




A pretty thoughtful game about savingThe Greatest Country in The World from its most dangerous threat : mexican musicians and some fat luchadors.

Incarnate some randomrednecktrying to dogoodfor his country, with the help of his chinese slave tobuildtheGreatest Wall Of All Time.

You will have toprotectyou frontier bymanagingthe ammunitions of theshooteryou control,createa wall andlaunchnuclear bomb on anyone who willtry to cross your border and on the other handshootany Maxicans who will try toenvade the Greatest Country.

Controls :

Left character :WASD+ SPACE
Right character :mouse

Patriot is aone playergame. Based on the player's capacity todeal with two situations at the same time.


High concept: 

Ludum Dare Game Jam's theme: Mix 2 kind of video games incompatible.After a brainstorm with the team, we decided to mix a "Shooter game", with a "MANAGER game". For us, the main ideaof the theme is theopposition. So, we wish to create a game which have two gameplay in opposition. The requiered competences for the shooter isprecision and reflexes, while the MANAGER 's competences isreflexion and ressources management. 

The objectif's player is to build the tallest wall. He protect the wall with the shooter, and build it with the manager.

The inputs are split: themouse is if forshoot, whileWASDis for themanagment

The player has tosurviveagainst enemy waves. There are two kind of enemy:  mexican musicians and fat luchadors. The mexican musicians movefaster, but deals less damage, instead the fat luchador isslower but  deal more damage. 

The player, in his managment job, have to choice between 3 "call": Askmuniton, orpart of construction for the wall, or aatomic bomb who kill all ennemis. 

Every upgrade of the wall, theweaponof the shooter character upgrade too. He havemore munitions, his bullet cankill severals ennemis,cooldownlower

Moreover, his shoot angle is different too:

Wall lvl 1

Wall lvl 4

The higher it is, the easier it gets.With his tall wall, the shooter's gun can kill several ennemis in the same time, and with the angle, he canclearquicklythe areacloseto the wall.


-The biggest problem of this game is the rythme. Ennemis wave never stop, we never offer to the player somerest periodbetween waves. In that way, the player is quickly psycologically exhausted, and don't want to play again.That is a BIG mistake.

-  We needfeedbackfor upgrading weapon.

- Money isuseless: you are all time full of money, you never see the price of the "call" because you areoverwhelmed with information, and you don't care because you areall time full of money. This part of design is minor,we can delete it for the benefit of the game.

Eyes tracking.

- The intensity of ennemis wave increaseover time. That is amistake. It have to inscrease when the playerupgrade his wall. 

- Atomic bomb is theSilver Bullet, but the player can use it when he want.  That is a mistake.He should can use it justone time per wall..  and be debug hummm.. 

-There is no tutorial. 

Thank you,

Some baguette friends .

Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorsStyxou,Draina,Angelo's Portfolio,SachaY
Made withPhaser
TagsArcade,cars,kill,Ludum Dare 41,mexican,pick-up,redneck,usa
LinksLudum Dare

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