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Deathcobra (G1)

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This article is about the evil Decepticon. For his heroic mirror universe counterpart, seeDeathcobra (SG).
Deathcobra is aDecepticonBreastforce Warrior from theVictory portion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
Member of the "cannot actually sit down" club.

An old friend ofLeozack,Deathcobra (デスコブラDesukobura) is a stern, strict, professional soldier. All the thingsHellbat is not, which is why Hellbat is so threatened by him.

Like allBreastforce members, he has aBreast Animal partner,Cobrabreast, who also forms his hand-held blaster. Deathcobra can also form part ofLiokaiser, either as the first draft for the left arm, or, if he and Hellbat bury the hatchet, a shoulder cannon.



Victory cartoon

Voice actor:Tomomichi Nishimura (Japanese)
He'sCobra in robot mode, butOktober Guard in vehicle mode!

Deathcobra was summoned byDeathsaurus to join his cadre of warriors, completing the team that would form the goliath Liokaiser (by replacing Hellbat) as his left arm. However, he was intercepted on his way to the Decepticons' base by Hellbat, who begged him to just go away, knowing that with Deathcobra on the team, his usefulness was at an end.

You! Stay in my line of fire!This, I command!

Naturally, Deathcobra told Hellbat to stick it in hisreactor linkage, and the jittery Hellbat threatened to shoot his rival. Unimpressed, Deathcobra advanced, and in a panic, Hellbat actuallydid shoot him. This led to a firefight where Hellbat was tremendously outclassed, but a wild, lucky shot ended up blowing through Deathcobra's chest and killed the Decepticon warrior.

Realizing what a deep pile he was in, Hellbat was saved when he realized the fight had been witnessed by theMicromastersHoli andClipper, letting him place the blame for Deathcobra's death on theAutobots, and ensuring his position as part of Liokaiser.

Hellbat informed the Breastforce of Deathcobra's death at the hands of the Autobots which came as such a shock to them. Leozack however was a bit skeptical of Hellbat's story,Guyhawk was very angry and wanted to kill Star Saber himself. Once they got to the scene, they discovered Holi and Clipper next to Deathcobra's body and prepared a "blood bath" for them. The Micromasters were saved by Star Saber, but the team revealed their secret: merging into Liokaiser, they vowed to defeat him in Deathcobra's memory.

They failed whenGod Ginrai showed up.Unite! Liokaiser

Kre-O online comic

Deathcobra Kre-O Character Image.jpg

Deathcobra was amongBludgeon's troops as they discovered theRed Bucket.Treasure Competition! Defeat with Block Power!

2005 IDW continuity

I lived, glitch!

Deathcobra was part ofDeathsaurus's contingent of Decepticons stationed in theirWarworld. In agreement withTarn, Deathsaurus and his forces joined with theDecepticon Justice Division to continue the Decepticon dream and eliminateMegatron.The Permanent Revolution



"By the way, mind if I take that old vacuum cleaner with me?"
"Be my guest, Reggie. Be. My. Guest."
  • Liokaiser (Multi-pack,2026)
37 years after his storyline debut, Deathcobra got his first-ever toy rendition as part of theLegacyChest-force, the fifthHasLab crowdfunded Transformers release. Deathcobra is capable of combining with his squaddies to form additional configurations forLiokaiser by either tagging in for "Ellbat" as the left arm or forming a shoulder cannon. He also includes his animal companion, the "cobra Chest Animal". All seven Chest Animals, including his own, are capable of being attached to his cannon mode to create some sort ofLiefeldian gunbomination.
As the Tier 1 unlock, Deathcobra's existence was even more tenuous than your average HasLab offering, with he and his Chest Animal only set to see production if the campaign reached 13,000 backers byMarch 24,2025. Thankfully, the goal was met onFebruary 24, guaranteeing that the character would finally receive a toy.

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If you build it, they will play.

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Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


  • Amusingly, the anime cheats Deathcobra out of both a transformation sequence and a "Breast Attack" sequence, having them occur either off-camera or while another scene is already in progress.
  • Kre-O Deathcobra is made from existingKre-O parts like almost every other cameo Kreon, as he uses theStarscream helmet, a backpack piece and a rotor piece. The body deco is created in a manner that homages the original'sBreast animal partner (with the backpack piece emulating it even further).
  • Deathcobra's body in the 2005 IDW comics is modeled on the jet-basedGenerations Deluxe ClassRatbat toy (thanks to the coloring, it bears a resemblance toanother "cobra"-based robot toy).
  • In IDW continuity, Deathcobra replaces Hellbat as a member of Deathsaurus's loyalists. However,Lost Light #12 has Liokaiser erroneously drawn with Hellbat still as the left arm. Oops.

Foreign names

  • English:Cobra (Omni Productions dub)
  • Mandarin:Dúshé (毒蛇, "Viper")
  • Russian:Cobra (Кобра)


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