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Dai Atlas (G1)

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The name or term "Dai Atlas" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeDai Atlas (disambiguation).
Dai Atlas is anAutobotPowered Master from theGeneration 1 continuity family.
An atlas helps you find stuff.Dai Atlas shoots you in the face.

Dai Atlas (seebelow) is one ofCybertron's greatest heroes. With blade in hand, he has singlehandedly held the line against supernatural abominations and faced down some of the vilestDecepticons ever to stalk the galaxy. Dai Atlas cares deeply for civilians—be they human, alien, or Cybertronian—who find themselves in the crossfire of the endless Autobot-Decepticon war and will gladly put his own life on the line to protect them. However, Dai Atlas is also a 'bot of strong personal convictions and would rather excise himself from the conflict entirely rather than violate his principles. Fortunately, when push comes to shove, he's humble enough to put his pride aside and rejoin the fight against evil.

In some realities, Dai Atlas is aPowered Master who can combine with his partners. When combined withSonic Bomber, they becomeSky Powered. When combined withRoadfire, they becomeLand Powered, and when combined with Sonic Bomber and Roadfire, the three form the massiveBig Powered. Dai Atlas has a close relationship with hisMicromaster partnerSpeeder, who often accompanies him into battle.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Legends comic (1)

Four million years ago,Megatron created Dai Atlas, Sonic Bomber, and Roadfire as the Poweredrons. Implanted with specially-engineered Powered Engines, they were designed as space pioneers, traveling to distant corners of the galaxy to engineer energy-producing colony worlds for the Decepticon cause. When the Poweredrons learned the energy they cultivated was being used to harm innocent life, they rebelled against Megatron. The Poweredrons evacuated much of the civilian population ofCybertron to a new colony,Paradron, which they hadn't informed Megatron about yet. Rechristening themselves the Powered Masters, the trio switched sides and joined the Autobots.Dai Atlas Chapter


Voice actor:Yūsaku Yara (Japanese)
Nothin' I love more than a lens flare.

Dai Atlas, along with his fellow Powered Masters, created the technological planetZone which eventually developed the super energy source,Energon Z. After theNine Great Demon Generals attacked and destroyed the planetFeminia, and theSupreme CommanderVictory Saber was lost in the explosion, Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber left to search for their leader.

The pair eventually found the injured Autobot and returned him to Zone for repairs. On Zone they received word that they were needed elsewhere, so they left forEarth, to counter an attack from the Demon Generals.

Isn't flying too close to the sun more DaiIcarus's thing?

Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber arrived just in the nick of time, saving the AutobotMicromasters from the all-powerful Decepticons. Dai Atlas then racedDevastator to the underground location of theZodiac, an energy source capable of creating an entire universe.

Devastator beat Dai Atlas to the punch thanks to the intervention ofKing Poseidon, who caught the Autobot leader with a chain weapon. Devastator handed the Zodiac to Poseidon and took the chain from him, intending to kill Atlas. But Dai Atlas drove forwards using the treads in his feet and then transformed into his drill form and smashed through into a wall, killing Devastator in a flood of hot lava.

Free now, he chased King Poseidon to the surface, where he wrestled the Zodiac away from him. However,Trypticon got pissed off and unleashed hisEnergon Z Beam, which Sonic Bomber threw himself in front of to protect Dai Atlas, nearly getting himself killed by the attack. Taking a risk, Dai Atlas unleashed the power of the Zodiac, and both he and Sonic Bomber (now healed from Trypticon's attack) transformed into their base modes and blasted Trypticon and King Poseidon into oblivion.

Predaking saw this and decided it was time to get the hell out of there. Dai Atlas pursued, riding on Sonic Bomber. He merged his wings into his Zone Powered Cutter and sliced Predaking neatly in half.

This drill tank mode can effortlessly drive through solid rock. Wait... what?

After returning to Zone with the Zodiac, Victory Saber inaugurated Dai Atlas as the new Autobot Supreme Commander.Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

Dai Atlas helped to complete the Zone Operation, leaving Victory Saber relieved he had passed the role of Supreme Commander on to him.Zone Part 4 Dai Atlas's mere presence enhanced the Autobots' morale by a tremendous degree and they enforced the peace of the galaxy with an even greater resolve. Soon after, Evil Spirit GeneralBlackZarak attacked the Earth and tookLandshaker andSky Hyper hostage. Driven by the need to rescue their comrades, Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber defeated BlackZarak and rescued their friends.Zone Part 5

Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber then focused their attention on Super-God GeneralOverlord and Dinosaur GeneralTrypticon, whom they vowed to defeat in under eight seconds. Dai Atlas took on Overlord, the strongest of the Generals, and defeated him with his "Galactic Dash" attack.Zone Part 6

Violengiguar battle.jpg

Violengiguar then summonedMetrotitan as a rival for Dai Atlas and unleashed him on the Lunar Zone Base on theMoon. Dai Atlas heard the SOS and rushed to aid Sonic Bomber in battle.Zone Part 8 Dai Atlas arrived and combined with Sonic Bomber intoSky Powered, but they were quickly frozen solid by Metrotitan's Freeze Beam Gun. All hope seemed lost untilRoadfire appeared and took Metrotitan out. Freed, Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber happily welcomed Roadfire into the club.Zone Part 9

Violengiguar at last came out of the shadows and attacked the Earth in person. Dai Atlas and the other Powered Masters attempted to stop him with their "Triple Powered Attack" but failed. Violengiguar escaped back to theTenth Planet with the Zodiac and aGalaxy Rocket full of hostages. Dai Atlas and the Powered Masters then combined intoBig Powered and gave chase.Zone Part 10

Arriving at the Tenth Planet, Violengiguar split into his three forms, Vion, Lenger and Iguarn, and attacked. Dai Atlas destroyed Vion with his Powered Cutters while Sonic Bomber and Roadfire took out the other two. However, the battle was not over.Zone Part 11 Violengiguar returned as a horrible phoenix-thing and attacked. Upgraded with the power of the Zodiac, the Powered Masters combined into Big Powered yet again, but this time their strength was enhanced thirty-fold. They flew through Violengiguar and destroyed him with the "Powered Rainbow Attack". The Zodiac then reformed the desolate Tenth Planet into a lush utopia wherehumans and robots could live in harmony.Zone Part 12

The Battlestars

To counter the threat ofDark Nova, Dai Atlas charged theBattlestars with the task of resurrectingOptimus Prime. Giving theZodiac to their leader,Sky Garry, Dai Atlas inaugurated the youthful Autobot as temporary Supreme Commander, at least until Optimus Prime was brought back online.The Battlestars Part 1

Legends comic (2)

Dai Atlas's subordinates,Twin Twist andTopspin, were inspired by his use of the Zodiac to create theLegends World.Bonus Edition Vol. 66 When the Legends World was destroyed, they hoped Dai Atlas would help them recreate it.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part Two

In2035, Dai Atlas, Sonic Bomber and Roadfire returned to the Tenth Planet to investigate an incident only for all three of them to be destroyed by a resurrected Violengiguar, who stole their bodies. Their disembodiedsparks were recovered in2038 byPerceptor andWheeljack and placed in newprotoforms, allowing the trio to be revived in new bodies withHeadmaster functionalities. They returned toCybertron to stop Violengiguar from stealing the Zodiac, but their new bodies' lack ofPowered Engines led to their failure, Dai Atlas himself only holding his own thanks to borrowing power from Twin Twist and Topspin. When Violengiguar retreated to recharge the Zodiac, Dai Atlas knew he'd be targeting theZ Planet.The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 2

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LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part OneLG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two

Sonic Bomber ChapterRoadfire ChapterDai Atlas ChapterEpiloge

Generations Selects Special Comic

In2050, the Powered Masters reassembled all the fragments of the Zodiac, and were surprised when it was shaped in the familiar design of aSilver Matrix. Before they could ponder this further, they were attacked byPrimus and hisGolden Age from thePrecursor World, who sought the Silver Matrix for their own ends.Abominus comic 2Finale Prelude

Zone comic

Starsaber and daiatlas manga.jpg

Following the upgrade of planetMicro into the Autobot Zone, rumors abounded that notVictory Saber, but anewSupreme Commander would be in command.Zone Part 1

Later,Violengiguar ordered hisNine Great Demon Generals on a campaign to conquer planets and create aDecepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone. The Decepticons attacked planetFeminia and destroyed it completely, with Victory Saber lost in the destruction. However, Dai Atlas andSonic Bomber, thePowered Master space explorers, had arrived in time to rescue the badly wounded Autobot Supreme Commander. The Decepticons then shifted their focus toEarth, where they hoped to obtain a powerful energy source called theZodiac. Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber intercepted them on Earth, defeated them, and regained the Zodiac. Impressed with Dai Atlas' courage and power, and too injured to lead any longer, Victory Saber inaugurated Dai Atlas as the new Supreme Commander of the Autobots.Zone


Dai Atlas helped to complete the Zone Operation, leaving Victory Saber relieved he had passed the role of Supreme Commander on to him.Zone Part 4 Dai Atlas's mere presence enhanced the Autobots' morale by a tremendous degree and they enforced the peace of the galaxy with an even greater resolve. Soon after, Evil Spirit GeneralBlackZarak attacked the Earth and tookLandshaker andSky Hyper hostage. Driven by the need to rescue their comrades, Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber defeated BlackZarak and rescued their friends.Zone Part 5

Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber then focused their attention on Super-God GeneralOverlord and Dinosaur GeneralTrypticon, whom they vowed to defeat in under eight seconds. Dai Atlas took on Overlord, the strongest of the Generals, and defeated him with his "Galactic Dash" attack.Zone Part 6

Violengiguar then summonedMetrotitan as a rival for Dai Atlas and unleashed him on the Lunar Zone Base on theMoon. Dai Atlas heard the SOS and rushed to aid Sonic Bomber in battle.Zone Part 8 Dai Atlas arrived and combined with Sonic Bomber intoSky Powered, but they were quickly frozen solid by Metrotitan's Freeze Beam Gun. All hope seemed lost untilRoadfire appeared and took Metrotitan out. Freed, Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber happily welcomed Roadfire into the club.Zone Part 9

Violengiguar at last came out of the shadows and attacked the Earth in person. Dai Atlas and the other Powered Masters attempted to stop him with their "Triple Powered Attack" but failed. Violengiguar escaped back to theTenth Planet with the Zodiac and aGalaxy Rocket full of hostages. Dai Atlas and the Powered Masters then combined intoBig Powered and gave chase.Zone Part 10

Arriving at the Tenth Planet, Violengiguar split into his three forms, Vion, Lenger and Iguarn, and attacked. Dai Atlas destroyed Vion with his Powered Cutters while Sonic Bomber and Roadfire took out the other two. However, the battle was not over.Zone Part 11 Violengiguar returned as a horrible phoenix-thing and attacked. Upgraded with the power of the Zodiac, the Powered Masters combined into Big Powered yet again, but this time their strength was enhanced thirty-fold. They flew through Violengiguar and destroyed him with the "Powered Rainbow Attack". The Zodiac then reformed the desolate Tenth Planet into a lush utopia wherehumans and robots could live in harmony.Zone Part 12

DreamwaveGeneration One continuity

Dai Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Randroid.

Dai Atlas was anancient Transformer from Cybertron's lost past. While searching for clues about Cybertron's history,Megatron stumbled across a hidden chamber beneath the planet's surface containing two massive statues ofDeathsaurus and Dai Atlas, holding agolden disk between them. This chamber apparently told of a vast Cybertronian Empire that ended prior to recorded history.The Route of All Evil

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance:Drift #2
This is as close as he'd get to G1 Marvel, sadly.

Dai Atlas was one of the older Cybertronians, dating back to the era ofNova Prime 8 million years ago. InOld Cybertronian his name was "Dei Atlas", meaning "God Map", which reflected his desire to find the legendaryKnights of Cybertron, a group of Cybertronians who supposedly made Cybertron perfect before leaving to spread enlightenment and peace to the rest of the universe.The Death of Optimus Prime

A strict believer in pacifism and inPrimus, Dai Atlas was part of Nova Prime's inner circle and was present when he located the legendaryCrystal City and its guardian,Omega Supreme, allowing him to bring about a newera of peace on Cybertron. With time, an increasingly ambitious Nova began planning for aggressive expansion into space to "free" other races from "the tyranny of will" as well as authorizingcombiner experiments in the name ofall becoming one, both of which horrified Dai Atlas. When Crystal City was destroyed in a battle between Omega Supreme andJhiaxus's creation,Monstructor, he confronted Prime with the consequences, but was rebuffed and told he had lost his place on theArk. Omega then approached Atlas to show him something he hadn't trusted Nova with: the location ofMetrotitan, one of the lastTitans on Cybertron. Atlas was told that someday he would have to leave Cybertron "to keep the light of theGuiding Hand burning in its endless circle", and the Titan's energies would aid him in this endeavor.All Good Things

Following the departure and subsequent disappearance of theArk, Dai Atlas became asenator in the new government that formed on Cybertron under the new Prime,Nominus. Although initially wary of his colleagueShockwave, on the grounds of his apprenticeship to the amoral Jhiaxus, the two came to develop a friendship around their shared dislike of the prominent senatorProteus'sfunctionism. Shockwave confided in Dai Atlas with his worries that Cybertron would face a critical resource shortage thanks to the planet's development into a metropolis, and the two would both champion the cause together.

Eventually, Shockwave's continued dissidence against Proteus and the rest of the Senate would lead to him being subjected to theempurata ritual and amnemosurgical "personality inversion", turning him into a coldly logical person who accused Atlas of lying about the resource crisis so as to allow his own experiments into the matter to continue unfettered. Concerned, Dai Atlas asked another former friend of Shockwave, the upstart police officerOrion Pax, to try and contact the other senator and talk sense into him.


This effort failed, and before long Dai Atlas, along with the rest of the Senate, was summoned to an emergency meeting inKaon regarding the burgeoningDecepticon movement. Before he could leave, however, Shockwave arrived at his home and shot him. Unbeknownst to Atlas, Shockwave had been recruited by the Decepticons and was aware that the Senate would be massacred at the meeting. Through some vestige of sentimentality, Shockwave attacked his former friend to ensure he did not travel to Kaon, sparing him the fate of the rest of the Senate.Shockwaves

Rather than join the "new Senate" assembled under the ascendantZeta Prime, Dai Atlas went on to form a group dedicated to preserving Cybertron's ancient culture, naming it theCircle of Light after Omega Supreme's prediction. The Decepticons, now holding Kaon, continued their campaign of terror, but were halted temporarily after Zeta's death and theMatrix of Leadership's selection of Orion Pax to become Optimus Prime. In spite of the new Prime's successes, Atlas considered him a warmonger and refused to accept his authority. Even though he had no faith that Prime could lead Cybertron back to peace, he grudgingly participated in theGrand Convocation out of respect for the Matrix.Derelicts

"I believe in peace. The peace of the GRAVE!"

When he refused to let Prime use his Circle of Light as recruiters for theAutobot army, Prime warned him that pacifism would only mark him as a target for theDecepticons. In response, Atlas proved himself to be neither pacifistic nor weak by destroying a group ofauto-combatants, explaining that while he didn't believe in violence, he was primarily a patriot, not a pacifist.Faces of Darkness

When Optimus Prime responded to a Decepticon attack on theToraxxis mega-refinery, Dai Atlas came with him as an observing non-combatant and ended up witnessing his arrest ofGrimlock. He suggested that they hear Grimlock out and give him and hisDynobots safe passage off Cybertron like they wanted, but Prime refused, causing the situation to escalate. Although Grimlock was eventually talked down,Scorponok, current leader of the Decepticons, triggered the detonation of the refinery,Rage causing widespread devastation and compounding the energon crisis. After hearing Prime vow to restore unity to the planet at the memorial service for the disaster, Dai Atlas attempted to convince Optimus that that Cybertron was a lost cause and that seeking new energy reserves on other worlds was the best option. The Autobot leader instead reaffirmed his decision to continue to fight for Cybertron. Nevertheless, many citizens began anexodus off-world, and Dai Atlas was later interviewed byBlaster on his news broadcast, where he expressed his lack of belief in the Prime.Fallout During the exodus, he worked withTyrest to help millions of civilians leave the planet.House of Ambus

"Bye, loser."
"Later, wuss."

While the Autobots did locate a new energon resource, Dai Atlas rejected the possibility that it could save Cybertron. He was present when Optimus Prime personally told the evacuees that they were free to go, but while he gave Prime praise for this act, it did not change his decision to leave. As he boarded a ship off-world, Atlas turned down Prime's last offer to stay, causing the two to trade insults before separating on bad terms.Massacre After fleeing their homeworld, Dai Atlas and his Circle of Light moved further and further away as the war spread before Cybertron. Eventually, they formed a new Crystal City deep underground onTheophany, a utopian society hidden from all other Transformers.Drift #2 As per Omega Supreme's instruction, Atlas brought the Titan with him, building Crystal City on top of it and using it as the city's power source.You, Me, and Other Revelations

Shouldn't he preface that with "Would you kindly"?

Dai Atlas's utopia was threatened by its first serpent when an idealistic swordsman namedWing broke their laws and brought a Decepticon into their midst after an encounter with Slavers on the planet's surface. Although Dai Atlas andAxe condemned Wing for this mistake, he insistedDrift would not be trouble.Drift #2 This proved to be false weeks later when Drift stormed into the meeting chambers and announced he had made a deal with the Slavers to sell them out for his own freedom. But, um...he didn't mean it! He hoped to stall long enough to arm the Knights of the Circle with knowledge in advance of the Slaver's attack, and catch them off-guard. Dai Atlas was furious at Drift for forcing them into a position where they'd have to fight to protect their peace, the very thing they had long criticized the Autobots for doing. When other Knights seemed prepared to listen to Drift, he refused to allow them access to the weapons vault, willing to do anything he could to ensure the Crystal City remained secret and at peace. Dai Atlas ultimately relented, but refused to have any part in the battle. As the oldest of the Knights, he had seen his share of warfare, and dreaded seeing it again.Drift #3

Safe inside Crystal City, Dai Atlas wrestled with his decision as he watched his friends and comrades battle from afar. The death of Wing at the hands of the lead Slaver was too much for him to bear, and it rekindled his fighting spirit. Dai Atlas raised Crystal City from beneath the sands and led the full compliment of Cybertronians into battle against their foes. The tide of battle turned quickly with these reinforcements, and the citizens of Crystal City soon stood triumphant. Dai Atlas declared that the Circle of Light would no longer hide in secret, and that the Knights would go forth and allow their message to be heard. He named Drift the latest of the Knights and passed on Wing's great sword to him.Drift #4

Dai Atlas's certain belief in the Knights of Cybertron was one of the reasons Drift used to try and convince others to join him andRodimus on a quest to find them. Optimus Prime andProwl remained unconvinced, with Optimus describing Dai Atlas and his Circle of Light as a cult.The Death of Optimus Prime

Cautionary Tales of Swords

Meanwhile Crystal City was attacked by an army ofLegislators, led byStar Saber, who had betrayed the Circle and now worked under Chief JusticeTyrest. Although it cost 10,000 Legislators to subdue the population, eventually Dai Atlas and the survivors were captured and taken to the fabled miracle moon ofLuna 1. TheLost Light would later find only the city in ruins.You, Me, and Other RevelationsThe Divided Self

For the Circle, Luna 1 became a prison slaughterhouse, and they would lose 90% of their population before their accidental discovery byWhirl andCyclonus. Once freed, Dai Atlas joined the pair as they faced off an army of Legislators sent by Tyrest to quell the breakout.The Divided Self

Cierra tu cara, culo.

While the battle raged, Dai Atlas noticed that, just like his own, Cyclonus'sGreat Sword was glowing with light, his devout spark igniting the nexus in the sword's hilt and turning it super-charged.

He would not have the time or chance to explore the notion of having a fellow 'bot with a similar talent, for Star Saber teleported himself close to the battle. His appearance prompted Dai Atlas to abandon the battle and confront him, denouncing Star Saber for his betrayal and fanaticism. Star Saber countered with nothing but criticism for Atlas, calling him a heretic and unbeliever, and that his faith in Primus was only an affectation. Star Saber also accused Dai Atlas of waiting arrogantly around at Crystal City for the Knights of Cybertron to show up instead of taking action. Moments later, Star Saber shoved his fist into Dai Atlas's chest, killing him with the final words, "Primus hates you".Arm the Lonely

Some time later, after being informed of Dai Atlas's demise, Drift began sporting facialtattoos in honour of the deceased.[1]Your Fierce Tears

Kre-O online manga

Thank goodnessPredaking hadn't met this guy.

Dai Atlas was shocked by the very appearance of theCombaticon combinerBruticus.New Military Unit Combaticon! Bruticus, Combine!

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime noted that, though rare, there were realities where Dai Atlas became aPrime, or more commonly, was upgraded intoAtlas Convoy.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/26 He also noted that in many realities, Dai Atlas and the Powered Masters were fated to defeat theThirteen Great Demon Generals.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/12/19

InPrimax 092.0 Beta, Dai Atlas was one ofHyperdrive's predecessors as Autobot leader.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/16

Precursor World

Dai Atlas Selects.jpg

AWarrior of the Seven Lights resembling Dai Atlas was a member of theBlue Order of thePrimus Vanguard. He and his comrades followed their commanderBlue Big Convoy into battle when a duel betweendimension-tossed future warriorsUltra Megatron andStar Convoy threatened theBlue Planet andits people.Super Megatron comic 2

In short order the battle went sideways when the traitorousStraxus twins unleashed a rage virus to destroy the corps from within, and the blue warrior was attacked bya diminutive comrade in the ensuing free-for-all.God Neptune comic 1 Slain in the brawl, he was later memorialized with a hologram in the inner sanctum of theIvory Towers byMagna Convoy.Cybertron Magna Convoy prequel comic

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance:Transformers #19 (mentioned);Transformers: Escape #1 (full)

Before theWar of the Threefold Spark, Dai Atlas was one of those who fought against the mad combiner,Abominus, when all attempts to reason with it failed. The truth of the story would become distorted over time, claiming that Atlas fought against the abomination alone.Escape Part Three

When the war broke out, Dai Atlas took part in the fighting against the Threefold Spark, becoming one of the fourGreat Generals.All Fall Down Dai Atlas fought because he felt Exarchon's plans threatened all Cybertronian life, but by the war's end, he was haunted by the casualties on both sides, and the question of whether they would have happened had he not fought.Escape Part Three He was present atNominus Prime's side whenHighbrow shared his discoveries regarding Exarchon's spark.Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part One

Ninety kilocycles before theGreat War, Dai Atlas took an active role in the conflict between theA'ovan and theThraal by helping to coordinate the evacuation efforts and holding off the Thraal long enough for a convoy of A'ovan refugees to escape their doomed homeworld. Those refugees that made it to Cybertron held him high regard and dubbed him one of their "Three Saviors" along withRoadfire andSonic Bomber. In return, Dai Atlas gave the aliens a beacon that could be used to call him in times of distress, which became a treasured relic interred in theirA'ovan habitat.Escape Part One Despite his heroics, however, the former general was still shaken by what he had done.Escape Part Three


By the time of theAscenticon crisis, Dai Atlas had retired from active duty and goneimmersant.All Fall Down When theInsecticons attacked the A'ovans, a group of children broke into the archives to try and summon Dai Atlas; althoughPra'tyne andHound believed that nothing would rouse him from his slumber, the beacon did indeed reach him, and prompted him to rip himself free from the ground.Escape Part One Dai Atlas later arrived to scare off the Decepticons when they attacked the evacuation convoy. He explained toWheeljack and Hound about how he had returned from immersion. Though Hound was glad he came, Atlas revealed he has no interest in fighting anymore.Road Rage tried to convince Atlas to regain his sense of justice beforeNautica called her to protect the convoy from the Insecticons.Escape Part Two Despite the threat, Atlas still refused to fight, explaining his reasoning to Hound, that inflicting harm on others was essentially inflicting harm on himself, admitting uncertainty whether he had been called back from his immersion or been sent. Atlas then continued on with Hound's group toDarkmount, whereStraxxus refused the refugees sanctuary.Escape Part Three While camped outside, Dai Atlas was met bySpeeder, who sought to return his sword to him, but while he was grateful to see his old friend again, Atlas had no intention of taking the sword.

As he and Hound watchedTote playing with some A'ovan children, they were approached byCromar, who alerted them to the incoming swarm ofInsecticon clones. Hound once again appealed to him to fight, noting that while Cybertronians might possess an afterlife, the organics they were protecting did not, and asked if that wasn't the reason for his reawakening. After a moment's thought, Dai Atlas asked Speeder to fetch his sword. Retaking his blade, Atlas met the oncoming horde.Escape Part Four

Though Dai Atlas fought bravely, having a philosophical monologue as he did, the Insecticons proved too numerous. Salvation came when Straxxus preemptively launched two of theArk evacuation vessels, the clones being drawn to their energon signature. When the clones ate through one of the ships, it detonated and wiped most of them out. With it being decided that the last operationalArk should go to the organic refugees, Dai Atlas embarked with them to serve as their protector.Escape Part Five


Transformers: Legends

The Circle of Light, under Dai Atlas's leadership, was in search of a peaceful place to call home when they encountered the Decepticon Deadlock. They aided him when the bounty hunterLockdown came looking, and Dai Atlas's actions helped Deadlock turn over a new leaf and become Drift.Circle of Light


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

More of a "Three-and-a-Half Changer", really.
  • Dai Atlas (Powered Master,1990)
  • ID number:C-348
  • Accessories: Gun, drill, runners/skids, gun platform, dual cannon, 2 wings (left & right), tail fin, 2 large ramps (left and right) 2 ramps, 2 radar dishes, pipe
  • Known designers:Motoki Takaya (TakaraTomy)
Released only in Japan, Dai Atlas is a quad-changer with four distinct (well, that might be stretching it a bit) modes. Robot mode,drill-tank, 'jet', and base mode. He contains abattery-powered motor as a gimmick which could rotate the treads on his legs, allowing him to move under his own power invehicle androbot mode and spins his drill. In base mode his tank treads become moving walkways, and his gun platform can spin.Grandus'sinstructions show that Dai Atlas can use his motor gimmick invehicle mode to tow Grandus.
He includes a cockpit for Micromasters, which can also become a gunnery station. The gun platform and the two large ramps can be combined to form a shield, while his wings can be combined together to form his Zone Powered Cutter. In base mode, Dai Atlas can connect to other Micromaster bases, as well as his buddies Sonic Bomber and Roadfire, using Micromaster connector ramps.
In robot mode, Dai Atlas's articulation is limited to mobility in the arms.
Dai Atlas also came with the Micromaster partnerSpeeder.

ZoneToy bigpowered giftset.jpg
  • Big Powered (Multi-figure giftset, 1990)
  • ID number:C-353
  • Accessories: Gun, drill, runners/skids, gun platform, dual cannon, 2 wings (left & right), tail fin, 2 large ramps (left and right) 2 ramps, 2 radar dishes, pipe
Dai Atlas was also released in a giftset withSonic Bomber andRoadfire. All of the toys are identical to their individual releases.
This set is particularly expensive on the secondary market today, being pretty late-run (thanks to Roadfire's late release) at a time whenTransformers had already seriously started to wane in sales and popularity.


The, Atlas, the.
  • Dai Atras[sic][Aurora Flare Blue Pearl] (2012)
  • ID number:A-01D
Part of the seventh and final wave ofAlternity toys, Dai Atlas is a redeco ofAlternityConvoy. Dai Atlas transforms into a 1:32 scale Nissan GT-R, featuring die-cast metal parts, an opening hood, trunk and doors, as well as an interior, complete with his feet and thighs being sculpted to form the back seats. This complex figure stands at 6.5" tall, and is armed with a pair of blasters on each arm.
The mold suffers from aminor design oversight, wherein the rear Nissan badge collides with his left leg strut when the left foot is hinged over and pegged into a clear plastic socket during transformation, with the results being that the connection is slightly crooked, isn't very secure, and sometimes pops off, and that the crooked pegging often causes the socket to crack.
The external packaging uses the spelling "DAI ATRAS". The instructions give the rendition "DAI ATLAS".
Alternity mold: Convoy


Just give him a sword, and call it good.
  • Big Powered (Multi-pack,2019)
    • ID number:LG-EX
    • Release date:March 30 2019
    • Accessories: Cannon, left & right wings, Headmaster unit
    • Known designers:Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy)
    Legends "Daiatlas"[sic] is anextensiveretooling ofTitans ReturnSky Shadow andOverlord; he shares biceps and most of his legs with those two (only the "shinguards" of his legs are new), with almost everything else being entirely new. He transforms into a treaded "shuttle" mode, as well as a slightly-different "tank" mode, but unlike his mold predecessors, does not split into two components to do so. Instead, his halves are tethered together with a thin, multi-jointed "spine" piece, with the shuttle/torso portion clipping onto the legs/tread unit. With the loss of the turret part of the tank-legs, this leaves him with incredibly hollow calves in robot mode.
    In vehicle mode, his "inner" head separates from the connected-to-his-torso helmet into a separateHeadmaster unit using the body tooling for Black Shadow'sTitan MasterOminus, but with a new head-mode face and robot-mode head. This mini-robot can then sit inside the opening "cockpit" compartment of Dai Atlas's vehicle mode.
    The drill on his shuttle nosecone is on a spring so that it can recess into the noseconefor safety reasons. His wings can separate from his body and join together to form his "Zone Powered Cutter", but he has no actual way of holding it in his hand, and must mount it on one of the5 mm posts on his forearms instead.
    He also has a "base" mode, and can combine with his fellowLegends Powered MastersSonic Bomber andRoadfire to form a new version ofBig Powered.
    He was available only in aTakaraTomy Mallexclusive "Big Powered" multi-pack with his fellow Powered Masters.


    Super Collection Figure

    Dai Atlas? That sounds like the name of a Welsh geography teacher.
    • Act:8
    • Accessories: Stand
    A soft-plastic PVC of Dai Atlas was made in "Act 8" ofTakara'sSuper Collection Figure line. It was available in both full-color and pewter-finish versions, one of each per case of twelve.
    The pewter version of the figure has a potential problem with connector peg breakage, due to said pegs often getting a layer of pewter paint before being forced into a socket, leading to sticking and tearin. Care should be used when moving or removing the arms; shaving down the socket interior with a thin hobby knife is usually sufficient to fix the issue.
    The color version of Dai Atlas also came packaged with the left arm to the Act's "build-a-figure"MegaZarak. This part could also be in either full-color or pewter, packed at a ratio of six color parts to four pewters out of every ten cases.

    Mega Action Series

    I'm aToei character but line up withSunrisecharacters.
    • Accessories: Reflec Shield, Magna Shot, Z Powered Cutter, left & right "clench" hands, left & right "spread" hands, left & right "weapon-holding" hands
    Mega Action Series Dai Atlas is a highly poseable figure (and also a redeco of theThe Brave Express: Might Gaine BRAVE-BOX2 DVD set exclusive Gōryū figure, with some new parts like the retooled Dai Atlas head, Reflec Shield, Magna Shot, & the Z Powered Cutter) from theSunrise Mega Action Series of mecha action figures, made byCM's Corporation. With articulation and scaling on par with aRevoltech figure, this set included several alternate hands as well as the character's signature gun and shield accessories. As seen in the image, the wing pieces can be clipped together to form a rough 'Z shape' to simulate the Zone Powered Cutter of the original Dai Atlas.
    However, the series is notorious for its fragile joints.

    Transformers Gum

    • Dai Atlas (2012)
    • Accessories: Cannon, shield, wings
    Part of the sixth wave of Kabaya's revivedTransformers Gum Series, Dai Atlas is a snap-together kit which can transform into his other three modes once assembled. Dai Atlas can also combine with theSonic Bomber andRoadfire kits (sold separately) to form Big Powered.
    He does not actually come with his "Z Powered Cutter" weapon and a non-transformableSpeeder partner; those were included with the concurrently released Roadfire kit.

    • Big Powered (2016)
    The Dai Atlas, Sonic Bomber, and Roadfire kits were re-released as a bundle under theDX Gattai label in 2016. They feature changes to plastic color compared to their initial separate releases, and foil stickers.
    As with otherDX Gattai toys featuring box art in homage to their original figures, God Ginrai's packaging mimics that of the original 1990 Big Powered gift set.


    Baby got back.
    • In the industry pitch reel included as a special feature (under 'ads') on the MadmanVictory DVD set, all of Dai Atlas's action features are demonstrated using the Micromaster Freewheeler, and not Speeder. Sonic Bomber, on the other hand, is demonstrated using Sonic.
    • During thetitle sequence for theZone OVA there is a strange mini-montage of shots of Dai Atlas (all of the cartoon screencaps of hisrobot mode on this page are from that montage) including... a random shot of him from behind.
    Ronald McDonaldpants.
    • The Dai Atlas toy wasredecoed in Takara'sBrave Express Might Gaine toyline as "Gōryū" (轟龍, "Thundering Dragon"), which served as the second mech of the series's antihero, Joe Rival. Thecharacter model was altered in various ways, such as straightened wings in robot mode and a creepier face, but the toy itself had no retooling. In a seeming nod to the toy'sTransformers origins by theBrave staff, the robot was originally dubbed "Atlas" by its creator on the show, but Joe chose to rename it to his liking. Dai Atlas's design was also used for the "Atlas Mk.II" drones from the same series, which were never made as toys.
    • UniverseKing Atlas was created as anhomage to Dai Atlas. A bio written for the toy by3H Productions would have cemented King Atlas as the same character as Dai Atlas (and thus would have made "King Atlas" the English name for Dai Atlas), but said bio was ultimately never published, leaving itscanonicity in limbo. Consequently, the lack of any published bio information for the toy led "Force of Habit" to instead establish King Atlas as a distinctUnicron Trilogy character by this wiki's classification, while Dai Atlas later went on to appear in various English-language media using his original name (though, see below for more on that).
    • Dai Atlas was a candidate inTakaraTomy'sMasterpiece Fan's Choice poll, which asked fans to determine which Autobot/Maximal leader from the franchise's then-30 year history should receive a new toy in the prestigiousMasterpiece line. Dai Atlas placed fourth, with 8% of the vote.
    • Kre-O Dai Atlas utilizes theBumblebee helmet (with additional yellow decorations), a backpack piece, a gun (with orange detailing) and 2 clip-on wings.
    • The Primus Vanguard incarnation of Dai Atlas posthumously debuted as a transparent hologram inthe prequel story to "Cybertron Magna Convoy" drawn according to the base tooling ofTitans Return Sky Shadow, possibly because at that point, theLegends Dai Atlas toy had not yet been finalized. Regardless,Hayato Sakamoto would fully color Dai Atlas of the Primus Vanguard inGenerations Selects stories as a consistent virtual redeco.


    Dai Atlas's name in Western fandom is derived from the belief that it usesdai (大), a Japanese word meaning "great" or "big". However, some suggest that the character's name is properly rendered "Diatlas", as the name (ダイアトラスDaiatorasu) appears to be a reference toDiaclone (ダイアクロンDaiakuron, a portmanteau of "diamond" and "cyclone"). TheZone portion of the original toyline was an attempt at replicating the older line's play patterns,[2] implicitly supporting the "Diatlas" interpretation. This interpretation has affected Japanese translations ofIDW's comics, which add aninterpunct to the name to emphasize the separation in IDW's spelling. What is certain is that both do useAtlas (Ἄτλας), the name of a Titan in Greek mythology who held the sky on his shoulders.

    Official Romanizations on Japanese product have varied. Cards available with the December1990 issue ofTV Magazine use "Dy Atrus", the 2012Alternity toy's packaging uses "Dai Atras" (while its instructions do say "Dai Atlas"), andthe 2019Legends toy pamphlet uses "Daiatlas".

    Foreign names

    • Japanese:Diatlas (ダイアトラスDaiatorasu),Dai Atlas (ダイ・アトラスDai Atorasu)


    1. "Yes :D you are the first to mention it :) it's was done to honor Dai Atlas."—Alex Milne, Twitter, 2016/04/03
    2. Takara SF Land Evolution
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