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Sting na kůncerće we Budapešće we 2000 roku

Sting, po prowdźe:Gordon Matthew Sumner (rodz.2 paźdźerńika1951 weWallsend) – angelskimuzyk,kůmpozytor awokalista, uodznačůny titlym kůmandoraUorderu Imperjům Brytyjskigo. Na přeuůmjelot 70. a80. XX wjekulider, guůwny kůmpozytor a gitařista basowy grupy muzyčnyjThe Police.

Karjera aktorsko

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Sting wystympuje tyž we filmach a průgramach telewizyjnych. W 1979 zadebjutowou we filmjeQuadrophenia. Jydnům s nojguośńijšych růl bůua postaćFeyd-Rautha s 1984 we filmjeDjůna nakryncůnym na podstawjeguośnyj powjeśćiscience fictionFranka Herberta. W 1998 zagrou wuaśćićela pubu we filmjeGuya Ritchie'ygo "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels".


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Albůmy kůncertowe

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Cesty dźwynkowe a albůmy wroz s inkšymi artystůma

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Albůmy w inkšych godkach jak angelsko

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RokTitelMjejsce na liśćeAlbům
U.S. Hot 100U.S. Modern RockUK Singles Chart
1982"Spread a Little Happiness"--#16Brimstone and Treacle OST
1985"If You Love Somebody Set Them Free"#3-#26The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1985"Love Is the Seventh Wave"#17-#41The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1985"Fortress Around Your Heart"#8-#49The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1985"Russians"#16-#12The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1986"Moon Over Bourbon Street"--#44The Dream of the Blue Turtles
1987"We'll Be Together"#7-#41...Nothing Like the Sun
1988"Englishman in New York"#84-#51...Nothing Like the Sun
1988"Be Still My Beating Heart"#15--...Nothing Like the Sun
1988"Fragile"--#70...Nothing Like the Sun
1988"They Dance Alone"--#94...Nothing Like the Sun
1990"Englishman In New York" (Ben Liebrand remix)--#15-'
1991"All This Time"#5#1 (2 tygodnie)#22The Soul Cages
1991"Mad About You"--#56The Soul Cages
1991"The Soul Cages"-#9#57The Soul Cages
1992"It's Probably Me" (zErikiem Claptonem)--#30Ten Summoner's Tales
1993"If I Ever Lose My Faith In You"#17-#14Ten Summoner's Tales
1993"Seven Days"--#25Ten Summoner's Tales
1993"Fields Of Gold"#23-#16Ten Summoner's Tales
1993"Shape Of My Heart" (znana też jako "Professional", soundtrack do filmuLéon)--#57Ten Summoner's Tales
1993"Demolition Man"--#21Demolition Man OST
1994"All For Love"(zBryanem Adamsem iRodem Stewartem)#1-#2The Three Musketeers OST
1994"Nothing 'Bout Me"#57-#32Ten Summoner's Tales
1994"When We Dance"#38-#9Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-1994
1995"This Cowboy Song"--#15Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-1994
1996"Spirits in the Material World" (z Pato Banton)--#36Ace Ventura OST
1996"Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot"#86-#15Mercury Falling
1996"You Still Touch Me"#60-#27Mercury Falling
1996"I Was Brought to My Senses"--#31Mercury Falling
1996"I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying" (FtToby Keith)#94-#54Mercury Falling
1996"On Silent Wings" (Tina Turner Ft Sting)--#13Wildest Dreams (Tina Turner album)
1997"Roxanne '97" (Puff Daddy Remix) (Ft Pras of The Fugees)#59-#17The Very Best of Sting & The Police
1999"Brand New Day"#100-#13Brand New Day
2000"Desert Rose" (FtCheb Mami)#17-#15Brand New Day
2000"After the Rain Has Fallen"--#31Brand New Day
2003"Rise & Fall" (Craig David Ft Sting)--#2Slicker Than Your Average (Craig David album)
2003"Send Your Love"--#30Sacred Love
2003"Whenever I Say Your Name" (zMary J. Blige)--#60Sacred Love
2004"Stolen Car (Take Me Dancing)"--#60Sacred Love
2005"Taking the Inside Rail"---Racing Stripes soundtrack
2006"Always on Your Side" (zSheryl Crow)#33--Wildflower

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