How to access assessment results and how to get a review of results.
Guide to the UNSW grading system including grade definitions.
Academic standing
The key mechanism by which a student’s progress in their program is monitored.
Academic progression
Guide to understanding how UNSW’s academic progression requirements affect you.
Guide to assessment
General information about the different types of assessment at UNSW.
Here you can find your guide to exams and the information you need to organise yourself.
Special consideration
When illness or circumstances beyond your control interfere with your assessment.
See also

How to Navigate AI and Your Assessments
Find out how you can integrate artificial intelligence in your uni work and provide credits appropriately.

Support for Referencing Assessments
Referencing is an important part of your assessments. Explore the various styles of referencing and their correct usage.

Plagiarism & Academic Integrity Toolkit
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