Student Health Center Pharmacy
The Student Health Center Pharmacy is a privately owned community pharmacy located on the first floor of the Student Health Services Building, just steps beyond the entrance.
It is the only full-service retail pharmacy located on the University of Tennessee campus and specializes in meeting the needs of all UT students, faculty, and staff.
- Accepts prescriptions from the SHC providers, off-campus providers, and your Primary Care provider from home.
- Accepts most prescription insurance plans, and you can expect to pay the same co-pay as you usually pay at any other pharmacy.
- Offers a wide array of Over-the-Counter (OTC) products for Cough & Cold, seasonal allergies, GI issues, personal and feminine hygiene, and many other common ailments.
- Provides a robust vaccination program administered within the pharmacy, carrying vaccines that the University requires for admission, seasonal Influenza, COVID-19, and many more.
As requested by a patient, medications electronically prescribed by a SHC healthcare provider can be sent to the SHC Pharmacy or any other in-state pharmacy accepting electronic prescriptions.
Pharmacy Hours
M, Tu, Th, F: 8am-4:30pm
Wed: 8:30am-4:30pm
***NOTICE: On June 6, 2024, the SHC Pharmacy will close early at 3:30 PM.***
Prescription Transfers to the SHC Pharmacy
If you would like to have your prescriptions transferred to the UT Student Health Center Pharmacy, please fill out the followingform and send it by email or regular mail, or drop it off at the pharmacy at your convenience.
OTC Home COVID-19 Antigen Tests
Over-the-counter Home COVID-19 Antigen Tests are available in the SHC Pharmacy. Supplies are limited. Please call ahead to verify adequate stock:865-974-5932.Remember to bring your private health insurance information (card) so that insurance may be billed if applicable.
COVID-19 Vaccine
For more information about the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine through the SHC Pharmacy, please visit theCOVID-19 Vaccine page.
Flu Vaccine
Beginning about the first or second week of September, students, faculty, and staff will have access to the Flu vaccine through the Student Health Center Pharmacy. (Subject to manufacturer availability)
Prescription Access & Pick Up
All new and refilled prescriptions can be accessed and picked up at the pharmacy counter within the Student Health Center Pharmacy or by curbside pick-up (pull into one of our 15-minute parking spaces, call us, and one of our staff members will bring it out to your vehicle).
**Local delivery is only available for Staff, Faculty, and Graduate Students with a local campus office**
Contacting the Pharmacy
We have opened up additional phone lines for you. If you are trying to reach our staff, please call865-974-5932,865-974-5933, or865-974-5934.
Also, message us via our mobile app,MobileScripts, or email
KNOXVILLE, TN 37996-4522
Facebook: @utkrx Instagram: utkrxpharmacy