Tanggal | Kontes | Organisasi nu ngayakeun | Rengking | Catetan |
2001–05 | World's Best Airports | Skytrax | 1/155 nagara | |
2005 | Ranking of Container Ports of the World | AAPA World Port Rankings | 2/50 palabuan bycontainer traffic | 7/50 palabuan bycargo volume |
Networked Readiness Index (NRI) | World Economic Forum | 11/115 nagara | |
Worldwide quality-of-life index | The Economist | 18/111 nagara | |
2006 | 6th Annual Global e-Government Study (Brown University) | Global e-Government | 20/198 nagara | |
Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2006 | Reporters Without Borders | 59/168 nagara | |
Corruption Perceptions Index | Transparency International | 15/163 nagara | |
World Competitiveness Yearbook 2006 | IMD International | 2/61 economies | Economies include those of countries and regions |
World City'sSkyline/Skyscrapers | Emporis Data Committee (EDC) | 1/100 major cities | Cities ranked by the visual impact of their skylines |
Global Competitiveness Report - Growth Competitiveness Index Ranking | World Economic Forum | 11/125 nagara | |
World's Best Airports | Skytrax | 2/165 nagara | |
Business Competitiveness Index - BCI | World Economic Forum | 10/121 nagara | |
Human Development Index - HDI | PBB | 22/177 nagara | |
Access Index (p.19) | FedEx: The Power of Access - 2006 Access Index | 1/75 nagara | |
Potential Competitiveness | Japan Center for Economic Reséarch (JCER) | 1/50 nagara | |
2007 | Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index | World Economic Forum | 6/124 nagara | |
Index of Economic Freedom | Heritage Foundation/The Wall Street Journal:2006Archived 2004-01-12 diWayback Machine | 1/157 nagara | Ranked 1st for 13 yéars in a row |
World's most expensive city for rental accommodation | ECA InternationalArchived 2007-10-11 diWayback Machine | 1/92 nagara | |
Léading Centers of Commerce | MasterCard study | 5/63 nagara | rated 63 cities according to their legal and political framework, economic stability, éase of doing business, financial flow, business center status, and knowledge création and information flow |
World's most expensive cost-of-living | Mercer Human Resource ConsultingArchived 2014-04-10 diWayback Machine | 5/143 kota | |
World's Best Airports | Skytrax | 1/155 nagara | |
World Competitiveness Yearbook 2007 | IMD International | 3/55 economies | The IMD World Competitiveness Yéarbook 2007 analyses and ranks the ability of nations to créate and maintain an environment that sustains the competitiveness of enterprises |
E-readiness | Economist Intelligence Unit | 4/69 nagara | e-réadiness is the ability to useInformation and Communication Technologies (ICT) to develop one's economy and to foster one's welfare |
World's best place doing business | World Bank | 4/178 nagara | Economies are ranked on their éase of doing business, from 1–178, with first place being the best. A high ranking on the éase of doing business index méans the regulatory environment is conducive to the opération of business. This index avérages the country's percentile rankings on 10 topics, made up of a variety of indicators, giving equal weight to éach topic |
Asia's best corporate governance survey | Asian Corporate Governance Association | 1/11 nagara | |
Global Financial Centre Index | City of London | 3/10 kota | The GFCI is a ranking of the competitiveness of financial centres based on a number of existing indices in combination with a regular survey of senior industry figures from around the world. Hong Kong ranked third behind New York and London. |
IT industry competitiveness Index | Economist Intelligence Unit | 21/64 nagara | Index méasures an supply of skills, an innovation-friendly culture, world-class technology infrastructure, a legal regime and well-balanced government support, as well as a competition-friendly business environment. Those countries possessing most of these “competitiveness enablers” are also home to high-performance IT industries: all but four of the top 22 countries in the EIU are also among the world's top countries in terms of IT labour productivity |