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Computron (G1)

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The name or term "Computron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeComputron (disambiguation).
Computron is anAutobotcombiner from theGeneration 1continuity family.
I'm a Mac.

Where most of the early generation of combiner teams result in super robots that are generously described as dumb as a bag of hammers,Computron, the combination of the fiveTechnobots, is quite the opposite. Pooling his components' intellects and specialties and somehow overcoming whatever personality clashes they have, Computron is a super-genius who virtually never makes a wrong decision. The problem is though, depending on the complexity of the problem he faces, the process of coming to that correct decision can be a very


slow one, as he runs through every possibility using every bit of his computing power and the shared experiences of his components.

While this is not so much a problem when developing strategies before a battle, in the heat of a fight it can definitely put him at a disadvantage. Luckily he's incredibly physically resilient, meaning he can take quite a few hits while calculating the best way to end the fight in the Autobots' favor as efficiently as possible once his course of action has been plotted.

Computron is composed of:

Estimated probability of Terrorcon victory over Computron: four point one percent.Scoot.

—Computron talks smack, "Money Is Everything"



MarvelThe Transformers comics

Probability of scaring the crap out of everybody: *sigh*...100%...
Brawn without brains ill-becomes a warrior, Decepticon! You're too data-deficient to evencomprehend what thisacid-pellet gun is doing to you!Computron to Abominus,"Love and Steel!"

TheTerrorcons and theDecepticonHorrorconsApeface andSnapdragon were busy "terrorizing" theNebulan city ofSplendora when the Technobots arrived together withBrainstorm andHardhead to save the day. Once the Terrorcons combined to formAbominus,Scattershot ordered the Technobots to do likewise.

Computron ordered the Nebulans to find shelter, vowing to protect them. He fared well against his dim-witted opponent, first blasting the bajeezus out of Abominus with his primary weapon, then bashing him with a steel I-beam with sufficient force to shatter the Decepticon combiner into his component Terrorcons, who promptly retreated.

Computron stood by asDuros andArcana separated from their Autobot partners to explain to the shell-shocked Nebulans thatthis batch of giant alien robots wasn't out to terrorize anybody.Love and Steel!

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor:Bert Kramer (English),Yoku Shioya (Japanese),Yang Wenyuan (Chinese),Paulo Bernardo (Portuguese, "Grimlock's New Brain"),Dario de Castro (Portuguese, "Money Is Everything"),Holger Schwiers (German, "Grimlock's New Brain"),Peter Musäus (German, "Money Is Everything")
Probability of showing up wearing the same hat as Grimlock: 42.6363%.

AfterGrimlock created the Technobots from parts withinUnicron's head, he revealed that they had the ability to combine to form Computron to counter the newDecepticoncombinerAbominus. Computron stated that his computation capacity was near infinite, but he lacked the knowledge to use this capacity. Grimlock then transferred hisanti-electron-endowed super-intelligence to the combiner via asilly helmet. Abominus tried to crush Computron in a powerful hug, but the Technobot gestalt fought back by vibrating violently, forcing Abominus to disengage into its Terrorcon components, who fled away along withGalvatron and the rest of his minions.Grimlock's New Brain


After the Technobots andMarissa Faireborn rescued space rogueDirk Manus fromHun-Grrr, Computron formed in order to evaluate the probability that Manus's tale of aQuintesson base onTitan wasn't a load of lies. He calculated it wasn't, and was absolutely correct. Computron had a chance for a rematch with Abominus once the full team made it to Titan, as theTerrorcons were working with the Quintessons... who were making trade deals for stolen goods with Manus. Computron again defeated Abominus, this time by using a focused blast from a hidden chest-cannon that triggered a mechanism that the Quintessons had installed into the Terrorcons in order to limit the time they could spend in their combined form.Money is Everything

Abominus got Computron back when the Technobots were sent to defendMark Morgan's laboratory. Almost immediately after combining, Abominus declared that "Computron think too much" and blasted him, forcing him to disassemble.The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

Generations Selects Special Comic (1)

In 2011, Unicron attempted to reform himself out of the bodies of his disciples. Computron was present with Autobot and Decepticon alike fighting to stop him.Super Megatron comic 1

The Headmasters cartoon

Voice actor:Masashi Ebara (Japanese)
Probability to Let that Decepticon alone, 77.90%

The Technobots formed Computron to assistHot Rod in his quest for theMatrix of Leadership. Computron occupied the Decepticons while Hot Rod made for Cybertron aboard therobot train. He tried to crushGalvatron with his bare hands, but failed.Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime Later, Computron was assembled to battle with his old nemesis Abominus. He covered the Headmasters' retreat so that they could deal with the threat of themetal-warping meteorite unmolested by the Decepticons.Approach of the Demon Meteorite He also helped defendSan Francisco fromMenasor,Bruticus and theirgigantic man-eating plant.Head On!! Fortress Maximus The Technobots formed Computron to take onSixshot when he andTrypticon attacked Earth, but the combiner was defeated after Sixshot blasted him in the back.Explosion on Mars!! Maximus Is in Danger

Computron assembled on themoon to attack the Decepticons duringScorponok's leadership rally. The tide turned when Galvatron arrived and galvanized his troops to strike back at the Autobots. Computron was zapped by the rapidly advancing Decepticons, and fled with the other Autobots.Return of the Immortal Emperor He was summoned again when the Autobots' relief aid supplies for Sandra were in danger. Computron faced off against Abominus, and calculated that the most probable method of defeating his opponent was a slo-mo flying jump kick. It worked.SOS from Planet Sandra

Hm35 Bruticus holding Computron.jpg

When the Decepticons fled into deep space to seek out new sources of energy, the Technobots joinedFortress in hunting them down. Computron was seen battling Abominus on theTwin Star planets.Battle for Defense of the False Planet He also confrontedPredaking onParadise.Head Formation of Friendship

Back on Earth, Computron was assembled several times to deal with the growing number of Decepticon attacks. He was formed in Miami to defend an Autobot energy facility from Abominus and the Decepticons, but was unable to return to Autobot City in time to saveUltra Magnus from Sixshot.Ultra Magnus Dies!! As Sixshot's attacks continued, Computron was dispatched to another site as the Autobot forces wore thin.The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg Later on, Computron helpedRaiden andDefensor demolish an old Decepticon base after the enemy abandoned the planet Earth.Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1)

Computron joined the entire Autobot army in journeying to the North Pole for a climactic battle with Scorponok. He fought against the evil combiners as the battle raged. Along with all the other Autobots present, Computron lent his energies to the Headmasters'Head Formation to revitalize Fortress Maximus at the critical moment.The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

Generations Selects Special Comic (2)

Conclusion: You're boned.

In 2050, relations soured between the Cybertron Alliance and humanity when humans created their own living robots calledSelectors, who rose up and demanded their freedom. The Technobots prepared to abandonEarth Defense Command headquarters atNeo Scramble City. AtRodimus's request, they transformed into Computron to determine the humans' chances of winning. Computron initially calculated humanity's odds at approaching zero, but the probability changed drastically when Grimlock and the Dinobots declared loyalty to humanity, rising to 90%. The Technobots refused to stand against their father, and entered the battle on the side of the Dinobots. Nosecone and the Technobots merged with the newly combiner-compatible Grimlock, formingVolcaticon. In this form, Computron returned the intelligence download Grimlock gave him when he was born, dramatically increasing the Dinobot-Technobot combiner's intelligence. As Volcaticon prepared to calculate a solution for the humans, Selectors, and Cybertron Alliance, though, the Quintessons got involved in the skirmish with their Terrorcons. Volcaticon reconfigured back into separate Computron andVolcanicus combiners to face this new threat.Volcanicus comic 2

As the Terrorcons attacked the off-balance combiner duo, Computron realized his mistake—he no longer possessed his intelligence to calculate as his fighting style demanded, and the intelligence in Volcanicus was inhibiting the animalistic fury of the Dinobots, leaving them both hampered.Abominus comic 1 As the Terrorcons formed Abominus and ran wild onAngolmois Energy, Computron met with Volcanicus and performed the data transfer back into his mind. Feeling himself again, Computron ralliedSuperion andDefensor to join him in a coordinated attack. Abominus pushed them back with Angolmois Energy, but Computron usedScramble Power to grab the limbs he could and pressed forward as a new combiner,Comperian. Abominus stole his trick as Comperian thrust him backwards intoBruticus andMenasor, Scrambling intoAbomenaticus. They fell upon each other, championing the knowledge and wisdom ofVector Sigma against the raw evil ofUnicron and the corrupted Angolmois Energy. Unfortunately, in the end Abominus proved victorious.Abominus comic 2

TV Magazine comic continuity

The Great Transformer War

You can ask Computron for the answer, but it'll take a while.

Once the Autobots rescued the scientistDalton from Decepticon clutches, he immediately began building upgrades in Computron so he could fend off the already-upgraded Decepticon combiners.The Great Transformer War #1 Computron initially mopped the floor withAbominus, but a squirt ofCohesive Control Liquid brainwashed him into working for the Decepticons. Luckily,Spike retaliated with a "defense spray" that neutralized the liquid. With his mind restored, Computron made short work of Abominus.The Great Transformer War #2

Super-God Masterforce comic

Computron was among the Autobots stationed onAthenia and deployed to repel a massive Decepticon attack.The Battle Begins! The Earth-Space Alliance Army

Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons

Voice actor:Ricky Hayberg (Combiner Wars, English),Matthew Patrick (Titans Return, English)
Probability of appearing in a better series: 0.01%

Computron fought in theCombiner Wars, and as such was in the crosshairs of the vengeful CamienWindblade.Prelude - Windblade One of the Combiners loyal toCybertron's ruling council,The Council Computron was dispatched byStarscream to apprehend Menasor.Homecoming The subsequent battle saw the two Combiners tumble through aspace bridge to planetCaminus's orbit, and their fight continued as they fell to the surface. By the time they landed, Menasor had prevailed, and Computron got stomped in the face and called a nerd. Such is life.The Fall In his final moments, the Autobot Combiner transmitted footage of Windblade heading to Cybertron to the exiledOptimus Prime.The Duel His remains were brought back to Cybertron for examination,Homecoming where they were subsequently absorbed by Starscream as he unleashed the power of theEnigma of Combination.A War of Giants When Starscream was defeated, Computron was brought back to life by the Enigma's power along with Menasor. Once Windblade gaveVictorion the Engima, the Combiners left peacefully.Destruction's Dawn

Computron assisted in the reconstruction efforts following the end of the Combiner Wars.Aftermath and Rebirth WhenTrypticon attacked,Perceptor suggested Computron might have access to historical battle records showing whereFortress Maximus might be found, so he and the other Combiners were recruited by theMistress of Flame to investigate.Our Heroes Respond They eventually reached Fortress Maximus,The Fight Begins where Computron deduced theTitan'stransformation cog was damaged, but the weapons systems were intact. Victorion ordered Computron to take control of Fortress Maximus's weapon systems and fire everything they had atTrypticon.Overlord and Emissary WhenMegatron arrived at Fortress Maximus and revealed the Mistress of Flame had perished, Computron and the other Combiners assumed him responsible and attacked. Once Windblade arrived and the fight stopped long enough for Megatron to explain, Computron fused with the other Combiners using the Enigma of Combination, turning Victorion into a super-Combiner.Desperate Actions


Unfortunately, the empowered Victorion proved no match for Trypticon and the Combiners were forced to separate again, though Computron was quick to jump back into the fray. He directed Menasor towards a weak spot in Trypticon's foot in an attempt to knock him off balance and later joined the others in attacking Trypticon's fortress mode from all sides.In Good Hands When Trypticon swallowed Victorion and the Enigma, he used its power to take control of Computron and the other Combiners, forcing them to attack Fortress Maximus, Windblade and Optimus Prime.Consumed Computron was freed form Trypticon's control after the Titan expelled the Enigma, and he bore witness to the return ofMegatronus and the death of Optimus. Though still mourning his former leader's loss, he agreed to join Megatron's quest to stop Megatronus.All Things Must Pass While the others went searching for theRequiem Blaster, Computron and his team were cornered byOverlord andRodimus Cron, who promptly killed him with a single shot through the torso. His spark floated awayVolcanicus to theWell of Sparks.Without Warning

Of Masters and Mayhem

During the war, the Technobots were approached by the genius designerIronclad, who had an idea to improve their combined form, with him helping to form a special arm. His idea was rejected, but the team used the idea to addScrounge andCybaxx, also known asBoltax, to Computron. They hoped Cybaxx'sUnderbase-fuelled knowledge and power would help them defeat the unstoppableMayhem Attack Squad. It didn't.Lively Pursuit

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance:Transformers Annual 2021
Probability of damages being covered by insurance plan: 5.24%

In a confrontation withAirachnid within the asteroid colony ofHexagon, Scattershot and his Technical Solutions Team were sent falling into the scientist's experimentalCombination Core, a facsimile of theEnigma of Combination. By absorbing the energies of this arcane device, Scattershot and his team merged into acombiner that dubbed itself "Computron". The process left Computron disoriented, andThunderwing took advantage of this by ejecting a portion of theHexagon asteroid colony before he could gain his bearings.Light/Star

Probability of defeating a Balrog: 98.01%

Upon returning to Cybertron aboardLodestar, a distress signal from the Autobots inCrystal City was detected, and Computron deployed onto the battlefield there. While Lodestar was enough to scare off most of the attacking Decepticons,Strika's Heavies stood their ground and engaged Computron who managed to fend them off untilOptimus Prime arrived and demanded a ceasefire ofStrika. With the battle over, Computron disengaged and Scattershot explained to Optimus what had happened to them.The Landscape of Fear Too drained of energon to combine again, they were sent ahead toDarkmount, leaving the Autobots unable to turn Computron against therust worms orInsecticons.End of Time

By the time that theDecepticons were using animploder to bar Optimus Prime's path to Darkmount, the Technical Solutions Team had been refuelled, the sight of the advancing Computron breakingSkywarp's concentration and allowingJumpstream to teleport him and the imploder away. Unwilling to engage the combiner, Megatron allowed the Autobots to press forward, Computron escorting them to safety.

When the Decepticons finally attacked Darkmount, Computron fought alongsideLeviathan, facing off againstDevastator. After a mighty punch from theConstructicon combiner broke Computron back into his components, Scattershot called for volunteers. WhenPipes,Flareup,Backstreet,Javelin, andGroove stepped forward, Computron was reborn as a ten-bot combiner. Buying time for the Autobots to escape Cybertron, Computron managed to overpower Devastator, though failed to kill him, before he was fired upon by the totality of the Decepticon force. Overwhelmed, Computron broke back into his components, having bought enough time for the Autobots to launch.Fate of Cybertron

Commercial appearances

Probability of having been created by Grimlock: 33.635%

On an alien world, the Technobots faced the new DecepticonHeadmaster base,Scorponok. They combined into Computron in response to Scorponok assuming its beast mode. Mr. Smart Guy then strode forward confidently, only to get wholloped with a huge boulder thrown by his opponent.Technobots and Scorponok commercial

A portion of this animation was re-used for thetitle sequence of "The Rebirth".


The Transformers (PS2)

Voice actor:Strings Kozisek (English)

Decepticon story

Computron was first encountered in the desert when the Decepticons investigated a drill bit made of a mysterious meteorite. He later defended theEnormous Laser Transmission Array when the Decepticons invaded ELTA looking for theZel Quartz.The Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

Effectiveness in battle: 30%
Probability of obtaining me: 0.046%

Computron participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He could be recruited if all five of his component members were at max level.Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is astub and is missing information on theirvideo game appearances. You can helpTransformers Wiki byexpanding it.

Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

Computron-Earth Wars.jpg

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is astub and is missing information on theirvideo game appearances. You can helpTransformers Wiki byexpanding it.

Transformers: Earth Wars

Transformers Roleplaying Game

All combiners are more powerful than the sum of their parts, but Computron was an unusual case: it was hisintellect that received the highest boost, making him the most intelligent of all the combiners. However, this intelligence made him slow to react, to the point where processing a single decision in the heat of battle could take longer than advisable.The Enigma of Combination


The Transformers

Probability of finding pants off the rack that fit: 0.003%
  • Scattershot (Boxed Technobot,1987)
  • Afterburner (Carded Technobot, 1987)
  • Lightspeed (Carded Technobot, 1987)
  • Nosecone (Carded Technobot, 1987)
  • Strafe (Carded Technobot, 1987)
Released in the fourth year of Hasbro's USThe Transformers toyline (third year in Europe and in Takara'sFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers line), Computron is a super robot formed out of all five Technobots. As a "Scramble City" style combiner, each smaller Technobot attaches as a limb into the central body,Scattershot. He is completed by attaching fists, feet, a large chestplate, and head and is armed with Scattershot's rifle. LikeBruticus, one can leave most of the smaller toys' vehicle mode weapons attached when combining them.
According to the instructions, he wassupposed to come with two different foot-plates: one with a centered peg, and one with the peg offset to Computron's right in order to accommodateNosecone's dual post-holes in limb mode. However, the final product just has two of the same center-peg footplate, thus Nosecone in leg mode will always have an off-center foot. When attached as his legs, Nosecone andLightspeed are two of the very few "Scramble City"-style limbs who face backwards, Lightspeed in particular due to clearance issues with his feet and Computron's footplate.
Nominally, each component was sold individually; the smaller carded limb-bots could also come with a randomly-packed AutobotDecoy.

  • Computron (Gift set,1987)
  • Takara ID number:C-91
  • Accessories: All individual-release toys' accessories
The entire Technobot team was also sold in a large box set. All of the toys within are identical to their individual-packaged releases.
This box set was the only place to get Computron's clip-out bio andTech Specs.


Probability of replacing the limbswithdifferentbots (well, except forone) to form a differentgestalt: 50%
  • Computron (Micro-Changer Combiner,2013)
  • Set number:A7030
  • Pieces:75
  • Known designers:Ed Masiello (Hasbro)
Part of the third wave ofKre-OKreonMicro-Changer combiner sets, Computron comes as a set of four component Kreons:Afterburst,Lightstorm,Scattershot, andStrafe. The Kreons can be built into their robot modes or their vehicle modes, or they can be built into Computron by taking them apart and combining their pieces.
Like the entire Micro Changer combiner sets, Computron comes with only oneKre-O display brick, and a sticker sheet composed of his leg detailing and aKre-O logo. Due to the leg stickers being slightly transparent, applying them into the black-colored leg parts can render the details being semi-transparent. The instructions do not mention where theKre-O logo sticker should be applied. Computron's combined mode's waist part is prone to falling off from the assembly while posing, and he has a problem standing straight due to how the legs are constructed.
As Kreon combiners only involve four components,Kre-ONosecone instead ended up as a Series 3 blind-bagged figure.

Combiner Wars

Probability of being able to do the Mashed Potato: 87.5%
  • Computron (Collection Pack,2016)
  • Accessories: Scattershot's rifle & shield, Afterbreaker's two rifles, Lightsteed's gun, Nosecone's drill-gun, Computron hands and feet, Cybaxx Targetmaster
GenerationsCombiner Wars Computron is composed of the entire Technobot team, including new membersScrounge andCybaxx. The five Technobots aregenerally decoed to match their original 1987 figures, but have some occasional hue differences and callouts to details from the cartoon.
WhileScattershot is redecoed from his individual Voyager Class figure, "Lightsteed" (renamed due totrademark issues) andNosecone are redecoed from Deluxe ClassProtectobot Streetwise andBrawl respectively (with Nosecone using theBotCon 2016 exclusiveGeneral Ramhorn figure's drill accessory), whereas "Afterbreaker" (also renamed),Strafe and Scrounge/Cybaxx are retooled fromCombiner Wars Deluxe ClassProtectobot Groove,Air Raid andThrilling 30 Legends ClassAutobot Cosmos/Payload, respectively. Scrounge can attach to Strafe (thanks to an added peg that's part of the retool), who forms Computron's left arm in the official configuration.
LikeVictorion, Computron features new pairs of hands and feet, resembling the cartoon model versions and the original toys'. The hands can be stored underneath the feet's cavity when Computron is not formed, and were later reused asUnite WarriorsBaldigus's hands and feet.
Computron was only available as part of a box set, including a poster and a collector card based on his packaging art. The set was one of several so-called "Collection Packs" that were "online exclusives" in the United States, available from online retailers such asHasbro Toy Shop,Amazon andBigBadToyStore as well as the online stores of "big box" retailers such asToys"R"Us,Walmart,Target, andKmart. In Hasbro's Asian markets such as Singapore and Taiwan, the set was available at general retail. In Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, it was sold at Toys"R"Us stores, whereas in Spain, it was available via the Spanish subsidiaries ofAmazon and Carrefour, as well as the department store chain El Corte Inglés, supposedly also only available online.

Unite Warriors

Probability of pulling off a Superhero Landing: 0.54%
  • Computicon (Gift set,2016)
  • ID number:UW-08
  • Release date:August 27 2016
  • English name:Computron
  • Accessories: Individual component weapons (combine to form a larger gun for Computicon), four Techbot hand/foot/guns
  • Known designers:Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy)
The fifth release in the standard-retailUnite Warriors lineup, Takara's take on "Computicon" is very different from Hasbro's version. Only two of the figures,Scattershot andAfterburner, use the same base sculpts as theirCombiner Wars releases, and Scattershot has been retooled to have a different combiner chest and head sculpt more closely resembling Computicon's original design.Strafe,Lightspeed, andNosecone are retooled fromUnite WarriorsBlast Off,Combiner WarsWheeljack, andRook, respectively. All five figures are decoed to much more closely match their cartoon appearances, and have been given a suite of new weapons (most of which only superficially look like their toy/cartoon weapons atbest) that can combine into a super-rifle for Computicon to use.
Strangely, he does not include the same dedicated hands and feet as the Hasbro version. Instead he opts to use the standardCombiner Wars hand/foot guns. The packaging and instructions also assign the "wrong" HFG to each Techbot, though only Lightspeed is actually affected by this since his HFG has unique tooling left over fromSunstreaker.
Like previousUnite Warriors releases, his box gives his Western name, Computron, in English alongside his Japanese moniker, Computicon, in katakana.


  • All of the Technobots' pre-final rear-viewrobot mode models were seemingly drawn based on the isometric view of their front models. While at least two members of the team were left unaffected by this,Scattershot,Afterburner, and Computron's models all ended up with horribly drawn rear-views. In Computron's case, Afterburner's arm is misinterpreted as part of the torso with another arm drawn right next to it. His thighkibble (Scattershot's folded up legs) is also drawn completely different on either leg, and the backs of his feet are different from one another too. One of the largest oddities of Computron's rear-view model is the fact that the entire back of his torso is actually just a widened version ofLightspeed's chest!
    • Unfortunately, most of this comes down to how badly drawn and colored Computron's front view is. Strafe's nose cones/guns are drawn differently from one another; having the one at the front missing its fin, while the back fin is plainly visible. The aforementioned issue with Afterburner's arms is also present (even down to the part being colored the same as his chest plate). These issues appear to be a fault of the toy photo references the designer/s would've used. They were likely shot on a similar angle, skewing the perspective, leading to parts being placed in weird places on the body.
    • As with just about every episode animated byAKOM, the pre-final models of the Technobots were used, leading to several episodes using these rear-views.
    • There is evidence of a revised set of rear-view models existing for all of the Technobots in theToei-animated episodes, however, those models appear to have been lost after season 3, as Toei ended up using the pre-final versions forThe Headmasters cartoon.
  • Since the Japanese name for the Decepticons is "Destrons", any Destron subgroup names, such as "Combatron" or "Stuntron", also ended with "-tron". The association was further enforced by the presence of the individual Transformer names "Megatron" and "Galvatron". Thus Computron's name was changed to "Computicon" for the Japanese market. Oddly, this makes his name match the general pattern for Decepticon subgroup names in English-speaking markets.
  • The mid-development revisions of theMachinimaCombiner Wars cartoon meant that Computron's animation model (at right) ultimately wound up having theGeneration 1 toy as a base with bits of theCombiner Wars figure Frankenstein-ed on.
  • Like most ‘’Earth Wars’’ models, Computron is based on his most current toy, but he is a mix of his two concurrent designs: the upper body is his ‘Unite Warriors’ model while the legs are a (more detailed) recreation of his ‘’Combiner Wars’’ components.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Computicon (コンピューティコンKonpyūtikon)
  • French:Ordinatron (France, from "Ordinateur", "Computer")
  • Korean:Compudrone (컴퓨드론Keompyudeuron)
  • Mandarin:Diànnǎo Jīngāng (Taiwan, 電腦金剛, "ComputerVajra"),Jìsuàn Wáng (China, 计算王, "Computing King")
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