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The Crewbots are robotic suits from theStar Trek vs. Transformers portion of theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Get in the robot, Scotty!

A combination of Cybertronian andFederation technology, theCybertronian-sized battlesuits known as the "Crewbots" are equipped with Transformer-sizedphasers and back-mounted thrusters, designed to allow smaller organics likehumans orVulcans to safely take onDecepticons. Each suit is controlled by a single pilot, who operates the machine from within a chest-mounted cockpit.



Star Trek vs. Transformers

En route to rescue the planetKronos fromStarscream and the rest of the oncoming Decepticon war machine, chief engineerScotty was able to use theEnterprise's on-boardreplicator to design and build a series of mechanical battlesuits based off Cybertronian specifications, allowing him and the other members of theEnterprise's bridge crew to fight alongsideOptimus Prime andFortress Tiberius.

The heroes arrived shortly afterMegatron and the other Decepticons had already arrived and laid claim to Kronos, and the battlesuits were able to help turn the tide of the fight in their favor before they were all immobilized bySoundwave's paralyzing frequency.Prime's Directive, Part Five


  • Five Crewbot suits exist: one each forSpock,Sulu,Scotty,Arex, andM'Ress. The latter two are tweaked to take thealien physiology of their drivers into account and respectively feature a third arm/leg and a tail.
  • Though they don't transform in the comic, concept art reveals that the suits can transform intoClass F shuttlecraft.[1]


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