
First mentioned in:
First appearance:
Tersurus was aplanet withsinging stones andclone banks. (PROSE:All-Consuming Fire) It was mentioned as being in the "Outer Planets" inthe Matrix. (AUDIO:Neverland)
History[[edit] |[edit source]]
During theAge of the Pythias, Tersurus was part of theGallifreyan Empire, withTersurons sometimes brought back toGallifrey as servants. (PROSE:Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible) During thepurge of Pythia's Temple,the Other toldSusan Foreman to go to Tersurus to be safe from the violence erupting onGallifrey, but she was unable to due to the Capitol's spacedrome being destroyed. (PROSE:Lungbarrow)
TheMemeovore came to Tersurus during theWar in Heaven and consumed theTersurans' forms of communication, so they had toevolve other,more tenuous forms (PROSE:The Taking of Planet 5) usingfarting. (TV:The Curse of Fatal Death)
Whenthe Master travelled with Susan Foreman inhis TARDIS to Tersurus, it was a lifeless planet with barely anything but rocks andlichen. Susan attacked the Master and left him to die there. (PROSE:Legacy of the Daleks) According to another account, however,the Decayed Master attempted to attack aTime Lord outpost on the planet, and was left disfigured after a confrontation with afuture incarnation, as part of a plan to join theCult of the Heretic. (AUDIO:The Two Masters) In any event, a signal sent toGallifrey by the Master's TARDIS drewChancellorGoth to Tersurus, where he found the disfigured body of the Master. (TV:The Deadly Assassin)
TheTime Lords had an outpost on Tersurus. The Master infiltrated this base on another occasion in order to gain forbidden knowledge on theDimensioneers. (AUDIO:Dominion)
Afterhis TARDIS was damaged by avortex parasite, theEighth Doctor patched it up on Tersurus. (COMIC:A Life of Matter and Death)
After the death of the Tersuran race, one version of theNinth Doctor met withthe Master atCastle Tersurus to tell him the news that he has plans to marry hiscompanionEmma andretire.
The Master then make one final attempt to destroy the Doctor and his companion Emma by plunging them into the vast, labyrinthiansewers of Terserus. He did so by previously travelling back in time and bribing the palace's architect to hide atrap door. However, the Doctor had predicted this, and had gone back in time to also bribe the architect to instead place theSofa of Reasonable Comfort. Through a series of further subversions, the Master found himself plunged into the sewers.
The sewers being vast and complex, as well as disgusting and treacherous, it took the Master himself 312 years to escape from them, being repeatedly knocked into the sewers on three separate occasions, requiring the Daleks to regress him back to a more youthful state. (TV:The Curse of Fatal Death)
Missy would later recall having spent a long time climbing through thesewers on Tersurus. (AUDIO:The Bekdel Test)
Around the21st century,Raston Hardware Company manufacturedRaston Warrior Robots andRaston lap-dancers in a warehouse on Tersurus' moon,Tersurus Luna. (PROSE:Alien Bodies)
In the27th century,May Zalrick boughtAttow Eels on Tersurus. (AUDIO:The Havoc of Empires)
In6211, aSontaran stealth raid destroyed Tersurus with an earthshock bomb which they had obtained from theCybermen. (PROSE:The Crystal Bucephalus)