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International Commission on Stratigraphy

GSSP for Givetian Stage


The GSSP for the Givetian Stage is placed at the base of Bed 123 in a section at Jebel Mech Irdane in the Tafilalt of Morocco. The Eifelian-Givetian boundary coincides with the level at which conodontPolygnathus pseudofoliatus changes toPolygnathus hemiansatus. The boundary corresponds closely with the base of the goniatiteMaenioceras Stufe used as a Middle Devonian division, and the entry of the dacryoconaridNowakia otomari.


The GSSP is located at Jebel Mech Irdane, 25 km SSW of Erfoud and 12km SW of Rissani, Morocco. 1:100 000 Carte du Maroc, Feuille NH-30-XX-2, Erfoud, Lambert's coordinates: x = 599 2, y = 470 6. The locality is about 6 km from the metalled Msissi road west of Rissani and easily reached by four-wheel-drive vehicles. The GSSP is at the base of Bed 123 in the succession.

The ridge of Jebel Mech Irdane is 4 km long and exposes a full and fossiliferous succession from the Emsian to the Frasnian. The GSSP section consists mainly of pelagic calcilutites and micrites with black shales at the Kacak Event level. The Kacak Event orotomari orrouvillei Event is a widespread hypoxic sedimentary perturbation near the Eifelian - Givetian Boundary.

Primary Markers:

The Eifelian-Givetian boundary coincides with the level (Bed 123) at which conodontPolygnathus pseudofoliatus changes toPolygnathus hemiansatus.

Secondary Markers:

The base of the Maenioceras Stufe lies only fractionally below the GSSP.

Correlation Events:

Conodont FADPolygnathus hemiansatus

Other Locations around the World:

Polygnathus hemiansatus can be recognized in the Cantabrian Mountains of Spain, in the Montagne Noir, France, in the Ardennes of Belgium, and the Rhenish and Eifel Mountains of Germany.


Walliser, O. H., Bultynck, P., Weddige, K., Becker, R. T., and House, M. R., 1995. Definition of the Eifelian-Givetian Stage Boundary. Episodes 18/3, p. 107 - 115.

