Here you can find your guide to exams and the information you need to organise yourself.
Final exams take place at the end of each Term. Here students can findkey exam dates andinformation regarding timetables.
Students with an on-campus, in-person exam must attend the campus to sit their exams.
Exam key dates and timetable information
Key Dates
Key dates for the exam periods at UNSW.
Find the date, time and location of your exams.
Exam guidelines
Rules and policy
Your obligations: what you must and must not do in exams
What you can take into exams
Includes what calculators and computers you can use.
Exam delivery
With the transition back to in-person classes and activity on campus, there will be some changes in the way exams are delivered, including the return of face-to-face exams and the continued use of our online exam platform, Inspera.
Inspera exams
Remote and on-campus.
Pen and paper exams
Other online exams
Remote exams.
Exam locations
For Inspera and campus exams
Supplementary exams
Who is eligible, how to apply and when they're held.
Contact the Exams Team or see answers to frequently asked questions.
External invigilation
Please note:UNSW no longer offers external invigilation for students from other institutions.
See also

Approved calculators

Exam study tips

How to Navigate AI and Your Assessments
Find out how you can integrate artificial intelligence in your uni work and provide credits appropriately.