Timetable & key dates

The following timetables and key dates are provided for current AGSM students. Click on the relevant program to access key dates, calendars, and schedules.
Key Dates Annual Course Timetables Please speak to the AGSM Recruitment & Admissions Team for information on our world class Full-Time MBA Program.
Existing students please refer to the AGSM Student Intranet for high level Session scheduling or the FT MBA class calendar (link below under Timetables) for granular information.Term Class Timetables The MBA (Executive) and MBAX award programs run on a 3 Session model.
Key Dates Enrolments AGSM Student Progression Planner Annual Course Timetable The annual course timetable shows which courses are offered in each term, across a calendar year.
2024 MBA (Executive) Annual Calendar
Term Class Timetables
Term class timetables contain more detailed information on the format, dates, times and locations of the classes being offered each Term.Please refer to the AGSM Student Intranet for term class schedules. Note only existing students can access this site. Enrolments - 2024 Executive Year All information regarding the Revised MBA (Executive) Executive Year can be found on the AGSM Student Intranet.
The 2024 enrolment process is via a separate application process - managed by the Student Experience Team.
Information regarding the application process will be advised via the Student Newsletter and posted on the AGSM Student Intranet timetables and key dates page under the EY Enrolment section.
Executive Year Calendar
Lists the compulsory Residential dates per Cohort, per Term.
2024 MBA (Executive) EY Calendar Key Dates Annual Course Timetable
The annual course timetable shows which courses are offered in each Term, across a calendar year.
Term Class Timetables
Term class timetables contain more detailed information on the format, dates, times and locations of the classes being offered each Term.
Please refer to the AGSM student intranet for term class timetables. Note only existing students can access this site. AGSM @ UNSW Business School programs offer flexible course delivery options that let you fit your study around your schedule.
Face-to-face (F2F) Fortnightly classes run 6-9pm across 6 fortnights, commencing from week 1. Most fortnights cover 2 class units, please refer to the course outline schedule for further unit delivery information. Classes run in weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11.
Fortnightly classes require a minimum of 80% attendance, so you may miss 1 fortnight without having to apply for Special Consideration.
If you are feeling unwell in the lead-up to a Fortnightly F2F class do not attend class and seek medical advice. If this means that you will not be able to attend, please let Student Experience and your Facilitator know and apply for Special Consideration. Please consider the health and safety of your colleagues.
Intensive courses are delivered over the same 12-week period as a regular Face to Face (F2F) class. However, weekly or fortnightly classes are replaced with two Intensive (face to Face) weekends & online activities. Students are required to complete weekly readings, online activities prior to & after attending the Intensive weekends. (9am-5pm). Attendance at all dates for the duration of the day (9am-5pm) is compulsory.
For dates and information about Social Impact intensive courses, students should contact csistudents@unsw.edu.au or visit the Social Impact website. Social Impactive intensive courses may take a different format to regular AGSM Intensives.
Online Synchronous (Virtual class)
For students who like regular live sessions with others but cannot travel to our face-to-face venues. Students must have a reliable internet in order to join the class online.
The usual class times are 6-730pm or 7:30-9pm weekly for 10 weeks (weeks 1-10). There are weekly online asynchronous activities before each synchronous class. These classes are not recorded.
Online Asynchronous (WEB class)
For students who want maximum flexibility to determine when during the week they study. Readings, learning activities and assessments are accessible online. Students are expected to log on to the course site on a regular basis, i.e. several times each week. Online courses require regular online participation such as posts to discussion threads. Many online courses include prescheduled video conferences or optional drop-in sessions for additional engagement and to support Q&A. Dates and details of the video conferences will be made available by the Facilitator prior to the commencement of class.
The Executive Year (EY)* is an immersive 12-month program, applying an integrated learning framework of ‘knowing, doing, being’ to provide a transformational learning experience that will support your professional development goals. You’ll participate in three compulsory residential learning experiences (3 × 5 days each).
AGSM organises catering and accommodation and it is compulsory for students to attend all sessions and stay on-site for the duration.
*Note that a residential fee is required to cover accommodation and catering. Please contact the Student Experience Team (studentexperience@agsm.edu.au) for further details.
Workload and participation
Students should expect to spend 10-12 hours per week studying, as for other course formats. The level of participation and contribution to (online) discussions is expected to be similar to that in other course formats.
We caution against enrolling in 2 courses as it often impacts your learning experience and results.
Course materials are available on Moodle approximately 2 weeks prior to the commencement of session.
Some courses have a final exam (online or take-home) in week 11 or 12. Please refer to the Course overview or Assessment Summary Document for further information.
Early registration in a class is advised to secure preferred venues and class times. Popular classes fill quickly. Please don’t register for a class you don’t intend to proceed with as this impacts your colleagues and the viability of scheduled offerings. Classes with low enrolments at the end of the enrolment period may be cancelled.
UNSW operates wait lists and, where space permits, enrolment may be facilitated until the end of week 1.
If you decide to take a break from your studies by not enrolling in consecutive sessions, you must advise Student Experience via email before the census date in order to keep you active in UNSW systems.
Please check your enrolment on myUNSW to ensure you’re enrolled in the right class at the right campus or venue.
UNSW Kensington campus
(Full-time MBA weekly classes & some Sydney Intensive classes)AGSM Building (G27)
UNSW Gate 11, Botany Street
Sydney NSW 2052
Phone: +61 2 9931 9400 (Mon-Fri)Parking
Parking at UNSW is free on weekends. On weekdays all day casual parking is generally available on the top floors of the Barker Street (Gate 14) and Botany Street (Gate 11) car parks. Sometimes this parking may not be available due to various other demands. Short-term, paid 2P parking is also available via most entrance gates. For further information contact parking@unsw.edu.au or UNSW Estate Management.UNSW Estate Management
Location: UNSW Gate 2
Hours: 8am to 4pm
Monday to Friday
+61 2 9385 5111 or 9065 9941
estate@unsw.edu.auUNSW CBD Campus
(Part-time MBA Fortnightly evening classes & most Sydney Intensive classes)PolyCentre, 210 George Street, Sydney, Floor 4. You’ll see a UNSW sign at the entrance of the building which is located on the corner of George St and Dalley St, Sydney. The Campus is accessible via Lifts.
Public transport and parking
- The closest train station is Wynyard and a 5 minute walk to the venue
- The Bridge Street Light Rail stop is a 3 min walk to the venue
- For those who cycle, bike parking is available at the PolyCentre (200 racks available)