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Garuda Indonesia

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PT Garuda Indonesia
Ngadeg26 Januari 1949 (sebagai Garuda Indonesian Airways)
PuseurBandara internasional Soekarno-Hatta
Bandara internasional Ngurah Rai
Bandara internasional Sultan Hasanuddin
Kota utama / puseur kaduaSurabaya,Yogyakarta,Palembang,Padang,Batam,Manado, danSemarang
Frequent flyer programGaruda Frequent Flyer
Tempat diuk anggotaGaruda Lounge
Ukuran armada57
Parent companyGaruda Indonesia
Kantor pusatJakarta,Indonesia
KonciEmirsyah Satar (President andCEO)

PT (Persero) Perusahaan Penerbangan Garuda Indonésia, disinggetGaruda Indonésia, nyaéta salah sahijiparusahaan penerbangan nasionalIndonesia. Ieu ngaran asalna tina dongeng manukGaruda. Dina tradisiVedic India, Garuda nu mawaHindu pangeranVishnu. Parusahaan ieu markasna diJakarta atSoekarno-Hatta International Airport, nu ngalayanan tujuan utama diNgurah Rai International Airport,Bali,Juanda International Airport,Surabaya,Polonia International Airport,Medan, jeungSepinggan International Airport,Balikpapan. Ekspor Impor Surat Pindah Penduduk (Domisili) biaya Ticket Naik PCC, maintenance, Pilot Pendapatan Dari Bank Sekuritas bebas Bekerja Jam Kerja, Istirahat (Time) Working.

kabéh sahamna dipibanda ku pamaréntah Indonésia tur mibanda 6,251 karyawan (dina2005). Meunang bentang-3 tiSkytrax.[1]


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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh,ditarjamahkeun tinabasa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeunnarjamahkeun.

Garuda Indonésia had its beginnings in theIndonesian war of independence against theDutch in the late1940s, when Garuda flew special transports withDouglasDC-3 aircraft.January 26,1949, is generally recognized as the airline's founding date, at which time the airline was known as "Garuda Indonesian Airways." The first plane was a DC-3 known asSeulawah (Acehnese: "Gold Mountain") and was purchased for a sum of 120,000Malayan dollars, which was provided by theAcehnese péople (notably local merchants).[rujukan?] During the revolution, the airline supported Indonésian interests, such as carrying Indonésian léaders for diplomatic missions.

Garuda Indonesia 747-400 diNarita International Airport, Tokyo

The government ofBurma helped the airline significantly during the airline's beginnings.[rujukan?] Accordingly, upon Garuda's formal joint incorporation withKLM onMarch 31,1950, the airline presented the Burmese government with aDC-3. By1953, the airline had 46 planes, although by1955 itsCatalina fleet had been retired. In1956, Garuda made its firstpilgrim flight to the city ofMecca.

The1960s were times of growth for the airline; the fleet in 1960 included eightConvair 240s, eightConvair 340s, and threeConvair 440s. In1961 and late1965, threeConvair 990 jet planes and threeLockheed L-188 Electra were introduced, and a route was opened toKai Tak International Airport inHong Kong. After concentrating on domestic and regional services, the first flights to Europe were added onSeptember 28,1963, toAmsterdam andFrankfurt. In 1965, flights to Europe were expanded to includeRome andParis viaBombay andCairo, with the exclusive use ofConvair 990 aircraft. That yéar, flights toChina started, with Garuda flying toCanton viaPhnom Penh. Also in1965, the jet age arrived for Garuda, with aDouglas DC-8 that flew toSchiphol Airport in Amsterdam.

The1970s sawMcDonnell Douglas DC-9 andFokker F28 jets introduced, and at one point Garuda owned 36 Fokker jets, making Garuda the world's largest operator of F28s at that time. In the1980s, Garuda introducedAirbus equipment such as theAirbus A300 and theAirbus A300-600, as well asBoeing 737s,Boeing 747s, andMcDonnell Douglas MD-11s.

TheEast Asian Economic Crisis of 1998 hit Indonésia and Garuda hard, resulting in severe cutbacks on unprofitable routes. Despite once having a comprehensive worldwide route network, Garuda currently operates no flights toEurope orNorth America. Largely due to historical links withthe Netherlands, Garuda continued to operate flights to Amsterdam after the initial cutbacks, although these flights have since been discontinued. The situation was not helped by theSeptember 11 terrorist attacks, theBali bombings, the2004 Boxing Day tsunami, and theSARS scare, all of which contributed to a downturn in air travel and Indonésian tourism. However, the airline has recovered favorably from its economic problems and seems to be in good economic shape entering the middle2000s.[rujukan?]

In2001, alow-cost airline subsidiary,CitiLink, was established to provide shuttle services between Indonésian cities.

Garuda may expand its route map again before the end of the decade,[rujukan?] possibly after the completion ofKuala Namu International Airport in Medan. This could include routes to majorEuropean hubs such asParis,London, andFrankfurt. However, it is possible that to keep costs down and profitability up, Garuda may employ secondary airports such asLondon Gatwick. A Garuda representative for theBenelux confirmed in August 2006 that Garuda will resume its route toAmsterdam in May 2007.[2]

In 2005, Garuda Indonésia carried 8,679,443 passengers[3], with aload factor of 68.73%.


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 Artikel utama:Tujuan Garuda Indonesia.

Garuda Indonésia is a full-service airline, in contrast with the 'no frills' low-cost carrier. The class configuration is divided into first (on Boeing 747-400s), business, and economy class.It currently operates flights to a total of 45 destinations (21 domestic, 24 international) throughoutEast andSouth East Asia,Australia,New Zealand, and theMiddle East. Garuda Indonesia also offers flights to 13 other international destinations through code-share agreements withChina Airlines,China Southern Airlines,Malaysia Airlines,Korean Air,Gulf Air,Qatar Airways,Silkair,Vietnam Airlines, andPhilippine Airlines. Taking these routes into account, Garuda Indonesia's route map extends toWestern Europe.

A 24-hour call center is available for local customer access. The e-tickets system (paperless or electronic ticket) has been introduced on all domestic flights and flights to Singapore originating in Jakarta. This system computerizes ticketing method, in which a traditional paper ticket is no longer required.

Frequent flyer program

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In 2005, Garuda Indonésia relaunched its frequent flyer program called Garuda Frequent Flyer (GFF) with a new look, new benefits, and new services. The new program allows members to éarn miles on domestic and international flights and has four tiers of membership covering Blue, Silver, Gold, and Platinum benefit levels. New services for GFF members include a new website at, including an on-line miléage calculator foréarning and redemption, on-line miléage balance, on-line personal profile management, and downloadable forms.

Nomor penerbangan

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The flight numbers of Garuda Indonésia are classified as follows:


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The Garuda Indonésia fleet includes the following aircraft (March2007)[1] :

Previously operated:

Kacilakaan jeung kajadian

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Saatos kacilakaan nu pertama di1950, Garuda Indonésia tos ngalami 14 kacilakaan fatal sareng 1 pembajakan.

Tempo ogé

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  1. Flight International, 3-9October2006

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