Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) are reference points on stratigraphic sections of rock which define the lower boundaries of stages on the International Chronostratigraphic Chart. The boundary is defined by a spike in a rock succession coincident with available biological and other markers. Since 1977, the ICS has maintained the international GSSP register.
GSSPs are spread throughout the world. The map below indicates each's approximate location.
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Candidate GSSPs [and likewise GSSAs] are evaluated by the ICS and its constituent subcommissions and working groups based on a long list of criteria (Hedberg, 1976; Cowie et al., 1986; Salvador, 1994; Remané et al., 1996; Harper et al., 2023). The most important of these is that the boundary at the candidate stratotype is defined at the level in rock coincident with 'a single stratigraphic signal within an interval of multiple, varied stratigraphic signals', that should allow for reliable, high-resolution correlation across the greatest possible palaeogeographical range of palaeoenvironmental settings (Finney, 2013).
Identification and field investigations of candidate stratotype sections and boundary intervals, and drafting of proposals, are carried out by subcommissions of ICS ( and usually by smaller boundary-working groups. One or more candidate GSSP proposals [and/or GSSA proposals] may be considered for approval by the voting members (ca. 20; voting member tenured for a maximum of 12 years) of a subcommission, and a single proposal that receives a supermajority vote (>60% of the voting membership) is considered approved. One consequence of this approach is that disagreement can arise, because type sections that are favoured for historical reasons may be abandoned, previously established boundary levels may be greatly changed, and in some instances historical units (and their names) are replaced by new and different ones (retiring old names).
Onceaccepted by a subcommission, a proposal is then forwarded to the ICS for consideration and approval. The ICS voting members are the executive officers of ICS and the chairs of the 17 ICS subcommissions, each of whom has a single vote. They evaluate and discuss each proposal, then vote. If the proposal is approved by supermajority votes, the proposal is forwarded to the IUGS Executive Committee. Once it is also approved by majority within the IUGS Executive Committee, the proposal isformally ratified and recognised as an international geostandard. The ICS executive updates the International Chronostratigraphic Chart and the GSSP table (typically within days).
A manuscript documenting the ratified GSSP proposal is submitted for publication, generally in the IUGS's journalEpisodes ( At the GSSP stratotype locality, a physical marker should be placed, that may be officially launched in a public dedication ceremony (typically 1-3 year after ratification). A proposal to change a newly established unit and/or GSSP cannot be made within the first 10 years after its ratification, a clause to ensure the stability of the global chronostratigraphic framework.
Cowie, J.W., Ziegler, W., Boucot, A.J., Bassett, M.G., and Remané, J., 1986, Guidelines and Statutes of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, v. 83, pp. 1-14.
Finney, S.C., 2013, The Reality of GSSPs. Ciências da Terra, v. 18, pp. 9-12.
Harper, D.A.T., Bown, P., and Coe, A., 2022, Chronostratigraphy: understanding rocks and time. In: Coe, A.L., ed., Deciphering Earth's History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. Geological Society, London, pp. 227-243.
Hedberg, H.D., ed, 1976, International Stratigraphic Guide - A Guide to Stratigraphic Classification, Terminology, and Procedure. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 200 p.
Remané, J., Bassett, M.G., Cowie, J.W., Gohrbandt, K.H., Lane, H.R., Michelsen, O., and Wang, N., 1996, Revised guidelines for the establishment of global chronostratigraphic standards by the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). Episodes, v. 19, pp. 77-81.
Salvador, A., ed, 1994, International Stratigraphic Guide - A Guide to Stratigraphic Classification, Terminology, and Procedure, Second Edition. Boulder, Colorado, The International Union of Geological Sciences and The Geological Society of America, 214 p.
more...A geologic section has to fulfill a set of criteria to be adapted as a GSSP by the ICS. The following list summarizes the criteria where the imperative wordsSHOULD andMUST are defined according toRCF2119:
SubSeries | Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | ||||||||
Cenozoic Erathem | ||||||||
Quaternary System | ||||||||
Holocene Series | ||||||||
Upper | Meghalayan Stage | 4,250 yr b2k (before 2000 CE) | Mawmluh Cave, Meghalaya, India | 2502622°N 91.7150°E | depth 7.45 mm in the speleothem KM-A | Climatic - 4.2 ka event | Ratified 2018 | |
Middle | Northgrippian Stage | 8,236 yr b2k (before 2000 CE) | North Greenland Ice Core Project, core NGRIP1, central Greenland ice sheet | 75.1000°N 42.3200°W | 1228.67 m in the NGRIP1 ice core | Climatic – 8.2 ka event | Ratified 2018 | |
Lower | Greenlandian Stage | 11,700 yr b2k (before 2000 CE) | North Greenland Ice Core Project, core NGRIP2, central Greenland ice sheet | 75.1000°N 42.3200°W | 1492.45 m in the NGRIP2 ice core | Climatic - End of the Younger Dryas Chron which is reflected in an abrupt shift to lower deuterium excess values | Holocene GSSP ratifed 2008; Lower Holocene Subseries and Greenlandian Stage ratified: 2018 | |
Pleistocene Series | ||||||||
Upper | Upper Stage | GSSP presently undefined but provisionally dated at ~129 ka | GSSP not presently defined | - | - | Provisionally climatic – Marine Isotope Substage 5e | Ratified in name only 2020 | Head, M.J., Pillans, B., and Zalasiewicz, J.A., [submitted 2020] |
Middle | Chibanian Stage | 0.7741 | Chiba section, Japan | 35.2943°N 140.1465°E | lower boundary of the Byk-E tephra bed | Magnetic - GSSP is 1.1 m below the directional midpoint of the Matuyama/Brunhes paleomagnetic reversal and occurs immediately below the top of Marine Isotope Substage (MIS) 19c. | Ratified 2020 | |
GSSP has one SABS: 40.2910°N, 16.5518°E Ideale Section, Montalbano Jonico succession, Basilicata, S Italy | SABS holds high-resolution C and O stratigraphy and a sapropel bed through Termination IX and MIS 19c; peaking10Be/9Be ratio at the Matuyama/Brunhes boundary interval; regional tephra beds. | SABS ratified 2023 | Episodes 2024; 47:121-146 | |||||
Lower | Calabrian Stage | 1.80 | Vrica, Italy | 39.0385°N 17.1348°E | base of the marine claystone overlying the sapropelic marker Bed 'e' (Mediterranean Precession Related Sapropel, MPRS 176) | Magnetic - ∼8m below the observed top of the Olduvai (C2n) normal polarity subchron. GSSP level coincides with the transition from MIS 65 to 64 | Ratified 1985 as base of Pleistocene; Ratified 2011 as base of Calabrian | Episodes 1985; 8:116-120;Episodes 2012; 35: 388-397 Head, M.J., 2019 |
Gelasian Stage | 2.58 | Monte San Nicola, Sicily, Italy | 37.1469°N 14.2035°E | base of marly layer overlying sapropel MPRS 250 | Magnetic - Matuyama/Gauss boundary (C2r/C2An) is between ~0 and ~3 m above GSSP (Head, 2019) not ∼1 m (20 kyr) below it as reported by Rio et al. (1994, 1998). GSSP level is within Marine Isotope Stage 103. | Ratified 1996 as base of Gelasian; Ratified 2009 as base of Pleistocene and Quaternary |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Cenozoic Erathem | |||||||
Neogene System | |||||||
Pliocene Series | |||||||
Piacenzian Stage | 3.6 | Punta Piccola, Sicily, Italy | 37.2889°N 13.4933°E | base of the beige marl bed of small-scale carbonate cycle 77 (MPRS 347) | Magnetic - Gauss/Gilbert (C2An/C2Ar) magnetic reversal is recorded immediately above the GSSP | Ratified 1997 | Episodes 1998; 21: 88-93 |
Zanclean Stage | 5.333 | Eraclea Minoa, Sicily, Italy | 37.3917°N 13.2806°E | base of the Trubi Formation which corresponds to Insolation cycle 510 | Magnetic - base of the Thvera magnetic event (C3n.4n) is only 96 kyr (5 precession cycles) younger than the GSSP. | Ratified 2000 | Episodes 2000; 23: 179-187 |
Miocene Series | |||||||
Messinian Stage | 7.246 | Oued Akrech, Morocco | 33.9369°N 6.8125°W | reddish layer of sedimentary cycle number 15 | Planktonic foraminifer first regular occurrence ofGloborotalia miotumida, and calcareous nannofossil FADAmaurolithus delicatus | Ratified 2000 | Episodes 2000; 23: 172-178 |
Tortonian Stage | 11.63 | Monte dei Corvi Beach, near Ancona, Italy | 43.587292°N, 13.5661724°E | mid-point of sapropel layer of basic cycle number 76. | Calcareous nannofossil last common occurrence ofDiscoaster kugleri | Ratified 2003 | Episodes 2005; 28: 6-17 |
Serravallian Stage | 13.82 | Ras il Pellegrin section, Fomm Ir- Rih Bay, west coast of Malta | 35.9139°N 14.3361°E | formation boundary between the Globigerina Limestone and Blue Clay | Oxygen-isotopic event (global cooling episode) Mi3b; near calcareous nannofossil LAD ofSphenolithus heteromorphus | Ratified 2007 | Episodes 2009; 32: 152-166; |
Langhian Stage | 15.98 | 'Lower La Vedova Beach' section, near Ancona, Italy | 43.59193°N, 13.56229°E | Mid-point of the darker marly interval above 'Megabed IV' | Closely to the top of magnetic polarity chronozone C5Cn.1n. | Ratified 2023 | Episodes 2024; 47:311-333 |
Burdigalian Stage | 20.44 | Potentially in astronomicallytuned ODP core | Near planktonic foraminifer FAD ofGlobigerinoides altiaperturus or near top of magnetic polarity chronozone C6An | ||||
Aquitanian Stage | 23.03 | Lemme-Carrosio Section, Allessandria Province, Italy | 44.6589°N 8.8364°E | 35m from the top of the section | Magnetic - base of Chron C6Cn.2n; planktonic foraminifer FAD ofParagloborotalia kugleri; calcareous nannofossil near LADReticulofenestra bisecta(base Zone NN1); Oxygen isotopic event Mi-1. | Ratified 1996 | Episodes 1997; 20: 23-28 |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Cenozoic Erathem | |||||||
Paleogene System | |||||||
Oligocene Series | |||||||
Chattian Stage | 28.1 | Monte Cagnero, Umbria-Marche region, Italy | 43.646614°N 12.467731°E | Highest common occurrence (HCO) ofChiloguembelina cubensis | Oxygen isotope excursion possibly related to the Oi2a glaciation event | Ratified 2016 | Episodes, 41 (1): 17-32. |
Rupelian Stage | 33.9 | Massignano, near Ancona, Italy | 43.5328°N 13.6011°E | base of a 0.5m thick greenishgrey marl bed 19m above base of section | Foraminifer LADHantkenina andCribrohantkenina | Ratified 1992 | Episodes 2001; 16: 379-382 |
Eocene Series | |||||||
Priabonian Stage | 37.8 | Alano section, Piave River; Veneto Prealps, Belluno province, N. Italy | 45.9142°N 11.9180°E | The base of a prominent crystal tuff layer, the Tiziano bed, at meter 63.57 | Extinction of large acarininids andMorozovelloides crassatus; the Base of common and continuousCribrocentrum erbae and the Top ofChiasmolithus grandis; the Base of Chron C17n and Subchron C17n.2n | Ratified 2020 | Episodes 2021; 44(2): 151-173 |
Bartonian Stage | 41.2 | Contessa highway section near Gubio, Central Apennines, Italy | Calcareous nannofossil near LADReticulofenestra reticulata | ||||
Lutetian Stage | 47.8 | Gorrondatxe section, Basque Country, Spain | 43.3796°N 3.0143°W | dark marl at 167.85 m in Gorrondatxe sea-cliff section | LO of calcareous nannofossil Blackites inflatus (CP12a/b boundary); middle of polarity Chron C21r | Ratified 2011 | Episodes 2011; 34: 86-108 |
Ypresian Stage | 56.0 | Dababiya, near Luxor, Egypt | 25.5000°N 32.5311°E | Base of Bed 1 in DBH subsection | Carbon Isotope Excursion base, initiation of basal Eocene Thermal maximum ("PETM") | Ratified 2003 | Micropaleontology 49/1, p.41 - 59, 2003;Episodes 2007; 30: 271-286 |
Paleocene Series | |||||||
Thanetian Stage | 59.2 | Zumaia section, northern Spain | 43.3006°N 2.2594°W | 30.5m above the base of Itzurun Formation | Magnetic - Base of Chron C26n | Ratified 2008 | Episodes 2011; 34: 220-243 |
Selandian Stage | 61.6 | Zumaia section, northern Spain | 43.3006°N 2.2594°W | base of the red marls of Itzurun Formation | 2nd radiation of the calcareous nannofossil group Fasciculithus and sea-level fall | Ratified 2008 | Episodes 2011; 34: 220-243 |
Danian Stage | 66.0 | Oued Djerfane, west of El Kef, Tunisia | 36.1537°N 8.6486°E | reddish layer at the base of the 50cm thick, dark boundary clay | Iridium geochemical anomaly. Associated with a major extinction horizon (dinosaurs, ammonites, foraminifers, etc.) | Ratified 1991 | Episodes 2006; 29: 263-278 |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Mesozoic Erathem | |||||||
Cretaceous System | |||||||
Upper Cretaceous Series | |||||||
Maastrichtian Stage | 72.1±0.2 | Tercis les Bains, Landes, France | 43.6795°N 1.1133°W | level 115.2 on platform IV of the geological site at Tercis les Bains | Mean of 12 biostratigraphic criteria of equal importance. Closely above is FAD of ammonitePachydiscus neubergicus. Boreal proxy is FAD of belemniteBelemnella lanceolata. | Ratified 2001 | Episodes 2001; 24: 229-238 |
Campanian Stage | 82.7 - 84.5 | 1.4 km NNE from the town of Gubbio, central Italy | 43.36267°N, 12.58283°E | Level 221.53 m in the Bottaccione Gorge section at Gubbio, Umbria-Marche Basin, Italy | The magnetic polarity reversal from Chron 34n (top of the Long Cretaceous Normal Polarity-Chron) to Chron C33r. | Ratified 2022 | Episodes 2023; 1st February DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2022/022048 |
Santonian Stage | 86.3 ± 0.5 | Olazagutia, Navarra, Spain | 42.8668°N, 2.1968°W | 94.4 m in the Cantera de Margas quarry section | the FO of the inoceramid bivalvePlatyceramus undulatoplicatus | Ratified 2013 | Episodes 2014; 37: 2-13 |
Coniacian Stage | 89.8 ± 0.3 | Salzgitter-Salder, Lower Saxony, Germany | 52.1243°N, 10.3295°E | base of Bed 46 in the Salzgitter-Salder section | first occurrence of the inoceramidCremnoceramus deformis erectus | Ratified 2021 | Episodes 2022; 42(2): 181-220DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2021/021022 |
Turonian Stage | 93.9 | Pueblo, Colorado, USA | 38.2822°N, 104.7275°W | base of Bed 86 of the Bridge Creek Limestone Member | Ammonite FADWatinoceras devonense | Ratified 2003 | Episodes 2005; 28: 93-104 |
Cenomanian Stage | 100.5 | Mount Risou, Hautes-Alpes, France | 44.3925°N 5.5119°E | 36 meters below the top of the Marnes Bleues Formation on the south side of Mont Risou | Planktonic foraminifer FADRotalipora globotruncanoides | Ratified 2002 | Episodes 2004; 27: 21-32 |
Lower Cretaceous Series | |||||||
Albian Stage | ~113.0 | Col de Pré-Guittard, Department of Drôme, southeastern France | 44.5079°N, 5.2973°E | 37.4 m above the base of the section and 0.4 m above the base of the laminated Niveau Kilian bed | Lowest occurrence of the planktonic foraminiferMicrohedbergella renilaevis | Ratified 2016 | Episodes 40/3, p. 177-188, 2017 |
Aptian Stage | ~125.0 | candidate is Gorgo a Cerbara, Piobbico, Umbria-Marche, central Italy | Magnetic - base of Chron M0r; near FAD ofParadeshayesites oglanlensis ammonite zone | ||||
Barremian Stage | 125.77 | Río Argos section near Caravaca, Murcia Province, Spain | 38.0704°N 1.9484°W | base of Bed 171 | FAD of ammonite speciesTaveraidiscus hugii (Spitidiscus hugii -Spitidiscus vandeckii group), within calcareous nannofossil Subzone NC5C and in the lowermost part of polarity chron M3r. | Ratified 2023 | Episodes 2024; 47:335-379 |
Hauterivian Stage | ~132.9 | La Charce, Department of Drôme, southeastern France | 44.4694°N 5.4437°E | base of bed 189 in the La Charce section | First occurrence of the ammonite genusAcanthodiscus which marks the base of theAcanthodiscus radiatus ammonite Zone | Ratified 2019 | Episodes 2021; 44(2): 129-150 |
Valanginian Stage | ~139.8 | candidates are near Montbrunles- Bains (Drôme province, SE France) and Cañada Luenga (Betic Cordillera, S. Spain) | Calpionellid FADCalpionellites darderi(base of Calpionellid Zone E); followed by ammonite FAD"Thurmanniceras" pertransiens | ||||
Berriasian Stage | ~145.0 | Candidates include: (1) Magnetic - base of Chron M18r, (2) Base of Calpionellid zone B, (3) ammonite FAD ofBerriasella jacobi |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Mesozoic Erathem | |||||||
Jurassic System | |||||||
Upper Jurassic Series | |||||||
Tithonian Stage | 152.1 ± 0.9 | candidates are Mt. Crussol or Canjuers (SE France) and Fornazzo (Sicily, S. Italy) | Near base ofHybonoticeras hybonotumammonite zone and lowest occurrence ofGravesia genus, and the base of magnetic polarity Chron M22An | ||||
Kimmeridgian Stage | 157.3 ± 1.0 | Flodigarry, Isle of Skye, NW Scotland | 57.6610°N 6.2455°W | Base of Subboreal ammonite Baylei Zone, Base of Densicostata Subzone marked by the base of theflodigarriensis horizon; Base of Boreal ammonite Bauhini Zone. | Ratified 2021 | Episodes 2023; 46(2): 281-307 | |
Oxfordian Stage | 163.5 ± 1.0 | candidates are Redcliff Point (Dorset, SW England) and Savouron (Provence, SE France) | AmmoniteCardioceras redcliffense Horizon at base of theCardioceras scarburgense Subzone (Quenstedtoceras mariae Zone) | ||||
Middle Jurassic Series | |||||||
Callovian Stage | 166.1 ± 1.2 | candidates are Pfeffingen (Swabian Alb, SW Germany) and in Russia | Ammonite FAD of the genusKepplerites (Kosmoceratidae) (defines base ofMacrocephalites herveyiZone in sub-Boreal province of Great Britain to southwest Germany) | ||||
Bathonian Stage | 168.3 ± 1.3 | Ravin du Bès, Bas-Auran area, Alpes de Haute Provence, France | 43.9606°N 6.3153°E | base of limestone bed RB07 | Ammonite FADGonolkite convergens (defines base ofZigzagiceras zigzag Zone) | Ratified 2008 | Episodes 2009; 32: 222-248 |
Bajocian Stage | 170.3 ± 1.4 | Murtinheira Section, Cabo Mondego, Portugal | 40.1992°N 8.9042°W | base of Bed AB 11 | Ammonite FADHyperlioceras mundum, Hyperlioceras furcatum, Braunsina aspera, andBraunsina elegantula | Ratified 1996 | Episodes 1997; 20: 16-22 |
Aalenian Stage | 174.1 ± 1.0 | Fuentelsaz, Spain | 41.1708°N 1.8333°W | base of Bed FZ 107 | Ammonite FADLeioceras opalinumandLeioceras lineatum | Ratified 2000 | Episodes 2001; 24: 166-175 |
Lower Jurassic Series | |||||||
Toarcian Stage | 182.7 ± 0.7 | Peniche (Portugal) | 39.3708ºN 9.3853ºW | base of bed 15e (Couches de passage), uppermost Lemede Formation | FO of the ammoniteD. (E.) simplex co-occurring withD. (E.) pseudocommuneand D. (E.) polymorphum . | Ratified 2014 | Episodes 2016; 39(3): 460-481 |
Pliensbachian Stage | 190.8 ± 1.0 | Wine Haven, Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire Coast, England | 54.4069°N 0.4975°W | base of Bed 73b | Ammonite association ofBifericeras donovaniandApoderoceras sp. | Ratified 2005 | Episodes 2006; 29: 93-106 |
Sinemurian Stage | 199.3 ± 0.3 | East Quantoxhead, SW England | 51.1909°N 3.2364°W | 0.90 m above the base of Bed 145 | Ammonite FADVermiceras quantoxense, Vermiceras palmeri | Ratified 2000 | Episodes 2002; 25: 22-28 |
Hettangian Stage | 201.3 ± 0.2 | Kuhjoch section, Tyrol, Austria | 47.4839°N 11.5306°E | 5.80 m above top of Koessen Formation | FO of ammonitePsiloceras spelae tirolicum, FO of aragonitic foraminiferPraegubkinella turgescens | Ratified 2010 | Episodes 2013; 36: 162-198 |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Mesozoic Erathem | |||||||
Triassic System | |||||||
Upper Triassic Series | |||||||
Rhaetian Stage | ~208.5 | Key sections in Austria, British Columbia (Canada), and Turkey | Near FAD of ammoniteCochloceras, conodontsMisikellaspp. andEpigondolella mosheri, and radiolarianProparvicingula moniliformis | ||||
Norian Stage | ~227 | Candidates are Black Bear Ridge in British Columbia (Canada) and Pizzo Mondello, Sicily (Italy) | Base ofStikinoceras kerri ammonoid zone and near FAD ofMetapolygnathus echinatus within theM. communisti conodont zones | ||||
Carnian Stage | ~237 | Prati di Stuores, Dolomites, Italy | 46.5269°N 11.9303°E | base of marly limestone bed SW4, 45m from base of San Cassiano Formation | FAD of the ammonoidDaxatina canadensis; just below FO of conodontParagondolella polygnathiformis and base of normal-polarity magnetic zone S2n | Ratified 2008 | Episodes 2012; 35: 414-430 |
Middle Triassic Series | |||||||
Ladinian Stage | ~242 | Bagolino, Province of Brescia, Northern Italy | 45.8193°N 10.4710°E | base of a 15 - 20cm thick limestone bed overlying a distinctive groove ("Chiesense groove") of limestone nodules in a shaly matrix, located about 5m above the base of the Buchenstein Beds | Ammonite FADEoprotrachyceras curionii(base of theE. curionii zone). Conodont FAD Budurovignathus praehungaricus is in the uppermost Anisian. | Ratified 2005 | Episodes 2005; 28: 233-244 |
Anisian Stage | 247.2 | Candidate section at Desli Caira (Dobrogea, Romania); significant sections in Guizhou Province (China) and South Primorye (Russia) | 45.0742°N 28.8022°E | In Section B, the GSSP level will be either the FAD of conodontChiosella timorensis at the base of Bed GR7 at ca. 7 m; OR the base of magnetozone MT1n at the 5.7 m level. | Conodont FAD Chiosella timorensisor Magnetic - base of magnetic polarity MT1n | Anticipated 2009 | Albertiana 36, 2007. |
Lower Triassic Series | |||||||
Olenekian Stage | 251.2 | Candidate GSSP Mud (Muth) village, Spiti valley, northwest India | 31.9654°N 78.0246°E | base of Bed 13A-2, about 4.8m up in Mikin Formation., Section M04 (~4000 m elevation | Conodont FAD Neospathodus waageni, just above base ofRohillites rohillaammonite zone, and below lowest occurrence ofFlemingites andEuflemingites ammonite genera. Within a prominent positive Carbon-13 peak, and just above widely recognizable sequence boundary. | Anticipated 2009 | Albertiana 36, 2007 |
Induan Stage | 252.17 ± 0.06 | Meishan, Zhejiang Province, China | 31.0798°N 119.7058°E | base of Bed 27c in the Meishan D Section | Conodont FAD Hindeodus parvus | Ratified 2001 | Episodes 2001; 24: 102-114 |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Paleozoic Erathem | |||||||
Permian System | |||||||
Lopingian Series | |||||||
Changhsingian Stage | 254.14 ± 0.07 | Meishan, Zhejiang Province, China | 31.0819°N 119.7064°E | base of Bed 4a- 2, 88 cm above the base of the Changxing Limestone at the Meishan D Section | Conodont FAD Clarkina wangi | Ratified 2005 | Episodes 29/3 p. 175-182. 2006 |
Wuchiapingian Stage | 259.51 ± 0.21 | Penglaitan, Guanxi Province, South China | 23.6953°N 109.3211°E | base of Bed n6L in the newly exposed Penglaitan section | Conodont FAD Clarkina postbitteri | Ratified 2004, Redefinition ratified 2023 | Episodes 2006; 29/4:253-262; Episodes 2024; 47:147-177 |
Guadalupian Series | |||||||
Capitanian Stage | 264.28 ± 0.16 | Nipple Hill, SE Guadalupe Mountains, Texas, U.S.A | 31.9091°N 104.7892°W | 4.5m above the base of the outcrop section of the Pinery Limestone Member of the Bell Canyon Formation | Conodont FAD Jinogondolella postserrata | Ratified 2001 | Permophiles 34 p. 3-11, 1999; Episodes 45/3 p. 309-331. 2022 |
Wordian Stage | 266.9 ± 0.4 | Guadalupe Pass, Texas, U.S.A | 31.8658°N 104.8328°W | 7.6m above the base of the Getaway Ledge outcrop Section of the Getaway Limestone Member of the Cherry Canyon Formation | Conodont FAD Jinogondolella aserrata | Ratified 2001 | Permophiles 34 p. 3-11, 1999; Wuet al. 2020 Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 548 109668 |
Roadian Stage | 273.01 ± 0.14 | Stratotype Canyon, Texas, U.S.A | 31.8767°N 104.8768°W | 42.7m above the base of the Cutoff Formation | Conodont FAD Jinogondolella nankingensis | Ratified 2001 | Permophiles 34 p. 3-11, 1999; Shen et al. 2020- Earth-Sci Rev 211 103412 |
Cisuralian Series | |||||||
Kungurian Stage | 283.5 ± 0.6 | Candidate is Rockland, Nevada | Anticipated 2024 | ||||
Artinskian Stage | 290.1 ± 0.26 | Dalny Tulkas section, Southern Ural Mts, Russia | 53.88847°N 56.51615°E | 0.6m above the base of bed 4b at the Dal'ny Tulkas section in the southern Urals of Russia | Conodont FAD Sweetognathus asymmetricus | Ratified 2022 | Episodes 46/4, p. 623-651. 2023 |
Sakmarian Stage | 293.52 ± 0.17 | Usolka section, Southern Ural Mts, Russia | 53.9247°N 56.7287°E | 55.4 m (Bed 26/3) in the Usolka section | Conodont FAD Mesogondolella monstra | Ratified 2018 | Episodes 43/4, 961-979, 2020 |
Asselian Stage | 298.9 ± 0.15 | Aidaralash Creek, Kazakhstan | 50.2458°N 57.8914°E | 27m above the base of Bed 19, Aidaralash Creek | Conodont FADStreptognathodus isolatus | Ratified 1996 | Episodes 21/1, 11-18, 1998 |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Paleozoic Erathem | |||||||
Carboniferous System | |||||||
Pennsylvanian Subsystem (series Classification Approved In 2004) | |||||||
Upper Pennsylvanian Series | |||||||
Gzhelian Stage | 303.7 ± 0.1 | candidates are in southern Urals or Nashui (south China). | Conodont FAD Idiognathodus simulator(s.str.). Close to FAD of ammonoidShumardites. | ||||
Kasimovian Stage | 307.0 ± 0.1 | candidates are in southern Urals, southwest USA and Nashui (south China). | Fusulinid FADProtriticites, which is near ammonoid FADEothalossoceras. Alternative (higher) base is fusulinid FADMontiparus montiparus, which is near Conodont FAD Idiognathodus sagittalis. Stage given here is the higher version; the lower one is about 1 myr older. | ||||
Middle Pennsylvanian Series | |||||||
Moscovian Stage | 315.2 ± 0.2 | candidates are in southern Urals or Nashui (south China). | Either Conodont FAD Idiognathoides postsulcatus orDeclinognathodus donetzianus. | ||||
Lower Pennsylvanian Series | |||||||
Bashkirian Stage | 323.2 ± 0.4 | Arrow Canyon, Nevada | 36.7333°N 114.7778°W | 82.9m above the top of the Battleship Formation in the lower Bird Spring Formation | Conodont FAD Declinognathodus noduliferus | Ratified 1996 | Episodes 1999; 22: 272-283 |
Mississippian Subsystem | |||||||
Upper Mississippian Series (series Classification Approved In 2004) | |||||||
Serpukhovian Stage | 330.9 ± 0.2 | candidates are Verkhnyaya Kardailovka (Urals) or Nashui (China) | Conodont FAD Lochriea ziegleri | ||||
Middle Mississippian Series | |||||||
Visean Stage | 346.7 ± 0.4 | Pengchong, south China | 24.4333°N 109.4500°E | base of bed 83 in the Pengchong Section | Benthic Foraminifer FADEoparastaffella simplex | Ratified 2008 | Episodes 2003; 26: 105-115 |
Lower Mississippian Series | |||||||
Tournaisian Stage | 358.9 ± 0.4 | La Serre, France | 43.5555°N 3.3573°E | base of Bed 89 in Trench E' at La Serre, (but FAD now known to be at base of Bed 85) | Conodont FAD Siphonodella sulcataIMPRECISE (GSSP discovered in 2006 to have biostratigraphic problems, and can not be correlated with precision.) | Ratified 1990 | Episodes 1991; 14: 331-336; Newsletters on Stratigraphy 2009; 43: 195-205 |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Paleozoic Erathem | |||||||
Devonian System | |||||||
Upper Devonian Series | |||||||
Famennian Stage | 372.2 ± 1.6 | Coumiac Quarry, near Cessenon, Montagne Noire, France | 43.4613°N 3.0403°E | Base of Bed 32a | Conodont FAD Palmatolepis triangularis, just above a major extinction horizon (Kellwasser Event) with conodont LADsAncyrodella andOzarkodina, and Goniatite LADs ofGephuroceratidae andBeloceratidae | Ratified 1993 | Episodes 1993; 16: 433-441 |
FrasnianStage | 382.7 ± 1.6 | Col du Puech de la Suque, Montage Noire, France | 43.5032°N 3.0868°E | base of Bed 42' at Col du Puech de la Suque section E | Conodont FAD Ancyrodella rotundiloba | Ratified 1986 | Episodes 1987; 10: 97-101 |
Middle Devonian Series | |||||||
Givetian Stage | 387.7 ± 0.8 | Jebel Mech Irdane, Morocco | 31.2374°N 4.3541°W | base of Bed 123 | Conodont FAD Polygnathus hemiansatus | Ratified 1994 | Episodes 1995; 18: 107-115 |
Eifelian Stage | 393.3 ± 1.2 | Wetteldorf, Eifel Hills, Germany | 50.1496°N 6.4716°E | 21.25m above the base of the exposed section, base of sample station WP30 | Conodont FAD Polygnathus costatus partitus | Ratified 1985 | Episodes 1985; 8: 104-109 |
Lower Devonian Series | |||||||
Emsian Stage | 407.6 ± 2.6 | Zinzil'ban Gorge in the Kitab State Geological Reserve, Uzbekistan | 39.2000°N 67.3056°E | base of Bed 9/5 | Conodont FAD Polygnathus kitabicus | Ratified 1995 | Episodes 1997; 20: 235-240 |
Pragian Stage | 410.8 ± 2.8 | Velká Chuchle, Prague, Czech Republic | 50.0147°N 14.3726°E | base of Bed 12 in Velká Chuchle Quarry | Conodont FAD Eognathodus sulcatus sulcatus andLatericriodus steinachensis Morph beta | Ratified 1989 | Episodes 1989; 12: 109-113 |
Lochkovian Stage | 419.2 ± 3.2 | Klonk, near Prague, Czech Republic | 49.9008°N 14.0611°E | within Bed 20 | Graptolite FADMonograptus uniformis | Ratified 1972 | IUGS Series A, 5, p. 96-109, 1977 |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Paleozoic Erathem | |||||||
Silurian System | |||||||
Přídolí Series | 423.0 ± 2.3 | Požáry Section, Reporyje, Prague, Czech Republic | 50.0277°N 14.3249°E | within Bed 96 | Graptolite FADMonograptus parultimus | Ratified 1984 | Episodes 1985; 8: 101-103; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales, 9, p. 90 - 100, 1989 |
Ludlow Series | |||||||
Ludfordian Stage | 425.6 ± 0.9 | near Ludlow, UK | 52.3592°N 2.7772°W | coincident with the base of the Leintwardine Formation | Imprecise. May be near base of SaetograptusleintwardinensisGraptolite zone. | Ratified 1980 | Lethaia 14;Episodes 1982; 5: 21-23; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales 1989; 9: 73-90 |
Gorstian Stage | 427.4 ± 0.5 | near Ludlow, UK | 52.3592°N 2.7772°W | coincident with the base of the Lower Elton Formation | Graptolite FADSaetograptus (Colonograptus) varians | Ratified 1980 | Lethaia 14;Episodes 1982; 5: 21-23; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales 1989; 9: 73-90 |
Wenlock Series | |||||||
Homerian Stage | 430.5 ± 0.7 | Sheinton Brook, Homer, UK | 52.6156°N 2.5647°W | within upper part of the Apedale Member of the Coalbrookdale Formation | Graptolite FADCyrtograptus lundgreni | Ratified 1980 | Lethaia 14;Episodes 1982; 5: 21-23; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales 1989; 9: p. 51-73 |
Sheinwoodian Stage | 433.4 ± 0.8 | Hughley Brook, UK | 52.5811°N 2.6389°W | base of the Buildwas Formation | Imprecise. Between the base of acritarch biozone 5 and LAD of conodontPterospathodus amorphognathoides. The current GSSP does not coincide with the base of theCyrtograptus centrifugus Biozone, as was supposed when the GSSP was defined. Restudy recommends a slightly higher and correlatable level on condonts - the Ireviken datum 2, which coincides approximately with the base of themurchisoni Graptolite Biozone | Ratified 1980 | Lethaia 14;Episodes 1982; 5: 21-23; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales 1989; 9: p. 51-73 |
Llandovery Series | |||||||
Telychian Stage | 438.5 ± 1.1 | El Pintado 1 Section, Sierra Norte de Sevilla, Spain | 37.9853°N 5.9285°W | Unnamed | Graptolite FADs ofSpirograptus guerichi,Monograptus s.s. andParadiversograptus runcinatus. | Ratified 2024 to replace Cefn-Cerig Rd, Wales, UK former GSSP | El Pintado 1 GSSP: Loydell et al.,Episodes forthcoming; Cefn-Cerig Rd GSSP:Episodes 1985; 8: 101-103; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales 1989; 9: 36-50 |
Aeronian Stage | 440.8 ± 1.2 | Hlásná Třebaň, Bohemia, Czech Republic | 49.9230°N 14.2119°W | within Želkovice Formation, 1.38 m above base | Graptolite FADDemirastrites Triangulates | Ratified 2024 to replace Trefawr Track, Wales, UK former GSSP | Hlásná Třebaň GSSP: Štorch et al.,Episodes forthcoming Trefawr Track GSSP:Episodes 1985; 8: 101-103; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales 1989; 9: 36-50 |
Rhuddanian Stage | 443.8 ± 1.5 | Dob's Linn, Scotland | 55.4400°N 3.2700°W | 1.6m above the base of the Birkhill Shale Formation | Graptolite FADAkidograptus ascensus | Ratified 1984 | Episodes 1985; 8: 101-103; Silurian Times No. 14 (2006) |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Paleozoic Erathem | |||||||
Ordovician System | |||||||
Upper Ordovician Series | |||||||
Hirnantian Stage | 445.2 ± 1.4 | Wangjiawan North section, N of Yichang city, Western Hubei Province, China | 30.9841°N 111.4197°E | 0.39m below the base of the Kuanyinchiao Bed | Graptolite FADNormalograptus extraordinarius | Ratified 2006 | Episodes 2006; 29: 183-196 |
Katian Stage | 453.0 ± 0.7 | Black Knob Ridge Section, Atoka, Oklahoma (USA) | 34.4305°N 96.0746°W | 4.0m above the base of the Bigfork Chert | Graptolite FADDiplacanthograptus caudatus | Ratified 2006 | Episodes 2007; 30: 258-270 |
Sandbian Stage | 458.4 ± 0.9 | Sularp Brook, Fågelsång, Sweden | 55.7137°N 13.3255°E | 1.4m below a phosphorite marker bed in the E14b outcrop | Graptolite FADNemagraptus gracilis | Ratified 2002 | Episodes 2000; 23: 102-109 |
Middle Ordovician Series | |||||||
Darriwilian Stage | 467.3 ± 1.1 | Huangnitang section, Changshan, Zhejiang Province, SE China | 28.8539°N 118.4897°E | base of Bed AEP 184 | Graptolite FADUndulograptus austrodentatus | Ratified 1987 | Episodes 1997; 20: 158-166 |
Dapingian Stage | 470.0 ± 1.4 | Huanghuachang Section, NE of Yichang city, Hubei Province, S. China | 30.8605°N 110.3740°E | 10.57 m above base of the Dawan Formation | Conodont FAD ofBaltoniodus triangularis | Ratified 2007 | Episodes 2005; 28: 105-117;Episodes 2009; 32: 96-113 |
Lower Ordovician Series | |||||||
Floian Stage | 477.7 ± 1.4 | Diabasbrottet, Hunneberg, Sweden | 58.3589°N 12.5024°E | in the lower Tøyen Shale, 2.1m above the top of the Cambrian | Graptolite FADTetragraptus approximatus | Ratified 2002 | Episodes 2004; 27: 265-272 |
Tremadocian Stage | 485.4 ± 1.9 | Green Point Section, western Newfoundland | 49.6829°N 57.9653°W | at the 101.8m level, within Bed 23, in the measured section | Conodont FAD Iapetognathus fluctivagus | Ratified 2000 | Episodes 2001; 24: 19-28 |
Stage | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Phanerozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Paleozoic Erathem | |||||||
Cambrian System | |||||||
Furongian Series | |||||||
Stage 10 | ~489.5 | candidate section is Duibian (Zhejiang province, China) | Trilobite FAD ofLotagnostus americanus. An internal subStage division might be FAD ofCodylodus adeseiconodont | ||||
Jiangshanian Stage | ~494 | Duibian B section, Zhejiang province, China | 28.8158°N 118.6149°E | 28.2 m in Duibian B section | FAD of agnostid trilobiteAgnostotes orientalis and the FO of polymerid trilobiteIrvingella angustilimbata | Ratified 2011 | Episodes 2012; 35: 462-477 |
Paibian Stage | ~497 | Wuling Mountains, Huayuan County, NW Hunan Province, Chin | 28.3895°N 109.5257°E | at 396 m in the Huaqiao Formation | Trilobite FADGlyptagnostus reticulatus | Ratified 2003 | Lethaia 37, p. 365-379, 2004 |
Series 3 | |||||||
Guzhangian Stage | ~500.5 | Louyixi, Guzhang County, NW Hunan Province, S. China | 28.7200°N 109.9647°E | 121.3 m above the base of the Huaqiao Formation | Trilobite FADLejopyge laevigata | Ratified 2008 | Episodes 2009; 32: 41-55 |
Drumian Stage | ~504.5 | Drum Mountains, Millard County, Utah, USA | 39.5117°N 112.9915°W | at the base of a dark-gray thinly laminated calcisiltite layer, 62 m above the base of the Wheeler Formation | Trilobite FADPtychagnostus atavus | Ratified 2006 | Episodes 2007; 30: 85-95 |
Stage 5 | ~509 | candidate sections are Wuliu-Zengjiayan (east Guizhou, China) and Split Mountain (Nevada, USA) | Trilobite, potentially FAD ofOryctocephalus indicus | ||||
Series 2 | |||||||
Stage 4 | ~514 | Trilobite FADOlenellus orRedlichia | |||||
Stage 3 | ~521 | Trilobites - their FAD | |||||
Terreneuvian Series | |||||||
Stage 2 | ~529 | Small Shelly Fossils, or Archaeocyathid species | |||||
Fortunian Stage | 541.0 ± 1.0 | Fortune Head, SE Newfoundland, Canada | 47.0762°N 55.8310°W | 2.4m above the base of Member 2 in the Chapel Island Formation | Trace fossil FADTrichophycus pedum | Ratified 1992 | Episodes 1994; 17: 95-100 |
System | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Precambrian | |||||||
Proterozoic Eonothem | |||||||
Neoproterozoic Erathem | |||||||
Ediacaran System | ~635 | Enorama Creek, Flinders Ranges, South Australia | 31.3314°S 138.6334°E | base of the Marinoan cap carbonate | (1) rapid decay of Marinoan ice sheets and onset of distinct cap carbonates throughout the world, and (2) the beginning of a distinctive pattern of secular changes in carbon isotopes. | Ratified 1990 | Lethaia 39, p.13- 30, 2006 |
Cryogenian System | 720 | Will be placed at a that lies stratigraphically beneath the first appearance of widespread glaciation and is assigned in the interim a 'calibrated age' of circa 720 Ma | Episodes 2019; 39 | ||||
Tonian System | 1000 | Defined chronometrically | Ratified 1990 | Episodes 1991; 14 | |||
Mesoproterozoic Erathem | |||||||
Stenian System | 1200 | Defined chronometrically | Ratified 1990 | Episodes 1991; 14 | |||
Ectasian System | 1400 | Defined chronometrically | Ratified 1990 | Episodes 1991; 14 | |||
Calymmian System | 1600 | Defined chronometrically | Ratified 1990 | Episodes 1991; 14 | |||
Paleoproterozoic Erathem | |||||||
Statherian System | 1800 | Defined chronometrically | Ratified 1990 | Episodes 1991; 14 | |||
Orosirian System | 2050 | Defined chronometrically | Ratified 1990 | Episodes 1991; 14 | |||
Rhyacian System | 2300 | Defined chronometrically | Ratified 1990 | Episodes 1991; 14 | |||
Siderian System | 2500 | Defined chronometrically, but it will be replaced by GSSP | Ratified 1990 | Episodes 1991; 14 |
System | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Precambrian | |||||||
Archean Eonothem | |||||||
Neoarchean Erathem | 2800 | Defined chronometrically | Subcomm. decision 1996, but not submitted to ICS | Informally inEpisodes 1992; 15 | |||
Mesoarchean Erathem | 3200 | Defined chronometrically | Subcomm. decision 1996, but not submitted to ICS | Informally inEpisodes 1992; 15 | |||
Paleoarchean Erathem | 3600 | Defined chronometrically | Subcomm. decision 1996, but not submitted to ICS | Informally inEpisodes 1992; 15 | |||
Eoarchean Erathem | 4031 ± 3 | defined chronometrically along Acasta River, Northwestern Territory, Canada | 65.1738°N 115.5538°W | Acasta Gneiss Complex Fm., Slave Province, Canadian Shield | Ten oldest zircon U-Pb ages | Ratified 2023 | Episodes, forthcoming (formal GSSA) SucceedsEpisodes 1992; 15 (informal 4000 Ma). |
System | Age (Ma) | GSSP Location | Latitude, Longitude | Boundary Level | Correlation Events | Status | Reference |
Precambrian | |||||||
Hadean Eonothem | 4567.30 ± 0.16 | defined chronometrically Data inAmelin et al., 2010 (Allende);Connelly et. al., 2012 (Gujba). | Allende meteorite (1969, Chihuahua, Mexico) Gujba meteorite (1984, Bogga Dingar, Nigeria) | Formation of planet Earth and sister Solar planets (protoplanetary disk), by proxy of ages obtained from primitive meteorites | U-corrected Pb–Pb age for Calcium-Aluminium Inclusions (CAIs) in class CBa meteorite | Ratified 2022 | Episodes 2024; 47(2):381-389 |