


Szadi art.

Szadi art. Discord Community Server:

If you have questions, write. I don't always have time for a quick response, so be patient. I will try to handle all queries.

>>> License for all of my assets.
You can use the Licensed Asset to create Public domain and free to use, personal or commercial.

>>> You can use the Licensed Asset:
(a) edit and modify, cut and change the asset used for commercial purposes;
(b) sell works created with the assets (games, animations, movies etc);
(c) publish on websites related to graphics, games and similar.

>>> A Licence does not allow the Purchaser to:
(d) Use the Licensed Asset or Derivative Works in a logo, trademark or service mark
(e) Resell it, original or modified (partial or complete);

Credit is not required but appreciated.

16x16 and 32x32 Post Apo tileset
16x16 and 32x32 Post Apo tileset
Animated Player character for SideScroll Games
16x16, 32x32, 48x48 with DEMO!
Create your own H&S game.
Create own top down level.
Animated 2D Character.
Build your own game level.
Create your own Platformer Level.
Asset to build own platformer level.
Top Down Animated Character
Asset to make Platformer with all what you need.
Asset to make Platformer with all what you need.
Easy way to made Metroidvania Game
Easy way to made Metroidvania Game
Asset to build own game map.
Asset to build 2D own game map. ·Community profile

