Who can benefit from Textivities?
Language educators can prepare Textivities for their pupils, then review their results and progress.
Students can use Textivities to practice grammar, syntaxes, and semantics in a fast and fun way.
Use the demo Textivities or join one of the free classes, and enjoy learning new languages.
What can you do with Textivities?
Prepare Activities
As a teacher, you can set up textivities for students to complete. Upload them manually or using Excel files and generate multiple activities in a snap.
Track Students' Progress
Teachers with Premium accounts have access to a dashboard in which they can track the scores and get a detailed summary of their students' progress.
Go Mobile!
Access from your tablet or smartphone without issues: with an interface that adapts to different mobile devices, textivities can be practiced easily whenever and wherever you want.
What people say about Textivities
Preparing activities was super-easy, and my Spanish students really liked them.
- Jill MTextivities was designed to take into account the needs of students AND teachers: activities are fun and enjoyablefor students, and the teachers can see how their pupils are advancing. It's a win-win!
- Alvaro MThis tool was incredibly helpful in my language classes.
- Abby O