Welcome to the stlab.adobe.com Wiki
These pages have been migrated from stlab.adobe.com/wiki for preservation. They may eventually be revised and moved into a more appropriate location on the site.
Adobe’s Software Technology Lab web site is the home for the Adobe Source Libraries (ASL).
ASL provides peer-reviewed and portable C++ source libraries. The libraries are intended to be widely useful, leveraging and extending both the C++ Standard Library and the Boost Libraries.
stlab.adobe.com is maintained by Sean Parent, Mat Marcus and Foster Brereton.
This portion of the web site is place where users of the Adobe Source Libraries can collaborate on everything that pertains both to their development and to the development of technologies that leverage it.
The Adobe Source Libraries have been used with success within Adobe applications to increase robustness and correctness of code. As developers of an open source project, we are confident that there are other success stories outside of Adobe as well. We encourage you to contribute a success story of your own:
Submissions will be included in a success stories web page on the opensource.adobe.com site. You can submit a success story by emailing Foster Brereton at his adobe.com email address (fbrereto).
ABI safe library theory of operation
About Boost Patches
Accessing Internal Logs
Adam Evolution
Adam Grammar Changes
Adam Tutorial
Adding a user to the ASL Wiki
Alert Dialog API
All About Binding
Annotated List of Boost Patches
Argument Against GC
Better Edit Number Widget
Build and Debug Tips
Build Matrix
Coding Guidelines
Compositing Models
Conceptual C
Configure Perforce client for two servers
Copy On Write
Current Design Rationale
Derive Quadratic Equation
and short names
Deferred Procedure Call System
Derive quadratic equation solution
Dynamic Libraries
Edge Interface For Forward Iterators
EMacs Questions
Eve definitions in Lua
Future Ideas and Designs
GIL File Format Import/Export Factory
GitHub Migration and Status
Guide Consumer
Handling of Limits in Property Model Library
How To Write A Simple Lexical Analyzer or Parser
Layout Library Theory and Implementation
Layout Terminology
List/Tree Widget
Locale-savvy isspace
Math Test
Message Box Widget
Modal Dialog Integration Kit
New Build Documentation
No virtual method “any” example
On-Disk File Monitor
Papers and Presentations
Perforce Open Source License
Picture View
Preset Widget
Prof. Lumsdaine Collaboration
Release Process
Representational Equality
Reveal Widget
Runtime Concepts
Segmented Iterators
Supplementary ASL Documentation
Tagged Overloading
To Do List
Uniform Parameters
Updating the public website
Using Perforce with the Adobe Source Libraries
Visual Editor (Expresso2)
Welcome to Wikirithms
Widget Style