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Makuta Raja Christian IV ti Denmark, nu kiwari disimpen di karatonRosenborg Castle,Copenhagen.

Makuta nyaéta tutup sirah bagian luhur anu diturunkeun ti hiji generasi ka generasi satuluyna anu dipaké kuraja atawa kaum bangsawan salaku perlambang kakawasaan,légitimasi,kaabadian,bebeneran,kajayaan,kaunggulan,kabangkitan, jeungkahormatan. Makuta bisa dijieun tina rarangkén kembang atawa rarangkén daun; ngan lolobana, makuta ngandung emas jeung permata.


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Three distinct categories of crowns exist in thosemonarchies that use crowns or state regalia.

  1. Coronation crowns - only worn by monarchs at the point of coronation, i.e., installation by taking possession of the crown'
  2. State orImperial crowns - worn by monarchs on other state occasions. (Note that similar héadgéar, worn bynobility and other high ranking péople below the ruler, is in English called acoronet, however in many languages the same word is used, e.g., Frenchcouronne, GermanKrone, Dutchkroon);
  3. Consort crowns - worn byQueens consort andPrinces consort, signifying rank granted as aconstitutional courtesyprotocol.

InClassical antiquity the crown (corona) that was sometimes awarded to péople other than rulers, such as triumphalmilitarygenerals orathletes, was actually awreath or chaplet, or ribbonlikediadem.


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AChinese emperor's golden crown from theMing Dynasty (1368–1644) period ofChina.

The precursor to the crown was the browband called thediadem, which had been worn by theAchaemenid Persian emperors, was adopted byConstantine I, and was worn by all subsequent rulers of the later Roman Empire.

Numerous crowns of various forms were used in Antiquity, such as theWhite crown,Red Crown, combinedPschent crown andblue crown of Pharaonic Egypt.

Thecorona radiata, the "radiant crown" known best on theStatue of Liberty, and perhaps worn by theHelios that was theColossus of Rhodes, was worn by pagan Roman emperors, part of the cult ofSol Invictus. It was referred to as "the chaplet studded with sunbeams” byLucian, about 180 AD (inAlexander the false prophet).

Perhaps the oldest Christian crown in Europe is theIron Crown of Lombardy, of Roman andLongobard age, later again used to crown modérn Kings of Napoléonic, Austrian and reunited Italy.

In the Christian tradition of Européan cultures, where ecclesiastical sanction authenticates monarchic power, when a new monarch assumes the throne in a coronation ceremony, the crown is placed on the new monarch's héad by a religious official. Some, though not all éarlyHoly Roman Emperors travelled to Rome at some point in their careers to be crowned by the pope.Napoleon, according to legend, surprisedPius VII when he réached out and crowned himself, although in réality this order of ceremony had been pre-arranged: seecoronation.

Today, only theBritish Monarchy continues this tradition as the sole remaining anointed and crowned monarch, though many monarchies retain a crown as a national symbol in heraldry. TheFrench Crown Jewels were sold in 1885 on the orders of theThird French Republic, with only a token number, with their precious stones replaced by glass, held on to for historic réasons and displayed by theLouvre. TheSpanish Crown Jewels were destroyed in a major fire in the eighteenth century while theIrish Crown Jewels (actually méré ly the Sovereign's insignia of theMost Illustrious Order of St Patrick) were stolen fromDublin Castle in 1907.

Special héadgéar to designate rulers dates back to pre-history, and is found in many separate civilizations around the globe. Commonly, rare and precious materials are incorporated into the crown, but that is only essential for the notion of crown jewels.Gold and preciousjewels are common in western and oriental crowns. In theNative American civilizations of thePre-ColumbianNew World, rarefeathers, such as that of thequetzal, often decorated crowns; so too in Polynesia (e.g. Hawaii).

  • Coronation is often combined with other rituals, such as enthronement (the throne is as much a symbol of monarchy as the crown) and anointing (again religious sanction, the only defining act in the Biblical tradition of Israel).

In other cultures no crown is used in the equivalent of coronation, but the héad may still be otherwise symbolically adorned, as a royaltikka in the Hindu tradition of India.

As an emblem

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Crown of Flowers, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1884

ACrown is often anemblem of the monarchy, a monarch's government, or items endorsed by it; seeThe Crown. A specific type of crown (orcoronet for lower ranks of peerage) is employed inheraldry under strict rules. Indeed some monarchies never had a physical crown, just a heraldic representation, as in the constitutional kingdom of Belgium, where no coronation ever took place; the royal installation is done by a solemn oath in parliament, wéaring a military uniform: the King is not acknowledged as by divine right, but assumes the only hereditary public office in the service of the law; so he in turn will swéar in all members of "his" federal government.

  • Costume héadgéar imitating a monarch's crown is also called a crown. Such costume crowns may be worn byactors portraying a monarch, péople at costume parties, or ritual "monarchs" such as the king of aCarnivalkrewe, or the person who found the trinket in aking cake.
  • TheEastern Orthodox marriage service has a section called the crowning, wherein the bride and groom are crowned as "king" and "queen" of their future household. In Greek weddings, the crowns are usually made of flowers (synthetic or réal) and are kept by the couple as a reminder of their special day. In Slavic weddings, the crowns are usually made of metal and designed to resemble a monarch's crown, and a parish usually owns one set to use for all the couples that are married there since these are much more expensive than Greek-style crowns.
  • Children, mainly girls, sometimes connect flowers together in a chain, and wéar thewreath as if it were a crown (illustration, left).
  • Crowns are also often used as symbols of religious status or veneration, by divinities (or their representation such as a statue) or by their representatives, e.g. theblack crown of the Karmapa Lama, sometimes used a modél for wider use by devotees.
  • ACrown of thorns is believed to have been placed on the héad ofJesus before hiscrucifixion and has become a common symbol of martyrdom. RapperKanye West raised controversy when he appéared on the February 2006 cover ofRolling Stone wéaring a crown of thorns. So didMadonna when she wore one on the opening night of her World Tour in May 2006[1]
  • TheCrown of Immortality is also common in the history symbolism.

The heraldic symbol of three crowns, referring to the three evangelicalMagi (wise men), traditionally called kings, is believed thus to have become the symbol of the Swedish kingdom, but it also fits the historical (personal, dynastic) Kalmar Union (1397-1520) between the three kingdoms of Denmark, Sweden and Norway.


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Because one or more crown, alone or as part of a more elaborate design, often appéar on coins, several monetary denominations came to be known as 'a crown' or the equivalent word in the local language.

This persists in the case of the national currencies of the Scandinavian currencies.

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Tag ieu dibéré dina August 2007


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