



Tasmota Supported Devices Repository

2831 supported devices submitted by you!

Recently added:

Stromleser IR Read Head ElectricityStromleser IR Read Head Electricity Smart Meter (stromleser-wifi) - Tasmota pre-installed
Smartnetz Smart Gasreader 3.0Smartnetz Smart Gasreader 3.0 Smart Meter (SMNGR30) - Tasmota pre-installed
SmarterCurry Temperature and HumiditySmarterCurry Temperature and Humidity Wall Switch (T11xa) - Tasmota pre-installed
Nous DIN Smart Switch 25ANous DIN Smart Switch 25A DIN Relay (D3T) - Tasmota pre-installed
Nous DIN Smart Switch 20ANous DIN Smart Switch 20A DIN Relay (D2T) - Tasmota pre-installed
Nous DIN Smart Switch 16ANous DIN Smart Switch 16A DIN Relay (D1T) - Tasmota pre-installed
Nous 2 Channel / CurtainNous 2 Channel / Curtain Power Monitoring Switch Module (B3T) - Tasmota pre-installed
Nous 2 ChannelNous 2 Channel Switch Module (B2T) - Tasmota pre-installed
Nous 1 ChannelNous 1 Channel Switch Module (B1T) - Tasmota pre-installed
Nous A6T Smart SocketNous A6T Smart Socket Power Monitoring Outdoor Plug (A6T) - Tasmota pre-installed
Martin Jerry 3 Way/4 WayMartin Jerry 3 Way/4 Way Dimmer (RP-STD01) - Tasmota pre-installed
Martin Jerry Matter 2 GangMartin Jerry Matter 2 Gang Switch (RP-S02) - Tasmota pre-installed
Martin Jerry Matter 1 GangMartin Jerry Matter 1 Gang Switch (RP-S01) - Tasmota pre-installed
bitShake SmartMeterReader - AIR ESP32bitShake SmartMeterReader - AIR ESP32 Smart Meter (SmartMeterReader-Air) - Tasmota pre-installed
Dingtian 2 ChannelDingtian 2 Channel Relay Board (DT-R002)
Athom 16A US V3Athom 16A US V3 Power Monitoring Plug (PG03V3-US16A-TAS) - Tasmota pre-installed
Mursche 450W Infrared HeaterMursche 450W Infrared Heater Heater (MS-TJYND-450W) - DIY Replacement
Nous A8T 10ANous A8T 10A Power Monitoring Plug (A8T) - Tasmota pre-installed
Energizer A19 10W Multi-WhiteEnergizer A19 10W Multi-White CCT Bulb (EAW2-1001-MWT)
Athom 3-Way Mini RelayAthom 3-Way Mini Relay Switch Module (RS01C3) - Tasmota pre-installed
Athom Human Presence SensorAthom Human Presence Sensor Presence Sensor (PS01)
Athom EM6 Energy MeterAthom EM6 Energy Meter Energy Meter (EM6) - Tasmota pre-installed
Athom EM2 Energy MeterAthom EM2 Energy Meter Energy Meter (EM2) - Tasmota pre-installed
M5Stack NanoC6 Dev KitM5Stack NanoC6 Dev Kit Development Board (C125)
Dingtian 4 ChannelDingtian 4 Channel Relay Board (DT-R004)

Devices by electrical standard:

Light Bulbs by base:
Seeworld map of plugs andlight bulb base list for more information.

Unsupportable devices:

D-linkD-link Plug (DSP-W215)
HAMA GU10 5,5W CCTHAMA GU10 5,5W CCT Bulb (00176585)
Sonoff Mini Extreme MatterSonoff Mini Extreme Matter Switch Module (MINIR4M)
Walmart Great Value Wiz Full Colour A19Walmart Great Value Wiz Full Colour A19 Bulb
PowSav AHR-083PowSav AHR-083 Power Strip
Meross MSS630Meross MSS630 Plug
Hihome No Neutral Universal Smart DimmerHihome No Neutral Universal Smart Dimmer (WWB-RC)
Timeguard Wi-Fi Controlled Fused SpurTimeguard Wi-Fi Controlled Fused Spur Switch
Wi-Fi Timer Switch Fused Spur Wall ControllerWi-Fi Timer Switch Fused Spur Wall Controller Switch (CB-WCONT)
Moko Mini Smart PlugMoko Mini Smart Plug Plug (TP61-Y)
Sonoff NSPanel Pro Touch PanelSonoff NSPanel Pro Touch Panel Display
Multi IR Light and Human PresenceMulti IR Light and Human Presence Sensor (MIR-HE200)
Sonoff L3 RGBSonoff L3 RGB LED Strip
Sonoff iPlug S40 (Lite)Sonoff iPlug S40 (Lite) Plug (S40TPA/B)
Moes Multi-functional Touch Control PanelMoes Multi-functional Touch Control Panel Display (T6E)
Mirabella Genio Dimmable 5W Fancy RoundMirabella Genio Dimmable 5W Fancy Round Bulb (I003332)
TP-LINK TAPO P100 AU/2.0 (hardware version 2.0)TP-LINK TAPO P100 AU/2.0 (hardware version 2.0) Plug (TAPO P100 V2)
ENEGG IR BlasterENEGG IR Blaster IR Controller
Aubess 16A Mini SmartAubess 16A Mini Smart Module Switch
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