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Brazil, theFederative Republic of Brazil in full, is the largest and most populous country ofSouth America. It is located along the continent's east coast and bordersVenezuela,Peru,Argentina, andUruguay. The country is divided in states, of whichMato Grosso is one. Another is São Paulo, home to the citySão Paulo, which is Brazil's largest city and also one of the largest in the world.



The Transformers cartoon

When the Autobots prepared to go toTitan perOmega Supreme, they apparently were located in Brazil.The God Gambit

Kid Stuff Talking Story Books continuity

Satellite of Doom launch complex.jpg

TheDecepticons built theircrystal satellite and its launch complex in the jungles ofMato Grosso. This much toSoundwave's dismay, as the jungle humidity had a detrimental effect on his cassette drives. Nobody cared. Once the final piece, a large diamond, had been placed atop the satellite, it was launched into orbit. TheAutobots had taken note of their enemy's activities however, soMegatron blew up the launch complex and withdrew with his troops back to base to continue to monitor and control the crystal satellite's mission in safety.Satellite of Doom

The Decepticons' scheme failed and some time later, Megatron and Soundwave returned to the site of the former launch complex, which had been reabsorbed by the jungle. Megatron commented that he aimed to get theoil underneath the South American jungles. As the two Decepticons spoke, a local Native American approached and, armed with a blowgun and poisoned darts, took a shot at Soundwave, but the dart just bounced off. Megatron and Soundwave were not impressed, but supposedly left him alone.

Since the Autobots stopped the Decepticons' plan inPeru, the Decepticons never got far enough to drain so much as a drop of oil from underneath Brazil.Storms of Destruction

The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual

The Dinobots! aggressive Snarl.jpg

Millions of years ago, theArk crashed onEarth, leaving only four Autobots partially active. TheArk reconstructed them after the planet's dominant lifeform,dinosaurs. Renaming themselvesDinobots, the four explored the land and at leastGrimlock andSnarl were in the area that would become Brazil when they were deactivated due to a meteorite crashing up a dust layer that robbed them of their solar radiation.

In 1994, chaotic deforestation of the jungle that had grown over Snarl's and Grimlock's temporary grave reawakened them. The other Autobots, reawakened since a while too, noticed theTransformer-coded power emission the Dinobots were producing and went to check. TheDecepticons followed suit onceLaserbeak had reported on the power emission. At first the Dinobots, controlled by their dinosaur programming, attacked the Autobots, but once the Decepticons showed up, Grimlock and Snarl came to their senses and fought them instead. They reintroduced themselves to the other Autobots and promised to rejoin their forces once they'd found their two missing teammates.The Dinobots!

Live-action film series

Dark of the Moon Annual

The discovery of large deposits of iron ore made Mato Grosso a prime target for the Decepticons.Transformers Dark of the Moon Annual 2012

The Last Knight film

Sometime after the fall ofCemetery Wind, a Brazilian namedSantos became the commander ofT.R.F.The Last Knight


Transformers Autobots/Decepticons

Pictured: A Decepticon Recruit heading to the fleshies' "worst nightmare".

Autobot Campaign

As perRatchet's instructions,Optimus Prime met up withBumblebee andIronhide in São Paulo. While discussing the presence of large numbers of Decepticons in the area, aprotoform suddenly crashed at a few miles distance. Optimus Prime rushed to the location and recruited the protoform. ThenStarscream showed up, having also intended to claim the protoform, and Optimus Prime attacked him while Ratchet instructed the new recruit away from the scene and back to the city area. Following Ratchet's orders, the recruitscanned a nearby car and adopted a vehicle form. Next, he met up with Bumblebee and Ironhide, who worried about his ability to stay alive in battle. A subsequent attack by the Decepticons allowed the recruit to show his worth, particularly by killing a Decepticon recruit.Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots

Decepticon Campaign

As perSoundwave's instructions,Starscream met up withSideways andGrindor in São Paulo. Decepticon-style pleasant talk was cut short when aprotoform suddenly crashed at a few miles distance. Starscream rushed to the location and recruited the protoform. ThenOptimus Prime showed up, having also intended to claim the protoform, and Starscream attacked him while Soundwave instructed the new recruit away from the scene and back to the city area. Following Soundwave's orders, the recruitscanned a nearby car and adopted a vehicle form. Next, he met up with Sideways and Grindor, who were quick to call him a liability. A subsequent attack by the Autobots allowed the recruit to show his worth, particularly by killing an Autobot recruit.Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Decepticons


  • DuringGeneration 1,Estrela held the license to manufacture and marketTransformers toys in Brazil. The Estrela line-up was unique to Brazil and included several molds from companies other thanTakara. It also was the only line-up to include theMini Vehicle Familia mold.
  • An unproduced joke for theCyberverse episode "Trials" would have involvedSoundwave popping into Brazil during a music festival. He would then crash the concert and hang out.[1]


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