EdTech Resources
EdTech Support Model

The Educational Technology Support (ETS) team, PVCE, are presenting an Educational Technology Support Model. This model aims to simplify the user experience through a one-stop support structure for…
UNSW Moodle Overview

Moodle is an open-source learning management system that allows academics to create, manage and deliver courses and educational resources.Visit the dedicated Moodle 4.1 page to learn about recent…

What is Turnitin?Turnitin allows academics to create a submission inbox page for students to submit work for grading.It is commonly used as an originality-checking service to help…
Moodle Gradebook

The Moodle Gradebook allows academics to view and manage all grades in their course. Developing a good Gradebook structure is important and determines what appears on the grades page for students.…
Log In and Access a Moodle Course

Users can log into Moodle to access their Moodle course content. Moodle is commonly logged into via the UNSW account and password. It can take up to 48 hours before new UNSW accounts become…
Inspera with Safe Exam Browser

Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a web browser environment to carry out e-assessments safely and maximize the security aspects of any exams. The software turns any computer temporarily into a secure…
Echo360/LR + Support Pages

Asynchronous Recording OptionsEchoVideo offers two methods, for you to record a video and share with your students. Browser Based Capture - a simplified method of creating a recording…
Moodle Groups

Moodle groups allow academics to group course participants together. Groups are stored in groupings which act as a folder to easily refer to and use multiple groups for individual tasks.Once…
Create a Sandpit Course and Enrolment Keys

A sandpit course is a practice course in which an instructor develops and tests content and functionality before transferring it to a public (or teaching) course and making it available to students…
Moodle Assignments

Moodle Assignment allows academics to create a submission inbox page for students to submit work for grading.It is a commonly used assessment activity that allows for grading, inline feedback,…