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AlamaXXX inatumika mara nyingi kudokeza ponografia.
Ramani ya dunia ikionyesha uhalali na uharamu wa ponografia nchi kwa nchi (miaka 18+)     Halali     Halali kiasi     Haramu     Haijulikani vizuri

Ponografia (kutoka neno laKigiriki cha kisasa πορνογραφία, pornografia, ambalo linaunganisha πόρνη, pornē, yaani "kahaba" au πορνεία, porneia, yaani "ukahaba"[1]), na γράφειν, grafein, "kuandika, kutunza kumbukumbu, hata mchoro", na kumalizika ns ία, ia, yaani "hali ya, mali ya, mahali pa") nipicha au maandishi yenye lengo la kuwatiaashiki watazamaji au wasomaji.

Katikautandawazi ponografia inatumia njia zote za mawasiliano na kuenea katika kila pembe yadunia, ikiathiri hasavijana nawatoto na kuchangiaubakaji namatatizo mengine[2].

Ndiyo sababu katikanchi mbalimbali kunasheria ambazo zinaidhibiti au kuikataza na kuiadhibu kabisa, hasa inapohusisha watoto.

Pamoja na sheria, upinzani unatokana na wanaopiganiahaki za wanawake[3][4][5][6][7][8] na wanaofuatadini.[9][10]

Kwa mfano,Kanisa Katoliki linakataza ponografia tanguKarne za Kati, na katikaKatekisimu yake rasmi ya sasa inaipinga tena katika n. 2354[11]

Ingawa ponografia ina madhara kwaafya ya nafsi[12], ni vigumu kuizuia kwa kuwa inagusasilika ya watu na nibiashara kubwa kabisa inayolengapesa, simaendeleo yajamii, na kudhalilishabinadamu. HukoMarekani tu inazungushadolabilioni 2.5 kwamwaka.


[hariri |hariri chanzo]
  1. List of Greek words starting with πορν- (porn-) on Perseus.
  3. Shrage, Laurie. (2007-07-13)."Feminist Perspectives on Sex Markets: Pornography". In:Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  4. Mackinnon, Catherine A. (1984) "Not a moral issue".Yale Law and Policy Review 2:321–345. Reprinted in: Mackinnon (1989).Toward a Feminist Theory of the State Harvard University Press.ISBN 0-674-89645-9 (1st ed),ISBN 0-674-89646-7 (2nd ed). "Sex forced on real women so that it can be sold at a profit to be forced on other real women; women's bodies trussed and maimed and raped and made into things to be hurt and obtained and accessed, and this presented as the nature of women; the coercion that is visible and the coercion that has become invisible—this and more grounds the feminist concern with pornography".
  5. "A Conversation With Catherine MacKinnon (transcript)". Think Tank (PBS). 1995. Retrieved 1 September 2009.
  6. MacKinnon, Catharine (1987).Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. p. 147.
  7. "2 male porn performers test positive for HIV". Iliwekwa mnamo31 Desemba 2014.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: date auto-translated (link)
  8. Jeffries, Stuart (12 Aprili 2006)."Stuart Jeffries talks to leading feminist Catharine MacKinnon".The Guardian. London.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: date auto-translated (link)
  9. Sherkat and Ellison, 1997,"The Cognitive Structure of a Moral Crusade",Social Forces 75(3), p. 958.
  10. Sherkat and Ellison, 1999,"Recent Developments and Current Controversies in the Sociology of Religion"Ilihifadhiwa 4 Machi 2016 kwenyeWayback Machine.,Annual Review of Sociology 25, p. 370.
  11. Pornography consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners, in order to display them deliberately to third parties. It offends against chastity because it perverts the conjugal act, the intimate giving of spouses to each other. It does grave injury to the dignity of its participants (actors, vendors, the public), since each one becomes an object of base pleasure and illicit profit for others. It immerses all who are involved in the illusion of a fantasy world. It is a grave offense. Civil authorities should prevent the production and distribution of pornographic materials.

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[hariri |hariri chanzo]
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