How can we help?
Learn how to install, verify, and start using Shareaholic on your website.
Customize and configure your In-Page and Floated Share Buttons, as well as the Post-Share Window, Total Share Counter, and Image Share Buttons.
Enabling Related Content ("You May Also Like") typically results in an average of 8-12% increase in page views. The longer visitors are engaged, the more likely they are to complete conversion events, such as signing up for your mailing list or clicking an advertisement.
Get more followers to grow your social influence on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and many other social networks.
Provides you with important actionable metrics including insights into how your content is performing. Shareaholic is an official Google Analytics partner.
Actively notify your visitors that your site uses cookies through a message bar at the top or bottom of your page.
Shareaholic helps you make the most money possible from every pageview on your site. We streamline everything. No more hassle. Just more cash.
The Shareaholic Tools Badge enables you to launch the Shareaholic admin console without ever leaving your site, so you can quickly access your site's analytics, edit your apps, and more!
Imagine being able to capture, analyze, and retarget every user that clicks one of your links through Google, Facebook, Pinterest, and more.
Learn the basics of how to launch an ad campaign with Shareaholic.
Create an account, change your password, and keep your Shareaholic profile connected across social media!
Your subscription plan may grant you access to Team roles and permissions functionality. This enables you to give access to additional users to a Site Profile, as well as giving you granular role-based control over permissions granted to each team member.
Whether you're just starting out, growing your audience, or expanding your business, we have a plan for you.
Learn the basics of how to get started and configure Shareaholic through our popular WordPress plugin.
The basics of using Shareaholic's browser extension (available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera)
The Yet Another Related Posts Plugin is the most popular WordPress Related Posts plugin, encouraging Discovery and Engagement since 2008. Download here: