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International Commission on Stratigraphy

GSSP for Wuchiapingian Stage


The Base of the Lopingian Series and Wuchiapingian Stage is defined at the base of Bed 6k in the Penglaitan Section along the Hongshui River in Guanxi Province, South China. The GSSP coincides with the first appearance of the conodontClarkina postbitteri postbitteri within an evolutionary linage fromClarkina postbitteri hongshuiensis toClarkina dukouensis.


The GSSP Section is located in southern China, about 20km east from the county town of Laibin along the southern bank of the Hongshui River near the rocky islet named Penglaitan at a latitude of 23°41'43" N and a longitude of 109°19'16"E.

The GSSP is located in the upper Member of the Maokou Formation. This 8m thick Laibin Limestone is overlain by 250m of chert and lenticular limestone of the Heshan Formation. The GSSP is defined at the base of Bed 6k in the Laibin Limestone. This rock consists of thick-bedded crinoidal grainstone and lenticular packstone.

Primary Markers:

The GSSP is marked by the first appearance of the conodontClarkina postbitteri postbitteri within an evolutionary linage fromClarkina postbitteri hongshuiensis toClarkina dukouensis.

Correlation Events:

Conodont FADClarkina postbitteri postbitteri


Jin, Y., Shen, S., Henderson, C. M., Wang, X., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Cao, C., and Shang, Q., 2006. The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the boundary between the Capitanian and Wuchiapingian Stage (Permian). Episodes 29/4, p. 253 - 262.

Yang, Jianghai, Peter A. Cawood, Yuansheng Du, Daniel J. Condon, Jiaxin Yan, Jianzhong Liu, Yan Huang, and Dongxun Yuan. "Early Wuchiapingian Cooling Linked to Emeishan Basaltic Weathering?" Earth and Planetary Science Letters 492 (June 15, 2018): 102–11. DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.04.004.

