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A member registered Aug 30, 2021

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Do YOU find it RISIBLE... when I say... Biggus... DICKUS
And I 'bombfarted' my place when 'Incontinentia Buttocks' appeared.. HAHA DUUUUUUDE! 1000/10

But man, I could've hugged Layla so that she wasn't that jealous ;)

Btw, are you from latinoamerica? Cause 'the inmortality of the crab' is a phrase we latinos use A LOT! LOL

Hi Stawer, when I read 'Gia's story 50%' it quickly ran down my skin goosebumps but not in a good way; allow me to explain the summary of my thoughts:
The fetishes that are not included are, among them and most importantly,NTR. But come to think of it, wouldn't it be NTR if we all know that Gia is Anton's girlfriend? I mean, I, like all of this game's players HATE NTR, because we just feel like trash whenever a girl dumps us for another guy in such a filthy way... Now imagine being in Anton's shoes and (probably cause he's part of the eternal great machine) watching his best and main friend (that he actually gave up his LIFE for US) flirting and doing naughty things with his once girlfriend (knowing that he's had sex with... well almost every girl, including her own sister Prim...)
I actually felt bad... I mean, I know it's just a game, but a dude is a dude and thereby aplies the law "ape doesn't kill ape". IRL I respect all of my friends' girls, and I treasure loyalty as one of the most valuable virtues

Whatd'ya think guys and Stawer-sama?

I LOVED AND LAUGHED SOOOOO MUCH with the Monty Python bridge scene... Good taste of humor! HAHA almost cried out laughing with Prim being the 'dark armless knigt' X on on Facebook
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