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Amérika Sarikat

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(dialihkeun tiAS)
Artikel ieu ngeunaan nagara di Amérika beulah kalér. Keur kagunaan séjén istilah nu kaalihkeun ka dieu, tempoAS (disambiguasi),AS (disambiguasi) jeungAmérika Serikat (disambiguasi).
United States of America
Amérika Serikat
Bandéra Amérika SerikatLambang Amérika Serikat
"In God We Trust"  (since 1956)
"E Pluribus Unum"  ("From Many, One";Latén, traditional)
"The Star-Spangled Banner"
Location of Amérika Serikat
Location of Amérika Serikat
Ibu kotaWashington, D.C.
38°53′N 77°02′W
Kota panggedénaNew York City
Basa NasionalBasa Inggris (de facto)1
PamaréntahRépublik konstitusionalFéderal
 - PrésidénJoe Biden(D)[1]
 - Wakil PrésidénKamala Harris(D)
 - Speaker of The HouseNancy Pelosi(D)
 - Chief JusticeJohn Roberts
KamerdikaantiBritania Raya
 - Déklarasi4 Juli1776 
 - Diaku3 Séptémber1783 
 - Total 9826630 km² (ka-32)
3793079 mil² 
 - Cai (%)6.76
 - Perkiraan  2025341.121.000[2] (ka-33)
 - Sénsus 2000281,421,906 
 - Kapadetan31 /km² (ka-172)
80 /mil²
GDP (PPP)Perkiraan 2006
 - Total$13,020,861m[3] (ka-1)
 - Per kapita$43,444 (ka-4)
GDP (nominal)Perkiraan 2006
 - Total$13,244,550m[3] (ka-1)
 - Per kapita$44,190 (ka-8)
Gini? (2005)46.9[4] 
HDI (2004)0.948 ([5]) (ka-8)
Mata uangDollar Amérika Serikat ($) (USD "$")
Zona wanci(UTC-5 to -10)
 - Usum panas (DST) (UTC-4 to -10)
TLD Interné
Kode telepon+1
1English is thede facto language of American government;Spanish is the second most common. English, Spanish,French, andHawaiian are officially recognized by various states.
2Sometimes listed as fourth largest in area; the rank isdisputed withChina (PRC). The U.S. figure includes only the fifty states and the District of Columbia, not the territories.
3The population estimate includes people whose usual residence is in the fifty states and the District of Columbia, including noncitizens. It does not include either those residing in the territories, amounting to more than four million U.S. citizens (most of whom reside inPuerto Rico), or U.S. citizens residing outside the United States.

Amérika Sarikat, (atawabasa Inggris:United States,U.S.,U.S.A., jeungAmérika;basa Indonésia: Amérika Serikat, A.S.), mangrupanagara diAmérika Kalér. Minangkarépublik federal, AS wawatesan jeungKanada turMéksiko, sarta manjang tiSamudra Atlantik nepi kaSamudra Pasifik. Ibukotana nyaétaWashington, D.C..

Tempo Ogé

[édit |édit sumber]
 Artikel utama:Daptar jejer nu patali jeung Amérika Sarikat.


[édit |édit sumber]
  1. "Biden Inaugurated as the 46th President Amid a Cascade of Crises". New York Times. Diakses pada 20 January 2021 
  2. Extrapolation fromU.S. POPClock. U.S. Census Bureau. Updated automatically.
  3. ab"Report for Selected Countries and Subjects (180 countries; 6 subjects)". International Monetary Fund. Diakses tanggal2007-06-17. 
  4. "Household Income Distribution, 1967 to 2005"(PDF). U.S. Census Bureau. 2006. Diakses tanggal2006-12-28. 
  5. "Table 1: Human Development Index"(PDF).Human Development Report 2006. United Nations Development Program. Diakses tanggal2006-12-28. 


[édit |édit sumber]
Portal Portal Portal Portal
Ikon portalPortal Amérika Sarikat
  • Johnson, Paul M.A History of the American People. 1104 pages. Harper Perennial: March 1, 1999.ISBN 0-06-093034-9.
  • Litwak, Robert S.Rogue States and U.S. Foreign Policy : Containment after the Cold War. 300 pages. Woodrow Wilson Center Press: February 1, 2000.ISBN 0-943875-97-8.
  • Nye, Joseph S.The Paradox of American Power : Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone. 240 pages. Oxford University Press, USA; New Ed edition: 1 May 2003.ISBN 0-19-516110-6.
  • Susser, Ida (Editor), and Patterson, Thomas C. (Editor).Cultural Diversity in the United States: A Critical Reader. 476 pages. Blackwell Publishers: December 2000.ISBN 0-631-22213-8.
  • Whalen, Edward.The United States Of Europe: The New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy. 320 pages. The Penguin Press HC: 4 November 2004.ISBN 1-59420-033-5.
  • Pierson, Paul.Politics in Time : History, Institutions, and Social Analysis. 208 pages. Princeton University Press: 9 August 2004.ISBN 0-691-11715-2.

Tumbu luar

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