CNA—standing variously forCyber/Nano Algorithms[1] and/orCybernucleic Acid[2]—is the genetic material that determines what Transformers are like. Tinkering with this material can be dangerous and can have long-lasting,negative effects. CNA contains a Transformer'shard-coded design schematics,[3] which, like genetic data, appear to be stored in the spark itself.
It is sometimes known asSourcecode.
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The existence of Transformer genetic material was mentioned and seen whenPerceptor and others analyzed theSwarm. They noted that its genetic material and cellular structure were identical to that of the Transformers species.Tales of Earth Part Six
Scorponok discovered a strand of CNA he referred to as the 'warrior gene' which he claimed was the difference between Autobots and Decepticons. He also created theGene Key, a device that could re-write CNA and activate the gene.Natural Selection, Part One Although Scorponok claimed that being an Autobot or Decepticon did not entirely depend on the gene, he did claim that with the gene activated their morality and sense of accountability would be diminished, and the AutobotsHeadmasters he tested the Key on displayed more aggression and were willing to follow Decepticon orders,Highbrow even going as far as to refer to himself as no longer an Autobot.Natural Selection, Part Two
Whether mined from the surface of Cybertron or generated by theMatrix of Leadership, all new sparks are created with a set of "deep-coded" genetic instructions that dictate the interactions between the spark and itsprotoform. Once the spark is nurtured and placed inside a mass ofsentio metallico, it manipulates the developing protoform based on these instructions, generating limbs, facial features, and components related to their futurealternate mode.Silent Light Those Transformers who are "constructed cold"also possess these genetic instructions in their spark, but the circumstances behind their creation mean that the prefabricated bodies into which their sparks are implanted rarely match the forms that their sparks might otherwise take.Starscream—who had been constructed cold—developed a habit of periodically changing bodies, andWindblade interpreted this as a sign that his spark was still subconsciously trying to find its "true form."Your First Mistake
In fully-grown Transformers, this genetic code is synonymous with CNA. During his experiments with Cybertronian gender, the malevolent scientistJhiaxus alteredArcee's CNA, possibly against her will;Spotlight: ArceePost although theextent of his surgeries are not known, Transformers around Arcee would unconsciously refer to her with female pronouns even if they had never met her,Spotlight: Arcee a trait not shared with other transgender Cybertronians such asAnode andLug.An Axe to Break the Ice
Scalpel used the CNA ofPerceptor as a template to makeMagnificus as a part ofOperation: Doppelgänger.The AllSpark Almanac II Later, Starscream created many clones of himself.A Fistful of EnergonA Bridge Too Close, Part I
Swindle was able to use the CNA of one of Starscream's clones to createtwomore that he used as enforcers.The AllSpark Almanac II
Shockwave mixeddinosaurDNA with theLightning Strike Coalition's CNA in his successful experiments with giving them new dinosaur alternate modes.Fall
After thePredacons broke out ofShockwave's laboratory,you were sent on a mission to scout the place out and investigate what happened. During your search you discovered CNA samples of eleven different Predacons which provided valuable information about them. You also discovered that the Predacons were cloned by Shockwave using CNA samples he discovered of the long dead creatures.Hunt the Beasts
As theGreat War began to spill off Cybertron, both sides began seeding energon deposits on other planets. To protect Decepticon investments,Shockwave used the fossilized CNA of severalPredacons to create a legion of enforcers.Project Predacon During his exile on Cybertron, he used the CNA to createPredaking, another Predacon clone.Scattered
AfterStarscream hadcloned himself, he despaired that his CNA had not only given the clones the genetic instructions needed fortransformation cogs, but that thebinary bonding meant he felt all their pain.Armada
AfterLio Convoy started a rebellion against theBuilders of Cybertron, his mentorEject avoided a death sentence by proposing a solution: use Lio Convoy's CNA to create a clone army infused with the power of anEnergon Matrix. TheBuilder Assembly approved of the idea.Broken Windshields
There was much overlap between the hard-coded design schematics of Unicron's sleeper agents theEgg Beasts and hisDead End antibodies.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/29