The Base of the Changhsingian Stage is defined at the base of Bed 4a-2, 88 cm above the base of the Changxing Limestone at the Meishan D Section, just above a flooding surface marking the second parasequence in the Changxing Limestone. The GSSP coincides with the FAD of the conodont speciesClarkina wangi within the lineage fromClarkina longicuspidata toClarkina wangi.
The section is located at the Meishan Section D, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province between Nanjing and Shanghai, China at a latitude of 31°4'55"N and a longitude of 119°42'22.9"E and is freely accessible and well protected.
The exposure at the Meishan D section contains only the uppermost part of the Longtan Formation. These beds include earthy yellow, calcareous siltstone and mudstone with horizontal beds of increasing thickness that contain ammonoids and brachiopods. This bed appears to be conformable with the overlying Baoqing Member of the Changxing Limestone.
The lowest bed (Bed 2) of the Changxing Limestone at section D, which is represented by dark grey, thick-bedded silty wackestone, appears to form the upper part of a cycle or parasequence.
Bed 3 contains greyish black calcareous mudstone and thin-bedded argillaceous mudstone that may represent the flooding unit of a second parasequence in the section.
Beds 4 and 5 include thin to medium bedded wackestone and represent the regressive portion of this second parasequence.
The base of the Changhsingian Stage is defined at the FAD of the conodont speciesClarkina wangi within the lineage fromClarkina longicuspidata toClarkina wangi at the base of Bed 4a-2
The ammonoidSinoceltites has its first occurrence in the same bed asClarkina wangi. The first occurrence of the ammonoidTapashanites is only 42 cm above the GSSP.
Palaeofusulina aff.sinensis has its first appearance together withClarkina wangi in Bed 4a-2.
Conodont FADClarkina wangi
Permian-Carboniferous time scale is derived from calibrating a master composite section to selected radiometric ages.