


Until Fail

Until Fail

A downloadable game for Windows

An earthquake occurred and the population urgently tries to evacuate from the coast in order to escape from the tsunami. But unfortunately, the repair has not been finished at the intersection. A rupture formed under the intersection and the workers have to urgently make a temporary crossing. It turns out to be very fragile and only with the money help of residents it is possible to promptly ensure the delivery of modular parts for the bridge. Help people evacuate!

Created by:

  • Victor Sakharov
  • Daniil Chebotkov
  • Vladislav Pastushok

Game Engine:

  • Unity

Tutorial & Controls:

  • You can repair bridge with tiles. You get 10$ for every car that made it across the intersection. Choose the tile type using the buttons on the right and build them with right mouse click. Tile price = durability (how many cars can drive on them). It is also possible to repair multiple road tiles via holding left mouse button and dragging mouse over the grid.


  • Main menu music by Jefferson Airplane (Somebody to Love)
  • OST by Simon Viklund (Time Window)

This game was made for Global Game Jam 2020


UntilFail.zip71 MB

Install instructions

Open UnityGGJ2020.exe and play!

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