See therepository |
A general-purpose program to manipulate and parse information from FASTA/FASTQ files, supporting gzipped input files. Includes functions tointerleave andde-interleave FASTQ files, torename sequences and tocount and printstatistics on sequence lengths. SeqFu is available for Linux and MacOS.
- A compiled program delivering high performance analyses
- Supports FASTA/FASTQ files, also Gzip compressed
- A growing collection of handy utilities, also for quick inspection of the datasets
- UNIX like commands but specific for sequences like
seqfu cat
,seqfu head
,seqfu tail
,seqfu grep
- Terminal friendly reports from
seqfu stats
orseqfu count
Can be easilyinstalled via conda:
condainstall-c conda-forge-c bioconda"seqfu>1.0"
Telatin A, Fariselli P, Birolo G.SeqFu: A Suite of Utilities for the Robust and Reproducible Manipulation of Sequence Files. Bioengineering 2021, 8,