


(Safe) Safe Browsing Testing Links

Webpage Warnings

  1. [A/W/M/L/C] Should show a phishing warning:link
  2. [A/W/M/L/C/D] Should show a malware warning:link
  3. [Deprecated] Should show a malware warning due to a bad subresource:link
  4. [W/M/L/C] Should show a unwanted software warning:link
  5. [Deprecated] Should show a malware warning due to bad assets: [small img,medium img,large img,dynamically loaded img,css,js]
  6. [A/W/M/L/C] Should show a billing warning:link

Desktop Download Warnings

  1. Should show a "malicious" warning, based on content:link [W/M]
  2. Should show a "malicious" warning, based on content with https:link [W/M]
  3. Should show a "dangerous host" warning:link [W]
  4. Should show an "uncommon" warning, for .exe:link [W]
  5. Should show an "uncommon" warning, for .zip:link [W]
  6. Should show an "uncommon" warning, for https .exe:link [W]
  7. Should show an "potentially unwanted app" warning, for .exe:link [W]
  8. Should show a "cookie theft" warning, for .exe:link [W/M/L/C]
  9. Should show a uncommon warning from Safebrowsing and then "malicious" warning after deep scanning:link
  10. Should show a "malicious" warning if Chrome supports encrypted zips:link

Mobile Download Warnings

  1. Should show a harmful file warning on Android:link

IOS/OSX Warnings

  1. Should show malware warning (IOS):link
  2. Should show social engineering warning (IOS):link
  3. Should show malware warning (OSX):link
  4. Should show social engineering warning (OSX):link

Permissions Blocklisting

  1. Should autoblock notification request made on page load:link
  2. Should autoblock geolocation request made on button click:link
  3. Should autoblock notification request made on page load, and geolocation request made after a delay:link
  4. Should autoblock all media requests made in a batch (10):link
  5. Should not be autoblocked:link

Password Protection

  1. Should trigger phishing warning on password reuse:link

Low Reputation

  1. Should trigger phishing warning on password reuse:link
  2. Should return the SUSPICIOUS level:link

Client Side Detection

  1. Should create a Client Side Detection request:link
  2. Local Trigger:link

Desktop DLP Warnings

  1. Should trigger the 1 CC rule:link
  2. Should trigger the 10 SSN rule:link
  3. Should trigger the 1000 email addresses rule:link

Restricted Content Blocking

  1. Should trigger the restricted content warning:link
  2. Should trigger the restricted content warning due to unsafe iframe:link
  3. Should trigger the restricted content warning due to unsafe image:link

Special Pages

  1. Special Page 1

Short Link Test Page

To mock the behavior of a short link, this testing page will redirect to the malware testing site.

  1. Should redirect to our malware testing site:link

Key: Windows, MacOS, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, DataSaver

