Mchoro waGiotto ,Kiasi ,Padua ,Italia .Kiasi (kwaKiingereza temperance , kutokaKilatini temperantia ; kwaKigiriki σωφροσύνη , sofrosune) niadili linaloratibu matumizi ya vitu,binadamu asije akatawaliwa natamaa [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] .
Pamoja nafalsafa [ 4] [ 5] [ 6] [ 7] ,dini nyingi[ 8] [ 9] [ 10] [ 11] na baadhi yawanasaikolojia [ 12] [ 13] wanasifu adili hilo na kuhimiza kulitekeleza ( kwa njia yausafi wa moyo ,upole [ 14] nasaumu [ 15] ).
KatikaUkristo ni mojawapo kati yamaadili bawaba yanayotegemezamaadili mengine yote ya kiutu . HasaWakatoliki wanasisitizausafi wa moyo na upole kamamatawi muhimu zaidi ya adili la kiasi.
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