5])

  • Quickmix

  • Menasor
    (w/Heavy Load)

  • Cloud

    Wave 1 (05-29-2014)Wave 2 (08-28-2014)Wave 3 (11-27-2014)Wave 4 (03-21-2015)
    Cloud Megatron

    Spin Off

    Unite WarriorsLegends
    Legends Convobat

    Miscellaneous exclusives

    Fight! Super Robot Lifeform TransformersRobotmastersG-2Hybrid Style
    Masterforce Fire Guts God Ginrai
    G-2 Laser Ultra Magnus
    Shattered Glass Solarbot
    BinaltechKiss PlayersTransformers (2007)Encore
    Henkei! Henkei!MasterpieceAlternityRevenge of the Fallen
    UnitedShattered GlassGenerations

    e-HOBBY exclusive merchandise

    Child's Play Aron.jpg
    If you build it, they will play.

    Thistoys & merchandise-related article is astub.
    You can helpTransformers Wiki byexpanding it.

    What's needed: Other pre-2022 merchandise
    Miscellaneous exclusive merchandise
    The Transformers Chronicle Tapestry

    Transformers Character Card

    Wave 1 (January 25,2022)Wave 2 (March 14, 2022)Wave 3 (April 14, 2022)Wave 4 (August 29, 2022)
    The Transformers Card Binder and the entireTransformers Character Card series up through Wave 4
    Wave 5 (November 1, 2022)Wave 6 (February 6,2023)Wave 7 (April 22, 2023)Wave 8 (August 14, 2023)
    Wave 9 (October 17, 2023)Wave 10 (December, 2023)Wave 11 (March 19,2024)Wave 12 (June,2024)
    Wave 13 (December,2024)Wave 14 (February,2025)

    Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

    This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

    Wave 14

    Logo acrylic stand series

    Wave 1 (January 2022)Wave 2 (April 2022)Wave 3 (June 2022)Wave 4 (September 2022)
    Wave 5 (May 2023)Wave 6 (June 2023)Wave 7 (January2024)Wave 7 (March2024)

    Acrylic keychain series

    Wave 1 (October 2022)
    Keychain set for Optimus Prime and Bumblebee

    Rubber strap series

    Wave 1 (January 2023)Wave 2 (June 2023)
    Rubber keychain of Stranglehold


    • e-HOBBY isnot directly owned byTakaraTomy, but merely an affiliated store. TakaraTomy's own online store isTakaraTomy Mall.
    • Because e-HOBBY is mostly known for exclusive toys and many Western fans aren't aware that e-HOBBY also offers regular mass retail toys like most online stores, pre-orders for new mass retail toys listed at the e-HOBBY website are occasionally mistaken as a confirmation that a toy is either exclusive to e-HOBBY, or that an e-HOBBY exclusive redeco is planned.
    • Another common misconception among fans is that e-HOBBY "makes" the exclusive toys. While e-HOBBYis presumably responsible for creating the color scheme and decos, thetoys are still produced by Takara. After all,Toys"R"Us doesn't manufacture its own exclusiveTransformers toys either.
    • Occasionally, fans also mistakenly believe other store, convention, or magazine exclusive redecoes of toys reissued by Takara to be e-HOBBY exclusives, such as theGeneration 1 Ultra Magnus redecos,Crystal Rodimus andBlack Rodimus,Nucleon Quest Super Convoy,Tigertrack, orRatchet Emergency Green.
    • "USA Edition" is not a term limited to imported Hasbro toys sold through e-HOBBY either. In the past, Takara have released exclusive "USA Editions" through stores such asJUSCO, Laox, Toy's Dream Project/Toycard, or even selected stores participating in the "TF Station" program. A few "USA Editions" weren't even exclusive to any specific store at all. The most frequently used store to carry "USA Editions" other than e-HOBBY, however, was the Japanese branch of Toys"R"Us.
    • TheSpin Off imprint would persist for a single release beyond e-HOBBY's exclusives: namelyLegends Blue Big Convoy and theBlue Big Convoy comic.


    1. e-HOBBY stop international orders The Allspark
    2. e-HOBBY stop international orders Transformers @ The Moon
    3. Sold as a set, but packaged separately
    4. Second run
    5. 5.05.1 These toys were also available as regular mass retail releases in Japan. The e-HOBBY exclusive "USA Edition" versions were of specific Hasbro variants of those toys.
    6. Originally available for pre-order atBotCon Japan 2000, finally released through e-HOBBY in 2001
    7. These toys were originally exclusive to various Japanese conventions until additional stock was made available through e-HOBBY.
    8. TheCybertron & Destron Emblem product listing specifically calls out the stand as based on the "eyecatch" of the Generation 1 cartoon.

    External links

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